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On Thursday, October 4th, amidst crowds of supporters, the Sisters in Spirit Vigil events were held. The event aims to draw attention to the murder of over 600 women in Canada, and showed that now is the time to demand action for our native women. Sister events were held not only in Canada, like the one on Cornwall Island, but also in the United States, and Mexico. The local event, which took place at the crossroads on Cornwall Island, was one of 164 other events across North America, according...
Tsi Snaihne School’s fundraising committee and students were selling tickets for a lacrosse-themed Lazy Susan. The Lazy Susan was donated by local artist Tracy King from Akwesasne. We raised a total of $453.00. These proceeds will be going towards the school’s Student of the Month Awards. The draw took place Friday afternoon at Tsi Snaihne School during the closing. The winner of the lacrosse-themed Lazy Susan was Conrad Oakes from Akwesasne. Congratulations, Conrad. Another congratulations to...
Congratulations to the following Students of the Month: Kanahiio Angus, Angel Lazore-Phillips, Kiana Thompson and Vanna Thompson. These students were recognized for displaying the character trait Acceptance. ACCEPTANCE means respecting the differences among people. Because people are different in so many ways, it is important to be accepting of others. The character trait is based on the September book of the month, which is “Spoon” by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. Photo courtesy of Megan Bus...
For the first time in generations the Iroquois people celebrated the return of a part of their ancestral lands without prolonged litigation or the animosity of the local residents. The land is located in the town of Waterford, NY on the north shore of the Mohawk River above the Cohoes Falls, called “Kahon:ios” in Mohawk. The property consists of 100 acres with 1200 feet of waterfront. It is considered sacred by the Haudenosaunee since it was the site where Skennenrahowi, the Peacemaker, con...
Paul is survived by his daughter, Sue Ellen Herne and stepson, Glenn Allen Hill, Sr. (Sheila); his grandchildren, Levi and Logan Herne; Colleen Mitchell (William); Melissa Malasmas (Glenn); Glenn Hill, Jr. (Carrie); and Taylor Hill; his aunt, Mae Tarbell; and his brother, Thomas Vernon Herne (Antonia). He is also survived by his two brothers-in-law, Kenneth Terrance and Richard Peters; sister-in-law, Gisela Herne; great grandchildren, Rain, Caeleigh, Ansley, Miley, Ellie, Emmalin; and Jonah;...
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Massena, NY - Patrick D. Jacobs, 27, of 2 John Oakes Lane, Hogansburg, was charged by Massena village police with fourth-degree criminal mischief at 2:30 a.m. Saturday following an investigation into a fight near Auggie’s bar on Main Street. He reportedly threw a beer bottle that struck and broke a vehicle’s windshield. AGGRAVATED UNLICENSED OPERATION Massena, NY - Alisha M. Jacobs, 18, of Hogansburg was charged by Massena village police with third-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle following a tra...
Once again a US court has made a terrible decision regarding the longstanding land claims of the Mohawk people against New York State. On September 28 a district judge recommended that almost all of the claims be dismissed with the exception of a small section in the middle of Akwesasne, the so-called “Hogansburg” triangle. Gone are the claims for Barnhart Island (potentially worth hundreds of millions of dollars), the Grasse River section (including two Alcoa aluminum factories and the St. Lawrence County mall), the former Massena Spr...
To the editor: I am writing to you about how people have no respect for anyone else anymore. I have lived in the vicinity of Mohawk International Raceway all my life and the owners do not have any respect for people who live in the neighborhood who have to put up with all the noise. I have lived in the vicinity before there was a race track and I find that every year it gets louder and lasts longer into the night. On August 24th my family was woke up at 2:00a.m. from music coming from the loud speaker. I don’t know why they would think other p...
By Ray Cook, Opinion Editor Reprinted with permission from Indian Country Today Media Network October 8, 2012 I am trying to write this day without mentioning the lost European’s name. There are store sales in his honor. That’s a distinctly American thing; if you are a dead white man that did something spectacular, you would know because they create sales offers in your name. Never heard of a John Doe sales event, have you? Trying to go about my day without mentioning his name. I am attempting to decolonize my mind; it is a hard job and it tak...
The Native North American Traveling College is taking on an impressive and enlightening project with our local artists and craftspeople. This “Cultural Portrait” started about four weeks ago and its main focus and intent is to give a clear portrait of the number of artists and craftspeople practicing in Akwesasne. This project is being funded by the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne. Executive Director of NNATC said the main goal of this project is to find the answers to several questions inc...
Lately Little Brother has become quite the little pretender. It’s hilariously cute, the things he comes up with and it’s fun to watch. A serious look will come across his little face, you know the wheels are turning. Then off he goes in a full out sprint to get what supplies he needs for his latest mission. His favorite construction project is making forts. He’ll drag the blankets and pillows from every one of our beds to a spot of his choice and begin. One wall is the couch and the front wall consists of pillows. Finally he chooses a wall...
The 2nd annual Wolf Belt Commemoration Day was held on Wednesday October 3, 2012. To commemorate this date, a Wampum Discussion Group was held at the Akwesasne Library Museum which houses the Wolf Belt. The Wolf Belt was constructed around 200 hundred years ago to commemorate a time when unity was needed to overcome the pressure of colonization. The resilience of the Mohawk people is evident in our ability to survive over the past few centuries. When we look back on our history we can...
