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AKWESASNE MOHAWK TERRITORY – The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne responded today to the Seaway International Bridge Corporation (SIBC) Limited’s plans to permanently locate its toll booth plaza in the City of Cornwall at the base of the new 3 Nations Bridge. “The best location for the toll booth plaza is at the former Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Port of Entry on Kawehnoke,” stated Grand Chief Mike K. Mitchell of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne. The former CBSA Port of Entry is already equipped with multiple booths going in the north d...
No it’s not a mailbox. Bolted to the floor of the Tribal Police Department is a new medication drop box, and it’s available to use 24/7. Chief Andy Thomas said the target is unused narcotic pills, “legitimate users only take a few pills, like after a surgery. They don’t want to leave their unused pills lying around because they could become the victim of a home invasion” he explained. Thomas said it seems burglars skip the jewelry and go straight to the medicine cabinet. And it’s not just bu...
Beginning on Saturday August 18th, The Native North American Traveling College hosted the 2012 Friendship Days on Cornwall Island, and the fun lasted through Sunday. The weather on Saturday, when I went, was beautiful. Friendship Day featured food, music, dancing, and exhibitors. Hosted by John Francis, there were performances by the Crosswinds Band, as well as the Akwesasne Drum Group, who were off to Golden Lake after their performance. The Haudenosaunee Dancers performed for much of the time...
AKWESASNE – Mr. Reginald E. “Reggie” White, 87, of 1041 State Highway 37, unexpectedly passed away on Tuesday afternoon, August 14, 2012 at Tsiionkwanonhso:te, Cornwall Island Long Term Care Facility, where he was a resident since October 4, 2006. Reggie was born October 20, 1924 in Akwesasne, the son of the late Nelson and Adeline (White) White. He attended Hogansburg schools. On July 11, 1942, he married Virginia M. Hart at St. Regis Rectory. She predeceased him on February 20, 2006. Reggi...
AKWESASNE- Margaret Mary White Edwards, age 73, 1070 River Road, Snye, Quebec, passed away Thursday Evening, August 16, 2012 at Ottawa General Hospital where she had been a patient for the past three months. Margaret was born November 30, 1938 in Snye, Quebec, the daughter of the late John and Annie Papineau White. She attended Cornwall schools and graduated from Albany High School. She married James F. “Sonny” Edwards in 1956 which later ended in a divorce. Margaret was an adult edu...
Akwesasne Territory – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council expressed its sympathy for the family of Reginald White who recently passed away at age 87. “Not only was he a respected leader in our community, he was a World War II veteran and he will be missed,” said Tribal Chief Randy Hart. Mr. White served in the European Theater of Operations and received several medals for his military service. “Our heart felt condolences go out to Reggie’s family,” remarked Tribal Chief Ron LaFrance. “He accomplished a lot during his lifetime and everybody wi...
Letter to Editor AUGUST 21, 2012 Dear Editor: Did you know that out of the approximately 10,000 Indian children who went to the Carlisle Indian Industrial School (CIIS), 352 of them were Mohawk? Three of them were members of my family: Mitchell White, his brother John White, and my grandmother’s sister, Genevieve Jacobs. Sadly, their memories and the history of the CIIS will soon be forgotten. Despite an outpouring of pleas from descendants and relatives of students who attended the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, the U.S. Army War C...
Owner of American Paving/Pavers Treatment of Elderly Women!!! Last week my mom decided to have her driveway paved. She contacted American Paving/Pavers for an estimate. The owner of this company gave my mom a quick run down of what he would do and a price, he said he could be there the following morning to start the job. My mom then decided that she should get a second estimate from another company to compare prices. She went to State Rd to tell “Mr. American Paving/Pavers”, to hold off on the job that she was getting another estimate from anot...
Evening of Appreciation On 15 September 2012 American Legion Post #1479 DJ and Bobby Herne from 6pm to 12 midnight, plus a dinner meal for all those who had helped with the Vietnam Moving Wall event. To include Legionnaires, Sons, Auxiliary and the volunteers. Also the families of the veterans are cordially invited to attend. Without the many members of the community, this event would not have been as successful as it was. Jeff Johnson...
Some years ago the late Ernie Benedict told me a story about a group of Mohawks from Akwesasne and Kahnawake who had paddled west many generations ago. They were expert canoeists and trappers hired by various fur companies including the Hudson’s Bay and Northwest firms who were in fierce competition for animal pelts and needed the Mohawks. Our ancestors would undertake the long journey across the Great Lakes and then head south to the Mississippi and up the Missouri or go northwest, across Lake Winnipeg and then follow the North Saskatchewan R...
Curtis E. Mitchell of 181 St. Regis Road, has been ordered by Massena Town Justice Gerald P. Sharlow to a pay a $125 surcharge after a felony burglary charge was reduced to a misdemeanor count of petit larceny. Mitchell was also ordered to follow the terms of a no contact order of protection. These stem from an incident where Mitchell reportedly stole a digital recorder from Brooke M. White’s residence at Apt. C-4, County Route 45, Iroquois Village on Dec. 11. Trey C. Smoke, 19, of 232 Hemlock Ave., Akwesasne, was ordered by Massena Town J...
This event was held on August 11, 2012 and the Akwesasne Cancer Support Group was invited to participate and receive one-third of their proceeds. The event had the Poker Run at 10am/Bike Show from 12pm and 1Pm/Bike judging at 4pm. live entertainment with native dancers, food, vendors. CONTESTS: for best Tattoo, Chicken-wing eating contest. There was something for everyone. The vendors were impressive. We want to thank the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino & Brasshorse Lounge for inviting us and being a...
