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TERRITORY OF AKWESASNE - In the spring of 2014, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) commissioned MNP LLP to conduct a study to gain a better understanding of the size of the local economy (northern/Canadian portion of Akwesasne) and to estimate the extent to which households, businesses and MCA spend dollars outside the Akwesasne Mohawk Territory* (the “AMT”). This “Economic Leakage Study” was undertaken to support the development of strategies that promote the growth of the local economy. The surprising results of the study indicate that th...
Kontiwennenha:wi has been selected as one of three organizations to earn TAUNY's 2014 North Country Heritage Award. For 22 years, the Heritage Award has recognized individuals, families or community groups who have mastered traditional arts or customs identified with the region, and who are committed to passing them on to future generations. In the 1980s, female members of the Swamp family first organized the Women's Singing Society of Akwesasne, which has become an important cultural group for...
(October 1, 2014) During a bilateral meeting of officials from Cornwall and Akwesasne that took place on September 29, 2014, City of Cornwall Mayor Bob Kilger and Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Grand Chief Mike Kanentakeron Mitchell signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) relating to the Cornwall Port lands. The MOU represents an important step in the process of negotiating with Transport Canada for the divestiture of the Cornwall Port lands. It sets out the principles of equal partnership,...
On Saturday, October 4 and Sunday, October 5, 2014, the Akwesasne Cultural Restoration Program showcased a full weekend of sharing cultural knowledge and Kanien'keha language. Each of the four areas in the ACR; Traditional Medicines and Healing, Fishing and River Use, Hunting and Trapping, and Horticultural and Traditional Foods, had interactive displays and activities that everyone could take part in. Each display and activity reflected the amount of time and effort the program members put...
Akwesasne, NY - The United States Environmental Protection Agency announced approval of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s request to establish a perpetual, dedicated trust fund to monitor and maintain the cleanup of the Grasse River. On September 29, 2014 the EPA and ALCOA announced an agreement on the establishment of a perpetual fund in the amount of at least $13.3 million. The financial assurance for the operational fund is expected to generate sufficient income to fund any necessary operation, maintenance and monitoring of the cleanup, even i...
AKWESASNE – E'vie Leigh Jackson, 6-month-old infant daughter of Janell Jackson and Wesley Arquette, unexpectedly passed away October 5, 2014 in the emergency room at Massena Memorial Hospital. Besides her parents, she is survived by her brother, Westen Jackson; sister, Kay Anna Jackson; maternal grandparents, Johanne and Jerry Jackson; paternal grandparents, Debbie Thompson and David Arquette, Sr., all of Akwesasne; her aunts and uncles, Louie and Kelly Jackson; Bob and Natalie Jackson; J...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is notifying the community and public that on Monday, October 6th at 4 p.m. the organization’s email server crashed. The cause is not yet known, and computer experts are working diligently to restore the email system. All emails being sent to email addresses are still being delivered to the server, so when the issue is resolved, staff can expect to receive the emails that have been sent to them since Monday. At this time it cannot be projected when the email system will be restored. Information S...
Niawen’ko:wa, We, the family of the late Eli Peter Thompson Jr. “Aronkienes”, would like to take this time to give a huge heartfelt thank you to all in our community and all our precious supporters during our time of loss. Niawen’ko:wa for your thoughtfulness. Your generosity and support during this difficult time is greatly appreciated. This is a very difficult time for us. We are saddened by the sudden passing of our only son Junior. Your presence and many acts of kindness meant more to us then can be expressed and helped to lighten some of...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne has forwarded the following letter to the Aboriginal People’s Television Network (APTN) Kenténha/October 3, 2014 APTN 339 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2C3 Mr. Jorge Barrera & APTN, It is with great frustration and disappointment that the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) became aware of the APTN National News for their coverage of a September 26, 2014 incident where a Canadian Border agent was charged with possessing child pornography. The incident had nothing to do with the Akwesasne community, yet th...
The St. Regis Mohawk Senior Citizens Club Annual Food and Craft Show was held on Saturday, October 4, at the Seniors Center. The Center was jam-packed with craft tables, food and bake sales like a variety of soups, including corn soup, fried bread, all sorts of pies, and a silent auction. There was also a quilt and painting raffle to benefit the Seniors Club. The club has been hosting the event for around 20 years. Money raised from the craft show goes to many things. Building maintenance and th...
MILWAUKEE, WI – Emerging Native American leaders from across the country will be honored for their outstanding leadership during the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development’s upcoming Reservation Economic Summit (RES) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The “Native American 40 under 40” is a prestigious award that is bestowed upon individuals under the age of 40, nominated by members of their communities, for showing initiative and dedication to providing significant, positive contributions to business or in their respective communities...
