A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the October 12, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 51

  • OPG's Saunders Hydro Dam Visitor Centre Wraps Up summer of Fun & Learning

    Oct 12, 2023

    From workshops on fishing basics to lessons on Indigenous culture, there was plenty to do this summer at OPG's Saunders Hydro Dam Visitor Centre. More than 6,500 people from all over the world, from Memphis to Morocco to Nigeria, visited the popular tourist attraction in Cornwall from June to September, capping another successful summer season. The center offered a diverse range of fun and free programming for all ages, as well as interactive exhibits and information on the development of the...

  • Akwesasronon Learn of Native Hawaiian Struggle and Trauma in Hawaii

    Oct 12, 2023

    On a recent trip to Hawaii, Theresa Bear Fox, Konwasennawi David and Ida Cameron, met with several Indigenous Hawaiians while visiting. Rudy Tahawennase Webster, Oneida and his wife Jaydeen, whose family organizes the Hawaii Islands All Nations Powwow invited Fox to sing in Hilo, Hawaii. Fox said, "Many nations were there. They encouraged who ever wanted to speak and introduce themselves and where they were from. After I sang, a woman came up to me and told me she liked the songs. We began...

  • Statement from Family of Indigenous Activist, Jacob Johns, Shot Last Week at Peaceful Prayer Circle

    Oct 12, 2023

    For generations, Indigenous Peoples have faced harm, death, and systemic oppression. Last week’s premeditated shooting is just another historical event in a series of systemic injustices in Indigenous history. This intentional premeditated act of violence was perpetrated against a peaceful prayer camp located at the proposed site for the reinstallation of the Oñate statue. This draws attention to the lengthy history of injustices against Indigenous Peoples by dehumanizing systems and divisive ideologies the community was protesting. The family...

  • Indigenous People's Day Act Reintroduced in Congress

    Oct 12, 2023

    The bicameral Indigenous Peoples’ Day Act, which would make the second Monday in October Indigenous Peoples’ Day and supplant Columbus Day as a federal holiday, has been reintroduced in Congress. Reps. Sharice Davids (KS-03), Norma J. Torres (CA-35), Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01), and Suzan DelBene (WA-01), as well as Sens. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), reintroduced the bill. In the House of Representatives, the Indigenous Peoples’ Day Act has attracted 56 supporters. They include: Tim Kaine (D-VA), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Alex P...

  • Kristopher Johnson Joins Akwesasne Housing Authority Commission

    Oct 12, 2023

    AKWESASNE – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Kristopher Johnson to the Akwesasne Housing Authority (AHA) Board of Commissioners. Johnson was appointed with the adoption of Tribal Council Resolution 2023-44 at the Tribal Council Work Session held on Wednesday, Seskehkó:wa/September 27, 2023. Johnson was selected in accordance with the Tribal Board/Commissions Selection Policy that established an AHA Board of Commissioners Selection Review Co...

  • Akwesasronon Open New Store in Massena Offering a Wide Selection of Products

    Oct 12, 2023

    By Isaac White A new business owned by an Akwesasronon opened its doors on Tuesday, October 3rd, in Massena. The atmosphere was jubilant, the weather was splendid, and numerous guests were present to celebrate the ribbon-cutting of "Nice Butts", a tobacco shop co-owned by Lawrence Jackson and his wife, Sandra. The shop's management is under the capable hands of Laura Lee Lazore, who shared her insights with Indian Time regarding her role and the inception of the new enterprise. Lazore conveyed...

  • Jerome Diabo, (Medicine Bear)

    Oct 12, 2023

    Jerome Diabo, (Medicine Bear), age 67, peacefully passed away surrounded by his family on October 4, 2023. Jerome was born in 1956 at home in Akwesasne. Son of the late Joseph and Charlotte (Mitchell) Diabo. He was predeceased by four sisters, Marjorie Lazore, Mary Johnson, Elizabeth Mayo, Marcia Rowley and a brother, Kenneth Diabo. Jerome is survived by his daughter, Ashley Diabo of Syracuse N.Y., and his son Hunter Casey of Akwesasne and several grandchildren. He is survived by two brothers,...

  • Elizabeth "Sweets" Lazore

    Oct 12, 2023

    LAZORE, Elizabeth Lena – Elizabeth "Sweets" Lazore, 56, of Island Road, Akwesasne. Passed away on Tuesday October 3, 2023 at the Ottawa Civic Hospital after a long-term illness. Elizabeth was born on July 2, 1967 in Rochester, New York. The daughter of Tommy Lazore and Elizabeth Martin-Lazore. In her younger years she worked at Kodak and Xerox in Rochester and later at Encompass LLC as an administrative assistant. Elizabeth enjoyed playing cards, Yahtzee and trips to the casino with her f...

