A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the July 7, 2011 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 32

  • SRMT Council welcomes newest members

    Kyrie Ransom|Jul 7, 2011

    The Akwesasne community showed up to witness the inauguration ceremony for Chief Ronald Lafrance Jr. and Sub-Chief Michael Conners Jr. this past Friday morning. Chiefs Garrow and Hart provided words of welcome to the newest members to Tribal Council before Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Kawehno:ke District Chief Brian David was provided an opportunity to speak as well. “We have a change, and change is good. It can be difficult, but beneficial to both our community and our neighbors,” said Chi...

  • Haudenosaunee Passport listed as ‘fantasy’ document

    Kyrie Ransom|Jul 7, 2011

    The Daily Courier Observer ran an article regarding an incident at the Cornwall Port of Entry on June 18 where a Haudenosaunee Passport was seized. The article outlines that the local resident was traveling with a family member and was asked for identification. Upon producing the Haudenosaunee Passport the pair were pulled in for secondary inspection. In the report filed by the CBSA Agent, the document in question was listed as a Haudenosaunee Passport with the seizure being necessary to prevent the fraudulent or improper use, and to carry out...

  • Arson in Tsi Snaihne

    Kyrie Ransom|Jul 7, 2011

    The home of Wade and Michelle Mason was set ablaze Tuesday morning. Luckily no one was home as the family of seven had moved to a rental home while a mold problem was being dealt with in their primary residence. “There was a knock on the door that morning informing us that the house was on fire,” said Michelle. “We went down and the house was fully engulfed in flames.” The fire became so hot that an aluminum ladder and children’s bicycles in the back yard had melted. Although the family ha...

  • SRMT discusses tax on cigs

    Kyrie Ransom|Jul 7, 2011

    On Tuesday, June 21, the State Court’s Appellate Division in Seneca Nation of Indians v the State of New York lifted the Temporary Restraining Order preventing enforcement of the cigarette tax scheme on Reservations statewide, including the Saint Regis Mohawk Reservation. This means that the New York State Department of Taxation have started to implement the tax schemes outlined to collect taxes on cigarettes sold to non-natives on Indian land. With the lifting of the Temporary Restraining Order the Seneca’s are still moving forward with their...

  • Stanley P. Francis, Sr. “Ano’tkarakiethe”

    Jul 7, 2011

    AKWESASNE – Mr. Stanley P. Francis, Sr., 72, fondly known as “Stosh” to many, passed away on Saturday afternoon, July 2, 2011 at the Janet MacDonnell Pavilion in Cornwall, after a lengthy illness. Stan, a Bear Clan, was born on September 16, 1938 in Hogansburg, the son of William V. Sr. and Phoebe LaFrance Francis. He married Elizabeth M. Thompson on January 12, 1956 at the St. Regis Catholic Church with Rev. Michael Jacobs, SJ, officiating. She predeceased him on August 30, 2003. Stan was a...

  • Letter to the editor:

    Jul 7, 2011

    Letter to the Editor: “Little Support for Tobacco Plan” Here we are again. When the issue of the Native tobacco trade arises Doug George rolls out the same old concocted, revisionist history of economic development in Iroquois country. Strangely, he does so not to better the disposition of all of Iroquois nations, but to buttress his version of his role in an economic plan that not only failed on many levels across Iroquoia, but had virtually zero Native support except from those Natives sit...

  • Police Blotter

    Jul 7, 2011

    Two Akwesasne residents jailed after pot is found Two Akwesasne, Ontario, residents were ordered held at the St. Lawrence County jail, Canton, on Friday, June 10 after 10 pounds of marijuana was allegedly discovered when they were stopped by the U.S. Border Patrol in Pitcairn. Bridget M. Skidders, 34, and Iaonhawinon, 21, were turned over to state police and charged with criminal possession of marijuana. They remained jailed Saturday on $10,000 bail or $20,000 bond. Two Arrested, Indictment Unsealed Charging Conspiracy To Distribute Marijuana...

  • AFS releasing ceremony and graduation day

    Jul 7, 2011

    On June 30 the Akwesasne Freedom School held their releasing ceremony and graduation day for the students. Students from levels pre-k to level 8 were split between the boys and girls. The girls sang the women’s planting songs out onto the stage and the boys sang their very own atonwa songs. At the stage, parents waited for their students to be released by their teachers for the summer break. Parents then agreed to carry on the work and teachings that had been given to their children for the r...

