A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the July 28, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 59

  • Akwesasne Tourism Strategic Action Plan Presentation

    Karonhiaton|Jul 28, 2016

    On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 the Akwesasne Tourism Working Group (ATWG) held a public presentation at the Akwesasne Housing Authority Training Center. The presentation addressed the Akwesasne Tourism Strategic Action Plan (ATSAP), a plan developed to address the unique challenges and opportunities to promote tourism in the Territory of Akwesasne. ATWG is comprised of representatives from a number of community organizations located throughout Akwesasne, including: Native North American Traveling College, Akwesasne Cultural Center and Museum,...

  • Cruisin For Kids Raises Funds for Hunter Cooke

    Andy Gardner|Jul 28, 2016

    An Akwesasne teen dealing with cystic fibrosis and his family got a boost from the local community on July 23 as Swamp's Performance Auto hosted their Cruisin' for Kids event, which drew several dozen classic cars and motorcycles. There were a total of nine winners in three categories for vehicle entries. In the Car Class, first place went to Gerald Surge of Massena for his 1931 Ford coupe. Second place was Tommy Mersinger of Malone for his 1969 Plymouth Barricuda. Third place was Terry Clark...

  • Braves Finish Season 13-8

    Andy Gardner|Jul 28, 2016

    The St. Regis Braves finished their 2016 regular season on a high note, claiming a 13-8 win over the Tyendinaga Wolfpack. The teams met on the Braves' home turf, Massena Arena, on July 21. The match opened with a close first period, but the Braves ran away with the game in the middle stanza and never looked back, despite being outscored in the closing frame. Zach Hopps got things started at 3:23 in the opening period with an unassisted goal. But the Wolfpack responded with three straight...

  • Tribal Member Elected Democratic Presidential Delegate

    Jul 28, 2016

    Akwesasne, NY - When the Democratic National Convention wraps up later this week, a member of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe will have cast her vote for the Democratic Party's candidate for the next President of the United States. Tribal member Lisa Sacco is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Philadelphia Convention Center after being elected as a Democratic Presidential Delegate for the 24th Congressional District. "I was given a very unique opportunity and asked to run in the Presidential...

  • Lessons in Healthy Living at 26th Annual Wellness Day

    Rachelle Garrow Hayes|Jul 28, 2016

    More than 900 people paraded through the Solomon Memorial Lacrosse Box at Generations Park on Thursday, July 21, for the 26th Annual Wellness Day. Many departments from the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe and the Akwesasne Mohawk Council, as well as hospitals and organizations from surrounding communities, joined forces and set up tables loaded with program information, handouts, promotional freebies, and reusable bags. Months of planning and coordination went into organizing the day, which was...

  • Lessons in Healthy Living at 26th Annual Wellness Day - Part 2

    Jul 28, 2016

    Here are additional pictures....


    Jul 28, 2016

    AKWESASNE- Reginald "Reg" Mitchell, 81, of 1344 River Road, peacefully passed away on Friday night, July 22, 2016, at the Cornwall Community Hospital, surrounded by his loving family. Reg was born January 5, 1935, in St. Regis, Quebec, son of the late Daniel and Christie King Mitchell. He attended schools in Snye and St. Regis. Reg married Winifred Arquette on July 5, 1954 at the St. Regis Catholic Church, with Rev. Michael Jacobs officiating. He owned and operated Mitchell's Confectionary in...

  • Jeffrey Michael Sunday

    Jul 28, 2016

    AKWESASNE- Jeffrey Michael Sunday, 53, of 1244 River Road, passed away unexpectedly on Sunday night, July 24, 2016, at the Ottawa General Hospital. Jeffrey was born February 15, 1963 in Cornwall, Ontario, son of the late Michael and Claudia Jock Sunday. He attended Schools in Cornwall and on August 25, 1990, he married Sharon Chubb at the St. Regis Catholic Church. The marriage ended in divorce. Jeffrey was an Ironworker by trade. He was a member of Local #711 in Montreal and later transferred...

  • Correction

    Jul 28, 2016

    Please accept our apologies, Indian Time incorrectly stated Bill Sears as being retired. We were informed Sears is an active member of Local 440, joining in 1969 and on July 4, 2017, he will mark his 50th anniversary of being an active member. We would also like to note; Lakota Jacobs correct name is Dakota Jacobs....

  • Niawen

    Jul 28, 2016

    We would like to thank everyone who donated items to our silent auction and lawn sale to help with training and travel expenses for our son Nolan Terrance to travel to the Jr. World Wrestling Championships in Macon, France in late August. Unfortunately, Team Canada does not pay any of his expenses to travel or train so we really appreciate any support he gets. Nolan spent a few days last week in Guelph training with Canada’s Korey Jarvis who will be competing in Rio at 125kg in Freestyle. This week he is in Colorado training at the Olympic T...

  • Nia:wen

    Jul 28, 2016

    Nia:wen, Thank you to our family and friends who gave us support, brought a dish or gave a donation during our time of sorrow. A special thanks to the H.A.V.F.D., the Personal Support Workers and the ladies who sang songs. Thank you to the community, whose lives were touched by this beautiful lady, your presence did not go unnoticed and your acts of kindness will not be forgotten in our hearts. Nia:wenkowa. The Family of Loveday McDonald...

  • Thank You

    Jul 28, 2016

    Thank You (14 July 2016) On July 9, 2016, the American Legion Riders of Post #925 (Norfolk) hosted a fundraiser for TADSAW ("Train a Dog, Save a Warrior"), a group that trains service dogs for veterans. For the first time in 11 years, we did not ride the route on our bikes because of nasty weather that included a micro-burst and torrential downpours with lightning. We held our traditional ham and salt potatoes dinner and raffled off many prizes that had been donated by the local communities. We...

