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The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service are seeking the community’s support in locating RICHARD TODD ADAMS date of birth 05/04/1963. Mr. ADAMS has been reported missing by family members, as he hasn’t been heard from since early July 2009. His last known location is believed to be the Montreal area. RICHARD TODD ADAMS is described as being approximately 5’10” in height and 270 lbs in weight with brown short hair and eyes and clean shaven, dark complexion. ADAMS nickname is “ACID “ and is known to...
The Akwesasne Mohawk Casino awarded an amazing $1,021,901.28 jackpot on WMS’s “Reel ‘Em In Compete To Win” Wide Area Progressive Jackpot on Saturday October 10, 2009. Pat Tarbell from Hogansburg, New York recently became the second patron to win over a million-dollar jackpot at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino to date. “I LOVE this game”, she says, “I was the first to play the game since it arrived!” Her fortune took a positive spin the evening of October 10th, when she was playing on WMS’ “Reel ...
Hunter Cook is a brave 7 year old boy living with his family: mother Marla Jacobs, father Chris Jacobs, younger brother Ethan Jacobs, and older sister Tawny Martin, in Akwesasne. Mr. Cook has been struggling with lung complications for most of his life and was told that he would need a double lung transplant. A year ago he was transported to a hospital in Boston where he waited for his transplant surgery. While he was there, he was nominated for the Boston Make-a-Wish foundation and was...
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe will be partaking in new efforts to rid the community of illegal guns this Saturday. A gun buy back will be held Saturday at the tribal building giving any community members the opportunity to hand in guns without being subjected to any criminal charges. “We decided to have a gun buy back in order try and get illegal or unwanted weapons out of our homes and off the streets,“ said Danielle Lazore-Thompson, an attorney for the tribe who helped push the gun buy back. “Part of this is in response to the issue with the CBS...
Russel Curotte (1958-2009) Russel Curotte, passed into the spirit world suddenly on October 15th, 2009 in Manitoba while hunting with close friends. Loving husband and friend of Kathy Jacobs and devoted Baba of Aronhiawakhon and Tehonawathe He is survived by his mother Grace, siblings Roy (Anna Mae), Joe (Gloria), Josie, Audrey (Lewis Herne), Karonhiio (Melissa) and many nieces, nephews, friends and colleagues. He was predeceased by his father, John Currotte, who awaits his premature arrival to...
To Carson, Everyday my memory brings you back to me And I find you in the surrounding peace Wisped away with a brush of the Creators hand You are brave Carson, bravest of this land Your entity brought me so much happiness And you filled the biggest void in my heart I try to make sense of your absence and believe That I have the courage to make a new start I wanted to be by your side I wanted to say goodbye As I grasp for that moment, that moment when you died Somewhere I must find die trust...
Niawen:kowa Thank you all for your kind support during this time for our family. The entire family gains strength from the many expressions of sympathy we have received. Special thanks to Harvey Boots and family for the tent and picnic tables and Mark Light and the teepee society drummers and singers. Thank you to all the family and friends who celebrated Walter and Glenda’s 50th Wedding Anniversary on September 19th at Iakhihsohtha. Due to her illness, the change in venue and the fire at Iakhihsohtha, there were some who were u...
Thank You On behalf of the St. Regis Mohawk School PTO, I would like to publicly thank the following people and programs for contributing to the success of our first annual Fall Fest on October 14,2009: Jason McDonald, Billy Cook, Johnson O’Malley Program, Karen Francis, Robin & Troy Mitchell, Shelley Phillips, Maryann Nicola, Stephanie Potter, Ella Fuller(DSS), Melerena Back, Dana Henhawk, Tiffany Liabo, Megan Bushey (A/CDP Prevention), Bruce Bonesteel, Rachelle Hayes, SRMS Student Council, SRCS Health Club, SRCS Mohawk Club, Michelle L...
Niawenhkowa The Akwesasne Freedom School would like to thank everyone who joined us at our 28™ Annual Dinner & Quilt Auction this past Sept 26th & 27. NIAWENHKOWA!!! To Big E for the best steaks ever, compliments came from as far out as Seneca Country, Dave Arquette & the Seymour Family for the tasty cornbread, all of the AFS families who pitched in to prepare for this event, all the families from the Mohawk Nation Longhouse for the delicious sides & desserts, Barbara Barnes for her organizational & leadership skills, Bear Fox, Atsiaktonkie &...
Thank you I would like to thank everybody for their support and generosity in pledging me to walk in Iakhihsohtha’s 11th Annual Allen King Memorial Walk. With your generosity and trust I raised the most money! The money will go towards their holiday fund. Thank you again, Leona Cook...
Dear Parents/Guardians: St. Regis Mohawk School is pleased to offer Academic Intervention Services (AIS). This program is in addition to the after school support that is offered until 3:15 PM. AIS will begin Thursday, October 22, 2009. If your child has been selected to attend the program, you will receive a letter detailing specific skills being targeted. Students are referred to the AIS program because he/she Did not meet the standards for the NYS Test scores, or Standardized Tests and/or Did not meet the benchmarks during September...
Letter to the Editor, Dig out those old scrapbooks from high school. I’m looking for any old newspaper clippings pertaining to girl’s sports from Salmon River Central from the late 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. The articles are desperately needed as documentation for the Salmon River Hall of Fame. All the files and trophies for girls sports have disappeared. Articles and awards are critical as proof of accomplishments needed to be nominated into the Fall of Fame. Thanks for your help. Contact Bev Griffin at 518-483-4112 or splitraila...
