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AKWESASNE—The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe and National Grid announced today they have reached tentative terms for a new franchise agreement that allows the Tribe to exit from National Grid’s electrical service or to allow it to continue providing electrical services within the Akwesasne Mohawk Territory. “This agreement will make sure that community members and businesses receive electrical service in a timely manner just like all the other National Grid customers,” said Tribal Chief Barbara A. Lazore. “This is an improvement in our relationship...
Parents of students attending the St. Regis Mohawk School attended a pubic meeting last Wednesday night regarding the school’s mold problem and asbestos cleanup plan. Parents came with concerns and complaints for school officials and a group of state officials were brought in to discuss the details of the problem. At the meeting’s end, many parents left satisfied with the information they received, while others continued to have fears over their child’s safety and promised to transfer them to another school. “The most important thing to everyon...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and Ontario Power Generation (OPG) have signed a Final Settlement Agreement that compensates the Mohawks of Akwesasne for impacts associated with the construction, operation and maintenance of OPG’s R.H. Saunders Generating Station and its related facilities. The agreement also contains provisions for both parties to work cooperatively on rehabilitating the environment and making future improvements to the socio-economic well being of the Akwesasne Community t...
Mr. George H. LaFrance, age 64, of 16 Garrow Road, Hogansburg, died Sunday morning (October 5, 2008) at the St. Regis Nursing Home, where he had been a patient since September 8th. He had been in failing health for the past year and a half. He was born December 23, 1943 in Akwesasne, the son of the late Peter M. and Elizabeth I. Peters LaFrance. He attended Sacred Heart Grammar School and graduated from Massena High School in 1961. He also attended BOCES for a degree in electricity. He served in...
I find an old photograph and see your smile. As I feel your presence anew, I am filled with warmth and my heart remembers love. I remember who you used to be the laughter we shared and wonder what you have become. Where are you now, Where did you go, When the body is left behind and the spirit is released to fly? Perhaps you are the morning bird singing joyfully at sunrise, or the butterfly that dances so carelessly on the breeze or the rainbow of colors that brightens a stormy sky or the fingers of afternoon mist delicately reaching over the...
For those of us that are here in tears. It seems like days, since he left us here. But it’s been 2 years since that awful day, when Angels took our Dad away. We miss his smile on those endless nights, When Dad is needed to make everything right. We miss his smile, his laugh, his charm, We miss being held in Dad’s arms. We remember his stories, his smell, his touch. We still miss him so very much. But when our last breath, we finally draw, and as We walk through deaths’ open door, He’ll be ther...
For all the kindness you have shown, We thank you very much, For sympathy in sorrowing days, For friendship’s healing touch With gratitude our hearts are full, Though words cannot convey The tender thoughts and thankfulness We hold for you today. By the family of Katie Jock...
The family of Ronnie Square extends our warmest thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who thought of Ronnie and his family and friends for the monetary donations, food, flowers, the singers, and to my family and friends for all the help at the house, and for the Kateri Circle for helping with prayers. We shall all miss Ronnie with his humor and jokes. Again a great big Niawen Kowa Kathryn Square and the family of Ronnie Square...
Mr. Bonesteel came to the St. Regis Mohawk School to help students plant tulip bulbs in front of the school. It was a cooperative effort by many upper grades. Aaron White and Tyran Diabo are taking a break from planting tulip bulbs. They spotted a shady tree and took advantage of it. Photos by Sesi King...
I am writing on behalf of the canine population of the Malone area, specifically the very young. I moved to Malone approximately a year ago from Cape Cod, where I was a Veterinary Technician for 20 plus years and was eager to volunteer my time and services to local animal shelters. I was immediately impressed with the commitment and care given to the myriad of local homeless dogs and puppies. As a volunteer, I am rewarded daily for my services rendered; a wag of a tail, a rub, a sloppy kiss. Unfortunately, love and time does not house and keep...
For those who think that the events on Wall Street and the subsequent downward spiral of the US economy does not have an immediate affect on their lives they should realize that as it goes with the Americans so it goes with us. Every Mohawk family will be caught up in the recession as the free flowing money of the past generation begins to dry up. First will be the construction industry with new home purchases decreasing meaning less demand for electricians, carpenters, masons and plumbers. Large projects demanding the specific skills of ironwo...
The staff at the Ronathahonni Cultural Centre just unveiled their latest exhibit, and this one, they say, is permanent. The centre had previously changed their exhibits every few months, but decided to change their approach and work on permanent displays for the exhibit rooms. Any temporary exhibits the staff works on will likely be displayed in the Octagon building behind the centre. The new two-room exhibit is a representation of Mohawk culture and history. The first room features art and...
(South Glengarry, Ontario - October 6th, 2008) – A joint operation involving the Cornwall and Kingston RCMP Detachments, Canada Border Services Agency, and the Ontario Provincial Police resulted in the seizure of contraband fine cut tobacco and bottles of alcohol. On October 3rd, 2008, officers observed two vehicles depart Akwesasne, Ontario. These vehicles were subsequently stopped by the O.P.P. on Highway 401 eastbound near Lancaster, Ontario. RCMP officers seized 199.5 kilograms of fine cut tobacco found in 8 garbage bags believed to ha...
