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TERRITORY OF AKWESASNE—The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne received reports from community members that the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has implemented a procedure at their Port-of-Entry located in the City of Cornwall. The measure was implemented without prior notification to the Akwesasne community and comes at a time when residents are shopping for the upcoming school year. The CBSA for the next 2 week period will be documenting and accounting the importations of declared goods into Canada under the Akwesasne Remission Order. A...
By: Arisawe At 8:44 AM, on August 23, 2014, a blow horn sounded the start of the Akwesasne Freedom School's Survival Race. This after 13 swimmers were loaded in a deck boat near the bridge at Raquette Pt. and taken to the start line under the bridge, where the swimmers entered the water, lined up and listened for the sound that said, "Game on." From the view atop the bridge, heads bobbed, some with colorful swim caps and some without. From that view, it didn't seem like a great distance since...
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On Thursday, August 21 the Winter Ballroom at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort was filled with artists, performers, area chambers of commerce members, Akwesasne and area business owners and Mohawk, city, state, county and federal government agencies, for Experiencing Akwesasne: A Community Presentation Of Tourism Opportunities. The night began with a vendor showcase including artists such as Natasha Smoke Santiago, John Thomas, Niio Perkins and Vaughn Phillips. The Akwesasne Cultural Center...
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Working hard and staying clean can give you big rewards. That was the message sent last week by the Thompson brothers - recent NCAA quarter-finalists and World Cup Bronze medalists. The foursome were in Hogansburg last week at Generations Park along with their manager and proud father Jerome "Jye" Thompson. Miles and Lyle were recent recipients of the Tewaaraton Trophy and they played at the University of Albany. Cousin Ty also plays for Albany. Oldest brother Jeremy was also at Generations Park...
On Saturday August 23, 2014, the MCA Safe Zone Program held its kick-off event at the St. Regis Recreation. The event included several speakers, great food, informational booths from several programs and a sexual health carnival with games and prizes. Akwiratekha Martin summed it up when he said, "This is groundbreaking." The mission of the Safe Zone program at Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is to distinguish and support community members, faculty, and staff who identify as a Safe Zone advocate on...
AKWESASNE – Marlene N. Garrow, age 76, 296 State Route 37, passed away Monday morning, August 25, 2014 at the Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, Plattsburgh, NY, where she had been admitted ten days ago. She had been in failing health the past several years. Marlene was born June 20, 1938 in St. Regis, Quebec, to the late Joe M. and Theresa Smoke Terrance. She was educated at Salmon River Central School, and later took classes at Potsdam State University. She married Leonard V. Garrow on D...
A photo taken of the panel of the inaugural event of the Akwesasne Safe Zone, including Jessica Danforth, Shara Francis-Herne, Akwirateka Martin, and Eileen Cook, as well as others. The event included a panel discussion about what it means to be Two Spirited before colonial influence, and healthy relationships and ideologies. There were also many displays showing healthy activities, native midwifery, effects and ways to prevent HIV-AIDS, and family services as well as door prizes and a very...
Niawen ko:wa, On behalf of the students, staff and parents of the Akwesasne Freedom School we want to say a big huge niawen ko:wa to our community of Akwesasne for the amazing support you provide to us, not just during our annual event, quilt auction and survival race, but throughout the year. Niawen ko:wa!! Onenkiwahe, Elvera Sargent...
Pictured here is the International Hotel that used to be located on St. Regis Road in Akwesasne. Anna Marie Sawatis is looking for any information or pictures that you may have. Please call her sister Mary Alice at 518-352-2202 if you have anything to share....
In December of 2012, Lena, my mother-in-law in her 92nd year, was accepted as a resident at Tsiionkwanonhso:te Care Facility on Cornwall Island. She had been through a very rough time, both health wise and through mismatches at other long-term facilities. After being advised of the existence of Tsiionkwanonhso:te, I was greatly impressed right from my first visit. Denise gave me the royal tour and I was warmly received by all staff members to whom I was introduced. Lena was offered a “two-bed” room for the same price as four-to-a-room els...
To the editor; This year, the American Legion Riders from Post #925 (Norfolk) held a charity motorcycle ride to benefit the Wounded Warrior Program of the 10th Mountain Division Association of Watertown, NY. We were able to present a check to them for $4840. Raising this much money for such a good cause would not have been possible without the wonderful support of our communities and the dedicated work of our members. We would like to acknowledge the selfless contributions that were made by the following individuals, organizations, and local...
