A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the January 29, 2009 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 33

  • Arrest made following Cornwall Island gunshots

    Jan 29, 2009

    The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service arrested a Cornwall Island man earlier this month following a January 2, 2009 incident in which gunshots were fired during an alleged altercation. Police said they were notified that gunshots had been fired on the east end of Cornwall Island. An investigation followed and on Jan. 9 police arrested Edward Lyon Hall, 39. Hall was charged with Pointing a Firearm, Careless Use of a Firearm, Possession of a Restricted Weapon, Firearm in a Motor Vehicle, and Possession of a Restricted or Prohibited Firearm with...

  • Two Akwesasne kids are “great”

    Shannon Burns|Jan 29, 2009

    The Standard-Freeholder’s annual Search for Great Kids Gala was held Sunday afternoon and among the sea of great kids throughout the large banquet room were two great Akwesasne kids. Every year the Cornwall newspaper puts a call-out for nominations letters identifying great children in the S, D, & G district and in Akwesasne. After thumbing through many letters, four semi-finalists are picked in the several categories. From Akwesasne, Jade Martin, age 14, was a semi-finalist in the “Against All...

  • Jobs available as U.S. gears up for Census 2010

    Shannon Burns|Jan 29, 2009

    Former St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Chief Alma Ransom has taken on a new task that has her traveling throughout the northeast. The U.S. government has hired Ransom as a Tribal Partnership Specialist and she’s traveling from tribe to tribe trying to educate them on the benefits of participating in the upcoming Census 2010 and also encouraging them to apply for the many Census jobs available. “The U.S. Census Bureau has over a thousand federal jobs in the Northeast to help collect the data for the census,” Ransom said. “There is preparation needed for...

  • Tribe and National Grid sign cooperative agreements

    Shannon Burns|Jan 29, 2009

    Members of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council and representatives from National Grid met Wednesday afternoon to finalize agreements that they’ve been negotiating for the past three years and that the tribal membership approved by referendum vote last month. “We couldn’t be more pleased about it,” said National Grid’s Vice President of Energy Solutions Services NY Susan Crossett. “We hope our relationship continues for generations to come.” The agreements lay out the framework for National Grid...

  • William V. “Billy” Francis

    Jan 29, 2009

    Mr. William V. “Billy” Francis, Jr., age 56, of 1351 State Route 37, Akwesasne, died unexpectedly Sunday afternoon (January 25, 2009) in the emergency room at Massena Memorial Hospital. He was born May 29, 1952 in Cornwall, Ontario, the son of the late William and Phoebe LaFrance Francis. He attended schools in St. Regis, Quebec, General Vanier, Cornwall, and Salmon River Central School, where he played football for both. He attended Monroe Community College and was working on his bac...

  • Margaret A. Steen

    Jan 29, 2009

    Mrs. Margaret A. Steen, age 81, of Bombay, NY died on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 as a result of an auto accident on County Route 4. She had worked at the Bombay Slipper Factory and later was a rural mail carrier for Bombay, retiring several years ago. She was an active member of St. Joseph’s Church parish, where she attended daily Mass and was active in the Altar and Rosary Society. She also was involved with the Bombay board of elections for many years. Born Aug. 14, 1927, in Bombay, daughter of Ernest and Elizabeth Kirkey Durant, she graduated...

  • What I saw at the inauguration of President Obama

    Doug George Kanentiio|Jan 29, 2009

    I was present at the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama as President of the United States on January 20 in Washington, DC. This was actually the fourth ‘swearing in” ceremony I have witnessed with the other three being in 1981, 1993 and 2001. The latest one was by far the most crowded with estimates ranging from 1.5 to 2 million people there.  I believe the latter is correct since there were over 250,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial concert a couple of days previous and the inauguration one was much larger. Despite all predictions of an hi...

  • In Memory of Aunt Margaret and Dad George

    Jan 29, 2009

    Aunt Margaret Born Oct. 11th, 1906 Died Jan. 27th, 2004 Those we love don’t go away They walk beside us every day. Unheard and unseen, but always near. Dad George Born Jan. 1st, 1911 Died Jan. 28th, 1994 We who loved you sadly miss you. As it dawns another year. In our loneley hours of thinking, Thoughts of you are always near. From - Mae & Grandchildren...

