Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 45
Last Friday, high school and middle school students at Salmon River Central took part in a celebration of Native American culture as the school held festivities in recognition of Native American Heritage Month. Native American Day has been held at the school for the past several years. A fashion show showcased the different styles and techniques found in traditional Mohawk clothing. It also highlighted the designing, sewing and beading talents of Akwesasne seamstresses and fashion designers....
Here are additional pictures....
Here are even more pictures....
By Shannon Burns The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe should abandon any plans or hopes for a Catskills Mountains casino, according to the results of a referendum held Saturday at the tribe. “Do you support the tribe pursuing off-reservation gaming in the Catskills?” was asked of 318 voters who turned out to participate in the referendum. 140 voted yes and 178 voted no. The tribe has been actively pursuing a Sullivan County/Catskills casino for most of the past ten years, despite resistance from some groups and politicians. “The next hurdle for the T...
All Inn Lounge announced its grand opening of their family run, family oriented pizzeria on Nov. 14 with CKON Radio, activities and giveaways for the kids, Hill Top Rentals, and a benefit for the Akwesasne Basket Drive and Mountain of Toys. Will Stehlin is the head cook and together with Tony Laughing they are the co-owners of All Inn Pizzeria. Mr. Stehlin was co-owner of Chef’s Advice on Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island) and had the equipment moved to All Inn Lounge for the opening of the new pizzer...
Mr. Wilbur Peter. Barnes, Sr. age 82, of 412 Frogtown Road, Hogansburg, peacefully passed away in his sleep on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at his home. He was born July 14, 1927, the son of Peter and Grace Beaubien Barnes. He served in the Korean War serving in Germany. On November 11, 2009, he received his High School Diploma Veteran’s Operation Recognition. Wilbur enjoyed watching Nascar, was an avid hunter, and loved his Boston Bruins. He had a beef cattle farm in the past and belonged to t...
Niawen November 20, 2009 Special Thanks go out to the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Human Services Division (Director Jeff Whelan) for sponsoring Don Coyhis, founder and President of the White Bison Wellbriety Inc. He was the keynote speaker for the Celebration of Life, that was held at the Wolf Clan Banquet Hall on October 27th and 28th, 2009. The Celebration of Life is sponsored by the Akwesasne Family Program. Many Niawen’s the staff from Akwesasne Family Program...
We held our annual food & craft sale and coat give away on November 14. We were blessed with another very successful fund-raiser. All proceeds have been applied to the general fund. Special thanks to everyone from Akwesasne and the surrounding communities for their support. The food was delicious and the fellowship was awesome. Peace be with you now and always. Niawen....
Thank You everyone My name is Sidney Thompson and I am the daughter of Vince & Gina Thompson. I am a 9th-grade student at Massena Central High School. I was recently interviewed and accepted to participate as a member of the People to People Sports Ambassador Program to Europe this summer. The 12-day experience in Austria and Germany will include encountering new cultures by exploring world history hands-on, challenging myself to become a stronger athlete and compete with international athletes...
She:kon Sewakwekon, I want to share something really amazing with all of you. During the recent Harvest Ceremony where the faith keepers, Clan mothers and the people gathered in the Longhouse to thank the Creator for the harvest provided during the past year, I found myself being the only faithkeeper sitting on our side of house. A faith keeper’s responsibility is to answer the other side of the house during the ceremony. However, I am not a Mohawk speaker and do not know the speeches, and normally there are other fluent and knowledgeable s...
The Native reclamation of Alcatraz 40 years ago ignited a national movement which reverberates to the current day but for its original hero it cost him not only the life of his daughter but would consume him as well. Richard Oakes was from Akwesasne raised in the Catholic tradition in families who fished our area’s waters and planted crops of corns, beans and squash in much the same manner of our ancestors from hundreds of years ago. Richard was raised in a time of historical changes, when the ties of the Christian faith were loosened and our t...
Members of the American Legion Post 1479 auxiliary have been busy collecting donations for care packages for soldiers deployed overseas during the holidays. Community members are asked to donate various items such as books, snacks, toiletries, baby wipes, nail clippers, etc… The organizers have some names of soldiers from the North Country who will be receiving care packages directly and any additional items will go to 4 chaplains who can identify soldiers in need. The American Legion will be p...
Dear Editor and Tribal Members, I was very disappointed in the way the past Referendum was handled and dismayed at the negative results. The pursuit of a Catskill casino has been taking place for the past 14 years. Two questions come to my mind, first, why have a referendum on a question that has been determined for 14 years? And, two, why did this referendum not receive the attention all other referendums had in the past? There were no radio talk shows about this referendum, there were no newspaper articles about this referendum and there were...