  • Tota News

    Oct 12, 2023

    TSI TETEWATATKENS St. Regis Mohawk Senior Center 518-358-2963 Email address: srmseniorsclub@gmail.com Please note: Anyone wishing to attend the congregate meal must call the Office for the Aging by 9:30am to reserve a meal. MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Club dues for 2023 You can mail your membership fee of $5.00 American to: SRM Senior Citizens Club PO Box # 1106 Hogansburg, NY 13655 Birthdays: Oct. 14th-John D. White & Joseph M. Herne Oct. 16th-Elda Cook & Gisela Herne Oct. 17th-Inez Cook & Barbara White Oct. 18th-Loretta Benedict Oct. 19th-Betty...

  • St. Regis Mission News

    Oct 12, 2023

    ALL CURRENT COVID-19 AND COLD/FLU RESTRICTIONS APPLY WHICH INCLUDE: SOCIAL DISTANCING AND OPTIONAL WEARING MASKS. THURSDAY OCTOBER 12, 2023 10:00 AM TSIIONKWA- NONHTSO:TE Offered for: Marion Lazore from the funeral collection THURSDAY OCTOBER 12, 2023 12:10 PM Offered for: George Lafrance 15-year Memorial Anniversary by Cecelia Lafrance FRIDAY OCTOBER 13, 2023 12:10 PM Offered for: Colton Hart by his Mom SATURDAY OCTOBER 14, 2023 4:00 PM Offered for: Carl Tarbell 2-Yr Memorial Anniversary by Pat and family SUNDAY OCTOBER 15, 2023 10:00 AM...

  • October Events for Seven Dancers Coalition

    Oct 12, 2023

    Men’s group held at 7DC every Wednesday 6pm to 8pm Woman’s Self Care, during your lunch hour come into 7DC for lunch and a relaxing time. 11am to 1pm. Couples Journey held October 13th, 20th and Nov 3rd 6pm until 8pm held here at 7DC. Wear Purple in awareness of Domestic Violence on October 19th Community Bonfire Night Oct 28th at the Mohawk International Speedway, looking for Vendors please call the office 518-358-2916....

  • SRMT Annual Audit Presentation Date Set

    Oct 12, 2023

    The annual audit presentation for the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s tribal government will take place on Thursday, Kenténha//October 19, 2023, starting at 5:00 p.m. The audit presentation, which will be given by the Tribe’s auditing company, CliftonLarsonAllen, will cover the fiscal year 2022 and contain a summary of the auditor’s findings. The participation of all tribal members, whether in person or digitally, is welcomed and encouraged. The Ionkwakiohkwaróron Tribal Administration Building is located at 71 Margaret Terrance Memorial Way in Akwe...

  • Akwesasronon Appointed to New Job at Cornwall Community Hospital

    Oct 12, 2023

    In a collaborative effort between the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) and Cornwall Community Hospital (CCH), Akwesasronon April White has been appointed as the Indigenous Patient Navigator. This integral role was jointly initiated by MCA’s DOH and CCH to enhance healthcare experiences for Indigenous individuals at CCH. April, boasting over 37 years of nursing experience, brings with her a wealth of knowledge from her extensive history of collaboration with MCA and CCH. Her deep insight into the specific healthcare needs of the local I...

  • Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant Supports Infrastructure Improvements for The River Institute

    Oct 12, 2023

    CORNWALL – On Thursday, a representative for local MPP Nolan Quinn joined the River Institute Education team at the Eastern Ontario Children's Water Festival to announce a $17,500 Capital Fund grant from Ontario Trillium Foundation. The grant funded the construction of a new river access staircase and dock for the River Institute, which is located on the St. Lawrence College Cornwall campus, to support environmental research, conservation, and education programming for Eastern Ontario communitie...

  • LAWRENCE W. SWAMP "Atsi'tsiatá:kon"

    Oct 12, 2023

    AKWESASNE – Lawrence Wayne Swamp, "Atsi'tsiatá:kon", 77, of State Route 37, peacefully journeyed back to the Spirit World on Wednesday morning, October 4, 2023 at his home with his family at his side after a 27 year battle with cancer. Lawrence was born at the family home in Akwesasne on June 11, 1946, the son of the late Leo and Charlotte (Papineau) Swamp. He attended Salmon River Central School, graduating in 1965. Following his graduation, he attended Plattsburgh State and a college in New Ha...

