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It's that time of year again – Snye Recreation Center's Christmas Enchantment 2021 is here! This year, they have over 35 Christmas trees tastefully decorated and surrounded by amazing gifts. Once again Snye Rec committee members are taking all precautions to prevent the spread of COVID and community members are not allowed in the building to view the trees. All Christmas trees can be viewed online on the Snye Rec Facebook page. Tickets cost $5.00 a sheet and tickets will be randomly drawn for tr...
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Here are additional pictures....
AKWESASNE. The Saint Regis Mohawk Health Services is undergoing renovations to safely provide quality healthcare services in a pandemic-compliant facility. Beginning in early-November, work on much-needed improvements began to the facility's dental, pharmacy, main entrance, and other common areas in response to COVID-19 requirements. Utilizing funds provided by Indian Health Services through the American Rescue Plan Act; the $436,334 renovation project is scheduled to be completed by Enniskó:wa/...
St. Regis Mohawk School celebrated Fire Safety on October 27th & 28th. This year the fire trucks were brought to the school and students were very excited to see the fire trucks up close. Students were also excited to receive their fire hats and goody bags. All classes were able to meet with the firefighters and learn some valuable fire safety information. Niawen to the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department (HAVFD) for donating their time to educate our children on Fire Safety. Niawen...
By Kaniehtonkie. Last week, three school district superintendents gathered at the St. Regis Mohawk School for a press conference. There, they made their plea to take their substandard school buildings similar to those found in countries with less than robust education systems. They want to renovate the school buildings to modern safe standards. They are the only three school districts in New York State that have Native American schools on Native American land: The Salmon River Central School...
AKWESASNE – Paul O. Thompson, "Kahontase", 77, of Ahnawate (Raquette Point), passed away Monday afternoon, November 1, 2021 at UVHN – Champlain Valley Physician's Hospital after a lengthy illness. Paul was born in the Ahnawate (Raquette Point) area of Akwesasne on July 19, 1944, the son of the late James Jr. and Elsie (Paul) Thompson. He first attended schools on the reservation before graduating from Salmon River Central School. On June 21, 1970, he married Hilda Catherine Thompson in Hog... Full story
MASSENA – Shirley M. Mainville, 85, of Williams Street, peacefully passed away early Saturday morning, November 6, 2021 at her home. Shirley was born on August 21, 1936 at home in Hogansburg, the daughter of David D. and Catherine "Katie" (Herne) Jock. She attended Bombay High School and on November 30, 1954, she entered the US Army, proudly serving her country until her honorable discharge on November 29, 1956. On December 11, 1965, she married James H. Mainville in Fort Covington. He p... Full story
Angus "Randy" Bigtree, 71, of St. Regis Road, passed away Friday afternoon, November 5, 2021 at Canton-Potsdam Hospital after a brief illness. Randy was born on March 24, 1950, the son of the late John Jr. and Catherine (Garrow) Bigtree. He attended Mohawk School and graduated from Salmon River Central School. He proudly served his country in the US Army from 1972-1975. On July 29, 1989, he married Caroline M. Laughing at St. Regis Catholic Church with Rev. Thomas Egan, officiating. Randy was an... Full story
Students at the Salmon River Middle School have been participating in the Student of the Month Program. The program focuses on the featured character trait from the Book of the Month. The books of the month are chosen based on content that addresses human feelings and encourages the values of empathy and caring. The character trait identified for October was cooperation. The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency Prevention Program awarded students who exhibited this trait with...
Cornwall. Habitat for Humanity Cornwall & The Counties wishes to recognize the impactful donation and generosity of Enbridge. Enbridge has contributed $50,000 to Habitat Cornwall’s latest Home Build project for the Leaf-Saucier Family. This support is an element of the Indigenous Housing Program as organized by Habitat for Humanity Canada. The Enbridge Indigenous Home Program combined with the Indigenous Housing Partnership is an equitable partnership rooted in respect for Indigenous culture, helping deliver housing solutions by and for I...
Born: October 25th, 2021 4:57 PM 8 lbs. 2 oz. 20 inches long Parents: Heather Square Keaton "Sasta" Thomas Lazore Siblings: Layla Back Maternal grandparents: The late Susie Benedict The late Ricky Square Maternal Great-Grandmother: Katherine Square Paternal Grandparents: Noonie Thomas The late Jeff Lazore Paternal Great-Grandmother: Loretta Thomas...
Born: November 2nd, 2021 2:03 7 pounds 10.5 ounces 19.5 inches long Parents: Michael Thomas Benedict Sara Sohl Siblings: Aleah Benedict Ava Benedict Aaliyah sparks Grandparents: Thomas Michael Benedict Suzanne Benedict Grandfather: Jeffery Sohl Jennifer Tallman...
"I call this basket a history basket to mark the 1st National Day of Truth and Reconciliation held in Ottawa on September 30, 2021. A day that memorialized the children that were taken and died, and to support the survivors and families of Indian Residential Schools, and all those affected by Indigenous Child Apprehension Programs in Canada, including the U.S. A residential school survivor from Akwesasne, Dean George, picked the sweetgrass. 70 feet was braided by families of survivors, many...
