A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the August 15, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 67

  • Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign Completes Journey to United Nations

    Aug 15, 2013

    These photos were taken by Katsitsionni Fox. Due to some technical difficulties, we could not receive the article on the event. We will have the story, maybe a couple of stories, on the Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign in next week’s issue of Indian Time....

  • Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign Completes Journey to United Nations - Part 2

    Aug 15, 2013

    Here are additional photos....

  • St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Chiefs React to Hogansburg Triangle Lawsuit Dismissal

    Ian Oakes|Aug 15, 2013

    In what is being described as a puzzling ruling on whether to hear a lawsuit seeking to establish the Hogansburg Triangle as inside the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s territory, US District Judge Lawrence Kahn has dismissed the suit. Judge Kahn has concluded that his court “cannot interpret a federal law that defines the extent of the State’s jurisdiction,” according to a press release from the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council. Continuing on, the release states: The Tribe did not ask him to interpret that law and the Tribe was not relying on that la...

  • Two Akwesasne Teens Place in Franklin County Has Talent

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Aug 15, 2013

    The talent show at the Franklin County Fair proved to be fruitful for Akwesasne. Brandon Gambill took third place for singing in the 19+ age category and Raylynn Sunday took first place for hoop dancing in the 14-18 age category. The talent show started with an elimination round where three judges only let six competitors into the finals. There were three age groups: an under 13, a 14-18 and a 19 and up. Raylynn Sunday is 14 years old and has been hoop dancing for about 4 years. She took...

  • Bikers Ride for Cancer

    Rachelle Garrow Hayes|Aug 15, 2013

    The low roar of motorcycles could be heard throughout Akwesasne and surrounding areas last Saturday morning as over 100 bikers rode their bikes in the fourth-annual Ride for Cancer fundraiser poker run. Starting at the Brass Horse Grill, the bikers rode to Nadeau’s in Massena, to the Riverside in Brasher on to The Jug in North Lawrence and back to the Brass Horse. At each stop, food, prizes and music awaited as well as a playing card for each rider to bring back to complete a poker hand. The b...

  • Judith L. Thompson

    Aug 15, 2013

    AKWESASNE – Ms. Judy L. Thompson, age 73, of 84 Racquette Point Road, unexpectedly passed away Friday morning, August 9, 2013 at her home. Judy was born April 23, 1940 in Syracuse, the daughter of the late Percy and Ethel LaFrance Thompson. She attended Mohawk schools and Bombay High School. Judy was a printer for Color Graphics in Buffalo for over 40 years until her retirement. She returned back to the reservation in 2001. Judy was an active member of the St. Regis Mohawk Senior Citizens and t...

  • Niawen

    Aug 15, 2013

    Niawen Midnight Confetti/ St. Regis Braves Massena Women’s Softball Team would like to thank their sponsors for this year. We would like to thank Midnight Confetti Shop, Valen Timmons and Dave Square for their generous donations. The team finished the season in 2nd place with 10 wins and 4 losses during the regular season, losing only to Laneuville’s, Massena Savings and Loan and the American Legion. The team played a great weekend of playoff games with 3 wins and 2 losses. The weekend inc...

  • Dear Editor

    Aug 15, 2013

    Dear Editor, Based on the positive reaction to a previous Letter to the Editor that I wrote on the recent passing over of Kaherahere (Standing Corn Stalks) aka Edgar Jock, I will continue to relate some of the stories that involve this former WW2 combat veteran, cultural activist and lifelong Akwesasronon. His final wishes were recorded for posterity by attending family members immediately before his departure from this life. He insisted on certain things being done, in a specific way. These wishes caused some awareness to be employed as the...

  • Johanne Jackson

    Aug 15, 2013

    Johanne Jackson has been doing the flowers at the “Y” in Kanatakon for 17 years now. She has even expanded a bit and tends to the flowers in front of MCA Admin #1. It all started with Alec Oakes who, along with Joe Jacobs, organized putting a memorial in front of the post office. Oakes asked Johanne if she would put some plants around the memorial to spruce it up a bit. That first year she planted two cedar trees and some annuals. The next year she added some flowers from her own yard, and after...

