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Reports have been circling the community of Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service Officers pulling over vehicles who fail to stop at the red light located on the southern span of the Three Nations Bridge Crossing. These reports have been verified by Chief Jerry Swamp who indicated that over a dozen tickets have been issued to date over the driving violations associated with the portable red light. “We have seen a lot of dangerous driving, of people passing cars who have legitimately stopped at the light,” said Police Chief Swamp. “We’ve stepped...
The Akwesasne Area Management Board began their summer program last week with the help of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, Ontario Power Generation, MCA’s Community Support Program, AMBE and Iohahi:io. This summer program focuses on teaching 40 high school students from age 14-18 a host of skills including soft skills, creative writing, website design, modern debate and various teambuilding activities within a 6-week period. The 40 participants were selected from the pool of Summer SEED a...
The weather was perfect as the Soaring Eagles beach volleyball organizers Kayla Skidders, Kuylynn Chaussi and Tommilee Thomas opened their weekly league this past Tuesday night. These organizers have been hired through the Akwesasne Area Management Board summer programming to oversee the construction of a beach volleyball court and to setup a summer league. A callout was made to anyone interested in submitting a team to this program and the response was enough to start a regular league. Four...
As previously reported by Indian Time newspaper, a local community members’ passport was seized on June 18, 2011. Although the Canada Border Services Agency is unable to comment on specific complaints due to privacy issues, they had indicated that the Haudenosaunee Passport is not recognized as a valid piece of identification for entry/re-entry into Canada under Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). Due to this unrecognized status, the Haudenosaunee Passport is classified as a ‘Fantasy’ document and that the CBSA is authorized to se...
Letter to the Editor: The Indian Act Protects Indian Land From Land Speculators Ever since I was a young Indian boy on the Caughnawaga Indian Reservation located right beside Montreal, Canada’s second largest city, greedy land developer-speculators have used Federal politicians in their many attempts to scrap the Indian Act. To steal Indian lands, land-hungry speculators know this protective legislation must be scrapped. Right now the Federal Government is legally bound to protect Indian lands. Section 91(24) of The BNA Act gave the Federal C...
Letter to the Editor, I recently attended a presentation by Kanentiio on the War of 1812 at the Kanatakon Recreation Center, which I found to be enlightening and timely. Niawen to the speaker for his sharing of his knowledge. The Kanatakon site of the British contingent which was overrun by Bostonian Rebels (later calling themselves “Americans”) is alleged to be in the vicinity of the present-day Saint Regis Church. The Bostonians occupied a garrison at Fort Covington, but literally starved as the regional farmers in Malone, Chateauguay and...
July 7th saw a small ceremony taking place at the Massena Springs Park in the presence of American Orthodox Catholic Church celebrants His holiness Jeremiah I, Metropolitan General Alexander Williams, Arcamandrite Henry Sharlan, Metropolitan Elect Basil Rankin, Abbottess Carol Williams and Rev. Mother Justina Rankin. Also in attendance from Akwesasne were Dignitaries’ Andrew G. Lazore and Joe Lazore. There ceremony was to Canonize Kateri Tekahkwi:tha to Sainthood, an act that has yet to be taken...
Project Cinderford -- a joint forces investigation launched in December 2009 -- focused on the elimination, disruption and identification of individuals and organized crime groups involved in the trafficking, importing and exporting of controlled substances, weapons and contraband in the Cornwall and Akwesasne area. Project Cinderford was led by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Organized Crime Enforcement Bureau (OCEB) in partnership with: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Cornwall Community Police Service, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police...
When I hold a lacrosse stick, and run at the same time during a game, I feel excited. I feel this way because I’m playing our Confederacy’s creation. Sometimes, I feel sad when I think back to the day they didn’t have nets, lacrosse balls or plastic lacrosse sticks. I’ve been playing since I was 4 years old. When I was a little kid, my Dad gave me a small lacrosse stick to use. When I first used that stick, my dad asked me if I wanted to play catch. I asked my dad, “What are we going to play c...
The Saint Regis Mohawk Health Services, in collaboration with the University of Albany, has been conducting a research project to study the impact of environmental contaminants and how they affect the reproductive health of Akwesasne Women. Recently changes have been made to the age guidelines of the project, increasing the scope from 21-35 years old to 21-38. Participants can reside anywhere in the territory of Akwesasne, but must have lived there for most of their lives. Women in this age range who are not currently taking hormonal birth...
Students in our blast from the past photo from Vol. 29#26 dated June 30th has been identified (all but one)! Thank you to Angela Thompson. Seated left-right: Angela Thompson, Viola Thompson, John Peters, Amanda Jacobs, Eagle Cook, Jeffery White, teacher Lois Thomas Back row: Ronnie King, unknown, Erin Thomas, Lindsay Mitchell, Patrick Jacobs...
The Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club has been active in the community for ten years, with their building open to youth ages 6-20 for the past nine years. With a dedicated volunteer board who oversees the programming, a newly appointed Executive Director and Unit Director to work with excellent staff, the ABGC has a great working chemistry to create a safe environment for the youth of Akwesasne. Jessica Cree Jock began working in her role as Executive Director back at the end of June, with Ryan King...
The first symptom of poisoning is a severe itching of the skin. Later, a red inflammation and a blistering of the skin occurs. In severe cases, oozing sores develop. The rash spreads by the poisonous sap (urushiol), not as the result of contamination from sores. The blood vessels develop gaps that leak fluid through the skin, causing blisters and oozing. When you cool the skin, the vessels constrict and don’t leak as much. Symptoms Most people develop symptoms 24-48 hours after contact. The i...