  • Comment Period Begins for Election and Referendum Ordinance

    Oct 12, 2023

    AKWESASNE – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT) is notifying tribal members that a 30-Day Comment Period is being provided for the Election and Referendum Ordinance Amendments. This comment period is for individuals to review and provide feedback on changes that have been incorporated at the request of tribal members. The deadline to provide additional comments prior to taking final action to adopt the ordinance amendments is Kenténha/October 21, 2023. The revised draft Election and Referendum Ordinance Titled “Election and Referendum Ordi...

  • Iroquois Museum Early Technology Day

    Oct 12, 2023

    Early Technology Day: Visitors can watch and participate in the process of flint knapping (the ancient art of making chipped stone tools), fire making, cordage making, atlatl spear throwing and early archery. There will be displays of projectile points, tools, and local archaeological finds from the Museum’s archaeology department. Think you’ve found an artifact? Please bring it with you and the Museum’s experts will be glad to try to identify it for you. The event is scheduled for Saturday October 14th from 10 to 4. These events are made...

  • Friends of the Ogdensburg Library Book Lovers Celebration

    Oct 12, 2023

    The Friends of the Ogdensburg Public Library invite all readers, book club members and book lovers to our Book Lovers Celebration on Saturday, October 28th from 12:00 to 2:30 pm in the Auditorium (upstairs) of the Ogdensburg Public Library at 312 Washington Street in Ogdensburg. You are cordially invited to a celebration of reading and a presentation by regional author Peggy (Marguerite) Mooers. Peggy worked as a teacher in a medium security prison in upstate New York before retiring to write murder mysteries. You can learn more about her and...

  • Westville Firehouse Spaghetti Dinner

    Oct 12, 2023

    Take-out Sat. Oct. 14th 1:00am to 6:00pm-or until sold out Spaghetti with meatballs, Italian bread, salad & dessert Adults $10.00 Benefit Westville Auxiliary Just drop in!...

  • Legal Notice

    Oct 12, 2023

    Letters of Testamentary for the estate of Sarah C. David, of Akwesasne, New York, have been requested by Judith Printup. Notice is hereby given to anyone objecting to the appointment of Judith Printup. All potential creditors who may have an interest in the aforementioned estate or those wanting to object to the validity of the will must notify the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Court at (518) 358-6300 by not later than October 31, 2023....


    Oct 12, 2023

    SALARY: $56,160/yr DEADLINE TO APPLY: OCTOBER 12, 2023, BY 4:00PM SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the direction of the Executive Director of Akwesasronon Sonatanoron of Akwesasne, the Office Manager plays a central role by being directly involved with the development and implementation of policies, procedures, and protocols that ensure that the day-to-day functions of the office run smoothly and efficiently. This position will provide administrative and clerical support for all programmatic activities including but not limited to reports,...


    Oct 12, 2023

    SALARY: $64,480/yr DEADLINE TO APPLY: OCTOBER 12, 2023, BY 4:00PM SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the direction of the Executive Director of Akwesasronon Sonatanoron of Akwesasne, the Research Coordinator supports and oversees the actions of the research staff. Is directly involved with the development and implementation of policies and protocols for conducting interviews that will document and preserve the memories of residential school survivors and their families; identify missing children from Akwesasne through survivors’ r...

  • Muscogee Freedmen Determined Eligible for Membership by Court

    Oct 12, 2023

    A tribal judge for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation in Oklahoma decided that two Freedmen, who are lineal descendants of Black people who were held as slaves by the tribe, are qualified for tribal citizenship. Despite the tribe’s 1979 Constitutional revision, which added the phrase “Indian by blood,” Freedmen were still not allowed to enlist in the tribe. “This is a powerful blow against anti-Black discrimination in this country,” the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Damario Solomon-Simmons, stated on September 28 during a press conference that was live webcas...

  • Comment Period Begins for Proposed Used Oil Regulations

    Oct 12, 2023

    AKWESASNE – In accordance with the 2013 Tribal Procedures Act, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Clerk is notifying membership that a 30-Day Comment Period is being provided for proposed tribal regulations. The comment period is for individuals to review and provide input on a draft version of SRMT Used Oil Regulations. The deadline to provide comments and feedback for possible incorporation is Monday, Kentenhkó:wa/November 6, 2023. The draft regulation, titled SRMT Used Oil Regulations Draft Final 9-22-2023 is available to review on the Tribal Me...

  • Report from History Colorado Identifies Boarding School Abuses

    Oct 12, 2023

    Approximately 1,100 children from 20 indigenous tribes were enrolled at the Fort Lewis Indian Boarding School over a span of 17 years. For many, this institution symbolized forced labor, imposed assimilation, and maltreatment rather than genuine education. Tragically, at least 31 students lost their lives at the institution, separated from their loving families. For many Native Americans, the report is proof that the past should not be overlooked, that it still has ripple effects today. This perspective is shared by tribal representatives,...

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