On Friday, Twinleaf Gas Station had its Customer Appreciation day, and with gas 10 cents lower for the day, the lines extended nearly out of the lot in either direction. There were deals on food at both Twinleaf Diner in Ft. Covington and Fresh Express, which both had an 8$ prime rib dinner, and Jreck Subs, which had half price subs all day. There were a number of specials on chips, soda, and there were free cones for kids. Outside they had a stand offering a hotdog, drink, and chips for $2,...
Tyler Sunday Jr. is the 17 year old son of Shannon and Tyler, with sister Sabrina. He is a senior at Massena Central this year and a very busy one at that. Recently, Tyler was nominated by one of his teachers Mrs. LaGarry to attend a week long conference at Columbia University to help build his interests in the field of medicine and healthcare professions. He was the only student selected from Massena Central and this opportunity has been a valuable experience. Tyler is an excellent student and...
Kontiwennenhawi performed twice over the weekend. First was to open a discussion that happened at the Paul Smith’s Visitor Interpretive Center while the second took place at the Meetinghouse Museum in De Kalb. On the night of the 16th, Kontiwennenhawi traveled to the visitor’s center near Paul Smith’s College. This particular night was part of a month long traveling exhibition that tells the story of Black homesteaders granted 40 acres of land in the 1840s. A reception for the exhibit was held...
Akwesasne Territory – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council has hired Tsiorasa Barreiro as the new Executive Director for tribal operations. He will oversee all programs and services provided by the tribal government. “This is a very complex job,” remarked Barreiro. “It’s going to be a challenge and I look forward to working with all the division directors and tribal council.” The tribe operates over 80 programs in many different areas including education, health services, environment, economic development and human services, to name a few....
Thursday was the perfect day for a cookout. The sun was shining and the kids took full advantage, making a canvas out of the parking lot with chalk, and no worries of it being washed away anytime soon. To celebrate the end of the summer reading program, library staff cooked up hamburgers and hotdogs and dished out salads and fruit. But this was not the only reward for great reading the kids had. On Wednesday they had went to the planetarium at SUNY Potsdam, which Robin Logan told me was the...
On Friday, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Healthy Babies Healthy Children and Community Health held a Family Fun Day at Massena Town Beach. There were plenty of activities to go around, and for any age. The whole family could enjoy the lunch that was provided, or volleyball, football, and some were playing lacrosse. Kids had many options, including arts, crafts, and games. The play dough table seemed to be the biggest hit with the kids, as well as rock painting. Bellybuttons the clown was also on...
On Sunday August 19, Dunkin’ Donuts, located at the end of the Speedway convenience store, held a customer appreciation and grand opening celebration. There were activities like the bouncy house, Volleyball, and Texas Horseshoes. Being Dunkin’ Donuts, obviously there was coffee, and there were multigrain bagels to be sampled too. The goal was two-fold. First, the event was to raise awareness for the brand, located in Akwesasne, so they did this with the sampling of their products. There is a v...
Webhosts, Web Servers & Domain Names A webhost is a computer that hosts and serves all the files that make up a website. The webhost is what makes websites available on the Internet. When you are ready to share your website work with the whole Internet, research various Webhosting companies to find one that meets your needs. It’s a good idea to start out small so you can get a good idea of your options while learning. You also want to choose a webhost that provides you with access to all your files, your account information, and lets y...
The 4-H Mighty Shamrocks, a mentoring program of Franklin County Cornell Cooperative Extension, had the opportunity to exhibit their projects at the recent county fair held in Malone, New York. The fair is an opportunity for all 4-H Members to “show off” their projects that have been completed during their project year. Projects are judged according to the category in which each item is entered. The 4-H Mighty Shamrocks members exhibited their Tye dye shirts and Blue-Bird Houses that were mad...
AKWESASNE MOHAWK TERRITORY – The Federal government is proposing several new laws that will impact First Nations in Canada. Some of these laws include: Fee Simple Title on Reserve (privatizing land ownership), Water legislation, Matrimonial Property Law, Financial Transparency Law, and the First Nations Education Act. “The MCA is in the process of addressing these matters with Canada in their self-governance negotiations. Any areas of responsibility, authority and jurisdiction should be maintained by Akwesasne and not be deferred to a Pro...
1. Ahkwesáhnse The place where the partridge are 2. Rontatewennió:ke The place of nice words 3. Tsi Ionteweienstáhkhwa The place where one studies 4. Ka’nisténhsera Parents 5. Ronten’nikonhrorià:ne They are going to have fun 6. Nia’té:kon A lot of things 7. Enhonterihwahténkiake They shall have a lot of events going on 8. Entákta Saturday 9. Seskéha August 10. Tewáhsen wísk enhská:ra’ne 25 will be the date 11. Tewáhsen ià:ia’k enhská:ra’ne 26 will be the date 12. Awentatokenhtì:ke Sunday 1...
Don’t panic. Not all ticks are infected, and your risk of acquiring Lyme disease is greatly reduced if the tick is removed within the first 36 hours after attachment. Remove the tick promptly and properly Using tweezers grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Gently pull the tick in a steady, upward motion. Wash the area with a disinfectant. When trying to remove the tick: DO NOT touch the tick with your bare hands. DO NOT squeeze the body of the tick as this may increase your risk o...
It is provided thus: When a person or family belonging to the Five Nations desires to abandon their nation and the territory of the Five Nations, they shall inform the chiefs of their nation and the Council of the League of Five Nations shall take notice of it. When any person or any of the people of the Five Nations emigrate and reside in a distant region away from the territory of the League of Five Nations, the Chiefs of the Five Nations, at will, may send a messenger carrying a broad belt...