A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the October 22, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 51

  • Smashed windows, vandalized traps and lines, scorched lobster pound; Sipekne'katik First Nation terrorized by locals

    Kaniehtonkie|Oct 22, 2020

    By Kaniehtonkie On Tuesday, October 13 a lobster pound in Middle West Pubnico, Nova Scotia, utilized by the Mi'kmaq fishermen was swarmed, vandalized and ransacked by a large crowd of non-Indigenous commercial fishers and their supporters. Windows were smashed, two vehicles damaged and eventually some Mi'kmaqs were forced to take cover inside. On Wednesday, October 16 as tensions rose between the commercial fishermen and Sipekne'katik First Nation (SFN) lobster fishermen, women and supporters,...

  • SRMTP Chief: Cameras are to 'enhance investigations,' not hand out minor citations or spy on public

    Andy Gardner|Oct 22, 2020

    By Andy Gardner AKWESASNE. The tribal police chief says a project to place 14 cameras on public roads around the southern side of the territory says it is to “enhance criminal investigations” and aid in investigating traffic collisions. Matt Rourke, chief of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police, spoke with Indian Time and says the project is not aimed at surveillance of the general public, or to hand out more speeding tickets. “We believe as tribal police … we are our first line of defense, our own Native police departments. We’re protectin...

  • Tribe's EOC Issues Second COVID-19 Potential Exposure Notice

    Oct 22, 2020

    AKWESASNE. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Emergency Operations Center is providing notification of a potential low-risk exposure from an individual who tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday, October 16, 2020. The individual is an employee of the AKWESASNE MOHAWK CASINO RESORT, who wore a mask and followed all safety measures while on casino property on the following days: Wednesday, October 14 Thursday, October 15 Friday, October 16 The individual is currently in isolation and is continuing to follow all measures prescribed by public health o...

  • National Geographic writer and photographer visit Akwesasne

    Oct 22, 2020

    Two of National Geographic's staff were in Akwesasne for two days trying to capture a capsule of Rotinnonshonni agricultural society in photographs and stories. They were greeted and welcomed at the Mohawk Nation Longhouse and then proceeded to visit the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Agriculture division's gardens and farm and Nelson Jock and the Onkwe Project. They are working on a feature article on food sovereignty in Indian Country scheduled for publication November 2021, particularly...


    Oct 22, 2020

    The Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort plans to reopen table games for guests on Wednesday, October 21, at 9am. Available games will include Mississippi Stud, Craps, Blackjack, Single Deck Blackjack, Double-Deck Blackjack, Three-Card Poker, Let it Ride and Roulette. Table games will be reopening with limitations for seating based on social distancing requirements. Due to the physical distancing requirements, every table will be open, however a limit of three players per game/table will be enforced, occupying every other seat. As a result of the...


    Oct 22, 2020

    Donald A. Sharrow, 68, a resident of Sweet Grass Manor, unexpectedly passed away on October 9, 2020 in his home. Donnie was born in Syracuse on February 25, 1952 the son of late Andrew Sharrow and Lena Bero. He attended schools in Syracuse before moving to Akwesasne, where attended Salmon River Central School. Donnie had a beautiful gift for the arts – guitar, music, drawing, carving, and painting were his specialties. He shared his talents across the Nation, East coast, North Country and in A...

  • Six Nations Elected Council Pass Motions to Increase COVID-19 Safety Measures in Second Wave Fight

    Oct 22, 2020

    Six Nations. In an effort to curb the growing number of COVID cases in Six Nations, Six Nation of the Grand River (SNGR) elected chief Mark Hill said in a radio address in Six Nation radio CKRZ, “Some of our members have failed to do their part in “Project Protect Our People and lives are now at risk.” In his fifteen-minute address Hill said, Now we must set aside our personal and political difference and come together for the over health of all our members.” The Six Nation Emergency Control Group (ECG) advised several recommendations to Elec...

  • Six Nations offers support to Mi'kmaq lobster fishers

    Oct 22, 2020

    At least 25 vehicles took part in a rolling blockade along Highway 403 on Tuesday, October 20, most of whom were from Six Nations. They later arrived at the RCMP detachment to voice their concerns and support for the Sipekne'katik First Nation dispute over 'moderate livelihood' and First Nations lobster fishing rights....

  • Peter Garrow sent in the newest sculpture by Ben Benedict

    Oct 22, 2020

    Newest Addition to the talented Ben Benedict's sculpture collection....


