Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 64
Cornwall, ON- Members of the Cornwall Community Police Service Street Crime Unit executed a drug search warrant shortly after 4:00 p.m. on August 30th, 2012 at a Hamilton Crescent residence. As a result of the investigation, a male and a female were arrested and charged with 10 drug and Criminal Code related offences when it was alleged that he was found to be in possession of controlled substances. Police seized a large quantity of substance believed to be Methamphetamine (Speed), MDMA...
On Thursday August 30th every Alcoa entrance was manned with picketers, and from the amount of tooting horns they were well supported. They were protesting the fact that inside Alcoa were a group of workers that should be local. Instead, according to some of the picketers, the workers are from Mexico on work visas, although this cannot be confirmed. It is confirmed, however, that the workers are there through a firm called CCC out of Texas, and that is certainly not local either way. The Local...
AKWESASNE MOHAWK TERRITORY – The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne has announced that Margaret (Peggy) Francis-Mitchell has been appointed as the interim-Community Advocate on Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) Complaints. Peggy will be assisting any Akwesasne Community members and/or First Nations people that may encounter issues with the CBSA at the Cornwall Port of Entry with the formal complaints process. At times, she may call upon the community members to provide additional information as needed in resolving complaints. To contact the i...
Niawen:kowa To my sister Mary Francis and her entire extended family, my “Roundpoint” and “Herne” relatives, and so many childhood friends who warmly welcomed my family and I during our brief visit to help celebrate Sis Mary’s 85th birthday! My children were very excited to meet so many of their relatives who made them feel right at home. On behalf of my entire family, I would like to thank everyone for taking their precious time to make our visit so special! With love and gratitude, Vicki Herne Griffiths and Family...
NIAWEN From: Wally & Alexia Mitchell, Patti, Wilson & family, Leighann, Paul & family, and Raun Mitchell To: Char’s caregivers: Vanessa, Sandy, Laurie, Betty, Connie, Loretta, and Clarissa. Hospice of the North Country (Malone), Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Outreach Nurses, friends that gave monetary and food donations, Mohawk Bingo Palace workers, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, The Akwesasne Cancer Support Group, George & Edith Adams, Father Jerome, Beatrice Lazore, Sister Christine, and all those that came and prayed w...
Correction A note from the Akwesasne Cultural Center: In last week’s article on the Akwesasne Wolf Belt, funding from the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT) was noted as providing the renovations to the special exhibit area for the wampum belt’s housing. We would also like to acknowledge that Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) matched the funds given by SRMT for the project. The entire budget included renovations to the exhibit room by White Arrow Construction, installation of fiber optic lighting by Grey Wolf Electric, an exhibit case from Sma...
To the Editor: Konon:kwe Council would like to thank everyone who attended Weaving Webs of Women’s Wisdom last week! It was an amazing experience to be with Onkwehonwe from all over Indian Country to sing, laugh, pray, talk, dance, strategize, heal and DO together. We hope you’re as energized as we are to continue working toward trauma-informed care and collaborative responses to violence in Akwesasne. We appreciate each and every person who helped out before, during and after the gathering. It’s a long list, and we apologize if we fail to me...
Lt. Dan’s had its grand re-opening on Friday, August 31. Now Lt. Dan’s is located in a new building, right next to the pawn shop in Hogansburg. Open from 3-8pm, you can find all the camouflage gear you need. Camouflage gear is not all you will find at Lt. Dan’s – no, not by a long shot. Once inside, you will notice a varied assortment of knives, camping and hunting gear, also movie memorabilia and antiques. A few standouts are the Freddy Kreuger glove, a centurion helmet and sword, and a real...
The labor trades as well as some local businesses and city services all marched down Main Street in Massena, Monday morning for Labor Day. The parade was to show support for labor and display the pride that union members feel. There were Ironworkers Local #440 from Akwesasne, as well as Steelworkers Union Local #420A, Several International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Locals, and many other local and regional unions in the parade. The Shriners from both the American and Canadian side had...
William P. Bero, 31, of Rooseveltown Road, Akwesasne was sentenced to five years probation and ordered to pay a $2,000 fine by Judge Robert G. Main Jr. for driving while intoxicated. Bero plead guilty to a Superior Court Information, rather than the first-degree unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, DWI, failure to keep right, unlicensed operation and refusal to take a breath test charges, that stemmed from an incident Oct. 30, 2011. William J. King, 35, of Helena Road, Hogansburg was sentenced to two to four years in state prison by Judge...
On Monday, People of the Kanienkehaka Kanonsesneh and fans of the St. Regis Braves gathered at the Kanonsesneh all day preparing food to welcome home the Champions of Lacrosse not only of Akwesasne but all of Canada. As children played, the women cooked and the men cleaned and set up the premises for the Social of Honor for the Braves. Happiness was everywhere.Close tabs were kept on the movements of the Champs all day long. When they boarded the plane, the deer meat was cooked and the hype was heightened. Deer meat was significant because...
Welcome Back To School! The start of a new school year is an exciting time, with new faces and returning students eager to be back at the St. Regis Mohawk School. This year is sure to be one of our best! The teachers and staff at the St. Regis Mohawk School are ready to provide students with the best academic guidance and support possible this coming school year. Attendance is tremendously important, as is arriving to school on time each day and remaining for the entire day, 8:00am-3:15pm. If a student is routinely tardy or leaving early...
