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By Mahlon Smoke It was a cold and windy day on November 11 - Veteran's Day as veterans, Legionnaires and loved ones gathered to honor those who had fallen and those who served. Veterans Day is a federal holiday in the United States, observed officially on November 11, regardless of the day of the week on which it falls. Veterans Day occurs on November 11 every year in the United States in honor of the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" of 1918 that signaled the end of...
Iehiá:tons Kaniehtónkie. Tsiahià:ksera tsi náhe, áhsen nihá:ti ne Ohén:ton Rón:nete tsi ionteweienstahkhwaniónhkhwa wahonkia’tarò:roke tsi nón:we ne Roia’tatokénhti Ré:sis Kanien’kehá:ka Tsi Ionteweienstáhkhwa aontahontá:ti. Wahati’né:ken aonsahontenonhsahserón:ni ne tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa kanónhsote á:se, orì:wa, tóhsa aiohteróhtake é:neken taontaiótteke. Rón:nehre aonsakanonhsahseronníhake ne tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa rotinonhsó:ton oh nà:ken í:ken, sha’té:ioht tsi niká:ien tsi ionteweienstáhkhwa akté:shon nón:we kanatakè:ron rotitshénrion kà:ro...
AKWESASNE. Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Chief Beverly "Kiohawiton" Cook took part in The White House Tribal Nations Summit on Tuesday, Kentenhkó:wa/November 16, 2021; which was the first convening of tribal leaders since the Obama Administration in 2016. Chief Cook took part in an administration listening session with senior government officials on tribal priorities and concerns; which touched upon underfunded tribal healthcare and historical trauma. "Our issues are not dissimilar from our...
On November 13th, two Salmon River athletes competed in the Cross-Country State Championships at Chenango Valley State Park. Cayde Lazore and Jasmine Oakes ran impressive races on the toughest course of this season. Junior, Cayde Lazore, capped off his impressive season finishing 66th out of all the Class C runners in the State. He ran his 5th fastest time of the season with a 18:34. Sophomore, Jasmine Oakes, finished 105th out of all Class C runners. She finished in a 23:30, which was her 2nd...
The International Documentary Association (IDA) supports the work of documentary storytellers and works towards a thriving and inclusive documentary culture. IDA provides resources, creates community, and defends the rights and freedoms of documentary artists, activists and journalists around the globe. IDA provides production and development grants directly to documentary filmmakers and helps them fundraise for their project through our Fiscal Sponsorship Program. IDA, "We do this work because...
Paul Michael Chubb, Jr age 66, of Phoenix AZ, passed away suddenly on October 7, 2021. Paul was born in Rochester, NY, where he attended school and graduated from Edison Tech. While living in Rochester, Paul worked as a machinist. Paul is predeceased by his father, Paul Chubb Sr. of Akwesasne in 2001, a brother Leon Chubb Sr of Rochester in 2007 and a sister Eunice Chubb of Phoenix AZ in 2017. Paul is survived by his mother Shirley and stepfather Philip White of Akwesasne, son Cody and daughter... Full story
Harry James Thompson, age 54, a resident of Washington, North Carolina died Saturday November 13, 2021 at his home. A memorial service will be held at 2:00 PM Thursday November 18, 2021 at the Veterans Park in Washington, NC. Mr. Thompson was born in Akwesasne, Ontario on July 7, 1967 to Harry Cloudy Thompson and Alice Mary Seymour Thompson. He was a graduate of Massena Central High School in Massena, New York. He was a member of the United States Marine Corps and later the Army National Guard. On February 11, 2000 he married Donna Lynne... Full story
The Akwesasne Freedom School staff and students took their game on the road and played at the Generations Park ball field. Hoping to engage with Elders in the park by speaking Kanien'kehá. A few seniors did stop by to watch but it was way too cold to stay for long. Staff mentioned planning a few outdoor games in the future – but in warmer weather....
Akwesasne Travel, the official Destination Marketing and Management Organization (DMMO) for the Mohawk Territory of Akwesasne, has now launched in-person cultural tours to promote the region and its heritage. Akwesasne is an indigenous community which straddles the US/Canada international border along the St. Lawrence River, trisected by New York State and the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. It is the only destination in South Eastern Ontario and one of the few in Northern New York for...
12 AKWESASNE. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Emergency Operations Center and Health Services reported four (4) new positive cases of COVID-19 in Akwesasne's southern portion. No community members have been released from isolation since yesterday -- making eleven (11) total active cases under the Tribe's jurisdiction. Through contact tracing, there are 21 family members and friends in quarantine to isolate the virus and prevent further spread. Unfortunately, one (1) additional community...
By Kalle Benallie. Reprinted with permission from Indian Country Today. The White House held its tribal nations summit Monday for the first time in five years. The two-day event ends Tuesday. Tribal leaders from the 574 federally recognized tribes were invited to participate in the virtual event to discuss how the federal government can invest in and continue to strengthen the nation-to-nation relationship and ensure progress in Indian Country. The summit began a little behind schedule with Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, Laguna Pueblo,...
On Thursday, November 18th, Franklin County Public Health Department will hold a Pfizer Vax to School COVID vaccination clinic for those 12 and older from 2pm-6pm at St. Andre Bessette Outreach Center, 12 Homestead Park in Malone. This clinic is for first dose, second dose, and booster doses of Pfizer. Use this link if registering for a 1st dose online: Use this link if registering for a 2nd dose: Use this link...
