Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 36
Akwesasne voters went to the polls Saturday to elect new leadership to the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and while there is a new grand chief set to take office, the office isn’t new to him. Mike Mitchell defeated Timothy “Dooley” Thompson with 385 votes to Thompson’s 334. The leadership change comes at a time when MCA has been held to the community’s highest expectations in years. The border crisis has resulted in the bridge crossing from the U.S. to Canada at Akwesasne to be closed for the p...
The Drug Enforcement Agency, New York Slate Police, Franklin County District Attorney Derek P. Champagne and St. Lawrence County District Attorney Nicole Duve, announced today the culmination of a two (2) year investigation into the smuggling and distribution of large quantities of marihuana through Franklin County and St. Lawrence County to the Cleveland, Ohio area. In 2008 an Investigator for the City of Beachwood (Ohio) teamed up with the City of Reminderville Police Department on an investigation into alleged Russian Organized crime in the...
St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police responded to a call between 1:30 and 1:45 AM on Thursday June 25th on Andrew Johnson Road in Akwesasne. Police discovered that a home invasion had taken place and that weapons were involved and a number of shots had been fired. Who fired the shots and how many shots were fired have not yet been determined. However, no injuries occurred as a result of the incident, but some items were stolen from the home. Although Tribal Police have not made any arrests in connection with this incident, the case is still...
The tribal community welcomed a new representative to Council on Wednesday afternoon as Mark Garrow was sworn in as chief, filling the seat held by Barbara Lazore for the past six years. Garrow won the tribal election on June 6. The tribe also swore in re-elected sub-chief Stacy Adams who will serve her second three-year term, and tribal clerk Corleen Jacco, who will serve her first official 3-year term after being elected to a one-year interim term last year. Tribal Court Judge PJ Herne swore...
Mrs. Lorraine C. Brown Cocca, age 68, died on June 25, 2009. She was predecased by her parents, Morris and Bertha Brown and her step-father Harold J. MacElwain. She is survived by her husband of 42 years, Martin J. Cocca, by children Christine (Vincent) Verzella, Tara (Henry Louis) Behnke and Martin D. (Eva) Cocca, by grandchildren Jaelyn and Gabriel Verzella and Ariana Alvarado. She is also survived by a brother Angus Brown and a sister Phyllis Point and by many aunts, uncles, nieces and...
Rev. George M. White, O.M.I, age 90, died June 18, 2009 at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Oblate Infirmary and Residence in Tewksbury, MA, after a period of declining health. A Mohawk Indian, he was born July 25, 1918, at St. Regis Mohawk Indian Reservation, Cornwall Island, Ontario, and was the son of, and predeceased by, Peter A. and Monica (Roundpoint) White and his stepmother, Anna Mitchell. His early education was in public schools and at an Iroquois Indian School. Further education...
A Birthday Memoriam for Rodney Square on July 1st It seems there’s very little anyone can say or do to ease the pain of one who meant so very much to us. We all miss you very much, but you are always in our hearts and thoughts. Miss you and love you Mom...
Niawen ko:wa tsi nikon waskwaiatakeha ne ki iakwatatekenha Teres waientohetste. Akwekon Tekwanonweratens. On behalf of the family of Theresa Angus, heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation to our relatives and friends for your help and kindness with the loss of our sister Theresa. Special thanks to Ellen Emery for providing music during the church service, to all who dropped off or prepared food, sent flowers, and especially to our niece and the ladies who cooked the feast meal. Niawen ko:wa....
Niawen:Kowa from Tsiionkwanonhso:te Thank you to Nancy Arquette for her consideration of the spiritual needs of our residents. While the bridge is closed, Sister Christine is not able to bring weekly Holy Communion. We look forward to seeing her regularly. If you see a boat filled with dirt in the yard at Tsiionkwanonhso:te do not think your eyes are deceiving you. This is the Mohawk version of ‘raised gardens’ and is the perfect setup for wheelchair residents to have successful gardens. Niawen:kowa Leroy David for your donation and del...
The fact is the only entity blocking anything on Akwesasne territory is the United States. Acting without consultation with the united Mohawk leadership the Americans made a decision to interfere with our aboriginal, and treaty, right to cross from one area of our homelands to another. The US border forces are armed and, unlike the Canadians, will not leave their posts because of an imagined threat to their security.They will not be pushed, prodded or pressured to do anything which compromises their tough stance on border security issues. So...
Dear Editor, In reading of the United States intelligence drone which has been commissioned to fly over the North Country, including Akwesasne Mohawk Territory, I found myself asking, “Were Akwesasronon consulted or asked if they would permit this?” The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe is the primary local organization which has direct dealings with the United States government. Was any attempt made to gauge community sentiment in Akwesasne to convey that information back to the United States? Was the ability to state yes or no even exercised with the...
I read the article about the burglary at CT’s in last week’s issue. I was glad to know that no employee was harmed. However, I was wondering when beer and cigarettes became “basic items” in Akwesasne? Whatever happened to milk and bread??? Just wondering....Emily Tarbell....
Ohiari:ha/June 29, 2009 IN REGARDS TO THE RECENT PRESS RELEASE FROM THE MOHAWK COUNCIL OF AKWESASNE ON THE CARAVAN OF SUPPORTERS FROM SIX NATIONS RESERVE The Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs met today to discuss the Caravan of Supporters from Six Nations Reserve. There arc several items the MNCC wishes to clarify in the MCA press release of June 27, 2009. 1. The Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs did not participate in issuing a joint press release with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and the St Regis Mohawk Tribe. 2. The caravan of supporters did...