Heat Stroke The next few days are going to be very hot and humid, which is very dangerous to specific groups of people. The elderly are specifically at risk. Others at risk are infants, pre-schoolers, children, outdoor workers and athletes. To prevent heat stroke: •Stay indoors in a cool or air-conditioned room on extremely hot days. •Drink plenty of fluids, avoid strenuous work or sport activities during intense sunlight hours, which are 10am to 3pm. For more info, call MCA Community Health Nurses at 613-575-2341 HEAT RELATED CONDITIONS HEA...
Human beings crave intimacy, need to love and be loved. Yet people have much trouble doing so. It’s clear from the many letters I get that lots of folks have no idea what a healthy relationship even looks like. Because I care about these things, and care about the environments children grow in, I’m using this space as an attempt to remedy the problem—again. From many sources and many experts, I have culled some basic rules of relationships. This is by no means an exhaustive list. But it’s a start. Print them out and pin them up on your refriger...
1. Ioráhkote It is sunny 2. Wenhniserí:io It is a nice day 3. Io’taríhen It is hot 4. Iawenhniserataríhen It is a hot day 5. Ioronhió:ron It is cloudy 6. Iaonhawí:non There is dew 7. Teiotshá:taien There is fog 8. Iotstaraténion It is sprinkling 9. Iokennó:ron It is raining 10.Tsi kio’nahkwáweron tsi niiokennó:ron It is pouring barrels of rain 11. Tewani’nehkara’wánions It is zig zag lightning 12. Tewatshiraríkhon It is lightning (flashing) 13. Iowehrenhákie It is thundering along 14....
• The Elders and Youth Gathering hosted by the Onondaga Nation Starts on Sunday, July 24th. This is a camp-out style with meals provided by the cooks. Please bring your eating utensils (bowls, dish, silverware & cup). There will be no paper plates, etc. so this is an environmentally, health place. There are absolutely no drugs or Alcohol. The majority of people attending will camp out with the elderly, staying in homes. The participants will come from the USA, Canada and Guatemala. The day starts with a pipe ceremony, breakfast, spiritual t...
Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek First Nation, Ontario, Canada The Honourable John Duncan, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, together with the Honourable Chris Bentley, Ontario Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, congratulate Chief Paul Gladu and the Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek First Nation on the creation of their new reserve. This announcement recognizes several years of collaboration, which began in 1996, and will advance to the next phase as the First Nation develops its new community base. The Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek...
When the New York Power Author presented these proposals to the CCP Team, they also announced that they would, holding separate meetings with Mohawks to discuss the Mohawk issues, the summer of 1998, the Mohawk governments united in their efforts to get our issues addressed and established a Mohawk Working Group, consisting of two representatives from each of the Mohawk governments (St. Regis Mohawk Tri Council, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs). In March 1999, the Mohawk Working Group proposed a process to...
Ninety-one years ago, September 26, 1920, a little girl was born at Christie’s Island on the St. Lawrence River within the territory of Ahkwesahsne. This little girl was named Margaret Tekawennake Lazore. She joined a family of two sisters, Louise and Hatti, along with three brothers Jake, Abe and Bazil Lazore. Many people would probably remember the brothers, as they were well-known fishermen, who were best known for their night line-fishing skills to catch sturgeon. These men would cut up t...
St. Regis Mohawk School Mrs. Layo’s - Pre-k Class 1972 Row 1: Paula Leroux, Nancy Niles, Kelly Jacobs, Kelly Gunderson, Christie Casey (Cissy Wood), Bernadine Herne and Donna Arquette Row 2: Chris Jock, Rod Drumm, Danny Cree, Jon Barnes, Abe Gray and Danny Jock Left-Mrs. Layo Right- Miss Jock (Keddy)...
Summer had arrived. We have had high temperatures for the past two weeks and the weather man states that this weather will continue for a while. With such beautiful weather people are going to the beaches, water parks, boating and possibly even travelling to a vacation spot. What does this call for? A good camera for those “memory” making photo opportunities. Capture the fun your family is having whatever you are doing/or wherever you are. Here are some potential buys for a camera. You can always ask the sales person at your favorite ele...
To All Tribal Employees, Tribal Council regrets having to make the decision to require employees to pay a share of our health care costs. Tribal Council is also aware of misinformation floating around regarding the upcoming increases to the Health Insurance plan of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe. We are providing some facts as to why the tough decision had to be made, and reasoning behind the decision. However, we do understand the concerns being expressed by our employees and sympathize with those feelings. As you may know, the costs of health car...
These hot air balloons were part of the Kinsmen Cornwall Lift-Off 2011 festival held July 14-17 in Lamoreaux Park, Cornwall. Word on the street is that some of the balloons landed at the Generations Field and the St. Regis Mohawk School in Tekahson’karo:renhs during the festival. Many Akwesasronon were present at the festival itself in Cornwall, while those enjoying the beautiful weather over the weekend were able to watch the balloon progress in the sky....
The trial run of the Green Food Box program from the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Community Health Nurses saw 169 participants purchase 246 bags of produce for $10 a bag. The distribution day was held yesterday at the St. Regis Recreation pavilion, with a large crowd lined up waiting well before 2:00pm. Organizers packed reusable bags with mushrooms, radishes, potatoes, two types of onions, cucumbers, nectarines, broccoli, lettuce, raspberries and bananas. Any leftovers from July’s d...