Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 57
Nov. 3, 2020. AKWESASNE — The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Emergency Operations Center reports there are currently four (4) active cases and one (1) potential exposure of COVID-19 under the Tribe’s jurisdiction, which comprises the southern portion of the Akwesasne community. The active cases all involve infections that took place outside the community, while the potential exposure involves the Mohawk Assembly of God. Any individual who attended a church service, clothing drive or other function involving the Mohawk Assembly of God, either at 7...
By Mahlon Smoke Despite the pandemic, Halloween was still celebrated in Akwesasne, in a slightly different form. This year trick or treaters were asked to stay in their vehicles as they drove down Margaret Terrance Memorial Way and waved to all the colorful costumed program staff and businesses who dressed up for the occasion. At the end of the trail waited Ronthahiiostha:ke - Alcohol/Chemical Dependency Prevention clubhouse, where trick or treaters received bags of Halloween candy that was dona...
On Wednesday, November 3, 2020, the United States has not declared a winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. The process essentially involves Americans voting for electors, the electors voting for the president, and then Congress declaring the winner. In addition to the Electoral College, certifying the winner of the presidential election involves the Senate, House of Representatives, and the National Archives. As of 11.04.2020 several states were still counting ballots and electoral votes....
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne would like to make the community aware that there has been an increase of positive COVID-19 cases under the jurisdiction of MCA, known as the “northern portion” of the community. For the entire pandemic, we have had a total of 8 positive cases, with currently 5 in active status. The Community Health Program has been providing the necessary contact tracing and advice regarding precautions. We are firmly in a second wave of the pandemic. While we understand the effects of COVID-19 fatigue, we cannot let our gua...
Tsi Snaihne celebrated Halloween with a bang! Virtually all students and staff dressed in their favorite Halloween costume and took Halloween and COVID head on wearing masks of a different kinds. Staff and students took turns to walk over to Iakhihsohtha to entertain residents from the safety of outside the building....
AKWESASNE — The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT) is pleased to announce that CARES Act funds will be used to offer additional disaster relief support for tribal households and Akwesasne businesses. The decision to extend the SRMT Household Disaster Relief Program and the SRMT Small Business Disaster Relief Program was made to help individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. “We recognize that these are uncertain times for our community due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, but one thing that shouldn’t be uncertain is how we are all going to get throu...
Shirley L. Jacobs, age 79 of East Syracuse, passed away on October 25, 2020. Born in Syracuse on June 15, 1941, she was the daughter of the late Alexander and Harriet Jacobs. She was a graduate of Minoa High School and LeMoyne College. Shirley retired after many years from St. Joseph’s Hospital. She enjoyed painting and spending time with her family. She is predeceased by daughter, Margaret Janack; brothers, Louie, Mike, William and sister Patricia Jock. She is survived by her children, Anne Krukowski, Bernadette (Mark) Agley and Richard (...
At the end of October, Six Nation authorities were warning about the dangers of celebrating Halloween in a traditional sense of going house to house. Six Nations of the Grand River Elected Council, Six Nations Emergency Control Group, Ohsweken Public Health, and Six Nations Police Services heard community concerns around plans for Halloween and they strongly discouraged against any gatherings. Six Nations Police Services noted they increased patrolling. Also, Six Nations Police Services have been advised by Border Crossing Services of those...
The Alcohol Chemical Dependency Program (A/CDP) from the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe provided in-person students at the St. Regis Mohawk School with a variety of fun activities in celebration of Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week is the U.S. largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaign. Since its beginning in 1985, the Red Ribbon has touched the lives of millions of people around the world. In response to the murder of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena, angered parents and youth in communities...
SCARECROW CONTEST: • Marian Thompson & Grandchildren • Steve & Jeanine Lazore and Carter and Isaac Mitchell • Brian & Gia Lazore • Penny & Joelle Peters • Karter Lazore & Unc • Cheyenne Gray & Family All winners received $50.00 Restaurant Gift Cards or Covid Family Gift Basket SCAVENGER HUNT: • Leighann McDonald & SJ Thomas • Kaiya Lazore • Danielle McDonald & Family • Dallas Lazore • London Lazore All received Halloween gift baskets & will receive prizes from Akwesasne Child & Family Services D...
NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James announced on Wednesday a major victory for voters across the nation in the effort to ensure every ballot cast in this year’s election is counted. Judge Emmet Sullivan of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued a minute-order in which he instructed the United States Postal Service (USPS) to immediately send postal inspectors or inspectors from the USPS Office of Inspector General to post offices in various cities and states across the country to sweep for any ballots that hav...
By Kolby KickingWoman. Reprinted with permission from Indian Country Today “This is an abdication of our charge and responsibility.” That’s how Commissioner Debo Adegbile put it after the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights failed to approve the full text of the report “COVID-19 in Indian Country.” The document would have provided updates to the historic commission report “Broken Promises: Continuing Federal Funding Shortfall for Native Americans,” released in 2018. A vote to publish commissioners’ statements also failed to pass Friday. Publish...
Kentenhko:wa/November 3, 2020. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) and Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT) have worked closely with local funeral service providers in both Ontario and New York State to ensure that family members can appropriately and safely celebrate the lives of loved ones who pass away during these unprecedented times. Both organizations and councils place the health and safety of all Akwesasronon as a top priority. Due to the increase of COVID-19 cases in and around the community,...
By Andy Gardner St. Regis Mohawk Tribe officials credited community efforts with keeping a low prevalence of COVID-19 in Akwesasne during the first months of the pandemic. They also say the pandemic isn’t over and the community should continue doing what they’ve done so far. North Country Community College hosted a “North Country Live Fall Series: Indigenous Voices” online roundtable where the officials spoke. It was streamed online via Zoom on Thursday, Oct. 29. Speakers included Sub-Chief Benjamin Herne, Economic Development Director James L...