    Oct 22, 2020

    During a post-COVID era, winch boat racing could occur on the St. Lawrence River between Cornwall Island and City of Cornwall, upstream of Cornwall Marina 2000. A winch fitted to the boat is connected by towing cable to a retired former bridge pier, of which several exist along the river. When the boat pilot lowers a waterwheel into the river current, the waterwheel drives the winch to pull the boat upstream. A line up of several boats each based on a bathtub would race against each other. Each boat pilot would wear a life preserver and each bo...


    Oct 22, 2020

    Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education will be accepting sealed bids for the following item located at Kanatakon School: 8ftx10ftx6.5ft tall plastic shed with wooden base, some damage, as is. Successful bidder is responsible for pickup. Sealed bids will be accepted until Kentenhko:wa/November 4, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. Interested individuals can contact Carrie Thompson, Kanatakon School to schedule an appointment for viewing of equipment. Contact person: Owen Benedict Owen.benedict@ambe.ca 613-933-0409 Conditions of Bidding: BIDS: Only one bid per env...

  • Anishinabek Nation Offers Support to Mi'kmaw Lobster Dispute

    Oct 22, 2020

    Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Glen Hare on behalf of the Anishinabek Nation offers support of solidarity to the Mi’kmaq lobster fishers and their families affected by the escalating and evolving conflict with non-Indigenous commercial fishers. “The Mi’kmaq lobster dispute in southwestern Nova Scotia is yet another example of systemic racism and oppression against Indigenous people,” states Grand Council Chief Glen Hare. “We have called upon the Prime Minister and all of the Premiers of every province to develop and implement plans in...

  • Massena superintendent updates Board of Education on new COVID protocol, free meals, sports

    Andy Gardner|Oct 22, 2020

    By Andy Gardner MASSENA. Superintendent Pat Brady updated the Board of Education on new pandemic precautions during their October meeting, and told them student meals are free for the rest of the year. Brady updated the board during their Thursday, Oct. 15 meeting as the school is now settling in to hybrid classes for all students, kindergarten through 12th grade. “We had originally said it would be Oct. 13 … we were able to phase everyone back in as the cases went down,” Brady said. “Tonight was the first night we’ve had an athletic contest o...

  • Salmon River boys and girls return to the field, play close games against Blue Devils, Panthers, Golden Bears

    Andy Gardner|Oct 22, 2020

    By Andy Gardner The Salmon River Shamrocks have returned to the field for boys and girls soccer, with the squadrons playing early games of an abbreviated 2020 schedule against Ogdensburg, Brushton-Moira and Canton. The girls contingent won a 1-0 contest against the Brushton-Moira Panthers thanks to a late kick. With less than five minutes to go in the second half, Myranda Collette connected for the only goal the ‘Rocks needed to leave with a win. Mia Leroux made five saves earning shutout win for SRC. Natalie Palmer tallied two saves for B-M. O...

  • Chief Sack Invited to Appear before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans

    Oct 22, 2020

    Sipekne’katik, FN – Chief Mike Sack has been invited to appear before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans later today in view of its study of the Implementation of Mi’kmaq Treaty Fishing Rights to Support a Moderate Livelihood. Details of the motion can be found below. Chief Sack, the Sipekne’katik Council and Fishery Operations have been tabulating the losses incurred through the vandalism and damage caused by the commercial fishery however that now also extends to their capacity to sell their catch to qualifi...

  • Trump Administration Invests $3 Million to Preserve Native American Languages

    Oct 22, 2020

    WASHINGTON – Assistant Secretary -- Indian Affairs Tara Katuk Sweeney announced today that the U.S. Department of Interior’s Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED) has approved $3 million in Living Languages Grant Program (LLGP) funds to 18 federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribes and villages to document, preserve, and revitalize Native languages. “A tribe’s traditional language is the foundation of cultural identity and is essential for the survival of our Native cultures, histories and values,...


    Oct 22, 2020

    Continued from last week Over 200 years ago an Onondaga Chief advised Benjamin Franklin and other colonial representatives saying, “Our wise forefather established Union and Amity…this made us formidable…we are a powerful Confederacy, and if you observe the same methods…you will acquire fresh strength and power.” Franklin challenged the colonists to create a similar united government. It would be a strange thing if (the) Six Nations should be capable of forming …such a union… and yet a like union should be impracticable for…a dozen English c...

