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The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Agriculture Program opened six and a half acres of white corn fields to the community of Akwesasne. Local elementary school, day centers, families and individuals made a day of picking ready to pick white corn. The fields were ready to pick at the end of September, with students and families bringing their own pack baskets, bins and bags to harvest the corn. The groups picked white corn, which they will be using to teach kids how to braid, dry and wash and...
Here are additional pictures....
The elected Councils of Akwesasne and Kanehsatake and Kahnawà:ke met on Friday, October 14, 2022. The meeting was held in Kahnawà:ke. What set this meeting apart from others, is that all members of each council were invited to attend. According to MCK, the agenda was informal, with opening remarks by Ohén:ton Í:iente ne Ratitsénhaienhs (Grand Chief) Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer, followed by remarks from Akwesasne Grand Chief Abram Benedict and Kanehsatake Grand Chief Victor Bonspille. Introductions of each individual Ratsénhaienhs...
The North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) Council and NAIG Host Society are pleased to announce that the 10th games are set to take place July 15 to 23, 2023 in Kjipuktuk (Halifax) and Millbrook First Nation, Nova Scotia. To promote emerging Indigenous artists, the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) host society is giving each participating team the ability to select artists aged 18 to 30 to present their art at the NAIF Games in Halifax. Team Eastern Door and the North (EDN) invites Indigenous artists in Quebec to submit their application...
Vince Herne began his career with the United States Postal Service (USPS) in 2001, but he learned his work ethic from working on his father's farm as a young kid. Fast forward 22 years and Herne has returned to his first passion – farming. Like many postal carriers, they start out as substitutes – subbing for someone who can't fulfill their duties for the day or filling in while someone is on vacation. Vince subbed for his mother Priscilla Herne for nine years. And before that, the late Mrs...
Have an old sweater or a pair of jeans you don’t want anymore? Don’t just throw it out – consider donating it during the Cornwall Give-A-Shirt campaign instead. The Fall 2022 campaign, which invites residents and surrounding communities to donate gently used clothing, bedding, and shoes, is taking place from October 17 to October 21. The donations are then brought to the Agape Centre’s New For You, Baldwin House’s Serendipity Boutique, and the Salvation Army thrift store. When these local stores are no longer able to accept donations...
Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for approximately 70 million Americans will increase 8.7 percent in 2023, the Social Security Administration announced today. On average, Social Security benefits will increase by more than $140 per month starting in January. The 8.7 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will begin with benefits payable to more than 65 million Social Security beneficiaries in January 2023. Increased payments to more than 7 million SSI beneficiaries will begin on December 30, 2022. (Note: some...
AKWESASNE – The Saint Regis Mohawk Health Services reported an overall vaccination rate of 72.6%, which is an increase of 3.6% since their last report on Seskéha /August 10th. The updated rate reflects individuals who have received their initial two-shot series of a COVID-19 Vaccine. The largest increase in vaccinations took place among individuals ages 18-years old or more, which increased by 4.4%. This age group saw an additional 256 community members receive their first dose of a COVID-19 Va...
By Leonard Peltier. His Exclusive Interview with Native News Online My name is Leonard Peltier and I am 77 years old. I am a member of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa tribe. I am Anishanaabe and Dakota. I was taken to Wahpeton Indian School, an Indian boarding school, in Wahpeton, North Dakota when I was nine years old and did not leave until I was 12. This is my story. When I lost my grandfather in 1952, life changed forever. He was a good and kind man and he was my mentor and knew how to live off the land. But then he got pneumonia and did not...
The form to apply for President Joe Biden’s one-time student loan debt forgiveness is now online. Borrowers can submit their applications at The unveiling of the application – following a beta test that launched Friday and attracted 8 million applicants – suggests the federal government is confident it can deliver on its mammoth debt cancellation campaign promise in the face of several legal challenges, including from seven conservative states. “It landed and handled more than 8 million applications without a glitch or any dif...
The Akwesasne Historic Exhibit is on display at the Kanonhkwa'tsheri:io Health Facility – lower lobby until November 1, 2022. Kanonhkwa'tsheri:io just recently opened its doors to the community after being closed for several days. Several individuals were instrumental on the creation of this exhibit, with Gail McDonald, Patti Francis, Lillian Barton writing proposal, researching, gathering background information, photographs and writing text, and items to be included in the exhibit. Robbie L...
AKWESASNE - For a decade, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe has had the pleasure of hosting international students enrolled each year in Columbia University's Indigenous Peoples Rights and Policy Program. This year's annual visit took place on Tuesday, Kenténha/October 11, 2022 and provided an opportunity for tribal leaders and staff to share their knowledge of issues associated with living and working in an Indigenous border community. "We're pleased to welcome and share our experiences through...
Before the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning were well known, its effects were often blamed on ghosts. Fortunately, carbon monoxide poisoning is entirely preventable with proper installation, ventilation, and maintenance of fuel-burning appliances. Prevent Carbon Monoxide Leaks in Your Home: Install CO detectors outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home After snowstorms, ensure that vents are clear of snow Service heating systems, water heaters, or any other gas, oil, or coal-burning appliances yearly Inspect fireplace,...