  • Lacrosse game included in French and Indian War Reenactment

    MCA Communications Unit|Jul 7, 2011

    This past weekend, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Grand Chief Mike Kanentakeron Mitchell travelled to Old Fort Niagara in western New York to observe the reenactment of a 1796 lacrosse game. Hobbyists in the region have been organizing a French and Indian War encampment reenactment for several years, and this year they included the game of lacrosse in the schedule of historical activities. Seneca players from Tonawanda and Cattaraugus were invited to participate in the lacrosse game, competing...

  • 5 Homemade Chemical Free Bug Repellents That Work

    Jul 7, 2011

    #1 Pepper Spray This works great for ants and other small pests. Boil 2 or 3 cups of water. Add about ½ to 2/3 cup of chopped hot pepper. Let marinate for a few minutes. Run the mixture thru a sieve to remove the peppers. Put the liquid in a squirt bottle and use when necessary. Be careful not to spray directly on foliage. #2 Minty Soap Spray This is great for ants. Mix 2 tbsp of Dr. Bonners mint soap with a gallon of water. Spray directly on ants. This will also work to ward off other pests on foliage however be care when you spray it...

  • All Natural Air Freshener Recipes

    Jul 7, 2011

    Commercial air fresheners of all kinds are very unhealthy. Instead, try these natural, homemade (and very affordable) alternatives. Your home will be great selling AND chemical free! BAKING SODA My odor defeater of choice is baking soda. Many people put a box of baking soda in their refrigerators to absorb odors from foods, but, baking soda can get rid of odors in a lot of different places. From deodorizing your carpet (sprinkle baking soda onto your carpet, wait about 15 min, then vacuum up), to getting rid of odors in your laundry, to making...


    Jul 7, 2011

    (Toxicodendron radicans) (formerly Rhus radicans) Poison Ivy is a poisonous-to-the-touch plant that grows in open woods, rocky areas, and fields. All parts are poisonous. The oils within the plant cause an allergic reaction in many (but not all) people, that can be quite serious. This allergic reaction manifests itself as a rash, that may show up on parts of the body that did not contact the plant at all. Sometimes people who contact Poison Ivy have a body-wide reaction, and are seriously ill for more than a week. The oils from the plant can...

  • Salmon River Central School GRADUATION AWARDS June 24, 2011

    Jul 7, 2011

    1. The New York Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation for average of a 90 or better on the Regents Examinations. JESSICA BEACH and DEREK DUSTIN 2. Academic Excellence Scholarships: DEREK DUSTIN, RAKENHOKTHA BARNES and JESSICA BEACH 3. The Akwesasne Area Management Board award: STEVIE RAY ADAMS, DUSTIN DAVID, ERICA FRANCIS, NEIL MITCHELL, NOLAN MITCHELL, JACOB SWAMP and EVAN THOMPSON. 4. Salmon River Civil Service Employees Association Unit #6854 awards: CSEA Wayne Ghostlaw Memorial Award - RAVEN LEMAY CSEA Cindy Gratton Memorial Award -...

  • Salmon River Central School 4th marking period

    Jul 7, 2011

    Principal’s List Honors Grade 7 Jacob Bero Reese Jacobs Adriana Reardon Zachary Smith Grade 8 Chance Monette Grade 9 Kelly, Abigail Grade 10 Robert Gray Teiohsontathe, Herne Rylie Mainville Samantha Monette Kaitlyn Pickering Grade 11 Noah Bero Alison Boots Sean Godard Kara Grant Matthew Healy Anna Kelly Leslie Loran Grade 12 Jessica Beach Brittany Bigness Samantha Chartier Derek Dustin Faith Francis Alicia Oliver Alexii Shook Corey Tremblay Krissy Tremblay Samantha Tremblay High Honor Roll Grade 7 Jordan Bigness Cheyenne Boardway Brittany B...

  • Haudenosaunee News

    Jul 7, 2011

    • What goes on in Haudenosaunee country this week? We told you about the Iroquois Nationals upcoming visit to the President’s front lawn. Other notable lacrosse organizations will also be there such as the NLL and Lacrosse USA. Leading the nations will be Tadadoho (Sid Hill), Oren Lyons and Alfie Jacques, a well-known lacrosse stick maker. Also joining these Haudenosaunee representatives will be Jeremy Thompson and Sid Smith, former Iroquois Nationals players and players at Syracuse University. • Haudenosaunee country news – The Nations...

