A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the October 6, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 79

  • Emergency Planning Office Verifying '911' Addresses

    Oct 6, 2016

    AKWESASNE - The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Emergency Planning Office will be in the field on Awententaón'kes/Mondays and Ronwaia'tanentaktónhne/Fridays throughout the month of Kenténha/October verifying 911 addresses for Akwesasne businesses and residences. Their office will be closed from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on these days, as they ensure 911 addresses can be seen by first responders when they reply to an emergency call. "In times of emergencies, it's important that addresses are visible to...

  • Security Video Appears to Refute NYS Police Press Release

    Oct 6, 2016

    On October 3, 2016, at approximately 3:28 p.m. NYS Police initiated a traffic stop on a 2007 Dodge minivan on State Route 37 in the town of Fort Covington. The vehicle failed to stop and sped away from troopers. The operator was later identified as Christopher Lee, 27, of Bangor, NY. NYS Troopers pursued the 2007 Dodge minivan traveling west on Route 37. Upon reaching Akwesasne and just before the entrance of Truck Stop #9 gas station, the state trooper appears to push his driver's side bumper...

  • Tribal Council Amends Election and Referendum Ordinance

    Oct 6, 2016

    Akwesasne, NY - On Seskehkó:wa/September 16, 2016 the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Office of the Tribal Clerk conducted a swearing-in ceremony as Tribal Council appointed three tribal members to the Election Board in accordance with Tribal Council Resolution (TCR) 2016-77, which adopted two amendments to the Election and Referendum Ordinance. The amended ordinance supersedes TCR 2013-21 that adopted earlier changes on Onerahtókha/April 2, 2013. Over the past year, the Election Board recommended t...

  • Ohero:kon-Under the Husk to Premiere at imagineNATIVE Festival in Toronto, Oct. 20

    Oct 6, 2016

    (Vision Maker Media) Lincoln, Nebraska - Follow the challenging journey of two Mohawk girls as they take part in their traditional passage rites to becoming Mohawk women. Ohero:kon-Under the Husk is a 27-minute documentary that focuses on Kaienkwinehtha and Kasennakohe as they both take part in a four-year adolescent passage rites ceremony called ohero:kon "under the husk" that has been revived in their community. Ohero:kon-Under the Husk premieres at the imagineNative Festival in Toronto, Oct....


    Oct 6, 2016

    From the website of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence, and emotional abuse. The frequency and severity of domestic violence can vary dramatically; however, the one constant...


    Oct 6, 2016

    MASSENA – Mr. Sanford T. "Sandy" Cook, 61, of Cook Street, unexpectedly passed away early Thursday morning, September 29, 2016. Sandy was born March 15, 1955 in Buffalo, the son of the late Stillman and Jane Lucille (Sanford) Cook and was a graduate of Honeoye Falls High School. Shortly after graduating, he moved to the Massena area, where he started working at WMSA Radio as a copy writer and part time News Director. He later became an announcer and started "Sandy's Morning Extravaganza," of w...

  • A Big Thank You to the CARING HEARTS Team at Iakhihsohtha

    Oct 6, 2016

    On Sunday, October 2, our Totas were given a beautiful day to share with their sons and daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. A group of employees joined together to donate their time, energy and their own funds to organize a Harvest Festival – a delicious dinner with all the trimmings plus activities for children and adults alike. Belly Buttons the Clown was there for the kids; as well, she did face painting and balloon animals. Lessons on making Autumn wreaths for the residents’ doors were available and fun to make. Our own Iak...


    Oct 6, 2016

    It’s not just upsetting to see one of Canada’s foremost Artists to be found dead in the river. Tears come to my eyes as I see a reflection of the disparity of how Aboriginal women are treated in the eyes of persons in positions of authority and power, as compared to what happens when a famed and honoured Caucasian military general, General Romeo Dallaire hits hard times, because of atrocities he saw in Rwanda. The acclaimed Artist Annie Pootoogook showed to humanity how devastated the Aboriginal Inuit world became, as the ever grasping, and gre...

  • Tsi Snaihne School Staff Wear Orange on September 30

    Oct 6, 2016

    Tsi Snaihne School Staff Wear Orange on September 30...

  • Tribe Offers Furnace Cleaning and Servicing for Elders

    Oct 6, 2016

    Akwesasne, NY – Following the completion of the Elder's Electricity Assistance Pilot Project, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council has approved another pilot program to further assist tribal members 65-years and older. The most recent program is designed to assist tribal elders who are homeowners with routine cleaning and servicing of residential home heating units in advance of the winter heating season. "We appreciate the positive responses from the first elder's pilot project that provided f...

  • New Canada Post Drop Box Located at Peace Tree Trade Centre

    Oct 6, 2016

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is notifying the community that there is a new Canada Post mail drop location on Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island). The bright red box is located at the Peace Tree Trade Centre near the Bank of Montreal. Kawehno:ke District Chief Vince Thompson pursued having a drop box available in order to make life less inconvenient for island residents. They would previously have had to travel into Kana:takon or Cornwall to mail items. Stamps for Canada Post mail can now be purchased at Xpress Gas, Jock’s Quik Stop, and Purple R...

  • MEET THE TRIBE: Sharon Thompson, Food Distribution Program Director

    Oct 6, 2016

    The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is proud to feature Sharon Thompson in this month's "Meet the Tribe." It is our pleasure to share these tribal employee profiles and their years of work on behalf of the community. Sharon Thompson began her employment with the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe on Ohiarihkó:wa/July 1, 1983 as a Distribution Clerk for the Food Distribution Program, a tribal program offered to eligible community members as an alternative to the food stamps administered by the Franklin County...