AKWESASNE – Following the unveiling of a new logo design earlier this month, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Courts is continuing its efforts to develop a justice system that reflects the needs of the Akwesasne community. To support this effort, the Tribal Courts received a Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) grant to gain feedback from tribal members on their thoughts and experiences with court systems in and around Akwesasne. The CTAS grant was provided by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance to sup...
Continued from last week… The 1701 Treaty Conference Lieutenant Governor John Nanfan had succeeded the Earl of Bellomont as the Governor of New York. In early July 1701, “all the Sachims of the Five Nations” arrived at Albany and met with Nanfan “and told him that they were heartily glad to see him in station”. Nanfan replied to their hope that he would continue “the love and affection that former Governors sent by the King of England have had to us the Five Nations”: …You may be assured not only of the favor and protection of the great King...
1. Wa'katenonhsahserón:ni I decorated my house 2. Tsi niiontkonwarò:roks nikahá:wi At Halloween time (when she covers her face) 3. Kanenna'kè:ne nikahá:wi wa'katenonhsahserón:ni I put fall decorations up 4. Teiotenen'takwe'nón:ni ónerahte ionnià:ton iohrèn:ton akenhnhohà:ke A wreath made of leaves is hanging on my door 5. Skenthóhkwa ne onékeri akehnhohákta ká:ien A bale of hay is by my door 6. Óhere kenthokonnià:ton akehnhohákta kahnió:ton Bundles of corn stalks are near my door 7. Onon'onser...
AKWESASNE -- The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's (SRMT) Community & Family Services Division is pleased to announce that it has enhanced its ability to assist community members in having safe and rewarding lives. They are pleased to announce the recent addition of three (3) new tribal program managers: Alexandra David, Sarah Borgett, and Mary LaFrance. Alexandra David joins the Tribe's Community & Family Services Division as the Homeowners Assistance Fund (HAF) Program Manager, while Sarah Bogett...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne would like to inform the community that Kana:takon District Chief Ryan Jacobs has resigned from his position on council. In accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Akwesasne Election Law and Akwesasne Procedural Regulations, the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) will have 90 days to hold a by-election for the vacant Kana:takon District Chief position. Ryan Jacobs was first elected to council in 2015 as a Kana:takon District Chief and after taking a brief hiatus during the 2018-2021 term, was re-elected to...
Nicole Mann has become the first Native American woman in space as she lifted off in command of a flight to the International Space Station on Wednesday that also included the first Russian to join a US space flight since the invasion of Ukraine. Mann's journey on the launch vehicle, which consists of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket topped with a Crew Dragon capsule named Endurance, took off on schedule at noon from Nasa's Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The four-member crew is schedul...
NIISAACHEWAN ANISHINAABE NATION – Chief Lorraine Cobiness of Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation; the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Crown–Indigenous Relations; and the Honourable Greg Rickford, Ontario Minister of Indigenous Affairs, announced the successful tripartite settlement agreement between Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation, the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario regarding Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation’s flooding claim. The settlement provided Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation with $83,082,612 in total compensation, with...
AKWESASNE – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is continuing efforts to strengthen Kanien'kehá (Mohawk Language) and provide homes for Mohawk families. The Tribal Council signed Tribal Council Resolution #2022-44 during their bi-weekly work session held on Monday, Kenténha/October 17th that formally designated Kahrhaká:ion Road and Wáhta Street as the first two names for roadways located at the Tribal Housing Development Project. The Tribal Housing Development is being constructed on lands reacq...
Trustees with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) met on Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2022. Some of the items discussed in the public session are as follows. Director’s Work Plan Update Three Executive Superintendent Eric Hardie presented to the Board the progress on the graduation rate, student success and Real-World Learning (RWL) goals from the Director’s Work Plan. As a build-on from the first update back in September, Hardie also provided additional information about the use of new technology in UCDSB schools, plus updated student suc...
The New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) and Association on Aging in New York (AgingNY) have expanded their partnership with GetSetUp to continue offering free online classes for hundreds of thousands of older adults in New York State. NYSOFA and AgingNY began their partnership with GetSetUp during the pandemic as a solution to combat social isolation and bridge the digital divide for older New Yorkers. New Yorkers have since flocked to it in droves, with over 122,000 New York learners taking 169,000 classes in the first year and...
Akwesasne The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s COVID-19 Response Team reported 29 new positive cases of the coronavirus in the southern portion of Akwesasne during the past two (2) weeks -- from October 3rd to October 22nd. Twenty-six (26) of the positive cases have completed their 5-day isolation period however, three (3) active cases remain. The active cases involve one (1) toddler under the age of 4-years and two (2) community member over the age of 18 years. Please join us in offering them the very best wishes for a safe and completion-free recov...
Statistics for Tuesday, October 18, 2022 Total Active Cases: At home tests reported: PCRS reported: Statistics for Monday, October 17, 2022 Total Active Cases: 53 At home tests reported: 0 PCRS reported: 7 Statistics for Sunday, October 16, 2022 Total Active Cases: 71 At home tests reported: 8 PCRS reported: 1 Statistics for Saturday, October 15, 2022 Total Active Cases: 86 At home tests reported: 8 PCRS reported: 13 Statistics for Friday, October 14, 2022 Total Active Cases: 98 At home tests reported: 12 PCRS reported: 12...