A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the October 25, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 78

  • Fall Fest at Native North American Travelling College Presents Wild Game Cooking

    Oct 25, 2018

    This past weekend people enjoyed a variety of events, and if you happened to be cruising on Kawehno:ke, the Native North American Travelling College (NNATC) was the place to be. Each autumn, the NNATC hosts a Fall Fest with a theme. This year it was "Cooking Wild Game." Richard Skidders and his grandson Ratons washed, dried and made corn bread with locally grown white corn. Skidders explained how the process of washing corn is done several times to completely remove the outer shell and black...

  • Car Care Clinic Held at Swamp's Performance Automotive

    Mahlon Smoke|Oct 25, 2018

    By Mahlon Smoke October 17, 2018. Everyone has had car issues where they weren't sure what was wrong or what to do. Many will often ignore it until it becomes a very serious problem that causes the car to break down. That's the main reason why Casey Swamp came up with an idea help teach people on the basics of car care. "People were unsure what to ask about their cars and drive their cars until the wheels fall off, " Swamp said at the beginning of the class, "I just want to keep people to be...

  • 2018 Fall Brawl Lacrosse Tournament

    Derrick Lafrance|Oct 25, 2018

    By Derrick Lafrance A crisp, sometimes downright cold fall day couldn't keep the lacrosse fanatics off the field last week. The annual Fall Brawl was held at the Louie King Memorial softball field behind the American Legion and eight teams came from as far away as Onondaga Nation to take part. When the two-day event was over Black Out were Champions after an exciting final game over Prestige World Wide. Other teams making the event a success were Donny's Boyz, Onondaga Kings, Warriors, Bud...

  • Invasive Species Found in Akwesasne Waters

    Oct 25, 2018

    On Tuesday, October 23, 2018, the Massena Courier Observer reported two invasive species were found nearby, it read in part, "Matthew Windle, an aquatic biologist with the St. Lawrence River Institute, Cornwall, Ontario, said members of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe captured two tench, a Eurasian fish that can threaten native species and water quality, on Sept. 27 south of Cornwall Island." Great Lakes Connection (GLC) reported, "Eurasian tench, an invasive species found in Canada and the United...


    Oct 25, 2018

    AKWESASNE - Peter "Pete" Sunday, Sr. was called home to the Sky World on the morning of October 21, 2018, surrounded by his loved ones. Pete served in the US Military, being given an honorable discharge from active service. He went on to work as an iron worker for many years, where he also retired. Pete worked for years as a police officer with the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Services, where he served for many years as Chief of Police, finally retiring from years of service at Iakhihsohtha. After... Full story

  • MCA Offers Condolences to Family of Peter Sunday, Former AMPS Chief of Police

    Oct 25, 2018

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne wishes to express condolences to the family of the late Peter Sunday. Mr. Sunday served the Akwesasne community as a police officer and Chief of Police for the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service, joining the force in the 1970s. As Chief of Police from 1980-1986 (approximate dates), he led the force and contributed to its growth overall as a vital community service. His dedication to community service and to MCA & AMPS is marked in history and we give thanks to him. To Mr. Sunday’s surviving family members, we e...


    Oct 25, 2018

    (October 19, 2018) The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne would like to inform the community that the Akwesasne Heating Assistance Program will once again be offered for the upcoming 2018-2019 winter months. The eligibility application process now includes Akwesasronon who are residing within the municipal boundary of the City of Cornwall, Ontario, provided the applicant is a registered member of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne under the Akwesasne Membership Code. The application process is open to Akwesasronon who reside under the jurisdiction of...

  • The Ideal Diet to Combat Climate Change

    Oct 25, 2018

    You may be aware that a plant-based diet can make you healthier by lowering your risk for obesity, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Now, a study suggests there’s another good reason to regularly eat meatless meals. By filling your plate with plant foods instead of animal foods, you can help save the planet. Traditionally and culturally, the Haudenosaunee diet was a predominantly plant based diet, interspersed with seasonally available protein; whether it be fish, venison, or moose meat. A study, published in the journal ‘Nature’, found that...