  • Oià:ta

    Oct 22, 2020

    14. Ohnià:sa - Neck (front) 78. Onià:kwa - Neck, front/throat 79. Oniá:ra - Neck, nape (back) of neck 80. Oniahká:ra - Neck, nape (back) of neck 81. O'niónhsa - Nose 82. O'niòn:kara - Nostril 83. O'nótsta - Nudity 84. Aotewí:ra - Ovary 85. Óhshia - Palm 86. O'neká:ta - Pelvis 87. Onià:ta - Pharynx, in the throat 88. Ona'áhta - Rib 89. Ohò:kwa - Rump 90. Onon'òn:ra - Scalp 91. Onièn:ta - Shin 92. Ohnénhsa - Shoulder 93. Óhna - Skin, epidermis 94. Ohsi'tò:kon - Sole of foot 95. Oronhkwe'nakwe'n...


    Oct 22, 2020

    Submitted by Paul Hetzler With cold weather approaching, those of us who heat with wood look forward to the cozy warmth that only a wood fire can provide. Especially if it’s a fireplace, or a stove having a window so you can watch the flames, it’s the kind of ambiance perfect for sharing with loved ones on frigid evenings. With the Covid-19 situation, however, visitors may be fewer and far between for a while. How to deal with uninvited guests can be a quandary. When crawly things start coming out of the woodwork, or more specifically, the fue...

  • Red Ribbon Week

    Oct 22, 2020

    Red Ribbon Week...

  • First Nation and Canada Wide COVID-19 Update

    Oct 22, 2020

    Epidemiological summary of COVID-19 cases in First Nations communities as reported to FNIHB on October 16, 2020 at 2:55 p.m. ET for the week of October 11 to October 17, 2020. Quebec – 0 Cases Ontario – 29 Cases Manitoba – 7 Cases Saskatchewan – 23 Cases Alberta – 4 Cases British Columbia – 5 Cases Canada Wide Confirmed COVID-19 cases in Canada as of 10:46 a.m. EDT on Oct. 21, 2020: There are 204,481 confirmed cases in Canada. Quebec: 95,216 confirmed (including 6,055 deaths, 80,468 resolved) Ontario: 66,686 confirmed (including 3,062 death...

  • Franklin County Covid-19 Update

    Oct 22, 2020

    Franklin County Dept of Health reminds residents of the North County to follow CDC recommendation and guidance: Wear masks with two or more layers to stop the spread of COVID-19 Wear the mask over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin Masks should be worn by people two years and older Masks should NOT be worn by children younger than two, people who have trouble breathing, or people who cannot remove the mask without assistance Do NOT wear masks intended for healthcare workers, for example, N95 respirators CDC does not recommend...

  • St. Lawrence County COVID-19 Update

    Oct 22, 2020

    Wednesday, October 21, 2020: No new cases of COVID-19 were reported to the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department today, therefore the total number of confirmed positive cases to-date is 365 (three hundred and sixty-five). 20 (twenty) cases are active – please go to: https://www.stlawco.org/ to check out the COVID-19 Cases by Town map layouts (SLCPH also post the maps on their Facebook page @SLCPublicHealth) 341 (three hundred and forty-one) cases have been released from isolation. No cases are hospitalized. As of Tuesday, October 2...

  • St. Lawrence County Releases Notice of Potential Exposure

    Oct 22, 2020

    Notice of Potential COVID-19 Exposure Where: Holy Name of Jesus Church, 337 Trippany Rd. Massena, NY 13662 Date: Monday, October 12th Time: 10am – 11:30am Individuals who attended funeral services at the Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral at the above location and time listed have a potential risk of exposure to COVID-19. If you believe you were present at this location on Monday, October 12th between 10am and 11:30am, it is recommended that you be tested for COVID-19 and monitor how you feel. Please monitor your temperature twice a day for 14 d...

  • Onondaga Nation School to remain remote learning through January 2021

    Oct 22, 2020

    On Thursday, October 15, 2020, the Onondaga Nation Council of Chiefs, Clan Mothers, and Faithkeepers met with LaFayette School District Superintendent Jeremy Bellfield about the status of the Onondaga Nation School (ONS). It was decided that ONS will remain closed for in person instruction through the second marking period (January 29, 2021). All students and staff at ONS will continue to participate in virtual instruction. The Onondaga Nation Council noted they are very appreciative of the continued efforts of Superintendent Bellfield,...

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