The following general tips can help you avoid computer problems and get the most use from your computer. Your local computer specialist can help you pick out a laptop from your local retailer and set it up with all of the following for about $500 to $1000.00. Use an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for your computer to protect it from crashing during power outages, low & high voltage spikes. Never save anything on your computer; save everything on an external hard drive instead. Run Scandisk and Defragmentation once per month if you are...
On Friday, the St. Regis Mohawk School had its Student Achievement Assembly to recognize students that showed excellence with the trait “Acceptance.” Three students from each grade were chosen by classroom and special area teachers on not only acceptance, but also exemplifying the schools motto: Sken:nen Ratiha:wi. Principal Thomas emceed the event. The assembly also had a special guest from Syracuse University, the admissions counselor Tammy Bluewolf-Kennedy, who spoke to students about the...
Akwesasne is one of eighteen First Nations communities in Ontario that have been selected randomly to participate in The First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment study. Eight Community Research Assistants (CRA(s)) from Akwesasne start training on October 9th, 2012 to learn how to properly survey community members for this project. Surveyors will have until December 13, 2012 to collect all the data for the study, so we are asking our community for assistance in achieving our goal of 200...
Blast from the Past...
Claiming that his record shows he is more committed than his opponent in the upcoming presidential election to serving Indian country, President Barack Obama has answered questions about some of the major issues facing American Indian citizens and tribes today. “[With me] as president, you have a voice in the White House,” he tells Indian Country Today Media Network. “We’re moving forward, but there’s more work to do. But we are seeing a turning point in the relationship between our nations,...
Not willing to cede the American Indian vote in what promises to be a close presidential election this November, Republican candidate Mitt Romney agreed to discuss with Indian Country Today Media Network some of the important issues facing Native citizens and tribes today. “I respect and support the sovereignty of Native American tribes and recognize the importance of their culture to the rich fabric of this great country,” Romney says. “I welcome the support and input of the tribes in our f...
LOS ALAMOS, N.M. — Combine the tree-ring growth record with historical information, climate records, and computer-model projections of future climate trends, and you get a grim picture for the future of trees in the southwestern United States. That’s the word from a team of scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory, the U.S. Geological Survey, University of Arizona, and other partner organizations. The research, published in Nature Climate Change this week, concluded that if the Sou...
Located on the bottom level at Kanonhkwa’tsheri:io, the Ononhkwa on:we Program is providing traditional medicine and healing services to residents of Akwesasne. Ononhkwa on:we means the original way in Kanienkeha. There are many services that they provide, and it all starts with identifying what ails you. Sometimes it may be physical illness, sometimes it may be emotional, but the key is to identify that you aren’t feeling well and to make an appointment. First you would call Tina and set up an appointment. Once you go in, Alicia Cook giv...
Many people, including many Indian people, think that the Iroquois Confederacy was formed for the exclusive benefit of only the original Five Nations, that all other people were excluded from the Kayenerenhkowa, the Great Peace Law. This is not true. We have records of at least thirty-nine Indian peoples who took shelter beneath The Tree of Peace, most of them eventually becoming members or citizens of the Iroquois Confederacy. The Peacemaker’s thoughts had not been for Iroquois-speaking p...
Tsiahiakseresón:ni wa’tkatohtáhrho tsi ie’serehtaientáhkhwa. Thontaiawénhtsi oh nahò:tenk wakathón:te ka’k nón:we iorá:kahre. Só:’k ia’katke’tò:ten waken skaià:ta skawiró:wane. Kwah í:kehre ónhte watatewenní:io. Tho ohén:ton akwathentà:ke akenonhsaktón:kie í:wes Tho tontaiohahiia’konhákie tánon wa’ketshá:nike wá:ts kà:sere enió:kwahte. Só:k wa’katerennó:ten, “Kanahskwí:io, Kanahskowá:nen, Ka’wahrákon ki’ ná:’a!” Ia’tkatá’tsi wa’tewatkahthónnionhwe ónkken só:’k thonontakaié:ra’te tsi nón:...
When someone you care about hurts you, you can hold on to anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge —or embrace forgiveness and move forward. By Mayo Clinic staff Nearly everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of another. Perhaps your mother criticized your parenting skills, your colleague sabotaged a project or your partner had an affair. These wounds can leave you with lasting feelings of anger, bitterness or even vengeance — but if you don‘t practice forgiveness, you might be the one who pays most dearly. By embracing forgi...
Breast Cancer is a cancer that starts in the cells of the breast tissue. Each breast is made up of glands, ducts, and fatty tissue. Lobules are also within each breast and are groups of glands that produce milk. Cancer cells may start within the ducts (ductal carcinoma) or in the lobules (lobular carcinoma). Symptoms of Breast Cancer Painless lump in the breast or armpit area Change in the size or shape of a breast Dimpling or thickening of the skin of the breast Changes to the nipple (turning inwards, or a rash around the nipple) Diagnosing...
The St. Regis Mohawk Senior’s Club hosted a craft fair over the weekend at the Seniors Center in Hogansburg. The center was filled with tables of quilts, pillows, bags, knitted items, jewelry and so much more. The Senior’s Club had three tables there, a regifting table, a craft table and a food table. All the money raised goes to the Senior’s Club. The raffle for the quilt and painting was drawn at the fair, and the lucky winner was Dolly McDonald....