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Federal authorities announced Monday that they, with the assistance of numerous law enforcement agencies, have indicted five individuals for their alleged involvement in an oxycodone drug dealing operation. Donna Lazore, 31, of Cornwall Island, Ontario, Nathan Benedict, 31, of Cornwall Island, Ontario. Shane Dustin, 20, of Fort Covington, New York; and Neal Lauzon, 27, of Plattsburgh, New York were named in the indictment. Each defendant is charged with conspiring to possess with intent to distribute and to distribute oxycodone in violation of...
Tribal police are currently investigating a robbery as well as a burglary that took place this week at two separate Route 37 stores in Akwesasne. A gun was used in one of the two incidents and police are asking for the public’s assistance in apprehending the assailants. On Nov. 12, 2010 at around 11:53 PM, the Tribal Police responded to the Chief’s Tobacco Warehouse regarding a report of an armed robbery. Two men had allegedly entered the building carrying weapons and several shots were fired from inside the building. No injuries were reported....
A Franklin County judge has denied a request by Richard Oakes, 39, of Akwesasne to change his plea. Oakes accepted a plea agreement this past June and agreed to plead guilty to manslaughter in exchange for a lesser sentence and lowered charge. Both Oakes and his girlfriend, Rhonda Amber Dufoe, 25, were arrested after Thomas Hathaway, 44, was found shot to death inside his burning home in September 2008. Authorities revealed after the investigation that the motive for the crime had been related to Hathaway’s molestation of Dufoe when she was a...
The Snye Recreation’s Annual Christmas Enchantment helped hundreds of community members get into the Christmas spirit this past weekend. The three-day event features holiday-themed sales, activities and fundraisers with the main attraction being the raffling of a few dozen Christmas trees completely decorated and adorned with presents underneath. Many families and businesses donate trees with a theme of their choice, usually representing the year’s most popular items like the Toy Story 3 mov...
Here are additional pictures....
Submitted by D’Arcy O’Connell On Nov. 10, community veterans were invited to attend a breakfast at Tsi Snaihne School and the school’s School Students of the Month ate breakfast with the veterans. The event not only honored veterans for their dedication and service, but also taught students the importance of showing respect and appreciation. The veterans who attended were: Wally Jacobs, Phil White, Purnell Peters, Carl Cook, Todd Conners, Elaine Pernell, Lloyd Benedict,Ernie Benedict, Mike...
Thank you, I would like to send a huge Niawen to the community of Akwesasne for coming out and supporting my son Niko Jacques on Nov 12th at the “One Night In ‘Sasne” show. My children and I truly appreciate all the support and contributions that were made! I would sincerely like to thank the following people for making Niko’s benefit a huge success: Big Mama Productions INC.-Marlon Johnson, Tracy Benedict The AWESOME PERFORMERS-Bella Straight, Dixie Landers, Giselle Gotti, Laverna Shirley, Nyomi Diamond, Nate Marshall and Big Mama Gotti!...
Niawenko:wa, The family of Dylan M. Adams, would like to thank the following people for their generous donations at a benefit dance held for Dylan at the 1479 American Legion on Friday, November 12, 2010: Nikki King; Theresa & Eugene David; Vicky & Craig Jock; Leona Delormier; Jr. Delormier & Stephanie Thompson; Akwesasne Sports; Kevin “Sturge” Lazore, Tree Top Gift Shop; Brasshorse Pizzeria; CKON Radio; Indian Time Newspaper and Angus & Veronica Adams. Also, thank you to all who came out to support. The winner of the Apple IPAD - Jonathan Laz...
Niawen Kowa to Akwesasne & Surrounding Communities On behalf of the Snye Recreation Committee I would like to thank everyone who came out and supported our Annual Christmas Enchantment fundraiser. To all the families, community members, government agencies and businesses that donated themed trees to this year’s event, we received many compliments on how nice everything looked. The Memorial Tree raised $1,200.00 to benefit the Akwesasne Homemakers for some much needed supplies, and the Recreation donated $5,000.00 to our neighbours Station 3. M...
A NOTE OF THANKS Nancy Swenson Kanekenhawi The family of the late Nancy Swenson would like to that those of you who visited, called and offered prayers during her illness and passing. To Christina King, Beatrice and Jimmy Bero, Jerry and Veronica Thompson and families; thank you for your visits, your kindness and the wonderful lunch. You are an amazing group of people. To Lucy Roundpoint: thank you for insisting our mother borrow your favourite chair which provided her with many hours of...
Micki King has successfully completed the Nike Women’s Marathon on October 17, 2010 in San Francisco, California. Micki completed this event in memory of her good friend Andrea Snivily who lost her battle with Melanoma this year. This is Micki’s third marathon she has participated in and despite her training injuries she had completed the grueling 26.2 mile run through the hilly landscape of San Francisco. We’re proud of you Micki! Mom, Dad & brother Lou...
(CORNWALL, ONTARIO) – The Cornwall Regional Task Force (CRTF) made and assisted in several contraband tobacco seizures in the following regions between October 21st, 2010 and November 9th, 2010: 5 seizures in Cornwall, Ontario 1 seizure at the Cornwall Port of Entry 4 seizures in South Glengarry, Ontario 1 seizure in South Stormont, Ontario 1 seizure in South Dundas, Ontario These seizures resulted in the arrest of 9 individuals who face charges under the federal Excise Act 2001 and/or the p...