It's not unusual to find independent, strong Mohawk women. And it's not unusual to find strong, independent and creative Mohawk women. What makes this strong, independent and creative Mohawk woman stand out from other women is this woman is artistically fearless. Niio Perkins has created a world for herself by knowing what she likes and making her own road artistically. Armed with knowledge and a comfortable understanding of her own Haudenosaunee culture, Perkins isn't afraid to bring her...
The Akwesasne Quilt Club has two beautiful quilts for sale. They are both full size. Call Judy Cole at 575-2763 or Louise Cook at 358-2865....
The moon passed through Earth's shadow on Oct. 8, 2014, marking a total lunar eclipse, the second of 2014, in a stunning blood moon. This spectacular "blood moon" total lunar eclipse of Oct. 8, 2014 is captured by photographer John W. Johnson of the Omaha Astronomical Society in Nebraska in the United States....
On Friday, the St. Regis Mohawk School had its Student Achievement Assembly for the month of September to recognize students that showed excellence with the trait "compassion." A few students from each grade were chosen by classroom and special area teachers on not only compassion, but also exemplifying the schools motto: Sken:nen Ratiha:wi. Principal Thomas emceed the event. Before the awards, Maintenance and Cafeteria staff were thanked for their hard work by the school, because as Principal...
On Friday October 3rd, the Tsisnaihne School recognized 87 of their students for perfect attendance for the month of September. Sandi Cook organized a special time for each grade level throughout the day with snacks. Some classes were provided with peeled apples and they carved out faces, which will dry up in a few weeks. They will then discover their apple has transformed into a wrinkled face of a person. They will name and dress their person when they see them again. The apples were provided...
Here are additional pictures....
Here are additional pictures....
Under falling rain and cloudy skies, nine paddlers launched two canoes from the Native North American Travelling College dock on Saturday, October 4th. The two canoes travelled down the St. Lawrence River and up the Racquette River to land behind the Akwesasne Museum to mark the celebration of "Bringing Home the Canoes". This canoe journey was made possible by the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service Kanikonhri:io i:wa ne Ona’:ke “Good Minds in the Canoe,” Akwesasne Canoe and Kayak Club, and Canoe...
On Friday, October 3, 2014, the Kanatakon School recognized its star students for September....
The Akwesasne Child and Family Services Community and Traditional Support Programs’ Kawennota’kie Canoe Journey recently created the “Outstanding Akwesasne Women Award.” This award is given “In recognition of women role models whose commitment helps strengthen Akwesasne.” This award recognized the strength, wisdom and knowledge in eight Akwesasne women. Most importantly, this award acknowledges the element that is most often overlooked but is expected in every job, every assignment and every p...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is seeking individuals interested in volunteering to participate in a working group for the ‘Community Gardens Initiative.’ Planning meetings will cover logistical coordination, strategic planning, proposal development, and timeline projections for: 1) Identification of land(s); 2) Research on available grants/funding; 3) Determining supplies/equipment needed; 4) Development of a budget and costs estimation; and 5) Identification of stakeholders for the upcoming 2015 year. Representation from Youth, Adults, and...
On Saturday October 4, the Pamoja International Cultural Exchange Inc., or PICEI, held its annual "The Last Shall Be First" 50/50 raffle and dinner at Scotty's Diner in Moira. There were heaps of items up for grabs including a lottery tree, tons of kitchenwares, a wine basket, a Godiva chocolate mug and some beautiful paintings. And of course, everyone was waiting for the big drawing of the First Shall Be Last tickets. PICEI's seeks to coordinate and provide a common place for all cultural...
New York City is home to approximately 18,000 actors. This weekend alone there are 157 live performances, which do not include opera, dance and academic theaters. Some live performances are held in anything but stand-alone theaters, many performances are given in auditoriums, colleges, universities, and you can even find first rate concerts and productions in some churches. Then there are live performances given for free. Where the actors, directors, sound and lighting people (if there are...
What constitutes a lie? There is the obvious verbal and written distortions of the truth but what is not said may also be deemed a lie. Take this as an example: Mr. Thompson goes to the A-1 Used Car Dealer. He is told that the vehicle he is interested in is in top shape, will pass inspection and is safe to drive. Based upon this assurance he buys the car and is driving home when the accelerator sticks. Despite his best efforts to slow down the car speeds up. When he tries to apply the brakes nothing happens. He tries to shift gears but the...