A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the November 22, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 54

  • Rock Your Mocs 2023

    Nov 22, 2023

    Established 2011, Rock Your Mocs, is a worldwide Native American & Indigenous Peoples social media event held annually and during National Native American Heritage Month in the U.S. People wear their moccasins, take a photo/video/story, add hashtag #RockYourMocs and upload to social media. This creates an online photo album for the world to see and enjoy. Additionally, individuals, organizations, casino's, schools, museums are taking the initiative to create their own independent events...

  • Salmon River Agriculture Program Recognized with NYSSBA 'Champions of Change' Award

    Nov 22, 2023

    FORT COVINGTON – The agriculture program at Salmon River Central School District received an award from the New York State School Boards Association last week for its successful Seed-to-Tray Initiative. Wayne Rogers, area six director for the New York State School Boards Association, attended the Salmon River Board of Education meeting on Nov. 8 to present the Champions of Change award. The honor highlights schools for initiatives that bring about positive, meaningful change to students, c...

  • Wholistic Health of Akwesasne: PhD Dissertation Presentations

    Nov 22, 2023

    On November 22, 2023, Dr. Beverley Jacobs will present her PhD dissertation "Impacts of Wholistic Health of Akwesasne: A Human Responsibility/Rights Solution" along with Akwesasronon who participated in the study. Dr. Jacobs made her first dissertation presentation in December 2022, at the Kawehno:ke at the Recreation Center, the second presentation was in February 2023 at the Turtle's Nest Banquet Hall and the third presentation was held in March at the Tsi Snaihne Recreation Hall. Each...

  • Two Akwesasne Youth Awarded Jerry Sweet Scholarship for Tribal Children

    Nov 22, 2023

    Congratulations to Cayde David and Iohseriio Tabor, recipients of the Jerry Sweet Scholarship for Tribal Children. The Jerry Sweet Educational Scholarship for Tribal Children was created by the National Tribal Child Support Association (NTCSA) Board of Directors for the purpose of awarding financial assistance to children who have benefited from the efforts of our partner tribal child support agencies. The Jerry Sweet Scholarship for Tribal Children is a competitive scholarship which shall be...

  • Mohawk Council Announces Months Long Water Leak Identified

    Nov 22, 2023

    By Isaac White The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) has reported that the Department of Infrastructure, Housing and Environment’s (DIHE) Water/Wastewater Program has successfully located the watermain leak, previously reported on by Indian Time, which was actively oozing water for months. This issue was a significant concern for the St. Regis waterplant operations. The leak was identified in the pipeline at the river crossing between St. Regis and Snye, a critical junction that extends services to the Snye district. According to MCA’s ann...

  • Beulah Ann Terrance

    Nov 22, 2023

    Beulah Ann Terrance, a remarkable soul who graced this world for an impressive 97 years, peacefully departed on November 15, 2023. She left behind a legacy of love, wisdom, and cherished memories that will forever resonate in the hearts of those fortunate enough to have known her. Born on October 21, 1926, in Syracuse, NY, to John and Marion (Herne) Bigtree, Beulah grew up in Akwesasne, where she embarked on a journey filled with adventures, challenges, and triumphs. During World War II, she...

  • Tota News

    Nov 22, 2023

    TSI TETEWATATKENS St. Regis Mohawk Senior Center 518-358-2963 Email address: srmseniorsclub@gmail.com Please note: Anyone wishing to attend the congregate meal must call the Office for the Aging by 9:30am to reserve a meal. MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Club dues for 2023 You can mail your membership fee of $10.00 American to: SRM Senior Citizens Club PO Box # 1106 Hogansburg, NY 13655 Birthdays: Nov. Nov. 23rd-Millie Cook & Nancy Samphier Nov. 24th-Terry Garrow, Sharon Jackson, Katherine Thompson, Emily Tarbell & Jane Jordan Nov. 25th-James Arquette &...

  • St. Regis Mission News

    Nov 22, 2023

    ALL CURRENT COVID-19 AND COLD/FLU RESTRICTIONS APPLY WHICH INCLUDE: SOCIAL DISTANCING AND OPTIONAL WEARING MASKS. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 23, 2023 12:10 PM Offered for: Allen AJ King by the St. Regis Mission Family FRIDAY NOVEMBER 24, 2023 12:10 PM Offered for: Ben Martin by the St. Regis Mission family SATURDAY NOVEMBER 25, 2023 4:00 PM Offered for: Hubert Jock from the funeral collection SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26, 2023 10:00 AM Offered for: Eric Seymour by the St. Regis Mission Family WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29, 2023 6:00 PM Offered for: Margaret McCusker by...

  • Community Announcement

    Nov 22, 2023

    The Altar and Rosary Society of the St. Regis Church is having a Craft Fair Thanksgiving Weekend, November 25th and 26th. Tables are $20.00 each. Please call Judy at 613-575-2736 to reserve one....

  • Ahkwén:nia – New, Used & Vintage Clothing and Accessories

    Nov 22, 2023

    Akwesasne Shop Small Week 73 Tony Barnes Rd. Akwesasne, NY Hours: Wednesday, November 29th 10am to 8pm Thursday, November 30th 1pm to 8pm Friday 9am to 11am Or by appointment. For more information contact Marjorie at 518 898 0468...

  • Classified

    Nov 22, 2023


  • Keeping Tropical Plants Healthy

    Nov 22, 2023

    by Melinda Myers Tropical plants are filling our homes and workspaces, adding beauty, relieving stress, and boosting creativity, productivity, and focus. Keep these plants healthy and looking their best by providing for their basic needs. Select plants that will thrive in the growing conditions found in your home or office and with your level of care. Busy gardeners should look for low-maintenance plants like ZZ plants, Chinese evergreens, pothos and philodendrons while others may choose ferns,...

