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"Akweks," King of Birds are fighting for survival in Ahkwesahsne. In recent times on the St. Lawrence River, there have been sightings of about 3-4 Bald Eagles. They are viewed as protectors and sacred to the lives of Native and Aboriginal people. We need to pay attention to them and help them to survive so their population can grow again. In the early 1900's, there were thousands of akweks flying freely among the lands and waters of our people undisturbed. Recently, someone decided to...
On Friday, October 23, community members, members of Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe gathered to officially announce the grand opening of the Experience Akwesasne Welcome Center which is located in Kawehnoke at the Peace Tree Trade Center. In hopes of garnering more than just a passing visit through Akwesasne, the Experience Akwesasne Center seeks to developing a better understanding of who we are and what Akwesasne has to offer. The center displays artwork by various...
AKWESANSE, NY – After receiving word in late October from the Mountain of Toys/Akwesasne Community Basket Drive Committee that they would not be holding the annual charity event, other community members are stepping up to the plate to ensure our families in need are able to have a happy holiday season with a food basket and toys for the children. The Community Members pulling together are from our area businesses, Tribal and MCA staff, church members and other committees: April Lauzon, Jill B...
Last week the Kawehnoke facility got the Halloween spirit underway with a fall festival behind their building. Kids had fun coloring and carving pumpkins and listening to "scary stories" from Dave Fadden of the Cultural center. Fadden told of time honored local tales as well as the classics. The Travelling College is also hosting a haunted trail held nightly until Halloween and some of the younger guests could not wait till nightfall to check out the trails, scarecrows and haunted house. The...
In a midterm election on Tuesday, October 27, St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police officer Peter J. Burns won by a vote of 293 to 175. Burns defeated recently retired Christina Mayville. Mr. Burns thanked community members and surrounding communities of the SRCS school district stating, “To the communities of Akwesasne, Bombay, Westville, and Fort Covington, I am pleased to be your new school board member”. The Burns campaign emphasized his work in community youth and anti-drug programs in addition to his law enforcement background. Burns was als...
AKWESASNE – Minnie Monica "Kiahkons" Leaf, 66, of 1057 Island Road East, Cornwall Island, passed away Wednesday night, October 21, 2015, at the Cornwall Community Hospital, after a lengthy battle with many health issues. Minnie was born November 27, 1948, in Cornwall, Ontario, daughter of the late Louis and Mary Phillips Buckshot. She attended Cornwall Island schools, Cornwall High School, St. Lawrence College, and earned her Bachelors of Education from McGill University. She married George "...
Our community now has an oxygen mask specially designed for pets thanks to Invisible Fencing who donated it to our community through the Project Breathe which is providing pet oxygen masks to Fire Departments in USA and Canada. Kaly White from Puppy Style Treats & More received the mask during a vendor event in Plattsburgh and delivered it to the Akwesasne Ambulance Manager, Daryl Diabo. To learn more about the Project Breathe, visit
In memory....
This past spring, Eric Marczak donated his time and materials to bring a flute-making class to Akwesasne. He held the class at the Akwesasne Museum and performed for free at an open-mic event for ‘Walking with our Sisters’ at Tahy’s Fine Art and Designs. The makings of one flute were left over from the class and he offered to complete it and use it as a fundraiser for the Akwesasne Museum. Eric sold raffle tickets on the flute all Summer at the festivals that he attends – including the Strawberry Festival at Kanatsiohareke and many others....
We would like to say "Thank You" to the following people: Smokers Hideaway for letting us use their parking lot to sell lasagna lunches. The late Charlie "Punkin" White for allowing us to have our annual softball tournament there. The umpires that donated their time: Pat Phillips, Ross Driscoll, Joe Sawatis and Prey Lazore. Our scorekeepers Jimmy "McDuck," Dalton Thomas and Corina David. 37 West for letting us hold our Ice Bucket Challenge, and our courageous participants Ron Lawrence, Ryan...
The North Country Chamber of Commerce and its licensed health insurance service, the Plattsburgh-North Country Service Corp., are reminding all employers and households in the North Country of the need to review updated health insurance options and to enroll in new plans or make changes in coverage soon, in time for the new year. The Plattsburgh-North Country Service Corp. is a fully licensed health insurance agency with trained and licensed professionals available to review all options available and then to enroll in new coverage or make...
October 20, 2015 (Saskatoon SK) -- Saskatoon’s Angel Entertainment is pleased to announce that the second season of the paranormal investigation television series The Other Side will premiere on the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) on Halloween weekend. SECOND SEASON BROADCAST PREMIERE: The Other Side – Season II on APTN Premieres with back-to-back episodes on Saturday, October 31st at 8:00pm & 8:30pm New episodes will air each weekend on Saturdays at 8:00pm & 8:30pm (Please check local listings to confirm) FIRST LIVE-STREAMED INV...
