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The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service Joint Investigative Team began an investigation into the alleged sale of Oxycontin tablets from a private residence in Kana:takon (St. Regis), Quebec. On the 25th of September, 2010, a search warrant was executed at the residence located on Kateri Tekakwitha Street resulting in the seizure of Oxycontin tablets. Two Kana:takon residents were arrested and transported to the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service station. One subject was released. The other subject had an outstanding warrant for her arrest. She was...
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe has been awarded $10.5 million for a broadband initiative to improve its communication system. The application is funded for two components: infrastructure, ($10.5 million) and public computer centers ($642 thousand). The $10.5 grant from U.S. Department Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service’s Broadband Initiatives Program will fund the infrastructure. The U.S. Dept. Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) will fund the computer centers. “We are very...
The 3rd Annual Seven Miles for Seven Generations Walk/Bike/Run brought together more than a hundred Akwesasne community members Saturday to battle Type 2 Diabetes together. Participants gathered pledges or made personally monetary donations to support diabetes research and care while others participated for their own personal health and diabetes prevention, and also to raise community awareness about the disease. The event was organized by the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Let’s Get Healthy Pro...
Here are additional pictures....
The Salmon River Central School’s National Honor Society students showed their school spirit and caring hearts this month when they ran a campaign to raise money for the son of the school’s custodian. “Bucks for Bero” was initiated by the students to assist TJ Bero, the son of custodian, Tom Bero. TJ is in need of heart surgery and the Salmon River NHS students pitched in to do what they could to help alleviate some of the family’s stress. As part of the campaign the students held a pizza sal...
AKWESASNE – Miss June A. “Punk” Jacobs, age 40, of 498 Cook Road, passed away Tuesday morning, September 28, 2010 at the Massena Memorial Hospital after a lengthy illness. June was born July 4, 1970 in Cornwall, Ontario, the daughter of David “Chuggo” and Kathleen Cook Jacobs. She attended St. Regis Village Schools and Salmon River Central School. She was a member of the Andrew W. Cook American Legion Auxiliary, Post 1479, Hogansburg. She was an avid Bingo player and enjoyed playing pool, and...
Thank You Dear Community, We would like to thank everyone who participated in the memorial walk for my Uncle Ricky. We can never repay the kindness that everyone showed my Uncle. It will always be remembered in our hearts. We are very proud of the people who live in our community. Thank you everyone. Richard Herne’s Family...
Nia:wen:kowa The Friends of Tewathahita Lets Walk Trail committee would like to send a huge niawen:kowa to Scott Loran of Loran’s Construction for his generous donation of time and equipment to help us complete our walking trail. Scott’s crew worked on-site for 3 weeks, grading the site and digging the two ponds to help with the drainage issues. Thanks Scott, we are truly grateful for this act of kindness. Another niawen:kowa goes out to the St. Regis Mohawk Planning & Infrastructure construction crew for building the bridge, finally con...
Sekon Akwesasronon, I’d like to share with the community of Akwesasne an unfortunate and ongoing situation that has been occurring at the Peace Tree Mall on Kawehnoke. It is about the improper disposal of garbage at the Mall, which has become an eyesore along the main corridor on Kawehnoke. Littering has been a growing concern for some time now and individuals that make this a continuing problem need to stop. The Peace Tree Mall has been around for over 20 years now. It sits on the main thoroughfare on Kawehnoke—where close to one million car...
Letter to the Editor: Last week, the news media of the region carried stories of the arrival of the frigate at Cornwall Harbor, and also, a report of the delivery by canoe, of a historic wampum belt to the Akwesasne Museum. I have waited for comments as to those matters that get the most attention. In this case I had expected that some gifted writer would call attention to the two hundred Akwesasronon carrying a symbol of enduring Peace. And that this event was carried out in the south channel of the St. Lawrence River. Picture that! On one...
Letter to the editor: BC Floods Affect Akwesasne Family The Village of Gwayee (Kingcome Inlet) In BC was hit by torrential rains since Friday Sept. 25 and combined with high tides have caused the Kingcome River to over fill its banks by over 7 feet. More than 100 people had to be rescued by helicopter and were moved to Alert Bay and were housed in the community center there. They were forced to leave with only the clothes they were wearing. On Monday they were going to go in and rescue the...
The Jacobs Tobacco Company organized and hosted the 3rd Annual Scavenger Hunt for Charity this past month with 15 teams of three people competing for a week in fun, challenging, hilarious and mind-boggling events for a chance at winning cash prizes for themselves as well as a charity of their choice. Teams met at the JTC facility in Frogtown on Friday, Sept. 17, to receive their instructions packet. Then the challenge was on for each team to complete all the tasks (such as have their photo...
Letter to the editor, We have a drug epidemic here in Akwesasne. Everyone reading this is either affected directly or indirectly. Yet, what is being done? The Akwesasne Eagle Watch has done their best to raise the awareness of this epidemic, and yet there is still nothing being done! There has been community meetings held every week. Mostly it is the same people there week after week. We have a good mix but we are a small group. We are trying to hold it together, but burn-out is imminent. We can’t do it all. Everyone is worried about the tax is...
