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October 20, 2015 (Ottawa, ON) – Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde congratulated newly-elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and said today that he is looking forward to immediate action and working together on a comprehensive, strategic plan to close the gap in the quality of life between First Nations people and Canadians. “We welcome the new federal government and congratulate Prime Minister Trudeau, the Liberal Party and all members of Parliament,” said AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde. “First Nations...
In a Kawehnoke District meeting held at the Recreation Center, district Chiefs Troy Thompson, Vince Thompson and Dennis Chaussi reconfirmed their support of Antoine Delormier and the brutal treatment he received in his attempt to reach medical treatment at the hospital on September 29, 2015. According to Chief Dennis Chaussi, there is a process in motion and a full investigation is in process, as well, the Director has been removed from the Cornwall CBSA station and he hopes the officers who...
It’s a tongue twister but what does it symbolize and why do we celebrate it every year? Today, the Red Ribbon serves as a catalyst to mobilize communities to educate youth and encourage participation in drug prevention activities. Red Ribbon Week is celebrated every year from October 23 to 31. During this time, the Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency Prevention Program plans and coordinates activities in the schools and community to recognize the importance of living a healthy, drug-free life. We encourage local businesses, health clinics, law e...
On Tuesday, October 20th, the St. Regis Recreation Committee hosted Family Pumpkin Decorating at the Recreation. There were 75 pumpkins provided by the recreation along with pizza and wings. Mr. Bonesteel from Bonesteel's Gardening Center was also at the event with goodies for sale. St. Regis Recreation Committee member Laura Thompson said "This is a tradition for Bonesteel too, he's been delivering pumpkins to us for years." Organizer Shannon Roundpoint said, "We've been doing this for seven...
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Cancer affects everyone in Akwesasne. Everyone. Of all the people you know in Akwesasne: a close family member, your husband or your wife, your sister or your brother, your father or mother. A dear friend or a casual acquaintance – you know someone who has cancer in Akwesasne. Tina's Pride travelled to Syracuse to take part in the national "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk" to make a difference for those affected with cancer. Tina's Pride had over 100 participants and joined over 269 o...
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Massena Jr. Wrestling program (ages 5 - 6th grade) signups are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 26-28 at the Massena Moose Lodge from 6-8 P.M....
The family of Christina Jock would like to thank all those who came by to show their support with comforting words, hugs and stories. Thank you to Iakhihsohtha staff, MCA Home Care staff, HAVFD members, MCA ambulance attendants, the nursing staff at Alice Hyde hospital and anyone else who may have helped care for our Tota J. Thank you for the use of the Akwesasne Homemakers and to the Tsi Snaihne Recreation members for the excellent meal. If we forgot anyone, please know it was not intentional. Tota J lived a long and happy 94 years and loved...
On Tuesday, October 6th, 2015 the Mohawk Council passed resolution # 2015/2016-#171, authorizing the roads program to change the traffic pattern at the “T” intersection of First Street and Park Street, Kanata:kon Village. This change was deemed necessary in order to maintain the safe flow of traffic at the intersection, and to minimize the likelihood of a collision occurring. Therefore, on Monday, October 19th, 2015 the roads program erected a new stop sign at the end of First Street, requiring motorists to stop before proceeding onto Park Str...
TERRITORY OF AKWESASNE - The Joint Emergency Response Team is continuing to provide information to local residents in regards to asbestos material that was detected on Lot #7 in Kana:takon (St. Regis) and extends into Lot #360 in the southern portion of Akwesasne. The Joint Emergency Response team; comprised of environmental, emergency measures/planning and health technicians from the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe; are monitoring the situation and are able to provide the following update: · During the summer of...
Saturday, November 7, 2015 9AM-4PM St. Regis Recreation Pre-Register with Wanda (613) 575-2341 Ext. 3170 or Jhazzy Ext. 3169 *Course will be open to 18 participants ages 11-14. Sponsored by Akwesasne Child and Family Services Certification provide by St. Johns Ambulance...
