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Iehiá:tons Jaclyn Hall Ne Ahkwesáhshne Rontatewenní:io Tsi Iontoweienstáhkhwa Raoná:wen Khia'teiohserà:ke Wahsiríson Tekenhnakhánion Tethontihenréhtha Aontatokenhtì:ke, Seskéha 19 onterihwahtén:ti. Kí:ken iohseratákie tsi ní:kon enhatihwístako ne énhontste ne enhonhténkia'te ne Ahkwesáhshne Rontatewenní:io Tsi Iontoweienstáhkhwa tánon enhonthwístaien ne katkekshón:'a asé'stsi enhatinonhsakétsko ne tsi iontoweienstáhkhwa. $10 million nikahwístake ia'tehonóien ahatihwístako ahatíhsa ne ka...
SAINT-EUSTACHE, Que. The federal government will move forward to create a statutory holiday dedicated to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Thursday. The holiday will be aimed at remembering the legacy of residential schools and reflecting on a path toward reconciliation, he said in Saint-Eustache, Que. “Over the past decades, generations, and centuries, Canada failed in one of its fundamental commitments to respect and be partners of the Indigenous People who lived on this land for millennia,” he sai...
Families of Veterans - we invite you to the New York State Fair Indian Village on Indian Day, Friday, August 31, 2018. We, the Iroquois Nation Legionnaires are sending out an open invitation to families of veterans who have passed on since September 2016, to attend the honor ceremony at 2:15pm. Veterans will be introduced and thanked for their service. Honor Guards from the Seneca Nation, American Legion Post 1479, the Sons of the American Legion and members of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police will be in attendance. Louis Oakes, Barney...
By: Jaclyn Hall The Junior B Founder's Championship games took place on Saturday, August 18th. After playing their hearts out for the last week, the final teams were playing for their spot in the top three. The bronze game was held at 2:00 pm, with the Coquitlam Adanacs playing the Manitoba Blizzard for the bronze. After playing a close game through all three periods, the Coquitlam Adanacs won by the skin of their teeth with a score of 9 to 8. The game was nothing short of entertaining. The...
Here is an additional picture....
By Andy Gardner MASSENA -- The Town of Massena in September 2019 will host one of the largest fishing organizations in the world for a tournament on the scale of Bassmaster Elite, the Town Council decided on Wednesday evening. The event will be hosted by Fishing League Worldwide. Don Meissner, a local pro angler who helped first bring Bassmaster Elite to the North Country in 2013, will fundraise the $17,500 FLW charges in order to bring the event to town. “They said every one of their events brings $1.5 million to the local economy,” Mei...
Kenneth Diabo passed away at the Cornwall Community Hospital McConnell Site on Thursday, August 16, 2018 at the age of 64 years. Kenneth was the former spouse of Doris Thomas. He was the loving father of Kenneth Thomas (Tia), Jordan Thomas, Randi Thomas (Chad Laffin), Alanna Thomas (Lance Loran) and to chosen daughter Arlene Thomas. Cherished grandfather of Keenan, Lakota, Freddie, Austin, Aaliyah, Tate, Trinity, Ia'te, Kakwi, Ranonkwatsheronni, Baby J. and Lesenna, and great-grandfather of... Full story
AWKESASNE – On Thursday afternoon, August 16, 2018 after a lengthy illness, Mike "Kim Boy" Edwards, Tewentésare, Deer Clan, age 59, entered the Spirit World at his home with his family by his side. Kim Boy was born August 17, 1958 in Cornwall, the son of Catherine Lazore Edwards and the late Wilbur Harold Edwards. He attended schools in Akwesasne and Salmon River Central School. He also took welding courses at St. Lawrence College. He married Kelly Krigbaum in 2012 on Onondaga Nation. Kim Bo... Full story
Letter to the Editor Akwesasne Land Claim Settlement Monies Idea: Akwesasne has several Land Claims in the works to help regain lands and the loss of culture that accompanies the loss and loss of use of the lands. In the recent past, the community came together to accept the settlements in regards to the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and Kawehno:ke-Easterbrook claims. From those, a promise of land was to be transferred back to the community and the monies totaling about $45 million (CAD). These funds were put toward a community based trust...
Letter to Editor - Indian Time The Saint Regis Mohawk Community can be justly proud of the men and women who protect them 24/7 in the Tribal Police Department. I have been honored to work with them, having been hired by then Chief Paul Thompson. I have witnessed first-hand under the leadership of Police Chief Matt Rourke and the Police Commission how the department has come from being unknown, except in the local area, into national recognition by the International Association of Chiefs of Police with worldwide membership. The selection and tra...
Oneida Nation Turtle Clan Council Member Dale Rood and Ron Patterson (Wolf Clan), manager of the Oneida Heritage Center, recently attended the unveiling of the "Native Pathway Historical Marker" in Jefferson County. The marker recognizes the history of American Indians in the region between the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario and the significance of local waterways to the original inhabitants of the area. Waterways were an important means of travel to Haudenosaunee in pre-colonial times,...
