A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the November 14, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 51

  • American Legion Post #1479 Holds Veteran's Day Ceremony

    Derrick Lafrance|Nov 14, 2019

    By Derrick Lafrance Those who made the ultimate sacrifice throughout the world conflicts were remembered and honored earlier this week on a cold and bitter November morning. The American Legion Post #1479 held their Veteran's Day ceremony Monday. Post Commander Mike Cook led the ceremonies and talked about the significance of the day and the importance of remembering fallen comrades, and the event was concluded with a moment of silence and 21-gun salute at 11:11. Later in the warmer legion hall...

  • 15th Annual Christmas Enchantment

    Mahlon Smoke|Nov 14, 2019

    By Mahlon Smoke What started as a way to raise funding to help rebuild and maintain the Tsi Snaihne Recreation Centre has transformed into an annual event where different programs and families all across Akwesasne donate a Christmas tree and prizes. This year marked the 15th Christmas Enchantment and to honour such an achievement, the organizers would pull 15 names for the money prizes at the end of Tree Giveaway. The vendors, the food, and of course the beautiful tree displays could not be...

  • 15th Annual Christmas Enchantment - Part 2

    Nov 14, 2019

    Here are additional pictures....

  • 15th Annual Christmas Enchantment - Part 3

    Nov 14, 2019

    Here is the winners and donors list....

  • Massena Raiders clinch Section 10 volleyball championship, head to state playoffs

    Andy Gardner|Nov 14, 2019

    By Andy Gardner The Massena Raiders have won the overall Section 10 volleyball title and are headed to state playoffs. They won the crown in back-to-back games against Chateaugay and then Canton on Friday, Nov. 8 in their home gym in Massena. Massena is now headed to regionals on Thursday, Nov. 14 at Burnt-Hills Ballston Lake High School. Their opponent is to be determined. "Very proud of this team, Canton played so well, and it was back and forth," said Massena Coach Maggie Farrell. "It was a...


    Nov 14, 2019

    (November 7, 2019) The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is notifying the community of an update to Ontario’s process of publishing name changes. Previously, Canada updated their policies and procedures to allow for Indigenous individuals to use a single name only, and to make legal name changes to a single name without paying the normal name change fees. On October 4, 2019, Mohawk Council received a letter from the Ontario Minister of Government & Consumer Services Lisa Thompson stating that indigenous individuals can be exempted from having their n...


    Nov 14, 2019

    AKWESASNE – Stephen M. "Kanento" Boots, known to many as Deedee, Snipe Clan, 65, of 85 Recreation Road, Kawehnoke, peacefully entered the Spirit World on Sunday afternoon, November 10, 2019 at his home. Deedee was born December 23, 1953 in Cornwall, the son of the late Michael and Agnes (Caldwell) Boots. He grew up on Kawehnoke, where he attended Cornwall Island Day School. He married Beverly Cook through the Longhouse in Kanienkeh at Eagle Bay in 1974. As a very young man, Deedee traveled exten...

  • Niawen

    Nov 14, 2019

    NIAWEN:KOWA FROM TSI SNAIHNE SCHOOL The parents of Tsi Snaihne School student Jaylene Johnson donated hats and gloves to our school. Niawen:kowa Charlene and Richard Johnson! We appreciate your thoughtfulness and keeping our students warm this winter....

  • Centenary United Methodist Church Community Events for December

    Nov 14, 2019

    12 West Main St., Malone Dec. 1 at 2:00 pm Elf & Cookies Pizza, Holiday Cookie Decorating and the Holiday Movie, ELF Special visit from Santa. Free event - all ages welcome. Dec. 7 - Christmas Bazaar 9:00 - 2:00 Luncheon 11:00 - 1:30 Dec. 18 at 6:00 pm Blue Christmas For those who grieve and those who love them. Dec. 24 at 6:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. A service of word and song....

  • Local Events

    Nov 14, 2019

    Douglas Rubio Sun. Nov. 17 - POTSDAM: SUNY Potsdam’s Crane School of Music invites the public to enjoy a faculty recital by Dr. Douglas Rubio, guitar, 7:30 p.m., Sara M. Snell Music Theater; will open with an aria by Girolamo Frescobaldi, followed by Rubio’s original arrangement of Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Cello Suite No. 1” for classical guitar; Rubio will also present Benjamin Britten’s “Songs from the Chinese, Op. 58,” concluding his performance with pieces by Joaquin Rodrigo and Isaac Albeniz; free, and the public is invited to atte...

