Sorted by date Results 26 - 50 of 64
On Friday, August 31, a retirement party was held for four home health aides who’ve retired over the last year. The afternoon party was marked with speeches by Jann Day, Mary Grow, and Annette Fleury, thanking each of the retirees for the hard work and the impact they had on the lives of the people they cared for. The retirees- Hilda Herne, Mary Parent, Sheila Stone and Brenda Gorrow - have a combined 84 years of service in Akwesasne. Herne, Parent, Stone, and Gorrow, were recognized with an a...
Databases MySQL and PostGreSQL are popular database solutions. NoSQL database solutions have become very popular within the past few years new web developers can start using them right away. Plan to spend a few hours each day reading the technical documents, taking notes, and writing practice code before you develop a working example to show off on your webhost for the whole world to see. You need to learn the Web Technologies I mentioned earlier in this article first, so plan your learning path and stick to your scheduled plan. If you plan to...
She:kon sewakwe:kon. Greetings and Good Evening. My name is Randy Hart. I am the Chief of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe. Thank you for being here tonight to welcome The Moving Wall, a half size Vietnam War Memorial. I know that an event of this size takes a lot of hard work and planning. I personally would like to thank all of the organizing committees and helpers, Sons of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and community members. Niawen ko:wa Thank you. The Vietnam War took place during a difficult period of time in U.S. history. The B...
Tribes Reach Deal to Purchase Black Hills Sacred Site By ICTMN Staff September 4, 2012 “When I saw that Pe’ Sla was at risk, I thought somebody should do something and I said that to myself for about two weeks. Then I thought I should probably do something,” said Chase Iron Eyes, an attorney, at a press conference held Saturday to announce the tribes’ purchase of Pe’ Sla. What he did was write an article August 1 for and his efforts snowballed from there. The website raised more than $300,000 to help with the purchase...
Ontario Finishes Last on Poverty Indicators Toronto, Ontario - Aug. 29, 2012 - An Ontario-wide coalition, The Ontario Common Front, made of more than 90 groups and organizations concerned with growing inequality released an unprecedented new report today showing that Ontario has sunk to last place in Canada when measured against every important social indicator. “Most people would be shocked to know that Ontario has seen the largest increase in income inequality and the second largest jump in poverty rates in all of Canada,” said Ontario Federa...
This photo was taken in 1988 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Over 27 basket makers from Akwesasne were honored by the New York State Arts Council and were the recipient of the 1988 Governor’s Art Award. Accepting the award on behalf of all basket makers was Mary Adams, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Chief Mary David and St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council Chief Rosemary Bonaparte. Akwesasne Museum Director Donna Cole praised Salli Benedict, former Museum Director and Robert B...
The 2012 Great New York State Fair 4-H Youth Building was the site for the 4-H Mighty Shamrocks to make a debut. And, a debut they did make. On Wednesday, August 29th, Mikayla Francis, a 4-H Mighty Shamrock Mentor, and her brothers Charlie and Tyson (Mentees) travelled to the Great NYS Fair with their mother, Cecelia Francis and 4-H Mentoring Coordinator, Connie Gerow to share with “fair goers” the craft of making Dream Catchers. Armed with an abundance of grape vine, thread, beads and fea...
Division: Law Enforcement Salary: $42,910.00 Status: Full-time, Non-exempt Deadline: Seskehkó:wa/September 21, 2012 Applications can be picked up at the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Police Station. Description of Position: The patrol officer is responsible for the impartial enforcement of all laws and local ordinances, preservation of peace, protection of lives and property, investigation of criminal offenses, apprehension of criminals and lawbreakers and other related work in accordance with the law, rules, regulations, and the ad...
•Architect-need 5 yr. Bachelors of Architecture, licensed •Engineers-need a bachelor’s degree in engineering is required for entry-level engineering jobs •Sound Engineering Technicians-need technical school, community college, college training, on the job experience •Probation Officers & Correctional Treatment Specialists-need Bachelor’s degree in social work, criminal justice or related field •Public Relations Specialists-need College degree combined with PR experience, gained through internship •TV, Video, motion picture camera operator...
The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is engaged in Class II and Class III gaming. To effectively regulate gaming within the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s jurisdiction, the Tribe adopted the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Gaming Ordinance, which created the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Gaming Commission, whose exclusive purpose is to regulate gaming activities on Tribal lands. Tribal Gaming Commissioners are appointed by Tribal Council. They are not employees of the Tribe or the Tribe’s gaming operations. The Ordinance more fully sets out the duties of the Tri...
Under the direct supervision and direction of the General Manager. This is a salaried full time position and is required to work during regular business hours, Monday through Friday 8am -4pm and other hours as deemed necessary. The Finance officer will: 1. Keep financial records and establish, maintain and balance various CKON Radio accounts using manual and computerized bookkeeping systems; 2. Post journal entries and reconcile accounts, prepare trial balance of books, maintain general ledgers and prepare financial statements; 3. Calculate...
Reports To: General Manager/CEO FLSA Status: Exempt Date: Tuesday September 4, 2012 Closing Date: Tuesday September 18, 2012 @ (4:00 pm) SUMMARY: The Incumbent serves as a dynamic, positive leader, fostering teamwork, employee morale, motivation and open communication while managing the operation of the hotel operations. The Director of Hotel Operations will be responsible for the successful overall direction and management of all activities in relation to the operation of the hotel, ensures total guest satisfaction while attaining...