  • Niawen

    Oct 25, 2018

    Thank you to our family, friends and community for the many acts of kindness and sincere thoughtfulness at the time of our loss. The family of Kerney H. Cole (1938-2018)...

  • Voter Suppression is Rampant Across the U.S.

    Oct 25, 2018

    Voter suppression is alive in well in the United States, when it comes to voters rights and the right to vote, the United States has a long history of racially biased suppression. On the very soil which is ours, Native Americans were not allowed to vote until 1924. The relationship between Native American Tribes and Nations were formal agreements between two sovereign nations, based on this, the government saw no need for Native Americans to vote, and the feeling was reciprocal. Native American viewed voting in a foreign government as taboo -...

  • Dreams Take Flight Halloween Trivia Night & Mohawk Auction

    Oct 25, 2018

    A fundraiser is being held for Dreams Take Flight, a volunteer organization that sends children between the ages of 6-12 for a fun-filled trip to Disney World! The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and Akwesasne Child & Family Services have worked together previously to get children from the community involved in this awesome opportunity — and they need your help again! MOHAWK AUCTION When: Friday, October 26 - 10 AM - 3 PM Where: Kanonhkwat’sheri:io Health Facility TRIVIA NIGHT When: Friday, October 26 - 7 PM Where: American Legion Post 1479 Any...

  • Kanenna'kè:ne Ronten'nikonhroria'táhkhwa Ne NNATC Enietshina'tón:hahse Kontatewenní:io Kariò:ta Ratiríhtha

    Oct 25, 2018

    Kí:ken onkiahiakseró:kten onkwehshón:'a wahonten'nikonhrória'te tóhkara wahonterihwahténkia'te, tánon tóka shí:ken sahonwi'seréhseron ne Kawehnò:ke, ne Onkwehón:we Othorè:ke Nonkwá:ti Tsi Iaonhwén:tsiaien Tehontstikáhwhas Iontoweienstahkhwa'kó:wa (NNATC) thó nón:we ahsè:sheke. Khia'tekanenna'kehtsherá:te, ne NNATC enhonterihwahténkia'te ne Kanenna'kè:ne Ronten'nikonhroria'táhkhwa. Kí:ken iohserá:te "Íseriht Watatewenní:io Kariò:ta." Richard Skidders tánon roteré:'a Rátons wahanenhstóh...

  • Akwesasne Mohawk Territory Police Offer Halloween Safety Tips

    Oct 25, 2018

    The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Department released the following Halloween safety information a couple years ago. We thought it useful enough to reprint. Edited for space. The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Department remind all community residents and land owners to please ensure that their properties are tidy and ditches are clean of debris. Please ensure that your buildings are secured, portable items are stored away, outside and motion detector lights...

  • Head of the Class

    Oct 25, 2018

    By Paul Hetzler, Horticulture and Natural Resources Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of St. Lawrence County When the topic of animal intelligence comes up, we might argue whether a crow or a parrot is the more clever, or if dolphins are smarter than manatees. Seldom do we ascribe smarts to life-forms such as insects, plants or fungi. And it is rare indeed that we question our intellectual primacy among animals. It is true that no other species can point to monumental achievements such as the Colosseum, acid rain, nerve gas and atomic bom...

  • Reader Comic 1

    Oct 25, 2018

    Reader Comic 1...

  • Reader Comic 2

    Oct 25, 2018

    Reader Comic 2...

  • Reader Comic 3

    Oct 25, 2018

    Reader Comic 3...

  • Wink, the Lazy Bird, and the Red Fox

    Oct 25, 2018

    Continued from last week Wink resolved to watch for Fox and follow him into the woods to find what treasure he had concealed in his den. Wink crept cautiously into the woods and along a ridge of rock, where he found the lair of old Red Fox. He looked carefully and saw that Red Fox was none other than the stranger who had borrowed his canoe. Wink crouched down in the leaves and listened. Someone was singing: Wink digs here and Wink digs there, Wink digs almost everywhere. And where Wink digs, the worms all come, Where worms all come, the birds a...