  • Niawen

    Nov 22, 2023


  • Salmon River Elementary Honor Roll/Principals List

    Nov 22, 2023

    Honor Roll Grade 3 Harper Durant, Teharonhiawakon, Amelia Pierce, Aubrey Moore, Jacob Taylor, Nolan Bryant, Winter David - Harris, Cohen Bickford, Emma Brockway, Isobella Washburn, Mia Wylie, Zoe Lamay Honor Roll Grade 4 Lainey Oakes, Parker Landry, Presley Grey, Macee Mitchell, Raven Bolster, Sibell Dunn, Jaxon LaShomb-Herne, Mylee Mitchell Honor Roll Grade 5 Alaina Fleury, Haylee Bashaw Ashton Oakes, Devin Theriault, Emery Cook, Jasmine Mitchell, Jex Jacobs, Kenvie Thompson, Kingsley Leaf- Bradley, Philomena Thompson-Arquette, Trenton Lamb,...

  • Legal Notice

    Nov 22, 2023

    Letters of testamentary for the Estate of Lori M. Gray, of Akwesasne, NY, have been requested by Mindy Thompson. Notice is hereby given to anyone objecting to the appointment of Mindy Thompson. All potential creditors who may have an interest in the aforementioned estate or those wanting to object to the validity of the will must notify the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Court at (518) 358-6300 by no later than December 23, 2023....

  • Legal Notice

    Nov 22, 2023

    Letters of Testamentary for the estate of Troy L. Skidders, late of Akwesasne, NY, have been requested by Stacy Skidders. Notice is hereby given to anyone objecting to the appointment of Stacy Skidders. All potential creditors who may have an interest in the aforementioned estate or those wanting to object must notify the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Court at (518) 358-6300 by no later than December 14, 2023....

  • Legal Notice

    Nov 22, 2023

    A petition to probate the estate of Louise K. Gray, late of Akwesasne, NY, has been requested by Arnold Gray. All potential creditors who may have an interest in the aforementioned estate or those wanting to object must notify the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe at (518) 358-6300 by no later than December 22, 2023....

  • Legal Notice

    Nov 22, 2023

    Donna Arbour Cook has requested letters of Administration on the Estate of Jacob L. Cook Jr. of Akwesasne, NY. Notice is hereby given to all potential creditors to said estate who may have an interest in said estate to present their interest to the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Court by December 5, 2023. Any creditors shall contact Tribal Court Clerk at 518-358-6300....


    Nov 22, 2023

    November 14, 2023 Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe 71 Margaret Terrance Memorial Way Akwesasne, NY 13655 (518) 358-2272 Ext. 2216 On or about November 22, 2023 the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe will authorize its Home Improvement Division to submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) for the release of Healthy Homes Production Grant (NYHHP0101-23) funds under the Healthy Homes Production Grant Program (HHP) which is authorized under Section 501 and Section 502 of the...

  • CAA Management is currently looking for reliable, hard-working talent for the following positions...

    Nov 22, 2023

    For more information please contact Human Resource Dept. by phone 518.358.6072x140 or by email Jobs@caamgmt.com Or Apply online at caamgmt.com/find-a-job/...

  • What the Melting of Antarctic Ice Shelves Means for the Planet

    Nov 22, 2023

    Interview by Steve Curwood, “Living on Earth” From Inside Climate News collaborating partner “Living on Earth,” public radio’s environmental news magazine, an interview by Host Steve Curwood with Penn State geologist Richard Alley. Antarctica’s ice shelves are the gatekeepers between the continent’s glaciers and the open ocean. As the planet warms, these shelves shrink, exposing more and more ice, which leads to more melting. This frozen continent rests under a massive ice sheet averaging more than a mile thick. But a recent study in Scie...

  • SUNY Canton Student Explores Mohawk Names During Presidential Internship

    Nov 22, 2023

    A SUNY Canton student's new project will help decipher the etymology of Native names and help connect students and faculty with the Mohawk language. "My name is Tsiawentonnih [phonetically Jaw-one-due-nee] Elizabeth George," she said. "It means she brings a new day. I'm the only person in the world with this name." George, who's a Graphic and Multimedia Design major from Massena, is planning a video tutorial project to help others understand the significance of - and correctly say - Mohawk...

  • Wally Jacobs Memorial Shuffleboard Tournament and Turkey Shoot 2023

    Nov 22, 2023

    Akwesasne - On Saturday, November 18th the Family of the late Wallace Jacobs Sr. held their annual Shuffleboard Tournament & Turkey Shoot at the American Legion Post 1479 in Akwesasne. This is the 9th year they held the tournament, and many wait anxiously to participate. To show their appreciation to the players each year, the family treats everyone with a delicious meal, gifts and door prizes throughout the evening. This year's 2023 winners of the Tournament are as follows: 1st First Place...

  • Keely Jock Receives Award During Paul Smith's Winter Graduation

    Nov 22, 2023

    Keely Jock, recently graduated from Paul Smith's College as a winter graduate. Jock graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Sciences and received the Provost's Award, celebrating and commending her community involvement in the First nations Club, The Apollos and her work as a Peer Tutor. Dr Joseph Henderson, pictured with Jock, worked with First Nations students at Paul Smith's to create the First Nations Group, he's a huge support for our Akwesasne students....


    Nov 22, 2023

    Salmon River Central School District is currently accepting applications for the following positions: • Art Teacher • Driver Education Teacher • Elementary Teacher • Home & Careers Teacher/ Middle-Level CTE Teacher • Math Teacher • Reading Teacher • Science Teacher • Secondary Special Education Teacher • Technology Teacher Application Deadline: Until Filled Full job descriptions and applications can be found at www.srk12.org/employment/. Submit a completed application to: Angela Robert Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction S...

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