A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the September 22, 2016 edition

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    Sep 22, 2016

    Kawehno:ke, Akwesasne – On Friday, September 16, 2016 at approximately 8:20 p.m., the Joint Investigation Team of the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service executed a drug warrant at a residence on Wishe Delormier Road, on Kawehno:ke. The search warrant execution was the result of an investigation into street level drug trafficking of cocaine. During the search, police seized approximately one ounce of powdered cocaine and an undetermined amount of mixed Canadian and United States currency. A...

  • Kahnawake Delegation Travel to Standing Rock

    Kaneihtonkie|Sep 22, 2016

    The Mohawk Nation at Kahnawake recently sent a delegation of seven Kahnawake Mohawks were "bundled" by the Longhouse (located on Route 207) Chiefs, Clan mothers and Faithkeepers to travel to Standing Rock as representative of Kahnawake to "show it's solidarity with the Onkwehon:we who have gathered there" to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. They came with good words of encouragement, a monetary donation and camp supplies. The delegation entered through South Dakota, bypassing the National Guard...

  • Removal Action Commences at Asbestos Site

    Sep 22, 2016

    Akwesasne, NY — The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is providing notification to local residents that clean-up efforts have begun of asbestos material that was unearthed during the summer of 2015. The material is located on a property identified as Parcel ID #360 in the southern portion of Akwesasne, which is adjacent to Lot #7 in the community’s northern district of Kana:takon (St. Regis). The Tribe thanks the property owner for notifying Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Public Safety and Environment Portfolio Holder Kana:takon District Chief Steve Tho...

  • Akwesasne Eagles Flag Football Tournament

    Sep 22, 2016

    Submitted by Randy Rourke Barreiro The A.E.F.F. organization on Saturday hosted 11 North Country teams at our Fifth annual tournament. The A.E.F.F. family expresses our appreciation to Akwesasne commissioner Tsiorasa Barreiro, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Community Partnership Fund and Tribal EMS service, the Generations Park staff, Mohawk School, Tarbell Management Group, KingInk, SRMT Seniors Center, our high school student volunteers, Big Eagles runners, all totas, parents and friends who...

  • The 2016 Ase Tsi Tewa:ton Experience

    Kaniehtonkie|Sep 22, 2016

    The Ase Tsi Tewa:ton (Cultural Restoration Program) gave their Fall presentation of traditional foods, cooking demonstrations, river and fish preservation, a medicine walk, hunting and trapping skills and Kanien'keha lessons on Saturday, September 17, 2016. Viewer active presentations were given by apprentices, as Master Teachers gave rein to their apprentices to share their knowledge, skills and Kaniehke:ha language in fishing and river use, traditional foods and basket making, traditional...

  • Thank You

    Sep 22, 2016

    The family of Frank W. Laughing Sr. would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Akwesasne Community for their outpouring of condolences and support during our time of need. A big Niawen kowa to all who donated food and monetary donations, also to Joe Herne for the tent and tables, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, MCA and Donaldson Funeral Home. Our family is humbled and appreciative, forgive us if we missed anyone. Sincerely, Marilyn Laughing and family...

  • Thank You to Tarbell Management and Papa Johns

    Sep 22, 2016

    The Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club would like to send a huge Thank You to Tarbell Management and Papa Johns for the Pizza days. Once a month Papa Johns provides pizza for the ABGC club kids. Niawen!...

  • ACSA Announces LAX 365 Training Center

    Karonhiaton|Sep 22, 2016

    The Akwesasne Convenience Store Association (ACSA) and Investing in the Potential Charitable Foundation is proud to announce the commencing of the LAX 365 Training Center. This project will focus the community's love of lacrosse. The LAX 365 Training Center will be housed in the former Mohawk Bingo Palace and will be open year-round for training, winter league and tournaments. Paul Tatlock, ACSA and Investing in the Potential, discusses the early development of this project, "There was a group...

