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In a new initiative to help make Akwesasne safer, the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe held a “gun buy back” for the first time Saturday, inviting all community members to anonymously turn over unwanted or unsafe guns. A total of 13 handguns and rifles were collected. “I would like to say that this is a start,” said Tribal Sub-Chief Ron LaFrance. “People need to be responsible for cleaning up their backyards. We can’t rely on the government to do it. It has to start with the people.” Those dropping off guns were instructed to have the weapon in the...
AKWESASNE, ONTARIO — Aronhiaies Herne, a 23-year-old teacher and cultural program coordinator from the Mohawk community of Akwesasne, has been selected as one of 11 Aboriginal youths that will have the job of a lifetime over the next few months— running with the Olympic Flame as its guide and protector to ensure it keeps burning bright on its cross-Canada journey. He will be joined by two Akwesasne Mohawks that were also chosen to have an active part in the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay—Mike Bened...
Akwesasne Territory— A recent economic impact study reflects the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s role in the North Country economy. With over 1,300 employees, the Tribe is the third largest employer in Franklin and St. Lawrence Counties and the fifth largest employer in the North Country. The state as a whole benefits from the impact of the tribe’s economic activity such as payroll spending, gaming revenue share, tax generation and spending for goods and services in the region. The study, conducted by the Taylor Policy Group, shows the Tribe to be a...
A new establishment in Akwesasne is up and running this week, offering an assortment of services and goods to cater to just about anyone. Three Feathers Internet Café is not only the new headquarters for Rez Phones, but it’s also the newest breakfast and lunch counter and Internet café, offering high speed Internet. The café is owned by Phillip Gray Jr. and his wife Valene, both of whom have been busy in the past month getting their new business open. The café is located at Truckstop #9 on Ro...
Mr. Francis “Chicken” Garrow, 85, of 390 State Route 37, Hogansburg, passed away Thursday afternoon, October 22, 2009 at Cornwall Community Hospital, where had been a patient for the past week. He had been in failing health for the past several years. He was born December 18, 1923 in Hogansburg, the son of Charlotte Garrow and Paul Swamp. He attended schools in Hogansburg. He served in the US Army during World War II, serving in Europe. He married Marguerite “Judy” Smith on September 26, 195...
HOGANSBURG - Mr. Gerald T. Barnes, 72, of 46 Cree Road, passed away unexpectedly on Monday evening October 26, 2009 at Fletcher-Allen Medical Center in Burlington, VT. He was born April 6, 1937 in Hogansburg, the son of Fred and Louise Cook Barnes. He attended St. Regis Mohawk School from 1943 until 1951 and from 1952 -1954, he attended Bombay High School and later received his GED. Gerald served in the US Army from August 1955, having served overseas until his discharge in December 1958. He...
Rolland J. “Pierre” Hamelin, age 77, of 40 Sissonville Rd. Potsdam passed away Saturday, October 24, 2009 at his home surrounded by family and friends. Rolland J. Hamelin was born September 26, 1935 in Massena, N.Y. to the late Albert and Bernadette (Menard) Hamelin. He married Vivian Ghostlaw on July 28, 1962 at St. Mary’s Church in Fort Covington. Rolland is survived by three daughters, Angela and Chris Donah of Potsdam; Jo Ellen Oshier and Kevin McCollum of Canton; Susan and David Sheet...
Please, God, forgive a silent tear, A fervent wish our Dad was here, There are others, yes we know, But he was ours, we loved him so, Dear God, take a message, To our father in heaven above, Tell him how much we miss him, And give him all our love. Sadly missed by Michelle & Nekon, Joe & Punk, Paul & Renee, Christopher & Shari, Amanda & Tom, John, Mike and Rhonda, Daylan. And all his grandchildren. Second Memorial...... Alone, but never quite alone, I face an empty chair; But sometimes in the...
Thank you I would like to thank everyone who supported me for the Trivia Night held on Friday, October 2, 2009 at Cedar View Golf Course. 100% of all the proceeds, which total $4,620.00, was presented to Hilary Casillas, a representative of the American Cancer Society/Hope Lodge of Burlington, Vermont, who was on hand and enjoyed a fun-filled evening. I would like to thank my family, friends and all the businesses for their help and generosity, to all the volunteers, donations of baskets/items for the Chinese auction, food, and for all the...
Thank-you We the family of Steve Smoke would like to thank everybody who organized and participated in the 1st Annual Josh Mitchell Memorial Pool Tournament we would like to recognize the following business and individuals for their generous contributions. Special niawen to Patti Point All ticket sellers Cody David Sally Cook & Family Deloris Lazore and Matt (Worm) Sprague’s Restaurant Mohawk Billiards 37 West Gardner’s Hotel All Inn lounge Mohawk bingo palace And to anyone we may have missed Winner of 50/50 (over $1000.00) – Mel Herne Winne...
Niawen, Having recently returned “home” to bury my Mother Margaret Francis, I have to say thank you to all who helped. The love and warmth I felt from friends and family will forever remain with me. As far, it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but knowing there was family to share hugs, laughs, and tender moments kept me grounded. The traditional prayer and gathering was a comfort to me and family. I want to thank every and anyone who helped cook, pray, shop, served as pallbearers and anyone else I forgot. RIP…Mommy Leo & Val, I wil...
I am writing this “open” letter to the community because of recent events which include an act of arson. This arson is related to a current land dispute on my grandmother’s estate, namely the Rose and John Terrance Sr. estate. I know that many of you will roll your eyes and say “Not another Terrance land dispute” and go right to the sports section or the want ads, but for those of you who choose to stick around, I appreciate your time. This issue has been ongoing for several months, and all of our discussions have been within the family, 1...