Bid No. 12-008 Residential Site Work Notice is hereby given that Residential Site Work bid packages will be available for pick-up at the Akwesasne Housing Authority office on Friday, September 14, 12012. Sealed bids will be received at the Akwesasne Housing Authority Office, until Friday, September 28, 2012, 10:00 am local time, at which time they will be publicly opened and read for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment, and performing all work necessary and incidental to: Residential Site Work (5 Sites) in accordance with the...
Salary: Pay Band 03 $28,708.12 - $35,344.01 SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the direction of the Clinic Coordinator, general duties of the Clinic Receptionist include, greeting patients as they arrive, answering phones, patient registration, managing patient files, referrals and general office work. QUALIFICATIONS: Medical Receptionist Certificate with medical terminology course and two (2) years work experience in an office setting, filing, typing, telephone communications and dealing with the public. The incumbent must be computer...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne through the Department of Technical Services is currently seeking interested parties for the purpose of tendering the “Solid Waste and Recyclable Waste Materials Contract” Duration of the contract is a FIVE-YEAR term commencing on April 1 2013, through March 31, 2018. The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne has a service area that includes the district of Kawenoke (Cornwall Island), Kanatakon (St. Regis Village), and the Tsi Snaihne (Snye). The contract for curb side pick up and service is restricted to residential and...
The MCA Community Health Program would like to invite expectant families, parents, grandparents & caregivers to a baby fair. DATE: September 7, 2012 TIME: 11am to 3pm WHERE: Kanonhkwatsheriio Health Facility Take a stroll along aisles of resources and informative booths. Talk to industry professionals for great information on pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, fitness, education, health, diapering and much more! Prizes – Samples – Special Events Photo Contest: bring your baby’s picture to the community health office by Sept. 5th at 4pm. Age g...
TSI TETEWATATKENS St. Regis Mohawk Senior Center 518-358-2963 UPCOMING EVENTS: Save the date: September 21st –Public Hearing at 11:00 to review plans for 2013. Volunteers are needed for bingo, shopping, newsletters or helping out around the center. IAKHIHSOHTHA Home for the Elderly 613-575-2507 Trivia Fundraiser Night September 29th at Cedarview Golf Course, we are looking for donations of themed baskets for our Mohawk Auction. Please call Maureen at Iakhihsohtha 613-575-2507 ext. 3 or Lorraine at 613-575-2694. Bingo every Thursday, games b...
Fri. Sept. 7th No Doctor Mon. Sept. 10th Dr. Tremblay-Walk-In 8:00-11:00 Tues. Sept. 11th Dr. Young-Walk-In 8:30-11:30 Wed. Sept. 12th Dr. Young-Walk-In 8:30-11:30 Thurs. Sept. 13th No Doctor...
Fri. Sept. 7th Dr. Forson-by Appt. 9:00-11:30 Sat. Sept. 8th Dr. Forson-Walk-In 8:30-11:30 Mon. Sept. 10th Dr. Forson-Walk-In 9:00-11:30 Tues. Sept. 11th Dr. Forson-by Appt. 9:00-11:00 Wed. Sept. 12th Lab 8:30-10:00 Thurs. Sept. 13th No Doctor...
This month is a time to acknowledge the efforts of those in the addictions field and those in recovery from an addiction. Many times these efforts are not recognized as they should be. Recovery month is a time for those in recovery to share their stories and be proud of where they are at today. It is also a time for everyone to recognize all the benefits recovery has on, not only the individuals suffering, but the community as a whole. Recovery is a lifelong process that takes a lot of effort. Those suffering from an addiction must work at...
Oil painting of Kateri Tekakwitha and patio bench with the 5 nations design on the back. Tickets $5 can be bought through Sandy Rourke at 518-358-6300 Drawing Sept. 22, 2012...
PO Box 101- Akwesasne, QC H0M 1A0 Or PO Box 1043-Hogansburg, NY 13655 Contact-George Adams-613-575-2871...
Are you interested in how the proceeds from settlement and claims are spent? Do you have an interest in the future of the community? If so, you may be interested in becoming a Trustee for the MCA Community Trust Fund. There will be a free on-line training course, put on by National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association (NATOA), for all those interested in becoming trustees beginning September 17th, 2012. You will have 4 months to complete modules and a final case study in order to complete the training. Deadline for registration is September...
The Longyear Museum of Anthropology, in Alumni Hall on the Colgate University campus, will celebrate the opening of the exhibition Skywoman: Haudenosaunee Art and the Creation of a New World with a catered reception on Thursday, September 13th from 4:30-6:00 pm. The exhibition includes contemporary work by sixteen artists in various styles and media including painting, prints, photography, computer graphics, beadwork, and sculpture in stone, clay. They include: Sis Falcone, Katsitsionni Fox, Tom Huff, Arnold Aron Jacobs, Joseph Jacobs, Peter...
Cedarview Golf Course Doors open at 6:00 Game starts at 7:00pm. Other events: Pledge Sheet Contest, Mohawk Auction, 50/50 Raffle, Team Spirit Awards Cost to play: $25.00 per person or $75.00 in pledges 4 person teams Pledge sheet contest: The Person bringing in on the night of the event the highest cash or check pledge total will be declared the winner. First prize: $1000.00 Cash Second Prize: $500.00 Cash We are also looking for donations of theme baskets for our Mohawk Auction, if interested in pledge sheets or donating a basket please...