Spruce Grove, Alberta - The 2012 Presidents Cup of Lacrosse has come and gone. Over the past week Sr. B teams converged on this prairie province to take claim at the title of National Champions. On Monday the St. Regis Braves (Champions of the ILA) defending Champions, took to the floor against 2010 Champions Onondaga Redhawks who won the Can Am Lacrosse League. A good fast three minutes of this game took a turn for the worse for the Redhawks, the Braves found their rhythm and took charge on...
Yes people, Tom Stacey, who unselfishly cleans the roads and ditches, had his bike stolen last Friday or Saturday from the Bears Den parking lot. We all know what it looks like; it’s red with a basket and it is motorized. He did file a report with Tribal Police so be on the lookout for Tom Stacey’s bike, and if you see it call Tribal Police. If you took it and didn’t realize you stole Tom Stacey’s bike, and now feel like the biggest idiot in the world, have a heart and please return it. Tom would appreciate it if he could get his bike back be...
The MacArthur Brothers & MacNeil Funeral Home is currently finishing some renovations and is scheduled to have a grand reopening on September 8th from 1 - 4 PM. Coffee, tea, desserts and door prizes will be available. Owner Bonnie Parker, Bill MacDonald, Jim Bennet, and Don Maclean will also be on hand to greet the public they hope to serve. Bill MacDonald said, “We are looking forward to building relationships with Akwesasne residents. We want to let people know there is an alternative.” Par...
AKWESASNE MOHAWK TERRITORY –On Tuesday, August 12, 2012, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne welcomed New Democratic Party MP Anne Minh-Thu Quach (Beauharnois-Salaberry, Quebec) back to the community of Akwesasne for her third visit since being elected to the Parliament of Canada in May 2011. The August 12th visit comes one-year after her initial visit that included a community tour and discussions on Akwesasne’s multi-jurisdictional issues from being located in Ontario, Quebec and New York Sta...
Thank You to Community and Supporters Through our first ever collaboration the Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Johnson O’Malley Programs were able to provide the first Steps to Success Summer Program for community children. We would like to take this opportunity to say Niawen:Kowa to everyone who helped to make this year a success. Together we were able to provide a quality summer experience for over 150 children. To the following we would like to express our s...
August 30, 2012--Ottawa--On September 1, it will be 13 years since the launch of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network. To coincide with this anniversary, a new book about the characters, stories and history behind the launch of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) has just been released. “Original People. Original Television. The launching of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network” by Jennifer David tells the inside story of how the world’s first national Aboriginal TV netwo...
As many people prepare for the journey to attend the Canonization ceremony for the Blessed Kateri Tekahkwi:tha in Rome on October 22, 2012 they are beginning to think about what to pack, what to wear, and for some how they will cover the high cost to attend this once in a lifetime event. For Dawn Lazore and her mother Rosemary Bonaparte, inspiration for their trip has taken the form of a commemorative Kateri Tekahkwi:tha shawl intended to memorialize the holy event and help relieve some of the...
From 1900-2010, freshwater fish species in North America went extinct at a rate 877 times faster than the rate found in the fossil record, while estimates indicate the rate may double between now and 2050. This new information comes from a U.S. Geological Survey study to be published in the September issue of the journal BioScience. In the fossil record, one freshwater fish species goes extinct every 3 million years, but North America lost 39 species and 18 subspecies between 1898 and 2006. Based on current trends in threatened and endangered...
Akwesasne Soaring Eagles volleyball club and the Hotinonhson:ni Cultural Youth Group combined their time and efforts in this year’s summer program for the community of Akwesasne. This opportunity happened when the two clubs applied for summer student employees through the Akwesasne Area Management Board and administration was sponsored by the Kawehnoke Recreation. Soaring Eagles was granted a program manager Elysia Koostachin, staff assistance Jaden Barnes, Logan Francis-Mitchell, Janisa Benedic...
3. SELL USED BOOKS I have a friend that sells used books from home. She was kind enough to share some ideas on how to get started and tips to do well. She explained that she buys used books from garage and estate sales, and then turns around and sells the books for cash on sites like Amazon, Ebay, and AbeBooks. She uses the scanner to determine how long it usually takes for a specific book to sell and how much it sells for. She told me that she makes a full-time living doing this. So, I got the scoop on how to run a business of this...
Durham, NC - The persistent, dependent use of marijuana before age 18 has been shown to cause lasting harm to a person’s intelligence, attention and memory, according to an international research team. Among a long-range study cohort of more than 1,000 New Zealanders, individuals who started using cannabis in adolescence and used it for years afterward showed an average decline in IQ of 8 points when their age 13 and age 38 IQ tests were compared. Quitting pot did not appear to reverse the loss either, said lead researcher Madeline Meier, a p...
Continued from last week 66. Ionakiohkowá:nen ne iako’nowakéhte enkonkia’tarò:roke A large group of lady bugs will gather 67. Akohserà:ke nikahá:wi, ókiake ne iako’nowakéhte eniotí:ta’we In winter time, some ladybugs will sleep 68. Ona’watsistò:kon ne ó:kwire Under the bark of a tree 69. Tóka ó:ni kanónhskon Or inside the house 70. Ókiake ne iako’nowakéhte eniotí:ta’we oniehtò:kon Some ladybugs will sleep under the snow 71. Akohserakwé:kon iotí:ta’s All winter they sleep 72. Kakwitè:ne nikahá:w...
This belt symbolizes the agreement and conditions under which the Iroquois welcomed the white peoples to this land “You say that you are our Father and I am your son.” We say, “We will not be like Father and Son, but like Brothers. This wampum belt confirms our words. These two rows will symbolize two paths or two vessels, traveling down the same river together. One, a birch bark canoe, will be for the Indian People, their laws, their customs, and their ways. The other, a ship, will be for t...