  • Hi Neighbor

    Aug 15, 2013

    Hi Neighbor, Thanks but no thanks! I don’t need your trash to decorate my yard. I know you went to a lot of trouble to drive to my yard to dump your unwanted treasures. Please come pick it up! We know you drive a black pickup truck and we have your license plate number, which we have turned over to the police. So, again, come pick up your trash! Please be advised this property is under police surveillance. Dumping trash on private property is NOT the Indian way. Cecil Garrow...

  • The Disputed Myth, Metaphor and Reality of Two Row Wampum

    Darren Bonaparte|Aug 15, 2013

    As a Mohawk historian who uses wampum belts to tell our story, I have always loved the Two Row Wampum Belt and its metaphor of the native canoe and European ship sailing side by side down the river of life. Nothing pleases me more to see this acted out in modern times on the Hudson River this summer, with parallel rows of canoes, kayaks and watercraft—including an impressive, newly-carved dugout canoe serving as flagship. The principles of peace and friendship are exactly what the original wampu...


    Aug 15, 2013

    Indian Time visited Johanne Jackson this week. We took a look around her yard at her beautiful flowers and vegetables. We love that people show they care about the land and make it beautiful with flowers. We love that people are working toward food sustainability with a vegetable garden. Thank you for showing us around, Johanne. You sure do have a green thumb!...

  • ACFS Summer Program Wraps Up with Celebration

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Aug 15, 2013

    It certainly was a party on Friday at the Snye Rec as the ACFS Summer Program wrapped up with a barbecue, music, waterslide, games and Ironman. This year the Summer Program had almost 70 kids. The kids were split into 6 groups by age and Summer Program Coordinator Danielle Oakes had plenty of help from summer students. Summer high school students were Trulee Herne, Wishe Greene, Tobi-Lee Roundpoint, Tyler Sunday, Lance Jacobs, Waheson Lazore, and Cory Garrow. There were also 2 college students,...


    Aug 15, 2013

    August 8, 2013 - The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne would like to advise community members that although the newly constructed low-level bridge between Cornwall and Kawehno:ke is nearing completion, conditions around the construction area remain unsafe. For your safety, please stay clear of the entire area beneath the north span bridge on Kawehno:ke until the new bridge is open to traffic in the coming months. The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service will be monitoring the area to ensure the public’s safety as well as the safety of the work site. Y...

  • Education Investments

    Monica Peters|Aug 15, 2013

    Dear Monica, I have three children hoping to go to college and I’ve heard rumors that I can save money on textbooks with the Internet and even attend big name University classes online. Is this true? How does it work? Signed, Education Investor Dear Education Investor, You will be able to rent or buy digital textbooks in the Google Play store very soon. iBooks also provides digital textbooks for some courses. EdX.org offers free online classes from most every big name prestigious University you can imagine. Khan Academy also provides awesome f...

  • Jake Adams Moves House by Water

    Aug 15, 2013

    Story by Randy Jock-Reidy Photos provided by Jake Adams Jake Adams of Snye has many talents and was instrumental in maintaining various businesses in Akwesasne. Besides the marina and the services it provided, he also hosted many houseboat tours and on-board special occasions, celebrations for community members to enjoy while touring the St. Lawrence River in years past. Speaking of instrumental, he is also quite the talented musician performing at many special functions in Akwesasne. Here, we...

  • We Love Visitors!

    Aug 15, 2013

    Indian Time is lucky to receive many visitors every week. Whether it’s a parent bringing in a new baby for a photograph or an elder who wants us to look at photos with him, our doors are always open and we love our visitors. We love them so much we want to share them with you. “We Love Visitors” series is simply a way to share members of the community with you. So, don’t be scared to come and visit us (we’ll only photograph those willing) but if you have something special you want to show us,...

