A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the October 20, 2011 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 37

  • Nationals down USA in Bowhunter Cup

    Greg Horn|Oct 20, 2011

    The Iroquois Nationals avenged their only international loss to Team U.S.A on Oct. 16th at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino pulling off a 14-13 win in the second annual Bowhunter Cup. The game was hosted by the Oneida Nation this year and delivered a great display of lacrosse by the two teams. Throughout the game no team lead by more than two goals and it was tied 5-5 after the first quarter. The Nationals were able to take a 10-9 lead into halftime. The Americans were able to pull ahead in...

  • Beginning with Books program at Akwesasne Library

    Kyrie Ransom|Oct 20, 2011

    The Beginning with Books program is not a new one to the St. Regis Mohawk School, but has been brought over to the Akwesasne Library to provide easier access to the Akwesasne community. The program itself runs during the school year every week on Wednesdays from 10:00am-11:00am targeting pre-school aged children and their parents. With the move to the Akwesasne Library the Headstart program is now able to send a different class over each week to participate in Beginning with Books. “I like d...

  • Haunted Happenings In Akwesasne- Part III

    Kyrie Ransom|Oct 20, 2011

    This week we start a new case that PISToLS was asked in investigate. The request was sent to Indian Time Newspaper as part of this series from Mary Faye Roundpoint of Tsi Snaihne. But before we get into the case we will have another lesson from the paranormal side to help you understand what we do and how we do it. With understanding, the unknown becomes the known, and maybe we can help you understand what is around you everyday and make it just a little less scary. PISToLS has had commonly...

  • Eagles Team 1 Wins Inaugural Akwesasne Youth Flag Football Tournament Championship

    Oct 20, 2011

    Seven Youth Flag Football teams from across Northern New York took part in the Inaugural Akwesasne Eagles Flag Football Tournament this past Saturday, Oct. 15th at Generations Field. Massena Blue, Massena Red, Gouverneur Gold, Gouverneur Blue, Tri-Town and both Akwesasne Teams braved the wet October weather to participate in the single-elimination tournament. The first game saw Akwesasne Eagles Team 1 defeat Massena Blue on a score of 42-28. Soratise Okaes and Crayton Cree both scored two...

  • Tsi Snaihne School hosts Harvest Social

    Kyrie Ransom|Oct 20, 2011

    The Tsi Snaihne School held their annual community meal followed by their Harvest Social yesterday with an open invitation to parents and the entire community to participate in the event. 47 different family members contributed to the meal this year and many parents stayed to help set up and break down in preparation of the social. Even the Akwesasne Freedom School classes made the trip to Tsi Snaihne to participate in the day’s events. “Our children really enjoy having the chance to share a m...

  • James A. McComber (Jimmy Flo)

    Oct 20, 2011

    Aged 75, of Kahnawake passed away on October 16, 2011. He fought a 3 year battle with Amyloidosis a rare disease. He was on his way home to be with his family when he passed away over the water of Kahnawake. He was married to and survived by June Mayo, his school days sweetheart of 55 years and his 8 children: Joe (Patsy), Kevin (Naomi), Katy, Queen (Peter), Eric (Paula), Paula, Erica, Nancy and 21 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. He is predeceased by his parents, Joe McComber and...

  • In Memory

    Oct 20, 2011

    Oct. 21, 1927-June 13, 2011 In loving memory of our dear Uncle Howard Porter on his birthday. The Creator looked around his garden and found an empty place Then he looked down on earth and saw you were getting tired And a cure was not to be So He put his arms around you and whispered “come to me” With tearful eyes we watched you, and saw you passed away A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest Always willing, always sharing, always eager to be fair, always helping Always car...

  • In Memory

    Oct 20, 2011

    In Loving Memory Josie Back October 28, 1940-October 25, 2008...

  • In Memory

    Oct 20, 2011

    Lovingly remembering Nancy Swenson who passed away on October 17, 2010. Always missed never forgotten. May the winds of love blow softly And whisper for you to hear That we’ll always love and miss you And wish that you were here Love, your family...