Notice to the Community This is to inform the community that the following persons have applied for membership under the Akwesasne Membership Code. Nathan Paul Sawatis, age 17, son of Paul Andrew Sawatis (Akwesasne) and Charla Burtenshaw, non-native. Paul Buckshot-Savard, age16, son of Paul Henry Buckshot Jr. (Akwesasne) and Shannon Savard, non-native. Owen Green, age 16, son of Rebecca Green (Akwesasne) and Robert Green (Six Nations). Brettani Heroy, age 18, daughter of Dawn Lafrance (Akwesasne). Brittany Boots, age 17, daughter of Peter...
Community Notification In 2006, after extensive community consultation, The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne signed a Permit Agreement with Telus Communications to erect a communications tower at Anowarako:wa Arena. This consists of a 100 feet by 100 feet fenced in area on the furthermost corner of the arena grounds wherein a state of the art tower with antennas and a 10 ft. x 10 ft. structure to accommodate electric equipment are found. During those initial consultations it was made clear that there could be future opportunities of sub-leasing on...
Akwesasne-native Dan White has been practicing portraiture painting for the past ten years and he recently been exploring the art world and all it has to offer. A recent portraiture he completed of the famous Chief Joseph photograph was accepted into the Frederic Remington Art Museum’s New York Juried Art Show in Ogdensburg. White is excited about having his work seen and judged and will find out when the show ends in January if his piece wins any prizes. He said there are many nice pieces in t...
SHOOTING - On September 11th, 2010 the Akwesasne Mohawk Police received a report from the New York State Police that a victim of a shooting was being treated at the Massena hospital from a gunshot wound to the foot and that the incident happened at a residence located on Roundpoint Road in Tsi Snaihne, Quebec. The victim was identified as Michael Jay Jackson of, Springfield, Massachusetts and the police investigation is continuing. ASSAULT - On September 12th, 2010 a 21 year old male was charged with Assault as a result of an occurrence at a...
The United States Environmental Protection agency awarded the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Environment Division two grants totaling $1,952,522. The funding will support a project to study wildlife and another project to restore Lake Sturgeon. The first project will study restrictions on fish and wildlife consumption, degradation of fish and wildlife populations, bird and animal deformities or reproductive problems and loss of fish and wildlife habitat. Environmental staff will conduct the study in the St. Lawrence River, Massena, New York Area o...
Submitted by D. O’Connell On Monday, September 27th, Tsi Snaihne School held an open house inviting all the parents to come and visit their child’s new teacher(s). Principal Lynda Brown was proud to announce that 129 families walked through the school’s doors between 5:00 and 7:00pm, almost 70% of the student population! Niawen to the parents/guardians for their outstanding school support. Many thanks to the community members who provided parents with information on a variety of topics. The A...
Now that autumn is here the leaves are going to pile up in my yard again. Is it really that bad to burn them? Burning fallen leaves used to be standard practice across North America, but most municipalities now ban or discourage the incendiary practice due to the air pollution it causes. The good news is that many towns and cities now offer curbside pickup of leaves and other yard waste, which they then turn into compost for park maintenance or for sale commercially. And there are other burn-free options as well. Burning Leaves May Spark...
•• First, let me apologize for making a mistake in the Haudenosaunee News 2 weeks ago when I was explaining about the Kariwiio reading that was starting at the Tonawanda Seneca longhouse on September 12. I stated that on Sunday (September 12) at 1:00 p.m., the day’s welcome would start with a Thanksgiving address. That is not so. At one o’clock the delegates from the different nations give a report about their nation and give the number of people traveling with each delegate. Once this is completed then the Ohenton Karihwentekwen is done. T...
Yes, you can receive a travel discount by Via Rail to travel anywhere in Canada where Via Rail travels. You must have a status card and you will have to put forward your discount with the ticket teller. Many Via Rail employees are not aware of the discount so you need to “push” forth your request. If the teller checks with his/her supervisor the discount information will be found. Several Six Nation residents talk about how they have used the Via Rail discount to travel different places in Canada to visit family and friends. Such people com...
Ronakiohkowá:nen ne Ahkwesahsró:non ón:wa nikahá:wi rontó:rats ne kihkáhon ohsa’kentà:ke tsi kanawakè:ron, ohrhon’kéhstsi kon’takié:shon né:’e tsi tehonatonhontsió:ni ne kihkáhon o’wà:ron, ahoti’wahraién:ta’ne tánon ahonte’wahrateweién:ton ne akohserakwé:kon ahoti’wahraién:take. Nó:nen enkonwanarón:tate enhatikóha. Tenthatíhawe tsi thotinónhsote. Thó:ne ó:nen enhatihstò:serenhte enhati’wahrahserón:ni. Enhatinenniò:kwanohste tánon thó ní:ioht tsi enhonte’wahrateweién:ton. Ókia’ke tóka ienká:ko ne...
This rendition of the Iroquoian creation story was compiled by Anataras (Alan Brant) from Tyendinaga. And again, they say, as far as our stories and legends or myths or whatever you want to call them, as far as our information about our culture goes, that this is - I guess - the oldest story that we have. Some of the stories they say go right back to the time of creation or the beginning of man. But this story goes much farther past that in history, beyond the beginning of the earth or the...
Fans of the Koi Express Japanese Steakhouse will have to look about half a mile down the road for the eatery as they’ve recently relocated. Co-owner Jake Adams had a one-bedroom house moved across the river by barge and remodeled it to fit a dining area and kitchen for Koi. They added a storage area in the back, built a small deck and moved their business to the new location earlier this month. Koi is now located (still on Route 37) next door to Akwesasne Sports and the Catch All. Their menu a...