  • Salli Benedict Basket Collection on Display at the Native North American Travelling College

    Ian Oakes|Aug 15, 2013

    It seems that conversations about Salli Benedict include a series of compliments, but one that stands out is that she was a tremendous supporter of the arts in Akwesasne. An accomplished artist in her own right, Benedict had one of the largest collections of baskets in the area. Besides the sheer amount, which number close to 200, 88 of which are on display, another thing that set the collection apart is the variety; collecting fancy, pack and baby baskets, purses, knitting and crocheting basket...

  • One Potline to Close Permanently at Alcoa

    Aug 15, 2013

    NEW YORK--(August 14)--Alcoa (NYSE: AA) today announced that it will close or curtail 164,000 metric tons (mt) of smelting capacity in the United States and Brazil as part of its smelting capacity review that was announced in May. One potline representing 40,000 metric tons at the Massena East plant in New York will be permanently closed. The closures and curtailments will be complete by the end of September. “We committed in May to review our global smelting capacity for possible curtailment to maintain the Company’s competitiveness,” said...

  • Local Angler PJ Burns Officiates 2013 St. Lawrence River Showdown

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Aug 15, 2013

    You know him from Kids For Fishing, an event PJ organizes that comes along every spring and allows dozens of kids to learn about fishing and safety. Well, over the weekend PJ took his fishing skills, and probably some of his policing skills, and officiated the St. Lawrence River Showdown in Waddington as part of the Bassmasters Elite Series. PJ was what is called a Marshall. For three days he was in boats with competitors to make sure there was no funny business. PJ signed up for this duty in...

  • Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort Contributes to HAVFD

    Aug 15, 2013

    Akwesasne – The Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort has donated $42,000 to the Hogansburg-Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department (HAVFD) to purchase self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or “air packs” as they are often referred to. In addition, the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort is purchasing a brand new ladder truck for the HAVFD valued at $852,000. The truck will be paid via installment payments over a 20-year period and the need has been seen as vital and essential. Derek Comins, HAVFD Chief...

  • News from Our Neighbors

    Aug 15, 2013

    MASSENA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CONFIRMED NINE LYME DISEASE CASES IN A WEEK Reprinted from NorthCountryNow (August 11, 2013) MASSENA – Massena Memorial Hospital’s infection prevention specialist has seen nine confirmed cases of Lyme disease in little more than a week, according to NorthCountryNow. “Lyme disease is an infection with Borrelia burgdorferi, passed on to humans by a tick, usually a deer tick,” explained Karen Wilkins, RN, Director of Infection Prevention. “The disease includes not only a characteristic rash but fever, headache, stiff nec...

  • Six Nations Indian Museum

    Kaniethonkie|Aug 15, 2013

    Looking for something different and amazing? Just a short drive through the picturesque Adirondacks and nestled in the small town of Onchiota is the Six Nations Indian Museum. In just over an hour’s drive you can be sitting in one of the oldest and most informative museums of the Six Nations. For 59 years the Fadden family, including patriarch Ray Fadden, has been host to people from all over the world; Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Italy, Guatemala, Spain and more. People have travelled from a...

  • Yummy Steak Benefit

    Aug 15, 2013

    A rib eye steak benefit was held on Thurs. August 8th at the Mohawk Nation cookhouse. The funds raised will be used to repair and maintain the building. If you missed this benefit, you can still make the next one, planned for Thurs. Aug. 22nd from 11am to 2pm. Craft vendors, fresh produce from local gardens and yard sale items will also be available. Donations for the upcoming benefit can be dropped off at the Cookhouse or the Nation office. Donations of drinks, baked potatoes, salads or...

  • News from around the Nations

    Aug 15, 2013

    INSTABILITY IN FIRST NATIONS POLICING IN ONTARIO LEADING TO LETHAL RESPONSES IN WAKE OF RECENT POLICE SHOOTING IN ONEIDA NATION OF THE THAMES Toronto, ON (August 12, 2013) The Chiefs of Ontario are awaiting information on the circumstances that led to shots being fired by a member of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in the Oneida Nation of the Thames on the Saturday morning of the August long weekend. Gunfire was exchanged and a young man was shot. The Special Investigations Unit is currently investigating. Ontario Regional Chief Stan Beardy...

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