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On Friday, the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino held the opening ceremonies for it’s annual Ironworker’s Competition. On hand were members of the Ironworking community here in Akwesasne, as well as sub-Chief Ron Lafrance Jr., and Chief Paul Thompson, who retired from his 51-year career in ironworking during the topping off ceremony, earlier in the day. Ron Lafrance spoke of his pride in being the son of an ironworker, and some of his memories of his father as an ironworker. Following sub-Chief Lafrance,...
The American Legion Post #1479 sponsored volunteers to oversee the display of the Vietnam Memorial Wall to come to Ahkwesahsne, after the request to have it visit our community, for almost a week. Duties for the volunteers involved security, assembly and disassembly, food preparation, packing, cleanup and many other jobs to make sure the Wall was safe and the viewing gets carried through. A huge thank you goes out to all that were involved in helping to make this event possible. The escort of...
On Friday July 20 the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino added the last beam to its construction project. Many gathered to sign the beam, and the beam displayed several flags and a small pine tree. Mike Swamp, a retired iron worker from local 440 and an instrumental organizer of the Iron Worker’s Festival, explained that the tree is a tradition that signifies the building materials, because in the past they were mostly wood. He said that the topping off ceremony was also a tradition done for every b...
KOVINICH, Vuk – suddenly at the Ottawa Civic Hospital on Saturday, July 21, 2012. Vuk Kovinich L.L.B. of Glen Walter: age 64. Beloved son of Ildiko (Wissinger) Kovinich and the late Svetislav Kovinich. Beloved husband of Germaine (Laroche) Kovinich of Glen Walter. Loving father of Svetlana Kovinich (Mike Kirkwood), Vladi Kovinich (Amy) both of Glen Walter and Dr. Nik Kovinich (Sally) of Ohio. Dear grandfather of Nicolas Kirkwood. Dear brother of Vladi Kovinich (Zhiping) and the late Vera S...
Ryan J. Decilles, 26, of Hogansburg was ticketed by state police for Inadequate Brake Lights on State Route 37 on Monday in the village of Massena. Carrie J. Francis-Square, 47, of Akwesasne, Ont., was ticketed by state police for No Registration Sticker Affixed on State Route 37C on Monday in the town of Brasher. Corey V. Thompson, 19, of St. Regis, Que., was ticketed by Massena village police for unsafe backing and unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle following an incident at 5:02 p.m. Thursday on Stearns Street. Adam Ortiz, 26, of...
LETTER TO THE EDITOR July 3, 2012 This is a letter concerning investment of the Ontario Power Generation monies. Over the years I have watched Mohawk Council of Akwesasne try to develop economic programs to invest our monies into. One major fiasco was the Stanley Island Log Cabins. As they were being sold off, did they ever consider moving the cabins to Hamilton Island and creating a year round tourism destination that could have been driven to? The concept was a good idea but it could only safely be done seasonally. Add to that the high cost...
LETTER TO THE EDITOR On June 18, 2012 Mohawk Council of Akwesasne filed a specific claim for the “north shore”. It encompasses about 40 kilometers from the Long Sault islands to the mouth of the Raisin River and includes 30 kilometers inland from the St. Lawrence River. The claim states that this land has never been surrendered or sold. Why have the members from Akwesasne that are living on the “north shore” not been allowed to vote in MCA elections? These members are asserting our rights to the “north shore” by living there! Acknowledge...
An open letter to the following: Brad, Lloyd, Scherry, Caleb, Wutys, Beth and Zubba. It’s been two years since I made the stupidest decision that a person could make. That decision placed people in danger and hurt people. I will never forget what I’ve done and regret it every day. My greed, my actions took all of you away. I’ll never forgive myself for my actions and would like for you all to know I’m sorry. I chose to say sorry this way in case I never see any of you again, and pray this message makes it. Once more I’m sorry for the pain and...
Sekon Community, I’m writing this letter for our dear friends, Pastor Hubert Hill and loving wife Doris. They are a wonderful couple in need of a helping hand. Pastor Hill’s wife Doris needs medical care 3 to 4 times a week in Ottawa. Their vehicle is in need of repairs to travel the distance. We are looking for donations for travel expenses and vehicle repairs to help ease some worries during their time of need. Niawen from your friends at the Baptist Church Donations can be sent to: Pas...
Dear Sir/Madam, Shekon, I am writing this letter on behalf of Hillary Pyke, OD and the staff of Mohawk Vision. We are currently running our “Stuff the Bus” campaign for the month of August. The purpose of this is to raise money for student’s school supplies, offsetting the start-up cost of returning to school in the fall for parents and caregivers. Our campaign is needed more now than ever before. Our fundraiser encompasses all students of Akwesasne, regardless of where they attend school; Salmon River Central, Massena Central, the Akwes...
After attending the Gathering of Condolence, Peace & Strength in Cass Lake, Minnesota on June 18 – 23, Sahonwese Elijah, a Mohawk of Akwesasne, set out to accomplish his own dream to participate in the Peace and Dignity Journey 2012. A young man who is well known for his gift as a runner, and whose bloodline, through his Oneida ancestry, traces many well-known runners throughout Haudenosaunee history has participated in cross-country races throughout elementary, junior and high school, w...
By Kaniethonkie • Nation-to-Nation Trade: New York State is appealing the decision of Judge Demarest to return seized shipments of cigarettes from a federally licensed manufacturer. The shipment was bound for the Winnebago Tribe. Judge Demarest ruled the state had to return the cigarettes because they did not have to pay NYS tax, and because the cigarettes were sold out of state. This does not rule out New York State from seizing cigarettes being shipped from Nation to Nation within NYS. Reports of illegal raids came out of the Seneca Nation a...