Letter to Editor, HARVESTING AND FISHING Nobody can take away our inherent collective rights that we are born with. Those rights come from our mother’s clan which comes from our family clan mother that follows a matrilineal society. The inherent right does not come from a foreign government or corporation, like that of the United States and Canada. We are not subjects of these entities, so we think. Canada brings in the Indian Act and United States brings in the Bureau of Indian Affairs which brings forced elective systems. Maybe we have f...
11 Volunteers were recognized for their time and commitment to the program. Each volunteer, who received an invitation, donated 50 hours or more of service to Franklin County. Over 51,000 hours were logged this year by our senior volunteers. Assemblywoman Janet Duprey was the guest speaker and thanked the volunteers for their dedication and commitment to the sites that they served in. She awarded three certificates: one to Betty Crippen for over 5,000 lifetime hours, Margaret Jones for over 7,000 lifetime hours and Helen Larsen for 25 years...
Akwesasne, October 27, 2009 - The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service and the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Department are releasing the following Halloween Safety Information for the benefit and safety of our children, elders and community. Enforcement of our bylaws for All-Terrain Vehicle traffic will be occurring in all boundaries of the Akwesasne Mohawk Territory. We ask the parents of our children to assist us in ensuring that All-Terrain Traffic infractions for this special time of year is prevented. We will be continuing to impound...
The Beginning With Books literacy hour began Oct. 21 at the Akwesasne Library and Cultural Center. The program is sponsored by the St. Regis Mohawk School and is designed for preschool aged children (birth-4years) and their families. “The purpose is to introduce children to books,” said Ellen Cook, “and to let parents know that they can do it together.” During literacy hour children and their parents listen to and discuss a story. This week the group read “Apples and Pumpkins,” by Anne Rockwe...
The event “Lights on After School” was held on Oct. 22 at the Akwesasne Boys and Girls Club and was a way to let parents know that their children are always welcome to after school programs offered by ABGC. Kids and their families were invited to the event which started with dinner followed by an awards and recognition night for the kids for the months of Sept. and Oct. St. Lawrence University representatives were also there to promote host families in Akwesasne for a number of students. Finally...
By Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School students Haunted House One day, me and Ioki, Isaac and Reese went to a haunted house. We thought it was fake. We knocked on the door, “knock, knock, knock, knock.” No body answered. I said “hello?” We went in and we were so scared. We heard noises. I looked up and heard “scratch, scratch.” We went to the attic and there was a dead zombie dog and zombie boy. I yelled “HELP!” Reese ran and the dog chased him. He ran faster and faster. loki stood there, he wasn’t scared. The zombie boy screamed “arrrrrr.” I found a bat...
Submitted by Courtney, Sam & Bethe On Sunday October 4th, Tina’s Pride took part in a Breast Cancer Walk that was held in Syracuse N.Y. Participants came from Akwesasne, Kahnawake, Rochester and Syracuse. Tina’s Pride is made up of family and friends of the late Tina M. Thompson. This is the 3rd year that Tina’s Pride has participated in the walk. Each year our group is getting bigger and bigger. We would like to thank the community that helped us at our fundraisers or made a pledge to Breas...
Hi! My name is Keely Thompson-Cook. I’m eight years old. I donated my hair because I wanted to help the children that are living with cancer. It took a whole year for my hair to grow the 12 “ that they need. I hope kids like you will help the foundation of Locks of Love to make wigs for the other children that have cancer. By: Keely T-C Note: For more information, visit the Locks of Love website at
The Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club brought a selected group of teens who volunteered throughout the club to get a seat to experience Alina Fernandez at Clarkson University. Alina Fernandez is the daughter of Fidel Castro. Alina guided the club members as well as the packed conference room through her life growing up in Cuba during the 1960’s and 70’s. She was not afraid to share the violence she witnessed or her home life with Fidel. Not only did she give us insight with anecdotal commentary, but...
FLIGHT FROM POLICE, DANGEROUS DRIVING AND POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE On October 21st, 2009 Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service arrested Christopher Montgomery, 29 yrs old formerly of Syracuse NY now living in Akwesasne ON. Montgomery has been evading Police as he has warrants and numerous charges following his unlawfully at large warrant for not completing his sentence in Ottawa ON. Montgomery was observed driving a truck and a traffic stop was initiated. Montgomery fled from police on foot and was taken into custody after he could not...
The Ronathahonni Cultural Center will be producing a calendar featuring artwork from our local artists. If you are interested, please submit 3-6 (or more) digital images of your work. (We may be able to take digital images of your original work.) Include a brief 3 sentence biography and contact information (phone number, email). Each month will highlight 1 -2 artists. Deadline is Friday November 20. Please contact Becky at the Ronathahonni Cultural Center at 613-932-9452 or email at
A $5,000 reward is being offered to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) who committed a break & enter at the home of Lance White, Route 95, on October 17, 2009. Individuals are asked to contact Tribal Police Sgt. Matthew Rourke at the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Department, 518-358-9200....
October 27, 2009- Akwesasne - The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education (AMBE) has implemented several measures to decrease the spread of infectious diseases, specifically a potential outbreak of H1N1. AMBE believes that prevention of infectious disease is the responsibility of every one. All AMBE staff will take steps necessary to ensure the safety and well being of students is protected. Each school will monitor student attendance and report absences due to influenza-like symptoms to the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) Department of...