(Cornwall, Ontario - October 3rd, 2008)- A 39 year old Cornwall, Ontario man faces a charge under the Excise Act 2001 for possession of a tobacco product not properly stamped following a vehicle stop by the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service. On October 3rd, 2008, at 7:15 a.m., officers observed a 1999 GMC Sierra pick-up truck travelling in Akwesasne, Ontario which failed to stop properly at an intersection. Officers stopped the truck on Seventh Street West in Cornwall and detected a strong odour of tobacco coming from the truck. Members of th...
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program held its 35th Annual Recognition Luncheon at Gallagher’s Restaurant in Malone N.Y. on September 20, 2008. Over 180 Volunteers were recognized for their time and commitment to the Program. Each Volunteer who attended the luncheon logged more than 50 hours of service this year. Ben Kelly from the St. Regis Mohawk Office for the Aging was recognized for his 20 years of service to RSVP and his dedication to Tsi’Tewatatkens. The Almanzo & Laura Ingalls Wil...
Students at Kana:takon School were recognized Friday for their academic achievements in the month of September. Along with perfect attendance awards, the class with the combined best attendance was especially recognized. That honor went to Mrs. Thomas’ K-4 class. The school’s newly elected student council representatives were also sworn-in to office by Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s district chiefs Abram Benedict and Julie Jacobs. The students were: Grade 8A Rep #1 – Jordan Thompson Rep #2 – Ja...
Roughly 200 members of various Iroquois communities gathered at Seneca Falls last weekend for a rally and demonstration to bring attention to the tax fight Native communities are facing. The Akwesasne Petroleum Co-op sponsored a bus to the rally and twelve Akwesasne Mohawks attended the rally, including St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Sub-Chief Stacy Adams. For decades, the New York State government and non-Indian storeowners have attempted to force Indian-owned businesses on reservations to collect...
Tsi Snaihne School celebrated their star students with an assembly in the gym on Friday, October 3rd. Awards and prizes were given for Students of the Month, Phys Ed, Mohawk, Good Character and Attendance. Classroom teachers also distributed various awards to their deserving students....
Our Community Health Nurses sponsored a benefit for the Cancer Support Group on Friday, October 3rd at the Snye Recreation Center. A Trivia Night was the event for the evening and thirteen teams of four showed up to support a good cause and have some fun too. Volunteer Danielle Oakes-Jacobs acted as Emcee and moderator for the evening. Thanks to Leonard Lazore, Wanda Thompson and Ramona O’Brien for also volunteering and doing a tremendous job in the tallying of the points and keeping score. G...
Wa’tkwanonhwerá:ton’ Sewakwé:kon! Teyewerahkwa ne kì:ken tanon é:so wakerì:wayen. This year Onkwawén:na Kentyóhkwa has begun a new project, Onkwawén:na Tetewarihokwà:tha, to promote our language throughout our community. We all know how amazing it feels to speak our language, and now we want to encourage more Six Natians to join in! Yehnekiyóhstha and I will be reaching out to the community through 4 main outlets. All projects are set to launch October 6th 2008! Our website will re-launch next week! With FIRST NATIONS CABLE (ch. 8) we’ll have...
The Martin family: Lauren, Lindsay, Andrea, and Shawn were the winners of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s pumpkin contest. Their enormous pumpkin weighed in at 107 lbs.! Congratulations....
They call themselves the best kept secret in Cornwall, but Katerina’s Restaurant on Second Street West is enjoying its third year in business, continuing to be the only Mexican eatery in the city, or for miles around. Southwestern and Greek food is also their specialty. The restaurant is owned and operated by Katerina Delfakis and her mother, Gisele. The Greek pair ran a Greek restaurant in Tuscan, Arizona for 28 years before they “flocked back to Canada” where they were originally from. They...
Wahón:nise iá:ken, Kaneráhtens ronwá:iats raksà:’a wahaia’tonnihserón:ni onó:ra kaia’tón:ni. Shako’kén:’a Wentiióhstha wahshakoia’tonníhseron. Wa’konwanó:ronhkwe ne akoia’tón:ni. Kiótkon skátne ionatkahri’tsherón:ni ne Wentiióhstha tánon akoia’tón:ni. Énska wenhniserá:te ohrhon’kè:ne sha’ontkétsko ne Wentiióhstha kwáh iakona’khwèn:’en. Tha’konwaié:ron ne akoia’tón:ni tsi í:iah tekakónhsare. Wa’tewahséntho ne akoia’tón:ni. Kaneráhtens tsi thonónhsote nia’katákhe ne onó:ra kaia’tón:ni. Í:wehre aiotó:kenhse oh nonkié:ren tsi í:iah tekakónhsare ne...
Continued from last week Reprinted from Rotinonhston:ni Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Social Dances booklet Mosquito Dance Kariahta’neha The mosquito dance is a new dance borrowed from the Choctaw Indians in the State of Mississippi. It came to Ahkwesahsne when a Mohawk man married a Choctaw woman. The dance was accepted by the Mohawks and other Iroquois communities and has become part of our social dances. This dance is a kicking dance. Two couples, male and female, hold each other’s little fingers the...
The gourd family consists of a large family of vined plants. They range from the edible ones like pumpkins, squash, and cucumbers to the inedible kind like the hard-shelled gourds. For this article, I will be writing about the hard-shelled gourds. Hard-shelled gourds are the inedible fruit of two types of plants, Lagenaria and Cucurbita. These gourds come in many shapes and sizes. Some of these gourds are beautifully colored, and some have very interesting and even weird shapes that are used f...