Since its implementation 18 years age, the Akwesasne Basket Drive has represented the culmination of hundreds of individuals uniting to give back to the community. As we bring that time to a close, please stand together with us as we give thanks to those that have sustained us throughout the years. To the family of Buster Mitchell, Rose King and Tina Thompson; we thank you for your support and kindness. To Sesi Herne, for your energy and dedication to making a difference, we thank you. To all of the volunteers who took time away from their...
ANDREW W. COOK-St. Regis-Mohawk POST 1479 AMERICAN LEGION HOGANSBURG, NEW YORK 13655 October 17, 2015 TO THE AKWESASNE COMMUNITY Clarification on what a veteran is entitled to when they pass away. Every veteran is entitled to a military funeral. This includes: -Having the American Flag posted by the casket of the deceased veteran -Official prayers by members of the American Legion Post 1479, Ladies Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion. At the location of the funeral service: -Color Guard -Rifle volleys -The playing of Taps Current members...
Koala Place – Child and Youth Advocacy Centre would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group – C.A.R.E. Program, for their generous donation of $15,000! The Commonwell C.A.R.E. (Create a Ripple Effect) program supports charitable organizations who support children, health care efforts and safety. This donation will assist with improving the lives of children and offering support during a very difficult time. We are proud to be making a difference in the liv...
Stroller Strong Moms meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 11am at the Generations Park. Stroller Strong Moms meet to walk in the park with their babies, enjoy the fresh air, visit and making sure they receive the exercise they need to keep up with their children. Way to go, Moms! MCA Community Health Program sponsors Stroller Strong Moms. All new, and not so new, Moms are most welcome to join; Stroller Moms meet every Tuesday and Thursday until November 8, 2015....
Looking for beaded submissions taken on 3x3 interfacing at any time. We will be creating a beaded community mural that will be displayed at the Travelling College to honor and remember Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. Email: Twitter: @wwos1@akwesasnewwos Travelling College: 613-932-9452...
Submitted by Jamie Ross It was a busy weekend at Iakhihsohtha Lodge! On Saturday, we hosted our very first craft fair, which was held outside in some pretty chilly temperatures! Inside, we had entertainment from London Lazore, a social with the Native North American Travelling College, and we ended the festivities with Eddy Lawrence, Roger Mitchell, and Kathy Herne. The Activities Department sold corn soup, fry bread, salt pork, and strawberry drink to the crafters and visitors. Even though the...
Mohawk Lesson...
There is a lot of hidden talent in Akwesasne but hardly anywhere for that to be put on display and develop. That is changing and the Native North American Travelling College is giving a place for that talent to shine. With a grant under the Ontario Trillium Project the Travelling College is preparing a series of projects to develop a local talent base. Everything from teaching the kids to act to stage lights and makeup is being planned out. An amphitheater is under construction behind the...
Reader Comic...
On Thursday, October 15, 2015 the Akwesasne Cultural Center Board of Directors hosted an invitation-only Silent Auction at the Senior Center. The auction was the first of many events that will be held to raise funds for the Akwesasne Museum. Board President Irving Papineau said, "It's not common knowledge that the museum works on a shoe-string budget. The library and museum are separate, and the monies cannot mix." There were 42 items in the silent auction from baskets, quilts, beadwork,...
Submitted by Lynda Brown Students, staff and family members enjoyed a community meal and Harvest Social on October 14th at Tsi Snaihne School. Nia:wen to all the families and staff members who contributed to the community meal. Nia:wen to volunteers who helped set up for the meal and Social. Nia:wenkowa to the Native North American Travelling College, Haneh Brant and Sate Fox for their wonderful singing and dancing. Everyone enjoyed our special guest, Starr Mason, who demonstrated Jingle Dress...
In last week's issue of Indian Time, an article announced the achievement of some Salmon River Central School art students whose art had been selected for exhibit in the Remington Arts Festival Student Art Exhibit at TAUNY (Traditional Arts in Upstate NY) in Canton. Here are pictures of some of that art. Great job, student artists!...
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