  • News from around the Nations

    Jul 7, 2011

    Confederate Salish and Kootenai of the Flathead Reservation, Montana, United States A 12-inch oil pipeline burst on July 1 contaminating the Yellowstone River within the traditional lands of the Confederate Salish and Kootenai Tribes. The owners of the pipeline, ExxonMobil Corp. are working to cleanup the oil spill, but rising water levels increase the difficulty of containing the spill. This pipeline was previously located directly across the Flathead Reservation and was moved in the 1990’s after the Tribes refused to allow them to r...

  • Teiontatshensehstáhkhwa Aowenna’shón:’a Baseball Words

    Jul 7, 2011

    1. Tekatatshenséhstha I am playing baseball 2. Wa’tkatatshensehstà:ne I am going to play baseball 3. Íhsehre ken skátne aetewátswa’te? Do you want to play with us? 4. Teiontatshensehstáhkhwa kà:nhien Baseball bat 5. Teiontatshensehstáhkhwa ahthén:no Baseball 6. Iohthenno’tsherahní:ron Hard ball 7. Teiontatshensehstáhkhwa a’niá:nawen Baseball glove 8. Tatsié:na Catch it (toward yourself) 9. Ia’sá:ti Throw it over there 10. Tasá:ti Throw it here (ie. to me) 11. Shwá:’ek Hit it 12. Tesa...

  • The Waters

    James Ransom|Jul 7, 2011

    The Senecas begin fighting against the Kinzua Dam as early as the mid 1920’s. However, they were up against a stacked deck. By the mid-40’s, the Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce, and the New York State Council of Parks each prepared surveys that called for vast flooding of Seneca lands, in spite of Seneca protests. In the late 50’s Congress was sending pending legislation affecting Seneca treaty rights to public works appropriations committees and not to those whose charge was Indian affairs. The Army bulldozed sacre...

  • Reader Submission

    Jul 7, 2011

    From April 28 to April 30, 2011, Akwesasne’s own Kenneth Thompson, along with Glen Lazore, attended and participated in the 28th Annual Gathering of Nations Powwow in Albuquerque, NM. This is Kenneth’s 26th year attending out of the 28 years its been held....

  • Happy Retirement for Bruce Jackson

    Jul 7, 2011

    Words from the Wise...

  • CCVS Graduation

    Jul 7, 2011

    The CCVS Graduation ceremony was held on June 29 between two ceremonies. Half of the students attended the morning ceremony with the other half walking in the afternoon. Family and friends came together to celebrate this important rite of passage as students completed their secondary school work. Congratulations to the class of 2011!...

  • St. Regis Mohawk School grade 5 and 6 awards

    Rachelle Garrow Hayes|Jul 7, 2011

    June 16th was a wonderful and historic day for the St. Regis Mohawk School. Not only was the weather beautiful but so was everyone’s spirits as SRMS graduated its first fifth grade class. The ceremony was held outside under a large tent. The band, comprised of SRMS teachers, staff and former students, played “Pomp and Circumstance” as fifty nine students dressed in beautiful ribbon shirts, ribbon dresses and Sunday best attire walked to the graduation stage. Adorning many heads were beaded crowns and gustowehs. To start the ceremony the opening...

  • Elders find useful information at Seniors Awareness Day

    MCA Communications Unit|Jul 7, 2011

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Community Health Program organized a Seniors Awareness Day June 23 to help advertise the many services and programs available to them in and around Akwesasne. Coordinating RN Debbie Mayer said the event was a trial run, which offered the seniors in the community information related to topics of interest in health, environmental health, preplanning, safety, finances, nutrition, wills and estates. There were a variety of booths for the public to browse through, a...

  • Akwesasne Museum and Cultural Center seeks community input

    Kyrie Ransom|Jul 7, 2011

    The Akwesasne Museum has been an active source for information on the topic of Kanienkeha culture and the history of Akwesasne and its community members. Museum staff has organized workshops to allow community members of all ages to learn about traditional crafts and practices in a supportive environment. These workshops have been planned based on information obtained in surveys generated on the website SurveyMonkey.com which included input from the entire territory of Akwesasne. The Akwesasne Museum was successful in obtaining two separate...

  • Blast from the Past

    Jul 7, 2011

    Grade 2 in 1978-79 1st row: James Cook, Jonas Jacobs, Melissa Johnson, Michael Thompson, Richard Francis 2nd row: Tammy Phillips, Stevie Thomas, Ronnie Square, Elizabeth Marquis, Patrick Johnson 3rd row: Peggy Thompson, Ann Marie Francis, Ceely King, Bessie Thomas, Mikey Benedict Thanks to Lois Thomas for submitting this photo for our readers....

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