  • To the Community of Akwesasne:

    Jan 29, 2009

    To the Community of Akwesasne: The Executive members of the Akwesasne Storm Minor Lacrosse Association have voted on a one-year trial merger with the Cornwall Minor Lacrosse Association for the betterment and development of all players.  Akwesasne will retain and register two teams, which will keep the association open with the OLA. This is being done for a number of reasons and the main one is lack of participation from parents…Fundraisers are very time consuming, require planning and commitment from each parent and player to make them suc...

  • Akwesasne Winter Carnival 2009 District of Kawehnoke

    Jan 29, 2009

    The 18th Annual Akwesasne Winter Carnival is being held February 11 – 15, 2009 in Kawehnoke. Here are a few highlights: There will be various breakfasts, luncheons and dinners held, as well as concession stands for food offerings. Wednesday starts out with the Winter Carnival Torch Run and ends with the Elders Dinner & Dance at the Kawehnoke Recreation. Thursday evening we can gather at Iakhihsohtha for the Snowflake Gathering or the Akwesasne Library for Family Game Night. Friday’s highlights include the Battle Royale at the A’n...

  • Racing to Save Lives

    Jan 29, 2009

    Hello! (Sekon) My name is Michele “Micki” King. I’m training to participate in an endurance event as a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Team In Training. All of us on Team In Training are raising funds to help stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma from taking more lives. I am running in the National Washington DC Marathon on March 21st, 2009. It is both a half and full marathon, I will know in the next month or so which I believe I am ready to run. I am running i...

  • Poetry

    Jan 29, 2009

    Celebrate As I watch every tick and tock While I sit and stare at the clock I celebrate - The passing of the suns last ray A landmark of another day I celebrate - Each sign a change of season All for my own special reason I celebrate - For as time move steadily on I do not mourn that time is gone I celebrate For as the sands of time fall down I wear a smile, not a frown But I celebrate – Because as each minute goes past I’m closer to when long at last You will be held close in my arms Where I can protect you from harm Comfort your pain, you...

  • Two Arrested for Possession of a Tobacco Product Not Properly Stamped

    Jan 29, 2009

    (Akwesasne, Ontario - Tuesday, January 27th, 2009) – Officers from the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service stopped two vehicles that lead to the RCMP arresting a 26 year old Jeremy Labelle from Cornwall, Ontario and a 44 year old female resident from Akwesasne, Ontario for possession of a tobacco product not properly stamped according to the Excise Act 2001. On January 26th, 2009, an officer from the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service observed a male passenger arrive in Akwesasne, Ontario in a taxi and was observed shortly thereafter driving a 1999 Po...

  • Five arrested for Possession of Contraband Tobacco

    Jan 29, 2009

    (Cornwall, Ontario – Monday January 26th, 2009) – Between January 19th, 2009 and January 22nd,  2009, the Cornwall RCMP Detachment arrested five people for possession of contraband tobacco after assisting officers from the Canada Border Services Agency and the Ontario Provincial Police. The interception of four vehicles by the RCMP and our partner law enforcement agencies resulted in significant seizures in the following regions: 2 vehicles in Cornwall, Ontario 1 vehicle in South Glengarry, Ontario 1 vehicle in South Dundas, Ontario These...

  • Notice to the Community

    Jan 29, 2009

    This is to inform the community that Kyle Roundpoint-Douglas has applied for Akwesasne Membership. He is the son of Robert Roundpoint, Akwesasne, and Tracy Douglas, a non-native. Community members have until Friday, February 6, 2009 to indicate whether they wish to make submissions regarding the above applicant. At the Membership Board’s December meeting, the Board approved full membership for Kanentakwas David and denied the membership application for Teala Gordon. Any member of the community can protest the Membership Board’s decisions, a n...

  • Akwesasne Mohawk Police Blotter

    Jan 29, 2009

    On January 20th, 2009, Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service officers were on patrol in Snye, Quebec. Brandon John Cook, 24 years of age, was arrested on an outstanding Warrant. Cook was transported to Valleyfield Provincial Court to appear at a Bail Hearing. Cook has been charged with the following Criminal Code offences: Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Refuse Breath Demand, and Breach of an Undertaking.     On January 21st, 2009, Canada Border Services Agency requested the assistance of the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service. CBSA advised...

