Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 36
“This project has been one of our greatest bright ideas yet,” said Akwesasne Housing Authority Executive Director Retha Herne. “This has been a full circle project that started as a planned project for the future and has developed into a really beautiful neighborhood.” The Akwesasne Housing Authority (AHA) invited the community to witness the grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony of the Sunrise Acres Expansion Project that was held last Thursday morning. The Sunrise Acres Expansion project...
The topic of Iroquois Passports being listed as a ‘fantasy’ document has once again reached the headlines of the National spotlight. The last time this topic reached this magnitude was in relation last summer’s Iroquois Nationals stand against the British while trying to travel to the World Indoor Lacrosse championship. This time around the passport in question doesn’t belong to an entire lacrosse team, but to one local Akwesasne woman who is standing against those who try to tell her that the document is a ‘fantasy document’ issued by a ‘non-e...
Ronald B. Turk, Special Agent in Charge of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) New York Field Division and Thomas Crone, Assistant Administrator for Field Operations for the U.S. Treasury Department’s Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) announce that Jacobs Manufacturing, an unlicensed cigarette manufacturer on the New York St. Regis Mohawk Indian Reservation, has agreed to forfeit $1.25 million dollars to ATF for prior violations of the Contraband Cigarette Trafficking Act (CCTA) and additionally has agreed to come into c...
WASHINGTON –– The White House hosted its first-ever lacrosse clinic today on the South Lawn featuring some of the nation’s best lacrosse players showcasing the health benefits of the nation’s fastest growing sport to 100 youth as part of the First Lady’s Let’s Move! in Indian Country (LMIC) initiative. The clinic, organized by the White House Office of Public Engagement and the Department of the Interior, brought players from the Iroquois Nationals Team, Major League Lacrosse, the National La...
AKWESASNE – Mr. William George Oakes, age 66, of 68 James E. Lazore Memorial Road, peacefully passed away early Friday morning, July 8, 2011 at Tsiionkwanonhso:te, Cornwall Island Long Term Care Facility, where he had been a resident for the past year. George had been in failing health for the past seven years. He was born October 8, 1944 in Cornwall, the son of William and Monique Skidders Oakes. He attended General Vanier School and various trade and computer schools. On April 15, 1964, he e...
HOGANSBURG – Mr. Stanley “Bo” Ouimet, 76 of 162 Helena Road and 2225 Abbottswoods Lane, Orange City, Florida, passed away on Friday afternoon, July 8, 2011 at Florida Hospital Fish Memorial in Orange City. He had been in failing health for the past four months. Bo was born April 11, 1935 in Bombay, the son of the late Albert and Myrtle Collett Ouimet. He attended Massena High School and later achieved his GED. Bo married Margaret Everard in 1955, which later ended in divorce. In 1966, Bo began...
Letter to the Editor: I just received an email from a cousin of mine, who works as a lawyer for the Washoe Tribal Government in California. She is coming to the reservation to visit family and was wondering what hotels in the area provide a government rate. I pointed her to the Comfort Inn next to our Casino. She notified me that they do not consider any Tribal Government as qualifying for their government rate. I can only assume they do accept U.S. Officials as qualifying for their government rate. She also stated that their AAA rate is $50...
In Memory...
Letter to the Editor: She:kon. I am writing to take note of the recent Indian Time article, “United States Claims Underlying Title to Islands.” This information was made available to readers through the efforts of one Akwesasronon who attended the Land Claims hearing before US Magistrate Cooney in June, and elected to share the information with everyone who did not attend the proceeding. That individual is James W. Ransom and his diligent efforts deserve recognition. In regards to the issue of the “underlying title” claim by the United States,...
NIAWEN KOWA To everyone who participated in and attended the benefit dance that took place July 3rd at the Brasshorse for the Cook families who lost everything in a house fire, I would like to express a heartfelt thank you. Special thanks goes to the Brasshorse, the River Mohawk Band, the 14 Knuckles and those who helped sell tickets. I would also like to thank Jason Hill, Darrow Clute, Joanne Jacobs, Nikki Sharrow, Lisa Roundpoint, Chiefs Tobacco and Gas, Kerdy Mitcho, Wolf Pack, Kathy Colburn, Pam Brown, Gail General, Jeff Lazare, Diane...
Letter to the Editor: Nia:wen to Indian Time for the recent article on plans for a new museum, archive and library facility for Akwesasne! The intent of the work was described very well and I hope that some of the readers of Indian Time who hadn’t heard of the project before will come to our August meeting due to the interest generated by the article. I have one correction and one addition to note: My title is Program Coordinator for the museum. Glory Cole is the Director of the Akwesasne Cultural Center. (There is not a separate Museum D...
Ronathahon:ni and Hotinonhson:ni cultural youth group Summer Theater Arts program is in their second week, and all of the participants are very busy in developing theater art skills in creative movement. They have all constructed their own set of hoops, they been practicing smoke dance, powwow dance, Hotinonhson:ni songs and dances. The daily routine includes the Ohen:ton Karihwahtekwen for opening and closing the day, which is recited by the participants in the program. Tameka Thompson has been...
BREACH OF RECOGNIZANCE – Ryan Oakes, 30, of Hogansburg New York was arrested on the 08th of July, 2011 while entering Canada through the Cornwall point of entry. The male was bound by a Recognizance Order with conditions to Abstain from the possession of alcohol and to Keep the Peace and be of Good Behaviour. It is alleged that the male was in possession of alcohol when he entered Cornwall. He was detained by a member of the Canada Border Services Agency until the arrival of a member of Community Patrol. He is facing 2 counts of Breach of R...