  • Iakhihsohtha Lodge Trivia Fundraiser

    Nov 14, 2019

    Iakhihsohtha Lodge will be hosting a trivia fundraiser! The theme for the event is glitter. Dress in your best glitter and bowties to win! When: Friday, November 15 Time: Registration - 6PM Start - 7 PM Where: American Legion, Hogansburg Quizmaster Reen Cook Entertainment by Roger Mitchell $100 per team or pre-register @ Iakhihsohtha by Nov. 9th $80 per team. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated! For more information, please call Iakhihsohtha at 613-575-2507 ext. 3....

  • Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School Monthly Awards

    Derrick Lafrance|Nov 14, 2019

    By Derrick Lafrance Two months into the new school year and the students are settling in to be the very best. Last Friday, November 8th the Kawehnoke school held their monthly awards ceremony and the character trait of the month was responsibility. The ceremony was lacking the Early Years program as they were away at the Christmas Enchantment at the Snye Recreation center. The remaining students had their teachers explain why they were selected for Student of the Month honors in keeping with...

  • In American Music Where are the Natives?

    Doug George Kanentiio|Nov 14, 2019

    By Doug George-Kanentiio (November 11, 2019) The music of America was rightfully indigenous for thousands of years prior to the arrival of the immigrants from the east. Not only drums and flutes but the power of the human voice drifted across the plains, through the forests, across the mountains and back into the thousands of communities emanating from the millions of Native people who defined pre-contact Anowara:kowa-the Great Turtle. The music produced by the first peoples could be as complex as a symphony or as simple as a personal chant...

  • Clarkson University Science Café:

    Nov 14, 2019

    Canton: Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 7:15 p.m. at the Best Western University Inn Rushton Room, 90 E. Main St. in Canton, N.Y. Potsdam: Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 7:15 p.m. at the St. Lawrence Valley Roasters & Jernabi Coffeehouse, 11 Maple St. in Potsdam, N.Y. Darwin’s Origin of Species arrived in America on the week John Brown was hanged, December 3, 1859, becoming immediately popular especially among American abolitionists – which President Abraham Lincoln was not, at the time. Lincoln’s thinking about enslaved people, however, evolved throughout the C...

  • 7th Annual Winter Wonderland Craft & Vendor Show is your one stop holiday shopping spot!

    Nov 14, 2019

    The Emmaus Soup Kitchen pinches every penny to stretch it as far as we can to help those from across the North Country! Our main fundraiser of the year is coming up in a few short weeks. The 7th Annual Winter Wonderland Craft & Vendor Show to benefit The Emmaus Soup Kitchen will be held on Saturday, December 14th at Davis Elementary School, 183 Webster Street, Malone from 9:00--3:00. The day will consist of 130+ crafters, artisans & vendors spanning from Jefferson, St. Lawrence, Franklin, Clinton & Essex counties as well as those traveling from...


    Nov 14, 2019

    Reprinted with permission from Traditional Teachings by the Native North American Travelling College …continued from last week THE ARTICLES OF KAWIRIIO The Duties of Married Couples NOW WE WILL TELL YOU OF ANOTHER TO TELL YOUR RELATIONS. Most people do not treat their children equally but will favor one over the others. Now the messengers tell us that this is wrong and that all the children in the family should be treated equally. They should all be loved and treated fairly. NOW WE WILL TELL YOU OF ANOTHER TO TELL YOUR RELATIONS. This can h...

  • Annual Sunrise Rotary Trivia Challenge

    Nov 14, 2019

    Friday, November 15th – 6:00pm at Best Western Parkway Inn. Cost is $160 per table for up to 8 players. An evening that abounds with lots of laughs and challenging trivia! Fantastic Silent Auction. For more information or to register contact 613-931-2939 or rotaryclubofcornwallsunrise@gmail.com...