At approximately 1:50 a.m. on October 31st, 2010 the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service and the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department responded to a structure fire on River Road, Tsi Snaihne. Upon arrival a mobile home was found to be totally engulfed in flames. Investigation is ongoing at this time to determine the cause of the fire. On November 1st, 2010 at approximately 2:24 a.m. the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service and the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department responded to a fire at an abandoned residence on Island Road...
Former tribal chief Phillip Tarbell, 68 of Akwesasne was arrested Nov. 11 after he was allegedly found in possession of two hockey bags full of marijuana. Tarbell was stopped at a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint near Schroon Lake, New York. Authorities discovered 95 lbs of marijuana inside the minivan and charged him federally with distributing marijuana. He was held in custody pending $10,000 bail. A female passenger was not charged. Tarbell was also charged in December of 2009 when state police stopped him in the town of Adams, NY and found 23...
Submitted by Tim Cook On Tuesday, Nov. 23, the Title VII program in conjunction with the Salmon River Central School Mohawk Club will be hosting the annual Native American Day Celebration at the Salmon River Secondary School. This event highlights Native Americans, and specifically Haudenosaunee culture. This year’s events include a fashion show, a student film showcase, a smoke dance/fancy dance exhibition, and a social dance. As part of this day, we encourage our students to wear their traditional dress and to participate in the fashion s...
Community Performance Series in Potsdam was delighted to host Native American singer and songwriter Joanne Shenandoah for a single performance on Tuesday, Nov. 16. The performance was held at the Helen M. Hosmer Concert Hall at SUNY Potsdam. Grammy Award and 12-time Native American Music Award-winning artist Joanne Shenandoah has been hailed by the Associated Press as one of the “most acclaimed Native American recording artists of her time.” Her music is a blend of traditional songs and mel...
Native Creations Gift Shop opened this past August in west Akwesasne (Route 37) and the owners – Marla and Christopher Jacobs and Randa Martin – are committed to keeping their doors open for all artists and craftspeople to sell their work. The gift shop offers a variety of crafts and artwork for sale through consignment with the original artist and the owners don’t want to turn anyone away. “We sell everything handmade by Native people,” said Marla Jacobs. “We aren’t saying no to anybody.” The...
Below are the winners of Indian Time’s Halloween Coloring Contest....
Just spraying pesticides is not the solution Control of bed bugs is best achieved by following an integrated pest management (IPM) approach that involves multiple tactics, such as preventive measures, sanitation, and chemicals, steam or heat applied to targeted sites. Bed bugs are challenging pests to control. They hide in many tiny places, so inspections and treatments must be thorough. In most cases, it will be prudent to enlist the services of a professional pest control firm. (see...
As a weight loss and health consultant my job is not only to get my clients to their health related goals, it’s also to study each client’s situation in order to identify trends in their behavior. Those potential trends can prove valuable if they can be used to better understand why a person gains weight or has a particular disease. From what I have observed over the past several years, some trends are crystal clear. The act of hurting oneself with food or lifestyle does have many layers. What I try to do is to always get down to the bot...
Warning Signs, Risk Factors, Prevention, and Help Every year, tens of thousands of elderly are abused in their own homes, in relatives’ homes, and even in facilities responsible for their care. You may suspect that an elderly person you know is being harmed physically or emotionally by a neglectful or overwhelmed caregiver or being preyed upon financially. By learning the signs and symptoms of elder abuse and how to act on behalf of an elderly person who is being abused, you’ll not only be helping someone else but strengthening your own defense...
Tehniiáhse tehnón:kwe tehnonkwehón:we, iató:rats, Kanenna’kè:ne nikahá:wi, Entákta ohrhon’kéhstsi, Shontakarahkwineken’ne tsiá:ta niiohwistá:’e, Ohská:wakon, okwirákta, kanawákta, Wáhta konwá:iats tsi nón:we tkaná:taien né:’e tsi ska’niónhsa o’wà:ron tehonatonhontsió:ni ahonteweién:ton. Shaià:ta ròn:kwe okwirákta í:rate, rahonrénhawe. Thate’shennonniá:nions ahorón:tate ne kakowá:nen ska’niónhsa. Ok ne shaià:ta ròn:kwe, ronatén:ro, awenrahsá:ke tehréntshote, okwirákta rahonrawátstha, tethona’kerá:ne tsi nihawennò:ten ne ska’niónhsa. Ok ne...
•• November 11th was a beautiful day filled with sunshine and 55 degree weather. It was a day of celebration – celebrating the signing of the Canandaigua Treaty of the US government and Six Nations Confederacy. On November 11, 2010 the 219th Anniversary of the signing of the Canandaigua Treaty in Canandaigua, New York. There were many people, Haudenosaunee and non-native, in attendance to participate in the events of the day. First was the procession to the site of the signing, the recognition o...
North of the Beautiful Lake, Lake Ontario, on the land of the Huron Nation there was a village. This Huron village was on the Bay of Quinte, where Tyendinaga Mohawk Reservation is today. The Hurons are Iroquoian. They were related by blood to the Five Nations, they had similar language, customs, religion, traditions, and dress. Living in that Huron village was a virgin woman. This woman was favored by the Creator of All Things. In a vision this woman was told that, though she was married to no...
Chris Godfrey #61 Right Guard for NY giants World Champions 1987 L-R: Stephanie Lazore, Maddi Peters, Tanya Lazore, Terri Day, Tara Benedict and Anna “Dodi” Thompson Do you have any old photos that you’d like to share with our readers in Blast from the Past? Bring them in! Our offices are located on Hilltop Drive in the same building as CKON Stop letting your photos gather dust in the basement and bring them in for us! All photos are returned to their owner....