Richard S. Hartunian, United States Attorney for the Northern District of New York, announces that Rosalie Jacobs, age 62, Hogansburg, New York, pled guilty today in U.S. District Court in Utica to an Information which charged her with conspiracy to structure currency transactions, in violation of 18 U.S.C. ß 371. As part of her plea, Rosalie Jacobs admitted that she conspired with others to structure a series of cash deposits of U.S. Currency in less than $10,000 increments to avoid federal reporting requirements. During the relevant...
Niawen, The Akwesasne Lacrosse Hall of Fame (ALHF) Board Members in partnership with the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Community Partnership would like to thank all the Hole Sponsors for the 5th Annual Golf Tournament held July 2, 2011 at the Massena Golf Course. J & J Insurance Minnows Sunday Sons of American Legion Ron & Ida Thomas Can Am Vending Bill Roundpoint Akwesasne Sports Yvonne Miller Mohawk Plumbing Charmine Caldwell Emards Lumber Mike Mitchell Oakes Enterprise Akwaks Assembly of First Nations Corporate Sponsor: Mohawk Council of Akwesasne...
Continued from last week......
Reduce your use of hazardous household products by choosing safer, less-toxic products. Avoid household products with hazardous ingredients, or handle them with extreme care. Many toxic ingredients in paint thinners and drain cleaners, for example, can contaminate water sources. Use only enough of the product to get the job done. Never dump hazardous products down drains, the toilet, or near flowing water, ponds, or lakes. Do not dump them on the ground. Use natural and less-toxic household products whenever possible. •Instead of AIR FRESHENER,...
JULY 18-21, 2011 Comfort Inn & Suites 229 Great Northern Road Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario First Nation Leadership are invited to participate in furthering the work of the “2004 Tribal and First Nation Water Accord”. Agenda items will also include: • History of the Great Lakes • Jurisdiction & rights • Wampum teaching • Our relationship to the water • Healthy waters and a path forward • Treaties • Progress Plan The purpose of this gathering is to educate and empower First Nations peoples on waters, which will lead to a better understanding of...
What does the poison sumac plant look like? •Grows in boggy areas, especially in the Southeast •Rangy shrub up to 15 feet tall •Seven to 13 smooth-edged leaflets •Glossy pale yellow or cream-colored berries Poison sumac has seven to 13 staggered leaflets with one on the tip of the plant and grows as a shrub or small tree. It is found mainly in the eastern United States, growing in peat bogs and swamps. Poison sumac is distinguished from nonpoisonous sumac by the location of its fruit, which grow...
Members of the Kanienkehaka community at Akwesasne recently attended a closed-session meeting held in Sullivan County, sponsored by the Town of Thompson Supervisor Anthony Cellini, which focused on off-reservation gaming as economic development. The Kanienkehaka Kaianerehkowa Kanonhsesne clan representative Men’s Council sent participants, as did the St. Regis Mohawk tribal member Off-Reservation Gaming Committee. Meeting participants included New York Senator John Bonacic(R), whose elected 4...
3. Ónhka iehwa’ékhe? Who is going to bat? 31. Rahwá:’eks He is batting 32. Iehwá:’eks She is batting 33. Khwá:’eks I am batting 34. Í:se kiokierenhtáhkwen tésta’n You will be the 1st baseman 35. Í:iah teionkwá:ien ne kakè:ron We don’t have any bases 36. Thí:ken ó:kwire éntewatste kiokierenhtáhkwen That tree is first base 37. Ka’nón:we ne oh na’kénhkha ká:ien? Ka’nón:we ne ienhsésewe? Where is home base? 38. Shwá:’ek Bat it (Hit it) 39. Sahsátewahte You missed it (you got a strike) 40. Seréka Almost 41. Tó: ní:kon ienwakià:thewe? How many tu...
Why the CCP Didn’t work for the Mohawks of Akwesasne As has been mentioned earlier, the Kaswentha or Two-Row Wampum Belt recognized that two distinct societies, the Haudenosaunee, in our canoe, and the Dutch, in their ship, were to travel down the river of life together, side-by-side, but each in our own vessel. We believe that the principles of the Two-Row-Wampum Belt apply to the re-licensing of the St. Lawrence-FDR Power Project. The Dutch have been replaced by the New York Power Authority and we represent the Haudenosaunee people. The CCP w...
“A man without a country, let’s put it that way”, said Barney Rourke during a very interesting visit with him and his wife Viola at their homestead on St. Regis Road near the “S” curve. This is a question he always wondered about and still wishes he had asked his mom: “Where was I born?” Ostonnonke or Korahneha, he never knew. Barney was born on September 4, 1924 and joined a family of two brothers, Joe and Andrew. During his earlier years, Barney began to work at lumber camps as many men from Ahkwesahsne did in those days. He gained lumber...
• Mohawk Nation Bear Clan meeting is schedule for this Saturday, July 16 at 9 a.m. • Participants with the Peacemakers Journey traveled to the Akwesasne territory on Monday, July 11th. 20 delegates participated in the journey and once they were finished meeting with the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs they continued on their road to the territory of Kahnawake....
Deer Lake First Nation, Ontario, Canada On July 7 the following information was released - Forest fires are burning out of control 3.5 kilometres from Deer Lake, a remote northwest First Nations community in Northern Ontario and residents need your help in this time of emergency. Approximately 480 residents have been airlifted by Canadian Forces aircraft to Greenstone, Ontario. Keewaytinook Okimakanak is accepting donations on behalf of the Deer Lake First Nation who require food, clothing and supplies at this time of crisis. More information...