  • Ionkwanonhkwa'tsherakohónhne

    Oct 25, 2018

    1. Tehiahiakserá:ke tsi náhe - 2 weeks ago 2. Tekeníhaton - Tuesday 3. Kióhton shiská:rahkwe - 9th was the date 4. Kenténha niwenhnitò:ten - October is the month 5. Ohstoronón:ke nonkwá:ti - American side 6. Onchiota nón:we - Onchiota is where 7. A’nó:wara raó:ris - Turtle socks 8. Aién - Witch hobble 9. Tsionehskwén:rie - Wild ginger 10. Ionkwanonhkwa’tsherakohónhne - We went to get medicine 11. Tsi na’tontaionkwahonwí:sere - As we were driving home 12. Katsistohkwanó:ron ronwahsótha - Katsisto...

  • The Legend of Jack-O'-Lantern

    Oct 25, 2018

    By Richard Gast, Cornell Cooperative Extension Franklin County Perhaps the single-most-recognizable symbol of the Halloween season is the traditional hollowed out pumpkin carved into a smiling or ominous, illuminated-in-the-dark face. But, “Why,” I’ve often been asked, “is it called a jack-o-lantern?” While much of what’s known is ambiguous at best, the first widely-accepted mention I can find dates back to the five classes of fairies in Cornish lore: the Small People, the Brownies, the Spriggans, the Buccas, Bockles, or Knockers, and the Pis...

  • Akwesasne Artists Showcased In "We Are All Related" Art Exhibition

    Jaclyn Hall|Oct 25, 2018

    By: Jaclyn Hall The Wild Center, in Tupper Lake, is now host to the "We Are All Related" Art Exhibition. The soft opening for the "We Are All Related" art exhibition was held on October 20th from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The exhibition consists of 35 different artists, showcasing their unique artwork. The art exhibition has been in the making for quite some time, with the Akwesasne Cultural Center & Museum and the Six Nations Indian Museum organizing the "We Are All Related" art exhibition in...

  • Karate Kids Tae Kwon Do Class

    Oct 25, 2018

    The MCA Community Health Program is excited to host the Karate Kids Tae Kwon Do class for children ages 7-13! Six week FREE Karate program (12 classes) When: November 6 - December 13 - every Tuesday & Thursday Where: Kana:takon School Gym The parent/guardian must be present on site at all times during class. Active wear mandatory (i.e. t-shirt, sweatpants) Space is limited, so register soon by contacting the Community Health Program at 613-575-2341 ext. 3220....

  • Kakaratákie Ne Sá:k-Ne-Iehahserénhas

    Oct 25, 2018

    Rahiá:tons Richard Gast Tóka nón:wa né:'e ne tsiorì:wa aonhá:'a ioken'tá:'on kaienterítston tsi nikahá:wi Iontkonwarò:roks iorihwakaión:'on kanen'atáhkon onon'onsera'kó:wa kakonhsatákwen kwáh ioiéshon tóka ó:ni watera'ónhtha Kaháhserote-né:'e-ne tekió:karas aokónhsa. Né:'k tsi "Oh nonkié:ren" iotká:te ionkeri'wanontónti, "né:'e ken konwana'tónhkhwa Sá:k-ne-aoháhsera?" Tsi ní:kon ratirihwaienté:ri í:iah kwáh teió:ken, ne kiokierénhton tewataká:ron rotiié:nen wahatinà:ton enketshén:ri...

  • North Country Educator Publishes "Shady Characters"

    Oct 25, 2018

    Canton-based arborist, educator and author Paul Hetzler has published "Shady Characters: Plant Vampires, Caterpillar Soup, Leprechaun Trees, and Other Hilarities of the Natural World" (Lexingford, 2018). Paul is the kind of person you would choose as your guide for a walk in the woods. His immense and often exotic store of natural knowledge is communicated in "Shady Characters" with passion, devilishly clever wit, and a base in solid science. Topics in this entertaining and educational book...

  • Morning Yoga

    Oct 25, 2018

    Friday, October 26, 2018 7:00-7:50AM St. Regis Recreation FREE event, open to the community. Yoga is said to be a good remedy against stress and depression and has many other health benefits. So let’s start our Friday on a positive note with some morning yoga! Class will be instructed by Mary Terrance. Bring comfy clothing, a yoga mat/towel and water....

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