  • Niawen

    Oct 20, 2011

    The family of Wallace “Wally” Jock would like to send a big Niawen:kowa to everyone who helped with food or money donations during our time of loss, or for just being there for us. And to the Sons of the American Legion, thank you for being pallbearers. Niawen:kowa, the family of Wally Jock...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Doug George Kanentiio|Oct 20, 2011

    On Monday, October 17 the US Supreme Court dealt the deathblow to the litigation part of the land claims brought about by the Oneida Nation of New York. In reality, the decision by the Court to not hear an appeal from a lower court removes any chance that any Iroquois government will receive legal remedy for the theft by New York State of millions of acres of our aboriginal land. However the fault lies less with the courts but with the complete and utter failure of the Haudenosaunee to act in concert or to prevent the Oneida Nation from gamblin...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Oct 20, 2011

    Letter to the Editor: As a member of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, I find it disturbing--no, unreasonable, for the Tribal Enrollment Department to require we, the member, to travel up to 3,000 miles in order to have a current ID card. I live in Arizona and the idea of me and all the other Mohawk Indians that live here, travel to the tribal enrollment office for a current ID card is ridiculous. For one thing, I am now considered an Elder and not up for the trip. My son has not been able to work, other than odd jobs, for 3 years after the constru...

  • Police Blotter

    Oct 20, 2011

    WARRANT - Taryn Thompson, 21 of Akwesasne was arrested on the 12th of October on the strength of a bench warrant. It is alleged that she failed to attend court on the 8th of September 2011 and a bench warrant was issued for her arrest. She was released to appear in court on the 8th of November 2011. CONTRABAND TOBACCO SEIZURE - The Cornwall Regional Task Force (CRTF) made and assisted in eight (8) contraband tobacco seizures in the following jurisdictions between September 20th and October 10th, 2011: Four (4) seizures in South Glengarry,...

  • Green Food Box program holds indoor distribution

    Kyrie Ransom|Oct 20, 2011

    The Green Food Box program held their monthly distribution day yesterday at the St. Regis Recreation Center. With the winter months approaching there were changes in the format of the distribution location this month. Instead of having the vegetables picked up outside under the canopy everything was moved indoors at the recreation center. “We will be running the program through the winter,” said Pamela Lazore-Pembleton. “We’ve changed things a little and now everything is prepackaged by the tim...

  • Tsi Snaihne School recognizes outstanding students

    Oct 20, 2011

    On Wednesday, Sept. 12, Tsi Snaihne pupils gathered in the gymnasium to celebrate their star students within the school. Awards were presented for Mohawk class, Physical Education, Character Club and overall Student of the Month. Kasewaien Peter’s Grade 2 class also won the Attendance Award. They had the best attendance percentage for the month of September. The following day the Students of the Month were invited into the library to enjoy a pizza party with the school principal, Lynda Brown a...

  • Results from Summer 2011

    Oct 20, 2011

    Indian Time Newspaper conducted a call-out for Summer 2011 photos from September 29-October 12, 2011. During that timeframe a total of 4-photos were submitted and we have decided to run them all in this weeks’ edition of Indian Time. Nia:wen to our dedicated readers who submitted photos to our contest, we are happy to share the great summer memories as the winter months draw near....

  • ACCP recognizes Child Abuse Prevention Month

    Oct 20, 2011

    The Akwesasne Child Care Program Kawehno:ke Center staff and children wore purple on Friday, Oct. 14 in recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month. October is an important month to underscore the responsibility of the community to keep children safe and for the public to understand their responsibility to protect children. Ontario’s Children’s Aid Societies are another organizing agent who educates the public about the prevention of child abuse and neglect through the Child Abuse Pre...

  • Humorous and evaluation speech contest

    Gere Jacobs|Oct 20, 2011

    Seaway Toastmasters Club held a Humorous and Evaluation Area Speech Contest on October 11, 2011, at the Cornwall Armories. The next level will be Division A speech contest in Morrisburg. Then the final District 61 Fall Conference in November. The purpose of a speech contest is to give the speakers the opportunity to improve their speeches, to develop evaluation skills and enhance confidence-building abilities. Some guests included Claudette Pilon-Area Governor of Cornwall, ACB, ALB and Paulene...