  • Ratihsotà:r Raonenhnísera

    Nov 14, 2019

    1. Kentenhkó:wa - November 2. Énska iawén:re shískare - The date is the 11th 3. Khia’teiohserá:ke - Every year 4. Eh nikahá:wi - At that time 5. Ronwatihshennakará:tats - They honor them 6. Ohstoronòn:ke nonkwá:ti - The US side 7. Tsi nihá:ti ronathonkarià:kon - The ones who served in the armed forces 8. Tsiakawehiahráhkhwa awenhnísera - Remembrance Day 9. Iakohshennakará:tats - It honors 10. Tsi nihá:ti eh nón:we iahonníhiie - The ones who died there 11. Tsi nikarì:wes ronnathonkarià:kon - The...

  • Tsi Snaihne School Veteran's Day Breakfast

    Nov 14, 2019

    Submitted by Tsi Snaihne School Staff (November 7, 2019) Tsi Snaihne School hosted its annual Veteran's Day Breakfast. Veterans were invited to share a meal and hear songs, poems, and receive artwork from the Tsi Snaihne School students. The celebration was organized by Shawna Cook and Lana King with many staff volunteers to welcome our vets. Anita Mitchell made the delicious meal. Niawen:kowa to all those who have served!...

  • Centennial Choir Christmas Concert

    Nov 14, 2019

    Join the Centennial Choir of Cornwall on Friday, December 13 at 7:30 pm in Aultsville Theatre for their concert, “Celebrate Christmas”. Under the guidance of Lisa Zeran, director and Felicity Svenson, accompanist and assistant director you are sure to enjoy songs of the season. Tickets are available from any choir member, the Kiosk at Cornwall Square and Home Hardware at the corner of Pitt and Thirteenth Streets....

  • Clarkson Biology Professor Seeks Help From Deer Hunters in Collection of Giant Liver Flukes for Genetic Research

    Nov 14, 2019

    If you’re a deer hunter in the North Country, Clarkson Professor Andrew David would like your help. David, an Assistant Professor and Director of First Year Biology at Clarkson, is attempting to collect and analyze parasitic flukes from deer in the Adirondack area to determine whether or not the parasites are enzootic (naturally occurring) in the region. Giant Liver Flukes can be found in the livers of whitetail deer. While they are invasive in Europe, they are generally not harmful to the deer population where they are considered enzootic. ...

  • Local Events

    Nov 14, 2019

    Ten-minute plays POTSDAM: SUNY Potsdam’s Department of Theatre and Dance annual Ten-Minute Play Festival from Nov. 14-16 in the Black Box Theater, located in the College’s Performing Arts Center, 7:30 p.m., free and open to the public; some plays contain content which is suitable for mature audiences only; 315-267-2556. Online Rx resources Fri. Nov. 15 - POTSDAM: Free class for seniors ages 60 and older to learn more about “Online Rx drug resources, Online travel sites;” Potsdam Public Library; two classes offered: one class at 10 a.m. and a s...

  • World Diabetes Day is Friday, November 14!

    Nov 14, 2019

    World Diabetes Day (WDD) was created in 1991 by IDF and the World Health Organization in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat posed by diabetes. World Diabetes Day became an official United Nations Day in 2006 with the passage of United Nation Resolution 61/225. It is marked every year on November 14, the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin along with Charles Best in 1922. WDD is the world's largest diabetes awareness campaign reaching a...


    Nov 14, 2019

    Singer/songwriter Susan Aglukark is one of Canada’s most unique artists and a leading voice in Canadian music. She blends the Inuktitut and English languages with contemporary pop music arrangements to tell the stores of her people, the Inuit of Arctic Canada. The emotional depth and honesty of her lyrics; her pure, clear voice and themes of hope, spirit and encouragement have captivated and inspired listeners from all walks of life. WITH SPECIAL GUEST LORI-ANNE VAN MOORSEL from Morrisburg, Ontario ADVANCED TICKETS Online AULTSVILLEHALL.COM o...


    Nov 14, 2019

    Carnegie Science's Scott Sheppard has just announced the discovery of 20 new moons orbiting Saturn, bringing its total to 82 and moving it ahead of Jupiter, which has 79. All hail the new king of moons! Earlier this year we held a contest to name five Jovian moons discovered by Sheppard last July. We loved the enthusiasm everyone showed for this contest so much that we're doing it again. Please help us name all 20 Saturnian moons! Contest Launch Date: October 7, 2019 Contest End Date: December 6...

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