Tsi nihonahkwíshron aonsahatí:ien ohstón:ha ne ó:kwire ónhton nè:’e takarihónnia’te ontó:roke ne Emerald Éhsa Borer (EAB), ne Roia’tatokénhti Ré:sis Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwehón:we (SRMT) Onhwentsia’kéhkha Tekaià:khon ronnéhsaks tsi nón:we aiokwenhrá:ron aktónkie tóka ò:ni ákta Satsherá:ti 37 Tsi Iohatákie ne Ahkwesáhshne ahatikwiraiéntho kí:ken Kanenna’kè:ne nikahá:wi. Ne Emerald Éhsa Borer o’nó:wa sha’oié:ra ne sha’teionhwentsí:ien (Asia) wa’tewaterien’tawénrie tsi wa’kón:newe ne Ohstoronòn:ke. Shahatitshén:ri Ohstoronòn:ke nonkwá:ti Mic...
Ms. Ellsworth Kash Francis Andromeda Garrow Leddi Jacobs Reminton Jacobs Lennix Paul Storm Rourke Demi Terrance Aiyana Verdugo Mrs. Yando Aiden Cree Jaxen Jacobs Rohehtiio King Lennon Leaf Hayden Mitchell Leighton Mitchell Mr. Bish Saniyah Buckshot Darryl Davis Kroy Francis Everly Jacobs Korynn Leaf Iako’nikonhra’sha’tste Mitchell Ellah Mitchell Cole Ms. Cartier Aivah Back Kredence Garrow Tylann Jock Teiakotsi’tsiathe John Deklan Thomas Arazy Mrs. Thompson Thomas Fries Trayvien George Griffin Haze Gibson Patience Jacobs Mrs. Sprankle Cullen...
AKWESASNE. In accordance with the Tribal Procedures Act adopted by referendum on Ohiarí:ha/June 1, 2013; the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is continuing to take steps to ensure that financial accountability is provided to tribal membership. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, arrangements have been made to provide an online presentation of the Draft 2022 Annual Tribal Budget at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Tsiothórhrha/December 7, 2021. There will be no in-person presentation, so a link to access the online meeting will be available on the Tribal M...
Blaire Brockway, Bryson Cree, Jasper Dear, Levi Chapman, Hendrix Fluegge, Aubree Dustin, Luke Taylor, Sheamus Scott, Kolby McGregor, Aidalynn Castro, Aliyah Wilson, Easton McMahon, Dale Finch, Tessa Roller, Camille Jacobs, Danica St. Ann, Samuel Lauzon, Alexander Seymour, Juliette Menke, Julia Mayville...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne's Community Health Program reports two (2) new positive cases of COVID-19 in the northern portion of the community, as of November 8, 2021. Current COVID-19 Statistics for the Northern Portion of Akwesasne: • New Positive Cases: 2 • Current Active: 5 • Total Cases: 489 (2 new cases identified on November 6, 2021) • COVID-19 Related Passings: 9 The MCA Department of Health (DOH) would like to remind the community that we need your assistance to slow/stop the spr...
Reprinted from WORDS THAT COME BEFORE ALL ELSE Environmental Philosophies of the Haudenosaunee Task Force By Les Benedict The Four Winds carry with them another life essential, water. Water in the form of vapor, which falls as rain, snow, or ice pellets. The moisture held in the wind would not be released if it were not for several factors, including temperature difference between two different air masses. Essential to the precipitation process are: a nucleus or dust particle, for the water drop to condense on; and the dew point or the...
AKWESASNE. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT) is reminding tribal members that the public comment period for two (2) tribal regulations is still open. Both regulations are accessible on the Tribal Members Portal for written comments to be provided before their respective deadlines. The SRMT Hemp Production Regulations was amended following feedback from the United States Department of Agriculture, while the SRMT Business Organizations Ordinance was recently developed to help tribal members form “for-profit” and “non-profit” organiz...
10. Tesen'tsionhstánions kenh? Are you sneezing? 56. Hen, tewaki'tsionhstánions Yes, I am sneezing 57. Í:iah, í:iah tha'tewaki'tsionhstánions No, I am not sneezing 58. Tesa'nión:kweks kénh? Do you have nasal congestion? 59. Hen, tewake'nión:kweks Yes, I have nasal congestion 60. Í:iah, í:iah tha'tewake'nionkwé:kon No, I do not have nasal congestion 61. Saterièn:tare kenh oh nahò:ten kiorì:wa? Do you know what caused it? 62. Hen, wakaterièn:tare oh nahò:ten kiorì:wa. Wakathorahserón:...
By Maddie Stone. When Daranda Hinkey, a 23-year-old member of the Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe in northern Nevada, gazes across the austere expanse of old growth sagebrush 25 miles southwest of her tribe’s reservation, she doesn’t see Thacker Pass, the future site of America’s largest lithium mine. She sees Peehee Mu’huh, or “rotten moon,” the Paiute name for a place made sacred by the bones of her ancestors. According to stories told by elders, Peehee Mu’huh got its name many generations ago, when Paiute people were massacred the...
A familiar face has taken the reigns as director of the Police Activities League (PAL) of Massena. Jodele Hammock took over the post earlier in the fall, which offers afterschool activities and support for at-risk youth in grades two through 12. The organization, located on Bayley Road in the village of Massena, was originally founded in the early 2010s as the Boys and Girls Club of Massena, and switched over to PAL several years ago. Hammock said they serve about 150 to 200 active enrollees,...
13 AKWESASNE. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Health Services reported no new positive cases of COVID-19 over the weekend. They are pleased that three (3) community members have been released from isolation, but there remain five (5) total active cases under the Tribe's jurisdiction. It is the lowest number of active cases reported in Akwesasne's southern portion in 75 days; since August 25, 2021. There are also ten (10) family members and friends in...