  • Niawen

    Jul 28, 2016

    The Massena Women's Softball league held their annual Breast Cancer tournament on July 23rd and 24th at the Alcoa Fields (with 2 games played at Bushnell Field at 8am and 9am) starting at 8am on Saturday with the last games being played at 7:30pm. Games started back up at 8am on Sunday and ending at 5:30pm on Sunday. There were 20 women's teams that entered the tournament making this the biggest tournament yet. Teams came from Vermont, Plattsburgh, Tri-Lakes, Massena, Bombay, Akwesasne, and...

  • It's a girl!

    Jul 28, 2016

    Tayton and Sadie welcome their new baby sister Lilly Mae Born: May 16, 2016 Proud parents: Joe Square and Jessi Cook Paternal Grandparents: Andy and Rosie Square Maternal Grandparents: Dale and Carmen Cook-Shaver...

  • It's a boy!

    Jul 28, 2016

    Carson Michael Thomas Born: July 3, 2016 Weight: 7lbs. 7 oz. Length: 20.5 inches Parents: Charles Thomas and Chantell Paquin Grandparents: Michael Barry Thomas, Cecelia Francis, Robert and Melissa Paquin...

  • Sunday Funday Held for Minor Lacrosse

    Derrick Lafrance|Jul 28, 2016

    What better way for kids to beat the heat while helping Minor lacrosse. Last weekend the Akwesasne Storm Tykes parents put up the Bouncehouses, Water Slides and fired up the grill behind Brass Horse to raise money for their kids. They had the regular delicious cookout fare, but the children went for the waterslides to cool off in the temperatures that hit the 80's. They also sold raffle tickets for money prizes and a donation to the lacrosse team was accepted at the gate....

  • Plans are now in place for a Food Co-op

    Jul 28, 2016

    In an effort to save money, a food co-op would help to reduce grocery bills. As with other food co-ops it will require pre-paying. The more people that join the co-op, equals larger purchasing power, which in turn equals lower prices. Starting with purchasing power that would only require a 14ft truck would be a good start. Eventually an order that requires a tractor trailer (18 wheeler) is the goal. A facility to handle such a large order might require help from SRMT by way of connecting us with our Casino, Community Food Distribution Building...

  • Lost Hiker Recovered

    Jul 28, 2016

    An Akwesasne man who became lost while hiking on trails near Paul Smith’s College was recently rescued by Forest Rangers and search teams, according to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The 34-year-old man was not identified in a release from DEC. On July 19 around 2:45 p.m., DEC Ray Brook dispatch received a transferred call from Franklin County 911 requesting assistance the hiker after he became separated from his party on the Paul Smiths Visitor Interpretive Center (VIC) nature trails. The group members, Paul S...

  • Brasshorse Wins Inagural Meatball Madness Competition

    Karonhiaton|Jul 28, 2016

    On Saturday, July 23, 2016 vendors showcased their meatball skills in a friendly Meatball Madness competition held at the 4th Annual Cruisin' for Kids Car and Bike Show. The Akwesasne Chamber of Commerce members and volunteers hosted the Meatball Madness competition and concession at the event. Vendors prepared 100 meatballs each for the competition. People in attendance voted for the best meatball between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., just paying $3 to taste. Additional vendors were...

  • Making History: Clinton Becomes First Woman Presidential Nominee

    Kaniehtonkie|Jul 28, 2016

    PHILADELPHIA — Hillary Clinton is now officially the Democratic presidential nominee, making history as the first woman ever to secure the backing of a major American political party. Clinton was formally nominated on the second evening of the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, more than nine years after launching her first presidential bid. It was largely an evening of unity after an opening night marked by resistance from die-hard supporters of Democratic runner-up, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. In a culmination of days’ worth of effor...

  • Movie Words

    Jul 28, 2016

    Mohawk Lesson...

  • Cornhusk Doll

    Jul 28, 2016

    Submitted by Native North American Travelling College The Iroquois people have what they call the three sisters, the “sustainers of life.” These sisters are corn, beans, and squash. The corn Spirit was so thrilled at being one of the sustainers of life that she asked the Creator what more she could do for her people. The Creator said that a beautiful doll could be formed from the husks. The Creator set to work to form the doll. When finished he gave the doll a beautiful face, and sent it to the children of the Iroquois people to play with, and...

  • Reader Comic

    Jul 28, 2016

    Is that Mary Poppins or Theresa May, the new Prime Minister of Britain?...

  • Hatred Cannot Be Sustained

    Jul 28, 2016

    by Doug George-Kanentiio, Akwesasne Mohawk The recently concluded Republican convention in which Donald Trump was nominated as its candidate for president was remarkable for its anger, its animosity and outright hatred directed towards former US Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. There was not even the slightest effort to appeal to the generosity and compassion which have long been a part of the American spirit whether expressed in the Marshall Plan after World War II or the idealism and hope in programs such as the Peace Corps....

  • MCA Community Health Lyme Disease Contest Questions

    Jul 28, 2016

    For the 1st contest, please read the list of questions and answers for Lyme Disease/Ticks and participate in a radio contest to be held on August 3, from 7am to 3pm. One winner to be announced. The 2nd contest will be the same list of Q&A’s on Lyme Disease/Ticks, but through our ballot box at Kanonhkwatsheri:io entrance until August 3, 2016, when the winner will be announced at 4pm. For more info call Community Health at 613-575-2341 ext. 3220 QUESTIONS FOR LYME DISEASE CONTEST 1. What is the name of the ticks that are found in Ontario and Q...

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