  • Students participate in midwinter celebration at school

    Jan 29, 2009

    Thursday, Jan. 22, was a special day at Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School as the singers from the Ronathahon:ni Cultural Centre came to participate at our Midwinter Social.  Josh Sargeant, Bear Fox and Kwani Nanticoke lead the singing and helped direct the dancing for the students.    The grade five and six students also sang and helped the Early Years students learn some of the dances.  Several students and staff members wore their ribbon shirts and dresses to the social following Mohawk tradition....

  • Senior’s center accommodates grandchildren

    Jan 29, 2009

    A family of Four Generations recently shared a meal at the St. Regis Mohawk Office for the Aging, Tsi Tetewatatkens. They are dedicated to the needs of their elderly clients and have recently purchased a highchair and booster seat to accommodate those Tota’s that come in with their grandchildren. The senior center has a reputation for being one of the best places to get a delicious home cooked meal. The center’s warm and inviting atmosphere makes it a place to share a few laughs with an ol...

  • AMBE takes part in Family Literacy Day event

    Shannon Burns|Jan 29, 2009

    Students at schools throughout the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education school district were just some of hundreds of thousands who devoted a half an hour this week to Family Literacy Day. The AMBE schools participated in Canada’s Family Literacy Day event, which simultaneously attempted to break the Guinness World Record “Most Children Reading with an Adult, Multiple Locations.” On Friday afternoon from 2 – 2:30 p.m. students were reading with or being read to by an adult, whether it was the...

  • Our teacher, Mother Earth

    Dr Barbara Gray|Jan 29, 2009

    Not only through reading, but also in my travels across the United States I found it amazingly interesting that the traditional people I met, many that I became friends with, all shared a common thread/belief. The cultural beliefs of traditional Native peoples throughout North America share the belief that human beings are no more important than any other thing be it alive or inanimate.  They believe that man and woman, plant and animal, and water and stone are all equal and share the Earth a...

  • We love Visitors!

    Jan 29, 2009

    Indian Time received a visit Wednesday from baby Ethan Comins and his mommy Andrea Cook. The Indian Time Keepers enjoyed waiting several months for Ethan’s arrival and have been happy to have him as a visitor now every few weeks. Andrea stops by so Ethan can see his grandmother, Helen “Hum” Lazore. Indian Time is lucky to receive many visitors every week. Whether it’s a parent bringing in a new baby for a photograph or an elder who wants us to look at photos with him, our doors are always open a...

  • False Face Societies

    Jan 29, 2009

    An injured or ill Iroquois Indian would sometimes ask the False Face Society to drive away the spirit of the illness or injury. The False Face Society wore masks carved from wood. After a new member joined the False Face Society he had to make his own mask. To make the mask the Iroquois walked through the woods until he found a tree whose spirit talked to him. After talking to the tree, the Indian built a fire. He sprinkled tobacco, then stripped bark from the tree. Next the Indian outlined a face and cut out the section to the tree he had...

  • Originals Art Gallery showcases local talent

    Shannon Burns|Jan 29, 2009

    Local painters and other artists had the opportunity to showcase their work and speak with anyone interested in learning more about their medium at an art show held Friday night. Originals Art Gallery, located on Rt. 37 in Akwesasne, held a show to highlight some of their artists and get the word out to the community that the gallery is open to the public. A select few artists who have their work on display at Originals set up tables at the Brass Horse Banquet Hall where the art show was held....

  • AMS Crazy Hat Day

    Jan 29, 2009

    Crazy Hat day is always a fun day for students and staff at Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School.  Everyone has the opportunity, including the staff, to show how creative they can be in designing their hats and how proud they are to show their creations.  Flowers, feathers, paper, and even shoes were used to make hats.  The grade 5 students in Mrs. Lalonde’s class showed great school spirit with everyone bringing in a crazy hat for the day.  Nia:wenko:wa to everyone for participating and we look forward t...

  • Circa 1986

    Jan 29, 2009

    Do you have any old photos that you’d like to share with our readers in Blast from the Past? Bring them in! Our offices are located on Hilltop Drive in the same building as CKON Stop letting your photos gather dust in the basement and bring them in for us! All photos are returned to their owner....

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