Missing Air Monitoring Equipment On Thursday, June 25th, 2009 the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Environment Division set-up air monitoring equipment on Kawenoke for continuous daily air monitoring during Nearshore Excavation Activities at the Alcoa East Superfund clean-up site on the St. Lawrence River. The Air Monitoring location was on a south channel point just west of the International Bridge to prepare for initiation of community health monitoring due to the river construction activities o...
Tarbell Management Group (TMG) is continuing an initiative to determine our community’s needs for communications services. TMG will be conducting a house to house survey starting with the southern portion of Akwesasne. TMG has retained the services of a community member to conduct the survey which will begin on June 23, 2009 and continue until enough information is gathered about our community’s needs. The survey itself will take only about ten minutes of your time and is entirely voluntary. If you are not at home, information will be left at...
We would like to thank everyone who made our grand opening a success. The businesses that donated gift certificates are 37 West, Wolfclan, Truckstop #9, Rez Phones, Akwesasne Gas Log Cabin, Big E’s, Peters Motorsports, Mohawk Billiards, Gallagher’s, Roberts Sport Center, Chiefs Tobacco Outlet and Gas. The Winners were Karli, Kanyon, Evan Adams, BJ Boots, Lorel Thompson, Quinn Benedict, Reggie Chubb, Arnald, Robert Gray, Elaine Thompson, Wanita Swamp, Beedy Gray, Amanda King, Barbra Gray, Kanahiio Lazore, Josiah Benedict, Danielle Cole, Kia...
From his early days with the Jackson Five to his King of Pop days in the 1980s Michael Jackson was a star. With hits like “Thriller” and “Bad” he was often compared to the King of Rock and Roll Elvis Presley. Now, the two are alike in even more ways. Jackson was found Thursday, June 25 in his bed not breathing but with a slight pulse. He was rushed to the UCLA Medical Centre in Los Angeles, California where he was pronounced dead shortly later. Jackson is said to have died of cardiac arrest...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne has instructed its lawyers to file an application for judicial review of the decision of the Minister of Public Safety Peter Van Loan and the President of the Canada Border Services Agency Stephen Rigby to close the international port of entry located in the Mohawk Territory of Akwesasne. The decision to close the Cornwall Port of Entry was obviously taken in haste and is illegal and severely detrimental to the interests of the Mohawks of Akwesasne and the surrounding communities that rely on the bridge. It is...
A caravan of cars travelled to Akwesasne from the Six Nations territory Tuesday to show unity and support for Akwesasne’s protest against Canada Border Services Agency. However, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and St. Regis Mohawk Tribe along with the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs expressed concern over the caravan. While the support is greatly appreciated, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, St. Regis Mohawk Tribe and the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs respectfully request that those supporters halt the Caravan or move the destination to ot...
It is estimated that more than 12 million children who qualify to receive a free or reduced-price lunch during the academic year may be deprived of this vital meal during the summer months when school is out. To help combat that trend locally, the Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club is the recipient of a little extra help in the form of a $3,000 Summer Servings grant through a partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) and the Walmart Foundation to ensure that Club members have access to nutritious meals and snacks this summer. “With the c...
The Akwesasne Child and Family Services offered a babysitting course with the help of The Canadian Red Cross on Saturday, June 27th. The classroom size of 11-17 year olds was filled with 20 registered participants and when the morning came, some did not show up. Those on the alternate list, were called and 16 seats were occupied. All 16 of the males and females that were in class completed their test with flying colors. Lots was learned and these entrepreneurs will be ready to safely watch children in Akwesasne, so be on the lookout for their...
At 100 years of age, Grace Day is a picture of health. Surrounded by her family and friends, Grace celebrated the milestone birthday Saturday at the St. Regis Mohawk Senior’s Center Tsi Tetewatatkens. A traditional meal was served and guests spent the afternoon reminiscing about the past one hundred years and learning things about Grace they never knew before. Grace was born Grace LaFrance and she married Jacob Day and had two children, Jeff and Jann. Both were by her side for the party. G...
Please come and celebrate Theresa Bear Fox’s Amazing accomplishment! She was selected to receive a “Community Spirit Award” from First People’s Fund. You can view it online at to see what it’s all about. The potluck dinner will be held Thursday, July 16, 2009 at the Mohawk Nation Longhouse. Dinner will be served at 5pm. There will be a Presentation with a Social Dance to follow! If you would like to bring a dish to share, please email or call Bear at 358-2933...
The retirement dinner for Dave White, Karen White and Bev Lazore took place on Wednesday June 24th. It happened on a nice evening at the Brasshorse Grill and Lounge among friends, family and Sr staff. These faces will certainly be missed as well as Vivian Smoke, a retiring Mohawk language teacher. Jim Ransom, president for the Mohawk Education Committee spoke for the three with opening and closing remarks. He spoke about Karen and Dave first and said, “we are so fortunate to have them in our s...
The following students have achieved Principal’s List for the 6th marking period: Grade 7: Cody Boardway Roderick Garrow Abigail Kelly Kevin Pehush Grade 8: Trulee Herne Samantha Monette Grade 9: Sean Godard Anna Kelly Leslee Loran Dakota Tarbell Grade 10: Derek Dustin Grade 11: Emily Fritz Samuel Jacobs Pratik Patel Grade 12: Carly Benedict Desiree Black Sally Durbin Kaylee Gadway Carly Gardner Daniel Gerow Ryan Godard Bobbi Lauzon Rosemarie Lauzon Natalie Sharlow Holly Shearer Jennifer Tremblay Trevor White Margaret Wright The following s...