  • MMH Foundation 50/50 Winner

    Sep 22, 2016

    Barb Butler was the lucky ticket holder for the 50/50 drawing held at the MMH Foundation's annual golf tournament on August 28th. Barb's morning shotgun team was "very supportive" of her big win including Pete Foster, Bob Kirkey and John Bero all who golfed under the sponsorship of Mohawk Hospital Equipment....

  • 2016 Adirondack Rural Skills and Homesteading Festival

    Sep 22, 2016

    Submitted by Rick LeVitre Executive Director, Cornell Cooperative Extension Franklin County The 2016 Adirondack Rural Skills and Homesteading Festival will be held Saturday, October 1st at the Paul Smith’s College’s Adirondack Visitor’s Center or “the VIC”. The Adirondack Rural Skills and Homesteading Festival celebrates the talents of a bygone era with a distinctly Adirondack flair. With featured exhibitions on logging and farming with draft horses, and a demonstration of competitive lumberjack sports by the Paul Smith’s College Woodsmen’s...

  • Tribal Luncheon Honors Direct Support Professionals

    Sep 22, 2016

    Akwesasne NY - The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Home and Community-Based Waiver Services (HCBS) held a special luncheon on Friday, Seskehkó:wa/September 16, 2016 in honor of National Direct Support Professionals (DSP) Recognition Week. The event recognized Habilitation Aides who support people with disabilities and was held at the newly renovated Family Support Building located at 420 State Route 37 in Akwesasne, adjacent to the Tribe's Community Building. Community and Family Services Director Ja...

  • Experience Akwesasne Interactive Map Launched

    Sep 22, 2016

    Territory of Akwesasne—The Akwesasne Tourism Working Group (ATWG) is pleased to announce the launch of our Experience Akwesasne Interactive Map, which is now accessible at www.experienceAkwesasne.com—a digital tour featuring our community’s rich artistic, historical, and cultural heritage. Visitors can now use the map to plan their visit to Akwesasne and navigate local points of interest using their smartphones. The digital map weaves visitors to locally owned businesses that offer traditional arts and services; along with local lore, histo...

  • Shopping for Toys: A Game Plan to Keep Your Child Safe

    Sep 22, 2016

    Before You Buy: The Right Toy for the Right Age All toys sold as new in the United States should contain a manufacturer’s recommended age range for the item, determined by national standards that take into account the motor skills, mental ability and behavioral patterns of children at different ages. This information is required by federal law for products intended for children three and younger, and recommended for items meant for children older than three. Additionally, any items designed for children older than three that contain small parts...

  • The Ahkwesahsne Cultural Restoration Program

    Sep 22, 2016

    Mohawk Lesson....

  • Kariwi:io (Good Mind) Ceremony

    Sep 22, 2016

    The Ceremonial fires throughout the Haudenosaunee Confederacy will come together on October 2, 2016 to put though the Kariwi:io Ceremony for the leadership and people of Akwesasne. This will start on a Sunday around 2:00pm with the host Nation (Kanienkehaka) greeting all the other delegates from the other Nations throughout the Confederacy. The visitors will sit on the Wolf and Turtle side of the longhouse. Akwesasronon and all other Kanienkehaka will sit on the Bears and other clans side of the house. The host Nation will ask for the...

  • Reader Comic

    Sep 22, 2016

    Reader Comic....

  • SRMT Food Distribution Host 19th Annual Conference

    Sep 22, 2016

    On Seskéha/August 29-31, 2016, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Food Distribution Program hosted the 19th Annual Midwest/Northeast Regional Food Distribution Conference at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort in Akwesasne, New York. It was the organization's first convening in Akwesasne, which discussed collaborative and cooperative efforts to provide food services and nutritional education to tribal communities. Tribes represented at the conference include: Bay Mills, Little River Band of Ottawa,...

  • Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service Receive New Horizons Funding for Elder Abuse Prevention

    Sep 22, 2016

    Akwesasne, September 8, 2016 – In March 2016, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service received funding to form an Aboriginal Network for the Senior residents of Akwesasne. The immediate priority is to translate the booklet “A Safety Guide for Seniors” into the Mohawk language. The committee behind the grant is comprised of individuals from the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service, Care for Health and Community Services and Elder Abuse Ontario. This committee represents a diverse group of service providers, seniors and interested individuals who are c...

