A Voice from the Eastern Door
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Submitted by Kahnastatsi Geraldine Jacobs The A’nowara’ko:wa Arena Sports & Fitness program held their end of the summer program party and awards on Thursday, August 15th at the A’nowarakowa arena sport field, started off with a Sunshine run of fifteen minutes out and fifteen minutes back, then they enjoyed time on the water slides and bouncing house, they were fed a nutritious meal that consisted of lots of fruits & veggies. Then they were presented their awards and did their raffle draw....
To participate in the July 20-26, 2014 North American Indigenous Games in Regina, Saskatchewan You must tryout or participate in a play down and contact the Sport Specific Coordinators today! •Volleyball: Female August 23-25th Heart to Heart, Akwesasne Kahnastatsi Jacobs 613-575-1594 Volleyball: Male August 23-25th- Heart to Heart, Akwesasne - Kuylin Chaussi 613-936-1583 •Basketball/Track Field August 31st Mistisinni - Pat Dominique [email protected] •Boys Softball: August 31st-William Fontaine 418-961-9198 •Lacrosse: Septemb...
The Snake Island Muskies got on the scoreboard first, last Monday night, only 40 seconds into the first period when Seth Oakes, assisted by Casey Swamp, opened up the scoring during the third game of the first playoff series at the Massena Arena. Less than two minutes later Mitch Nanticoke struck for the Caughnawaga Indians first goal when he finished off a play from Troy Lyons. The Indians dominated for the next seven minutes as they scored six more unanswered goals. At the 12 minute mark,...
On Saturday, September 7, 2013, over 100 golfers, business leaders and community minded neighbors will take to the links at Cedar View Golf Course to support the 4th Annual Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club BE GREAT Golf Tournament! The 11:00am gunshot start will kick off the event with all proceeds raised benefiting the Club’s numerous programs offered after school and during the summer!...
Massena Women’s Softball League hosted a tourney this summer in July to benefit women’s healthcare and breast cancer awareness in the North Country. Proceeds from the tournament were donated to Massena Memorial Hospital’s Women’s Imaging Center and Canton Potsdam Hospital. Members of the Massena Women’s Softball League presented MMH a check for $3,700 from this year’s tournament proceeds. Pictured above are (from left to right) Charles F. Fahd, II, FACHE, MMH Chief Executive Officer, Te...