On Saturday October 24, 2015, the St. Regis Recreation held their annual Halloween party and costume contest. The event was sponsored by the St. Regis Recreation, the St. Regis Recreation Dance Club, and Mohawk International Raceway, who provided the food and candy. Everyone enjoyed pizza and got a goodie bag to take home. There were seven age categories and one group category, and prizes were awarded for scariest, funniest, sweet and cute, and best homemade costumes. There were over 100...
Here are additional pictures....
Last weekend passersby on Kawehnoke had a chance to Buy Local. There was locally made jewelry and other knick knacks, treats from local vendors, a jump house for the kids and some fun Halloween swag at the Akwesasne Local Market Fall Festival. These came from the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Department of Economic Development who set up a booth and gave away mugs, Halloween treat bags, pens and other goodies as part of their Buy Local campaign. The kids enjoyed the jump house and had a chance to...
Mohawk Lesson...
Reader Comic...
The annual event was held last week at the Hogansburg/Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Station #1. As with many, many years past "Chief" Dick Laffin put on his presentation to the kids. He has been doing this for a long time and enjoys doing it, according to the other fire fighters. His presentation dealt mainly with smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors which should be maintained year round. Fire Fighter Jory Tarbell suited up with the help of local students and as he donned the different piece...
Last Sunday on October 18th, a banquet was held in Manville, Ontario and sponsored by the Upper South Farm. We would like to congratulate a successful young lady in doing so well with her interest in horse riding with her riding club. Karenhatironhtha Johnson has received a beautiful trophy for obtaining the highest scores overall during her season. She has scored the highest in many of her competitions with her Club. Congratulations, Karenhatironhtha....
(October 22, 2015) Cornwall, Ontario - From August to September, the Cornwall Regional Task Force (CRTF) members arrested 5 individuals and the following items were seized: • One pickup truck, • Two boats • Three motors • 1,196 kgs of fine cut tobacco • 51 cases of contraband tobacco On August 4, 2015 members of the Cornwall Regional Task force (CRTF) marine unit observed a large vessel travelling eastbound on the St Lawrence River without navigation lights. The vessel was seen stopped at an area south of Pointe Trépanier, in St-Anicet,...
October 18, 2015 – Ottawa, Ontario – Environment Canada Today, the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of the Environment, Minister of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency and Minister for the Arctic Council, announced a panel of three independent scientific experts to undertake a review of the City of Montreal’s plan to discharge eight billion liters of raw sewage into the St. Lawrence River. As a result of Environment Canada’s review of the City’s information, the department has determined that the environmental impacts o...
By Jennifer Herne, LVT Halloween is usually a fun time for all, but sometimes pets and Halloween don't always mix well. Here are some tips for your furry friend during this "spook"tacular time! 1) Candy, candy, love to stash candy in their room but make sure you properly store all candy. A dog's keen sense of smell can help them find even the best hiding spots. Chocolate, sugar free and candy containing xylitol can cause problems with your pets. 2) Glow sticks are great for kids in...
TD Canada Trust Friends of the Environment's Leigh MacDonald visited the River Institute recently to learn more about its recent purchase of River research equipment. TD Friends of the Environment recently provided funding to purchase a High Definition GPS / fish finder / chart plotter unit with side scan sonar as well as a GoPro camera with accessories for underwater use. These two units will be used for research projects and training on the St. Lawrence River. The GPS/sonar unit is a sophistic...
On Saturday, October 24, the Akwesasne Community Collective held an "Open Mic" fundraiser. The Ahkwesasne Collective will journey to Chiapas, Mexico to "focus on practical efforts within Mohawk and Zapatista communities toward recouping, maintaining, and preserving indigenous autonomy, agriculture, language, and health. Traditional as well as innovative contemporary efforts will be shared and highlighted within an organic, respectful, and enjoyable collective process. The central themes of...
On Saturday night, October 24, the Akwesasne Cancer Support Group hosted the Lights for Hope Walk 2015 at the Tewatahita Walking Trail. Teams and individuals walked from 7pm to 10pm. Refreshments were provided, and Roger Mitchell provided music for the walkers. Despite the rain and chilly conditions, about 100 people came out for the fundraiser walk. Verna Stevens, Aboriginal Patient Coordinator for the Cancer Program at Ottawa General, travelled to Akwesasne to take part in the walk. Verna has...