The 17th Annual Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Science Fair was held at the Tsi Snaihne Recreation Centre on Monday, November 23, 2008. Over 150 students from the St. Regis Mohawk School, the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School, and Kana:takon School entered 133 projects into the fair. Judges from Clarkson University, Agriculture Canada, Cornwall Collegiate Vocational School, the Seaway International Bridge Corporation, Kodak, the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education, and numerous Mohawk...
Here are additional pictures....
The following details are seizures from November 13th to November 19th, 2009. A total of 2,850 re-sealable bags of contraband cigarettes, 2 vehicles and arrested two people: On November 13th, 2009, officers from the Ontario Provincial Police observed suspicious activity near a residence located by the St. Lawrence River in South Glengarry, Ontario. When officer approached, two unidentified males fled on foot. The officers located cardboard boxes of contraband cigarettes on the shore of the St. Lawrence River and contacted the Cornwall RCMP...
From the Department of the Environment, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne: Now that the cold weather is upon us, it would be an excellent time to take extra care in ensuring your furnaces and fuel storage tanks are at the utmost working condition so that your health and safety and that of your families, are protected. We have been experiencing fuel spills due to failing storage tanks. Not only does this pose danger to the health and safety of you and your family, but clean up is costly and the...
Grade 4 Principal’s List Benedict, Colin Kelly, Ben Martin, Lauren Grade 4 Honor Roll Benedict, Fallen Clute, Jacob Doherty, Hunter Drumm, Marisa Patnode, Suzi Rousseau, Alycia Snyder, Devin Jacobs-Swamp, Kiara Bigness, Jared Boardway, Sierra Boland, Kearslynn Cook, Jacob Dumas, Braxtyn Garcia, Jose King, Jamie Martin, Tawny Oakes, Katrina Sunday, Kady Swamp-Jacobs, Kerisha Terrance, Thomas Wylie, Dylan Burke, Damion Carroll, Caitlin Cook, James Deshane, Tessa Doolittle, Mariana Ghostlaw, Dawson Jacobs, Fawn Maguire, Dakota Smoke-Johnson, Isabe...
Registered dietitian Your stomach’s sphincters, or valves, hold food until it’s mixed with digestive juices into a liquid called chyme. Certain foods are thought to lead to reflux by causing relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, which allows stomach acid to flow upward and damage the sensitive lining of the esophagus. These foods include caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, energy drinks, and cola), alcohol, chocolate, fatty foods (whole milk, cheese, yogurt, and lunch meats), fried foods, and butter. However, any food indirectly cou...
Have you heard those words? Here is a parenting contract to use with your new driver. After both parent and teen read the contract and agreed upon, parent and teen should sign the contract When your teen borrows your car, and then comes the big question? I need gas money!! Here are some steps for setting up an allowance for with your teen. Mom, Dad Can I have Money!! Give an Allowance that includes Responsibility When teens are given control of the money that is used for their expenses, they learn financial responsibility. Teens who learn...
Here’s a cruel reality - most readers of this column will either have or know of a close associate who has diabetes. A recent review of statistics showed that diabetes is the seventh largest cause of death in the U.S.A. (similar in Canada) and it’s on the rise (by about 6% per year). While diet, obesity and family history play critical roles in developing diabetes, most suffers are fundamentally unaware of the abundant research that points the finger at other more ominous causative factors. This article will highlight some of that research and...
If you want to lose weight and get healthy you must first get into the right mindset. It is hard to get healthy today when it is actually cheaper to be sick. It is also hard to get healthy when the advertising regarding living an unhealthy lifestyle is so finely tuned and so prominent. I give out so much health advice during the course of a day that I get to see what patterns are similar between people who have a hard time getting healthy and losing weight. Eating junk food, smoking, alcohol consumption and not exercising etc are all part of...
Sweetener: Date sugar What it is: Dehydrated and ground dates. Grainy texture; deep, earthy color and sweetness. Health impact: Minimally refined and processed; rich in minerals, plus 1 gram fiber per tablespoon. Relatively few calories (12 per teaspoon). Best in: Baked goods such as crusts, spice cookies, nut breads, or anything with a dark color and dense texture. In light-colored cakes, cookies, or puddings, will appear as brown flecks. Doesn’t dissolve in liquid, so not ideal for beverages, puddings, or pies. How to use: Substitute 2/3 c...
•• Haudenosaunee I.D. cards and Passport Update: The Haudenosaunee Documentation Committee presented a country code (HAU) for the Grand Council to approve at the November 14, 2009 meeting. The Grand Council agreed with the “HAU” country code and recommended the H.D.C. to use “HAU” on all documents. The ID cards are in a status-quo position awaiting the M.O.A. approval by Homeland Security. •• The Haudenosaunee will be participating in the Organization of American States (OAS) meeting scheduled for November 27 to December 2, 2009 in Washing...