  • Generations of Quilters at The TAUNY Center on October 8

    Oct 6, 2016

    On Saturday, October 8, from 1:00-3:00 pm, TAUNY will host a presentation entitled Generations of Quilters: A Visit with Quilting Families. In the North Country, quilting often “runs in the family.” Historian Mary Jane Watson, who comes from a quilting family herself, has been studying the genealogy of multi-generation quilting families. She will be joined by members of a few of these families for this program. We’ll learn about Mary Jane’s research and see examples of quilts passed down through the featured families. Guests are invited...

  • Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Monthly Meeting

    Oct 6, 2016

    The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal monthly meeting was held on Saturday, October 1, 2016. The meeting agenda included previous action items of a community member’s concern with the manner and complete disregard in burning brush and its aftereffects. When this issue was brought to various levels of authority outside of the community of Akwesasne, the community member was informed the Amish had certain rights. This issue is now being brought to the Franklin county legislature. The second action item was banning billboards that promote and/or a...

  • How We Prepare Dry Beans

    Oct 6, 2016

    Mohawk Lesson...

  • TAUNY Announces Recipients of 2016 North Country Heritage Awards

    Oct 6, 2016

    TAUNY’s 2016 North Country Heritage Award recipients are The Adirondack Playboys Band, Lowville, Lewis County; 4-H Camp Overlook, Mountain View, Franklin County; the St. Lawrence Power and Equipment Museum, Madrid, St. Lawrence County; and philanthropist Allan P. Newell, Hammond, St. Lawrence County. The recipients will be honored at the 24th Annual Salute to North Country Heritage, which is free and open to the public and will take place this year on Sunday, October 16th, at The TAUNY Center in Downtown Canton from 2:00-4:00pm. TAUNY’s North C...


    Oct 6, 2016

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s upcoming open houses scheduled for Oct. 12, Oct. 15, and Oct. 22 have been postponed. New dates will be announced when confirmed. MCA regrets any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions please contact Executive Services at 613-575-2250....

  • DEC Encourages Hikers to Try Less Populated Peaks that Still Offer Fantastic Fall Foliage this Autumn

    Oct 6, 2016

    This autumn hikers should properly prepare for hikes in the Adirondacks and hike on trails less populated than those in the High Peaks Wilderness, an opportunity that offers fantastic scenes of fall foliage for a more enjoyable backcountry experience, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Basil Seggos urged. “Autumn is a great time to enjoy the Adirondacks,” Commissioner Seggos said. “As more people continue to enjoy the incredible outdoor excursions offered throughout the Adirondack Park, we encourage visit...

  • Provinces Vary With Cell Phone Plan Prices

    Oct 6, 2016

    When CBC News reported on the black market cellphone industry, it sparked outrage from some readers about price discrepancies across Canada. Because various cellular plan prices are much cheaper in Manitoba and Saskatchewan — close to half the price —some third-party dealers offer a one-time fee to secretly switch people’s plans in other provinces to the cheaper Prairie deal. According to the latest report commissioned by the CRTC — the country’s telecom regulator — Canadians still pay some of the highest rates for wireless service in the indu...

  • Reader Comic

    Oct 6, 2016

    Reader Comic...


    Oct 6, 2016

    • Pull dead annuals, leaving the roots to decompose in the soil • Divide perennials to make room for next spring’s garden • Fertilize in early fall to help next year’s lawn • Repair dead patches –seeding in the fall gives you fewer weeds • Clear plant debris and stubborn weeds from the garden • Clean your garden tools to get them ready for winter storage • Plant bulbs for next year’s spring blooms • Mow the fallen leaves instead of raking to help feed the lawn – remove excess leaves before they matt down and smother the grass • To keep rain...

  • Is It Time for Your Dog To Get A Nail Trimming?

    Oct 6, 2016

    By Jennifer Herne, LVT Most dog owners know when their dogs need grooming. But did you know that trimming your dog's nails is just as important? Most people wait until nails become a problem for them and for the dog before getting them trimmed. Dog's nails continuously grow; the domesticated dog isn't out in the wild running over various terrains, which would naturally cause the nails to wear down. Instead, most of our dogs are living in the lap of luxury. Our dogs walk on tile or laminate...

  • ​Tsi Snaihne School Students with Perfect Attendance for September

    Oct 6, 2016

    Top Row L-R: Darla Skidders, Joey Phillips, Theresa Bush, Quentin Phillips, Kamri King, Chuya Cook, Javen Johnson, Alantra Peters, Tewatahsatakie David, Ivan Swamp, Makyrie White, Ivori thompson, Donovan Mitchell, Tia Terrance and Laila Cook. Middle Row L-R: Jesika Phillips, Christi Thompson, Kaheritakhe McDonald, Hayden Lazore-Terrance, Xavier Oakes, Callyn Ingle, Raienteres Swamp, Rayiah Ingle, Julia Jackson, Jay Montour Jr., Travis Phillips, Cruz Lazore, Jordin Phillips, Jaylene Johnson,...

  • Community Bee Meeting October 19

    Oct 6, 2016

    The October Community Bee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 19, 2016 from 6PM – 8PM. Miticides usage in the hive and BPM (Best Pest Management) will be some of the topics of discussion, along with the importance of sterilization of the equipment used....

  • NNATC Call Out

    Oct 6, 2016

    Calling Out to Designers to showcase Traditional/Contemporary Clothing For Native North American Travelling College’s Traditional Clothing Exhibit Submission deadline: Tuesday, November 1, 2016 Call Amanda or Vicky at 613-932-9452....

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