Allegiant Air has cancelled all of its flights out of Ogdensburg and says it’s leaving the airport entirely. A spokesperson for the airline confirmed the move to Channel 7 News. “Allegiant has made the difficult decision to cease operations at Ogdensburg.” Allegiant said the extended border closure between the U.S. and Canada, as well as New York’s travel restrictions “have exacerbated the pandemic’s effect on demand in the area.” Earlier in October, Allegiant began cancelling flights out of Ogdensburg. Channel 7 News says Ogdensburg Br...
It’s been a long summer of damp beach towels, grass stains and kids’ messes and as for fall, it been rainy and muddy, so it’s time to clean up the house for winter. This ‘winter ready cleaning checklist’ will help you clean indoors and out. Although spring cleaning is traditionally when you deep clean your home, welcoming every new season with a clean slate just makes your home feel just right. And fall is the perfect time to freshen each room of the house and prepare for cold weather outdoors. Use this handy room-by-room fall cleaning...
Their hearts shall be full of peace and goodwill and their minds filled with a yearning for the welfare of the people of the Confederacy. With endless patience they shall carry out their duty and their firmness shall be tempered with a tenderness for their people. Neither anger nor fury shall find lodgment in their minds and all their words and actions shall be marked by calm deliberation. Wampum 27 All (Chief Statesmen) of the five nations must be honest in all things. They must not idle or gossip, but be men possessing those honorable...
1. O'kó:tara - Achilles Tendon (heel) 2. Katsinonhiáhtakwe'ní:io - Artery 3. Ononwakéntstha - Bladder 4. Onekwénhsa - Blood 5. Onekwénhsa aotón:ni - Blood Cell 6. Otsinonhiáhton - Blood vessels 7. Óhskien/ Ohskièn:ta - Bone 8. Oskièn:takon kahsè:rhi - Bone marrow 9. Onòn:wara - Brain 10. Ken'nikatsinonhiahtà:'a - Capillaries (small blood vessels) 11. Otón:ni - Cell 12. Tekahna'néta's ne otón:ni - Cell multiplication 13. Tsi ieionhnehkwà:tha /Tsi iakonia'takà:ronte - Esophagus 14. Ótshahte - Gall...
Here's a smattering of photos taken in Akwesasne. Families celebrated Halloween but for the most part stayed in their own neighborhood and didn't venture far from close families and friends. Staying outside, wearing a mask and celebrating in your own family pod turned out to be the way Halloween was celebrated years ago....
Submitted by Paul Hetzler I’m told there is a Zen Buddhist saying that goes “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” The idea, I think, is to be mindful of the ordinary tasks which constitute one’s daily life, regardless of our spiritual state. Unfortunately, many of us who heat with wood are not enlightened as to how much extra wood we carry because we’re needlessly boiling water inside our woodstoves all winter. In fact, if your firewood is not adequately dry, it could cost you $200 to $...
Sipekne’kitak, FN. – In a defining election Chief Mike Sack was notified of the final ballot count of over 72% in his favor this evening by the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq returning officer. 3 Candidates ran for Chief - Heather Knockwood, Kim Paul and Chief Mike Sack. “It has always been the greatest honor of my life to represent the people of my community however, today perhaps more than ever, as we have seen their resilience and strength emerge on the world’s stage in recent weeks,” said Chief Mike Sack. “Our people are committed to...
Epidemiological summary of COVID-19 cases in First Nations communities as reported to FNIHB on October 31, 2020 at 2:55 p.m. ET for the week of October 25 to October 31, 2020. Quebec – 21 Cases Ontario – 2 Cases Manitoba – 11 Cases Saskatchewan – 26 Cases Alberta – 26 Cases British Columbia – 4 Cases Canada Wide The latest numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Canada as of 19:00 EDT on Nov. 3, 2020: Canada: 244,935 confirmed cases in Canada. Quebec: 108,889 total cases, 9,256 active cases (including 6,317 deaths, 93,316 resolved) Ontario: 78...
Wednesday, November 4, 2020 14 Current Active Covid-19 Cases 89 Tested Confirmed Positive Cases 104 Probable Positive Cases 193 Total Cumulative Positive 177 Recovered 30,713 Negatives Diagnostic Tests 3,473 Antibody Negatives 221 Quarantining/ Isolating in 75 locations Tuesday, November 3, 2020 14 Current Active Covid-19 Cases 89 Tested Confirmed Positive Cases 104 Probable Positive Cases Total Cumulative Positive 177 Resolved/Recovered 30,666 Negative Diagnostic Tests 3,473 Antibody Negatives 221 Quarantining/ Isolating in 75 locations Monday...
Wednesday, November 4, 2020: 6 (six) new cases of COVID-19 were reported to the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department today, bringing the total number of confirmed positive cases to-date to 440 (four hundred and forty). 52 (fifty-two) cases are active – please go to: 383 (three hundred and eighty-three) cases have been released from isolation. 6 (six) cases are hospitalized. 5 (five) deaths have occurred. Tuesday, November 2, 2020: 10 (ten) new cases of COVID-19 were reported to the St. Lawrence County Public H...
Where: Bowhall’s Family Store in Gouverneur, 23 Hailesboro St, Gouverneur NY 13642 Date: Thursday, October 29th 2020 Time: 11:00am – 2:00pm and 5:00pm – 7:00pm Individuals who were at The Bowhall’s Family Store in Gouverneur at the above location during the day and time listed have a potential risk of exposure to COVID-19. Where: Route 11 Diner in Gouverneur, 985 US-11, Gouverneur NY 13642 Date: Friday, October 30th 2020 Time: 10:00am – 11:00am Individuals who dined at Route 11 Diner in Gouverneur at the above location during the day and time l...