AKWESASNE. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT) government’s fiscal year 2020 audit presentation will be held for tribal membership on Thursday, Tsiothóhrha/December 9, 2021 beginning at 5:00 p.m. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, the presentation will be held virtually, accessible by a meeting link that will be available on the Tribal Members Portal. Provided by Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s auditing firm CliftonLarsonAllen, the audit presentation will cover the 2020 fiscal year and will include a summary of the auditor’s results. All tribal...
Mohawk Council of Kahnawake grand chief Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer attended a historic meeting of Indigenous women leaders on Tuesday, held at governor-general Mary Simon's home in Rideau Hall. Sky-Deer and Simon met with the Assembly of First Nations national chief RoseAnne Archibald and grand chief of the Grand Council of the Crees, Mandy Gull Masty. The hour-long meeting was a first for bringing together women in leadership positions who made history when assuming their respective roles. "I was...
AKWESASNE. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is pleased to announce an Emergency Food Distribution will be held on Tuesday, Kentenhkó:wa/November 23, 2021 to help Akwesasne families. Working together for the health and wellbeing of the community, Tribal Staff and some gracious volunteers will be distributing food items from 12:00 p.m. (Noon) until 6:00 p.m., or as long as supplies last, at the former-IGA Building located at 850 State Route 37. The food giveaway will entail more than one dozen stations positioned throughout the former-IGA parking lot...
Joanne Shenandoah "America's most celebrated and critically acclaimed Native American musicians of her time", has been at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ for over a month. Shenandoah is in stable condition but is experiencing 'swelling and her ammonia levels fluctuate.' At one point in her hospital stay, she was discharged to outpatient nursing care only to have a relapse and had to be treated in the Clinic's ER. According to her husband Doug George, "She is growing weary of her illness...
Last month, Indigenous peoples from the deepest Amazon travelled for two days to board a small boat bound for their nearest town. Meanwhile, Indigenous peoples from Peru’s highest mountains walked for eight hours to board all-day flights. Their destination? COP26, the UN Climate Change conference that place in Glasgow last week. This year’s COP26 was viewed as one of the most important climate summits in history. Its mission was to establish a global policy for ending net greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050, in order to keep global hea...
Reprinted from WORDS THAT COME BEFORE ALL ELSE Environmental Philosophies of the Haudenosaunee Task Force By Les Benedict Continued from last week Air Pollution Lead, for example, was used for decades in paints that were applied during industrial, commercial, and residential uses. Lead additives were also used in gasolines to enhance combustion. However, the indiscriminate use of lead-based materials led to significant air emissions and deposition onto soil, which children came into contact with. Absorption or ingestion of lead by children was...
1. Okaristiiáhne Thursday 2. Kentenhkó:wa tewáhsen wísk enhská:ra'ne November 25th will be the date 3. Ratinatónhkhwa teiontenonhwaratónhkhwa awenhnísera They call it thanksgiving day 4. Ón:wa iahia'kserá:te This week 5. Enkatenna'tsherahninòn:ra I will go grocery shopping 6. Enkhní:non I will buy 7. Skaià:ta skawiró:wane, tewáhsen nikakon'tsherá:ke, ionennió:kwano One 20 pound frozen turkey 8. Skatshè:ta ne tó:kwahre tewahiahríhton I can of cranberry sauce 9. Wísk nikanon'onserá:ke 5...
COP26 ends with global agreement to accelerate action on climate this decade Two weeks of intense negotiations finally complete the Paris Rulebook For the first time COP agrees position on phasing down unabated coal power The Glasgow Climate Pact caps two years of diplomacy and ambition raising COP26 concluded on November 13, 2021 in Glasgow with nearly 200 countries agreeing the Glasgow Climate Pact to keep 1.5C alive and finalize the outstanding elements of the Paris Agreement. Climate negotiators ended two weeks of intense talks on Saturday...
By Linnea Harris. As global travel restrictions are lifted, we’re all itching for an adventure – but, before you head to the beach, the mountains, or a new city, take the time to plan a trip that’s both enjoyable and sustainable. While traveling has many benefits – among them a greater appreciation for other cultures, and an important diversion from our daily lives – the travel methods, food, accommodations, and activities involved can be environmentally harmful. A 2018 study conducted by the University of Sydney found that 8% of global carbon...
Veterans Past and Present...
Here are additional pictures....
By Paul Hetzler Sometime in the 1990s, a mutant crayfish able to conquer and degrade aquatic systems emerged as a result of secret German experiments gone awry. The marmorkreb, a.k.a. marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis), is a destructive new species that first appeared in aquariums in Germany. However, it’s more likely the result of too much inbreeding in captivity, rather than some mad-scientist scheme, that led to their mutation. They are now here, and your help scouting for them is invaluable. Perhaps the only amusing thing about t...
Current COVID-19 Statistics for the Northern Portion of Akwesasne reported on Nov 16: New Positive Cases: 4 Current Active: 15 Total Cases: 512 COVID-19 Related Passings: 9 The MCA Department of Health (DOH) would like to remind the community that we need your assistance to slow/stop the spread of COVID-19 by strictly adhering to the public health measures that have been put in place. Please no social gatherings (stay within your own household), and wear a mask when around others. Wash and...