  • Akwesasn hosts Cultural Gathering for the Deaf

    Kyrie Ransom|Oct 20, 2011

    For the second time in the history of the Intertribal Deaf Council the annual Cultural Gathering for the Deaf was hosted within the Akwesasne territory back in early September. The Sacred Circle committee was established in 1994 and is comprised of Native American deaf people whose mission is to provide education, information & referral, and training about American Indians, Alaska Natives and First Nations Indians who are Deaf, Deaf-Blind, Hard of Hearing and late-deafened to tribal councils, fa...

  • News From Around the Nation

    Oct 20, 2011

    Blackfeet Tribe, Montana, United States Elouise Cobell, an enrolled member of Montana’s Blackfeet Tribe who led a 16-year landmark legal fight to get the federal government to pay an estimated 500,000 Native Americans for mismanaging their trust accounts, died Sunday at Benefis Hospital in Great Falls, Mont. When news broke that Elouise Cobell, the embodiment of a 16-year battle with the United States government for Indian funds, died Sunday night, the outpouring of memories started to circulate. Comments have been made from President Barack O...

  • Iroquois Artists

    Oct 20, 2011

    8th Contemporary Iroquois Art Biennial: 4 Artists Under 30 Exhibit August 27, 2011 - December 31, 2011 Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY The exhibition features the work of four young women from the Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois Confederacy: Lauren Jimerson (Seneca); Awenheeyoh Powless (Onondaga); Leah Shenandoah (Oneida); and Natasha Smoke Santiago (Mohawk). The exhibition was organized by guest curator G. Peter Jemison and will be on view through December 31, 2011. These four young women are...

  • Ohnennáta  Owennashón:’a

    Oct 20, 2011

    1. Wakhehtowá:nen, wakhehtí:io tánon wakhnenna’taká:te I have a big, nice garden and I have a lot of potatoes 2. É:so entá:on’k enkhnenna’tò:kwate I have a lot of potatoes to dig 3. Ó:nen ia’káhewe akienthó:ko It is now time for me to harvest 4. Khnenna’tí:saks I am looking for potatoes 5. Khnenna’tatshénrie’s I am finding potatoes 6. Khnenna’tó’kwats I am digging potatoes 7. Khnenna’taienthó:kwas I am harvesting potatoes 8. Khnenna’tohrón:kwas I am detaching the potatoes 9. Tekenón:so...

  • Haudenosaunee Confederacy News

    Oct 20, 2011

    • As you read this week’s Haudenosaunee news the Kariwiio Reading will have ended at the Onondaga Longhouse in Six Nations. The reading started on Sunday, October 16th and ended Thursday, October 20th. Leroy “Jock” Hill was the speaker • The Mohawk Nation Longhouse held a very successful fundraiser on Friday, October 14th at the Nation Cookhouse. The funds raised will help to renovate and replace the cookhouse’s deck and steps. Your help was greatly appreciated, Niawen to everyone who helped make this a success. • The Iroquois National’s Wo...

  • Akwesasne Kanien'kehaka Ratirennenhawi

    Oct 20, 2011

    The Akwesasne Kanien’kehaka Ratirennenhawi first formed 10-years ago and had been known at that time as the Akwesasne Young Men’s Singing group. Since then the group has matured into a singing group who will travel to locations both near and far to showcase Kanien’keha culture. Members of the group include Ian Clute, Steven King, Lelan Clute, Alex ‘Dudes’ Thompson, Nihahsennaa Peters, Ronatines Day, Rawisaketskwas Montour, Jeffrey Clute, Aronhiaies Herne and Honko Jock. The Akwesasne Kanien’ke...

  • The Animals

    Mary Arquette|Oct 20, 2011

    Toxic Substances Scientists from around the world are puzzled by the alarming decline in amphibian populations. Fossil records suggest that frogs and toads have existed on our Mother Earth for at least 150 million years, which indicates that they are very adaptable to change. However, within the last ten years, the world’s frogs and toads have been disappearing, even in protected parks and wildlife reserves. In some cases, a direct cause can be identified, such as the loss of a wetland or alterations in water availability. In other cases, pollu...

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