On Friday July 20, a mini race against drugs was held at the Snye Recreation for the ACFS Summer Program. This year the ACFS Summer Program has about 70 kids. Split into six groups, the kids went to different stations, which were set up to educate them about drugs and alcohol. Participants included Akwesasne Mohawk Ambulance, AMPS, A/CDP, and Tribal Police. This year the ACFS Summer Program has several partners. They do a reading program with AMBE, who also helps them with busing when they go...
It was a beautiful day for NYPA’s summer spectacular on Saturday July 21. About three bouncy houses were stuffed full of kids and the tent was full of patrons enjoying live music. The North Country Children’s Museum (NCCM), the “Museum Without Walls” had several hands-on exhibits there. Right now they do not have a permanent home and so they will travel around to different festivals. They are in partnership with Clarkson University. They are slated to open in a permanent building in 2015. S...
The 21st Century Agricultural Science class, a Franklin-Essex-Hamilton BOCES satellite program located at Salmon River Central School District, completed the second successful year of the program, graduating nine students. Next year the program will continue, and is currently accepting enrollment of both students and interested adults. This past year, students at the Salmon River Satellite program started maple sugar production with a new sugar shack and evaporator. This coming year they will be...
The Dream Big-READ program has decided to extend its offerings to Akwesasne’s youngest students an additional month. “There was a lot of interest in the youngest group,” said Robin Logan, who is teaching the program at the Akwesasne Library. Logan missed a day due to illness last week and a large group was at the library waiting for her. It was decided that the program should be extended through the ninth of August in response to the popularity the program received. This Thursday the kids got to...
I’m going to highlight some of the most important features that your website, mobile web apps, and native apps absolutely must provide, if you are truly serious about providing your end users with the best User Experiences possible. Please note that these necessary features are no more or less important than the next one. If just one of these features is failing the whole project can amount to failure. This list could probably apply to most any adventure you decide for your personal or business life too. GOOD LOOKING Even humans that do not a...
On Saturday, June 30, the Akwesasne Xtreme women’s volleyball team hosted this season’s first beach tournament at Brass Horse Grill. The tournament was a benefit for the women’s team who is competing in the Aboriginal National Invitational Volleyball Championships this weekend. The co-ed beach tournament hosted 12 teams who competed in 36 games throughout the day to claim the championship title. At the days end, the two top teams went head to head in an intense match to decide who would be cr...
It is provided thus: When a candidate chief is to be installed, he shall furnish four strings of shell wampum one span length bound together at one end. Such will constitute the evidence of his pledge to the Chiefs of the League that he will live according to the Constitution of the Great Peace and exercise justice in all affairs. When the pledge is finished, the speaker of the council must hold the wampum strings in his hand and address the opposite side of the council fire, and he shall begin...
1. Wahón:nise tsi náhe, ki ne ko’khó:wa kahòn:tsi se’s na’tehaweiò:ten’s. A long time ago, a moth had black wings 2. Tsi rákie’s tehononniakwenhákie’s As he is flying, he is dancing along 3. Tsi thonattsienhón:ni ne ón:kwe tho se’s tehahkwatasénions tehononniá:kwen. At the people’s fire, he is turning around dancing 4. Ki onkwehshón:’a ronwateró:ron se’s tsi tehononniá:kwen People are watching him as he is dancing 5. Ki ne ken’nikiotiión:sa konnón:kwe wa’otiiéshon se’s nó:nen thontaiawénh...
Albany, NY–An extensive study of New York’s Adirondack loon population has revealed that mercury contamination can lead to population declines of the iconic bird. The research effort was a joint project between the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), the Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). For nearly 10 years, researchers from these organizations followed mercury contamination throughout the aquatic food chain, from zooplankton to the Common Loon, in Cranberry and Lo...
This past Monday I started this program, and so far my favorite class has been photography. So far we have learned about the media and Photoshop. Every magazine you read, about 99.9% of the pictures have been edited; that’s why celebrities look so perfect, but in reality they’re just like you and me. You can look it up and see for yourself, just go to and look up “Dove Photoshop”. There’s no need to feel less beautiful or too big, nobody’s perfect. The Career and Development Program is a summer program run by the Akwesasne A...
The very unique 4-H Tribal Mentoring program, a grant funded opportunity that was created with a Tribal Resolution by Franklin County Cornell Cooperative Extension, has been having an exciting successful summer program. Utilizing research and evidence based programs through Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H, the goals for this program are to provide academic and social skills exploring a variety of interests, to assist with redirecting youth from negative activity and to strengthen the bond of...
On Friday, July 20th the SRMT-Head Start Program held a small Carnival Day. It was a day full of circus themed activities for the children. There was a bean bag toss, limbo, face painting, bottle ring toss, baseball toss, duck pond, teacher gets a pie in the face, a small petting farm of animals and juggling Chief Randy Hart. The children enjoyed themselves and had a well-deserved freeze pop at the conclusion of the day’s activities. The Head Start would like to thank Chief Randy Hart for c...
The efforts and accomplishments of the Salmon River 6th and 7th graders were celebrated in an Award Ceremony on Tuesday, June 19 in the high school auditorium. Principal Angie Robert hosted the ceremony while the teachers handed out their awards. Congratulations to all the students for their hard work on the completion of another successful academic year. Listed below are this year’s award recipients. Horizons Award: Noreen Bautista and Kamryn Ransom Perfect Attendance: Grade 6: Sierra B...