To the Editor, The Mohawk Bingo Palace She:kon. I would like to comment upon my concerns that are ongoing with a tribal gaming enterprise, the “Mohawk Bingo Palace.” What a FLOP!! The Bingo Palace doors are closed through the late evening hours to late morning. Is this an indicator of a failing business? The only change that was supposed to occur when the Class 2 gaming facility moved was the LOCATION. All I can say is that the tribal referendum (to move the Bingo Palace) was not intended to also deprive the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe of val...
As one of the coaches of the Akwesasne Midget Storm-Team One Lacrosse Team, I’d like to announce myself and my team’s deep appreciation for all the support and financial assistance given us by the People of Akwesasne. After recognizing the ability and the potential of the players of our team, we aimed for “Midget-A status.” We reached that goal and competed on a provincial level for the “A” level in lacrosse championship. At this juncture of competition, we needed additional help; in addition to what the proud parents and minor league associati...
On Sunday afternoon, August 24, 2014, the annual quilt auction took place at the Akwesasne Freedom School grounds with many people present. Also on this day, was the steak and cornbread sale along with the Silent Auction held inside the school with beautiful items donated by the parents of the students who attend this Mohawk immersion school running into its 30th year of operation. The largest fundraiser for the school is the annual quilt raffle and steak and cornbread dinner. The local...
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Last week Isaac Benedict got a big surprise while "snagging" along a spot on the St. Lawrence. Using just a hook and sinker Benedict caught himself this16.9 pound 46.5 inches monster...and he wasn't even trying. He and a pal were in a canoe with his line dropped and he got snagged up, or so he thought. He pulled his line up and it started fighting, and when he got it onto the canoe he was in for a big surprise. Turns out he had hooked the side of this Sturgeon. After the obligatory pictures and...
There is a saying, it takes a whole community to raise a child, and this summer the Ionkwari wa kaien Youth Camp certainly made it so. Through a concerted effort of several programs and the energy and spirit of many, the Ionkwari wa kaien Youth Camp, which ran from August 11 to the 15th, had another successful year. Over 30 children from the ages of 8 to 11 spent five days participating in a variety of activities designed to bring our traditions and customs alive and active. Each day started wit...
There is a young Mohawk woman with Ahkwesahsne roots and she is becoming very successful in the world of Native films as a writer, producer, and a director. She is Roxann (Karonhiarokwas) Whitebean. She has been in the filming business only one and a half years and has won awards already and has been recognized by many of the Canadian Associations. Impressively, Roxann will have 5 credits to her name as a director while her career is progressing rapidly. Roxann was selected by a jury consisting...
The title of my short presentation is VALUE. We say we love Akwesasne, what is it that we love about it? The people – artists, lacrosse players, babies, youth, elders the land, the gardens, the plants the waters, the fish the grass – sweetgrass that we smudge with and use for baskets, all of the other medicine plants the animals the trees that gift us with maple sap and syrup, black ash splints for baskets, hickory for lacrosse sticks – We have thanked all of these things at the beginning of thi...
Indian Time is lucky to receive many visitors every week. Whether it's a parent bringing in a new baby for a photograph or an elder who wants us to look at photos with him, our doors are always open and we love our visitors. We love them so much we want to share them with you. "We Love Visitors" series is simply a way to share members of the community with you. So, don't be scared to come and visit us (we'll only photograph those willing) but if you have something special you want to show us,...
Having fun while learning about science, and maybe turning it into a career in the field, was the aim of a week long Science Camp at the Akwesasne Mohawk School. The annual program is run by two schools, the University of Ottawa and Queens University in Kingston, Ontario. Local students were divided into two groups with elementary aged kids put in the program run by Ottawa U. and the high school kids were placed in the charge of Queens University Engineering Society. The Queens program is...
We finally welcomed our new baby to the family. Big brother had a long wait. Everyday he would ask me, “How many more days until the baby is born?” Once we hit the one week mark he was beyond excited and talked about who he thought the baby would look like, hopes that the baby would have hair and lastly he was sure his baby brother would not cry much. Little brother on the other hand was quiet about it. Since he had a hard time with the announcement that there was even going to be a baby, we watched him go through this whole process while he...