The Akwesasne Mohawk Medicine Men, MCA Department of Tehotiiennawakon and Department of Technical Services and our Akwesasne community proudly hosted the 2018 Founder’s Cup August 13th – 18th. The 2018 Founder’s Cup Jr. B National Lacrosse Championships consisted of eight eager teams that were here to compete for the National Jr. B lacrosse championship. There were teams representing British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and First Nations Lacrosse including the Seneca War Chiefs and the Mohawk Medicine Men. All t...
Thank You Letter On June 6, 2018, I suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage on my brain. I was at home at the time and my nephew Sonny called the Akwesasne Mohawk Ambulance (AMA) located in St. Regis. EMT’s Sherril Lazare and Clint Cole were working and attended to me. They rushed me to Malone Hospital. Apparently on the way, I stopped breathing and with Ms. Lazare’s expert care, I made it to the hospital alive. From Malone I was airlifted to Burlington. Upon arriving I was operated on and survived. Ms. Lazare pretty much saved my life, as fin...
By: Jaclyn Hall Although this event was called "Seniorama", you don't have to be a senior to come out and enjoy it – the Annual Seniorama Event took place at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort on Monday, August 13th. The event consisted of various businesses and organizations showcasing their programs and tools they have to offer. Anyone eighteen and over could check out the different services available throughout the North Country. The event was organized by North Country Chapter New York S...
By Kanatires Barreiro, SRMT Communications Summer Intern The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is proud to provide employment opportunities for high school and college students, which is 100% funded through the Room Occupancy Fee. To help report on this initiative, we are proud to share information on work summer students are doing through their internships, which places them in areas specific to their chosen career path. Troy Kioronhiakwente Francis, Traditional Support Summer Intern - Troy is 22-years...
MASSENA -- State champion wrestler Nolan Terrance will be among top varsity athletes and teams honored on signs that the Massena Central school board wants installed on three roadways leading into town. The board voted to move forward with the plan at their Aug. 16 meeting. The signs will pay tribute to boys and girls hockey, baseball and cross country teams, as well as high jump, discus and wrestling athletes. They will be placed near the high school football practice field on state Route 37,...
Seskeha/August 21, 2018 – There will be an orientation for all students and parents on Thursday, Seskeha/August 30, 2018 from 12:30 – 3pm at each school respectively. Student Orientation will provide you the chance to meet your child’s teacher along with receiving pertinent information at the start of the school year. So please plan to attend. The first day of school is scheduled for Tuesday, Seskehkowa/September 4, 2018. For bus transportation we ask for your patience during the first week of school, and most importantly on the first day o...
MASSENA -- The Board of Education on Aug. 16 approved a revised plan that allows sports teams and student organizations to customize the new Spartan logo to their activity. Rebekah Grim from BOCES, who works on public relations for the Massena school district, presented the new branding plan after a varsity hockey coach voiced objections last month to the previous more conservative version. There are several pre-approved variations, but teams or clubs can make their own versions and submit them...
Presented by Seven Generations of Stewards, Inc. Saturday, September 22, 2018 from 9am – 6pm Sunday, September 23, 2018 from 9am – 4pm Watson Homestead 9620 Dry Run Rd. Painted Post, NY 14870 A Native American Cultural Celebration FREE and open to the public – rain or shine Arts & Crafts * Live Drumming, Singing & Traditional Dance * Intertribal Teachings * Native American Food * Live Hawk Demonstration and much more!
(Seskéha/August 20, 2018) AKWESASNE – For the third year, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is making $100 vouchers available to help tribal elders with cleaning or servicing their heating units. During the past several weeks, the Tribe’s Compliance Department has mailed letters and vouchers to elders notifying them of their eligibility for the Heating Unit Cleaning and Service Assistance Pilot Program. “We are pleased to continue hearing all the positive responses about the success of this important pilot program,” said Tribal Chief Beverly...
The VOICES of Children and Youth is a research project that aims to look at child and youth injuries in Akwesasne, individual beliefs, perceptions and knowledge of injuries, where they are occurring in the community, and why. This project is conducted by Dr. Rose-Alma J. McDonald (Akwesasronon Researcher and local project lead), Dr. Ian Pike (University of British Columbia) and Dr. Alison Macpherson (York University). You are invited to participate in the VOICES project by completing our survey. It will take 5-10 minutes of your time. Your...
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Who passed away on Aug. 16, 41 years ago? He was a great singer and actor who started as a gospel music singer as a youngster. And grew up to become one of country music's best performers....
In the dim long ago, before red people came to the world, there was a great forest and a mighty river. In this forest were mountains, and in the mountains were mysterious caves, deep and dark. Here lived great tribes of fur folk, feather folk, thick swarms of bugs and many clans of hippety-hoppers. In those days all the forest creatures could talk to one another in the same language, but they couldn’t sing together at all. Once they tried it, but each had his own tune and there was such a miserable din that Old Man Thunderer made a big r...