  • Tsi Snaihne Early Years

    Sep 22, 2016

    Mohawk core language teacher Louella Lazore planted mums in the Tsi Snaihne Early years playground with students from the Head Start class. L-R: L. Lazore, Charles McDonald, Tayne Caldwell, Liv Phillips, Aydrie Ingle and Autumn Phillips. Submitted by Lynda Brown....

  • NYS AG Ends Illegal Online Tracking of Children on Popular Websites

    Sep 22, 2016

    NEW YORK - Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced that his office has reached settlements with Viacom, Inc., Mattel, Inc., Hasbro Inc., and JumpStart Games, Inc., resolving investigations into the companies’ violations of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). “Operation Child Tracker,” a two-year, first-of-its-kind investigation by the NYS Attorney General’s office, discovered that websites operated by these companies were home to tracking technology that illegally enabled third-party vendors, such as marketers...

  • Iroquois Prophecy and People at Standing Rock

    Doug Kanetiio George|Sep 22, 2016

    The power and influence of prophecy among the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations Iroquois) has been a central part of our culture since the birth of the league of peace long before the arrival of the refugees from across the salt water to the east of Anowara:kowa, the Great Turtle. When Skennenrahowi, the Peacemaker, raised the first Tree of Peace on the southern shore of Lake Onondaga (now Syracuse, NY) he not only gave those assembled a constitution and a common purpose he also imparted teachings about times to come. He predicted the arrival of the...


    Sep 22, 2016

    Seskehkó:wa/September 22, 2016 Kawehno:ke Recreation Centre at 6:00pm AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Council Attendance B. Moment of silence 2. COUNCIL AGENDA ACCEPTANCE 3. RULES OF ORDER 4. FOLLOW UP | Seskehkó:wa/September 1st General Meeting Action Items 5. PRESENTATION | Traditional Harvesting 6. UPDATE | Land Claims 7. UPDATE | General Meeting Format/Video Recording 8. UPDATE | Call Out For Land 9. UPDATE | North Dakota Access Pipeline Protest 10. UPDATE | Tsi Snaihne Walking Trail Initiative 11. BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR 12. RESOLUTIONS A. G...

  • AFN National Chief Bellegarde Marks 9th Anniversary of UN Declaration

    Sep 22, 2016

    (Ottawa, ON) – On the ninth anniversary (September 13, 2016) of the adoption of the UN Declaration by the United Nations General Assembly, Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde called on Canada to implement the UN Declaration in “full partnership” with First Nations and all Indigenous peoples. The UN Declaration provides a framework for reconciliation and the implementation of inherent and Treaty rights, title and jurisdiction. “Canada must respect First Nations rights under the Constitution and international human r...


    Sep 22, 2016

    (September 16, 2016) Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the start of the 2016 fall foliage season in New York State and the release of the I LOVE NY fall foliage report, a weekly updated and volunteer-sourced document that charts the color conditions of leaves across the state. In addition, to promote and showcase New York’s extraordinary autumn locations, travelers are invited to join the 2016 Foliage Photog of the Week campaign and share their photos of New York State on social media by using the #NYLovesFall hashtag. One of the most p...

  • Akwesasne Smuggler with 'Jimmy Hoffa;' The Mysterious Disappearance of 'Acid' Adams

    Sep 22, 2016

    By Jorge Barrera, Reprinted with Permission from APTN National News The seer told him he should make a small feast of frybread for the dead. Leave it in the bush with a shot of whisky because someone put a hex on you using graveyard dirt, the seer said. There also is a shipment coming soon across the river, said the seer, the courier will lose it in the ice. Richard “Acid” Adams wrote these prescriptions and predictions in black ink on a white piece of paper from a Hilton hotel. The note is still kept by Adams’ mother Jolene Adams along with...

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