Public announcement from the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. It has come to our attention that a person has been selling raffle tickets for a picture or painting for the benefit of the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. At this time, the HAVFD does not have a raffle ticket drive. Nor are we selling pictures or paintings. If someone does try to sell you raffle tickets for the benefit of the HAVFD, please call your local police. All the fundraising drives of the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire...
$5,000 REWARD A $5,000 reward is being offered to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) who committed a break & enter at the home of Lance White, Route 95, on October 17, 2009. Individuals are asked to contact Tribal Police Sgt. Matthew Rourke at the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Department, 518-358-9200....
Dear Tribal Council and Community Members; I would like to take this time to thank the people who came out to celebrate the grand opening of my family owned business Twin Leaf Express located on Rt. 37 in Kentsia Kowahne. The reclaiming of this property located on Mohawk territory is both a good business decision and on the other hand a very risky endeavor, but it is a risk that my family and I have chosen to take. On the business level, we have positioned our new business in a very strategic location that accomplishes two goals. One, our...
On Saturday, October 3, 2009, Pamoja International Cultural Exchange, Inc. (PICEI) held its Annual Fundraising Raffle Drive at The First American IGA in Akwesasne, New York. The first year of the raffle drawing in 2007, was held aboard ship at the Cultural Gathering Seminar and in 2008 at Sylvia’s Restaurant at a Mohawk cultural sharing in New York City. PICEI would like to have the 2010 drawing at home again at our local IGA, since they feel it helps to bring business to the area. This u...
The 11 annual Allen King Memorial Walk-a-Thon was held this past Oct. 18 at Iakhihsotha in Tsi Snye (Snye). Participants walked from Iakhihsotha driveway down School Road to River Road and back for a total of 2 miles. Everybody who participated in the walk this year received incentive prizes. This year’s prizes were gift certificates from various businesses in Akwesasne. Allen King, son of Harry King and the late Linda King, was an avid volunteer at Iakhihsotha. In 1997, he was the first to init...
Mental illness strikes more than six million people right across the country. The death toll for Canadian suicide each year is 4,000 (aged 15-24) according to published reports. Not enough Canadians know about this mental illness in our society. It is not prejudice and it can happen to anyone. A walk was held in Cornwall on Oct. 5 to bring public awareness to mental illness. Around 200 people in the surrounding area of S.D. &G. gathered for the Mental Illness Awareness Walk. In addition, very...
Rattle making classes began last month at the Akwesasne Library and Museum. The class has been meeting every Monday and Wednesday at the Museum and each person has been making their own rattles, water drums, and learning from each other. Kevin King is the self taught teacher who made his first rattle 2 weeks before the classes began. He said that he took the class to learn how to make a rattle and ended up becoming the teacher because he had all the necessary tools. The tools that they use...
On Oct. 15, Community Health held a “Cooking with Leftover Turkey” cooking demonstration at the St. Regis Recreation Center in Kanatakon (St. Regis). The event came right after the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday Oct. 12 and looks forward to the American Thanksgiving holiday Nov. 26. Community Health has held cooking classes before and the idea for cooking with leftover turkey came about because many people do not know what to do with the turkey in their fridge. The recipes shared by diabetes pre...
Despite a month of controversy, Twin Leaf Express welcomed tribal leaders and community members of both Akwesasne and Fort Covington to celebrate their official grand opening on Saturday. The convenience store and gas station is located on Route 37 in the town of Fort Covington within the tribal land claim area, giving them the right to sell tax-free cigarettes and gasoline. Despite a resolution passed by the Akwesasne Convenience Store Association ordering Twin Leaf to charge an extra $.10 per...
Students of the Month were chosen this month at Kana:takon School based on the character trait “generosity.” Students who show generosity: -Help others who are less fortunate -Spend time with others -Have a kind and giving spirit -Look for ways to help others -Share their talents and interests with others -Share ideas and opinions with classmates during discussions This month’s Students of the Month were: K4 Iakotahitakeh Square-Hall K5 Joseph Benedict 7A Morgan White-Cree 7B Tianna Franc...
• An Indian Nations Summit is scheduled for Thursday, November 5, 2009 with President O’Bama. Federally recognized nations have been invited to send leadership to attend the meting. A major focus will be sovereignty and self-determination for the Indian nations. Also of major concern is health services, the Indian Health Services contract ends next year. Plus there needs to be an increase in the Indian Health service budget. Haudenosaunee nations attending will be the Onondaga, the Seneca and...
10. Kanà:taron Bread 38. Karé:t Cookies 39. Iokare’tsheráthen Crackers 40. Watennenhstatákwas Popcorn 41. Teiona’taratshikhè:tare Cake, muffins 42. Iohnenna’táthen Potato chips 43. Tekahso’kwahríhton Peanut butter 44. Wastéhton Jam 45. Ohnéhta Gum 46. Iowí:sano / Teiowisatsikhè:tare Popsicle 47. Ionennió:kwano Ice cream 48. Tariien raotinà:taron Pizza 49. Ohrhon’ké:ne í:ieks Cereal 50. Ohné:kanos Water 51. Kahnekinekénhton Juice 52. Otsì:nekwar niwahiò:ten kahnekinekénhton Orange juice 53. Ohso’kwákeri / Káwhe Coffee 54. Onerahtákeri / Tí Tea 5...
The Standing Committee on Social Policy voted unanimously Monday October 19, 2009 to amend the Naturopathy Act through Bill 179 to award Naturopathic Doctors (N.D.s) the controlled act of “prescribing, dispensing, compounding or selling a drug designated in the regulations.” The amended act still requires final approval by the Ontario Legislature, which is expected to be completed before the end of the year. This amendment to Bill 179 comes after three Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council (HPRAC) inquiries recommended the ability for...