A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the July 1, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 61

  • The Future Looks Bright 2021 - Massena 1

    Jul 1, 2021

    Graduation at Massena Central took place on Friday, June 25 at 8:30 p.m. Massena Central named Luke von Borstel as their valedictorian and Jacob Bressard as their salutatorian for 2021. Diplomas were presented by Principal Alan Oliver, Assistant Principal Shane Halladay, and Alternative Education Liaison Michael Chartrand and assisted by Guidance Counselor and Title VI Coordinator Joanne Jocko. Opening remarks were by Superintendent Patrick Brady. Massena Central Graduated Senior Students...

  • The Future Looks Bright 2021 - Massena 2

    Jul 1, 2021

    Here are additional pics....

  • The Future Looks Bright 2021 - Massena 3

    Jul 1, 2021

    Here are additional pics....

  • The Future Looks Bright 2021 - Salmon River 1

    Jul 1, 2021

    By Tsionatiio. Salmon River Central School District held their 2021 graduation event on Saturday, June 26th at 10:30 AM on their high school soccer field. After rain in the early morning, the clouds cleared to continue the outdoor ceremony. The Akwesasne Women Singers sang the 'Skennen' song and Tahnaokata Elijah recited the Ohenton Karihwatekwen. Dr. Harper also welcomed parents and friends before the presentation of diplomas. The valedictorian address was given by Myranda Collette and the...

  • The Future Looks Bright 2021 - Salmon River 2

    Jul 1, 2021

    Here are additional pics....

  • The Future Looks Bright 2021 - Salmon River 3

    Jul 1, 2021

    Here are additional pics....

  • The Future Looks Bright 2021 - Salmon River 4

    Jul 1, 2021

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  • The Future Looks Bright 2021 - Salmon River 5

    Jul 1, 2021

    Here are additional pics....

  • SRMT Adopts Adult Use Cannabis Ordinance

    Jul 1, 2021

    AKWESASNE – On Monday, Ohiari:ha/June 28, 2021 the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council signed Tribal Council Resolution 2021-33 and, in the process, adopted as tribal law the Adult Use Cannabis Ordinance. The Ordinance followed a December 14, 2019 Tribal Referendum that approved the legalization of adult use cannabis under tribal regulations. At that time, 76% of tribal voters approved the regulation’s development and eventual adoption. The adoption of the Tribe’s Adult Use Cannabis Ordinance is historic, as it represents the first adult use cann...

  • "Beans" director talks with Indian Time

    Jul 1, 2021

    In an exclusive interview with the director of the film "Beans" – a movie set against a real-life conflict between Mohawks in Kanesatake and the Canadian government considered a 'dark and embarrassing chapter in Canadian history', one that gets in line behind a queue of embarrassing chapters in Canadian history. Director Tracey Deer is quick to point out the film is more about the protagonist coming of age than the event itself. Yet, in the same breath, it's the events in life that shape the '...

  • Linda Cooke Mustaffa

    Jul 1, 2021

    Linda Mustaffa passed away at the age of 81, on Sunday, June 20, 2021, in Hemet, California. She was born to John Cooke and Josephine (Herne) Cooke, on Wednesday, November 29, 1939, in Akwesasne, New York, and was one of twelve children. While Linda balanced her career as a school bus driver, she was also an amazing and dedicated mother. She was blessed with six children that would later make Linda a grandmother as well. In her spare time, she enjoyed the beach, gardening, and puzzles. Linda's...

  • How Many Indigenous Children Will Be Recovered?

    Kaniehtonkie|Jul 1, 2021

    By Kaniehtonkie On June 24th, Cowessess First Nation announced the nation had located a suspected 751 unmarked grave sites on the Marieval property. Some of those buried may have been adults, Cowessess First Nation Delorme said, and the margin of error for the technology used means the number of graves could be fewer, but no fewer than 600. “This is not a mass grave site. These are unmarked graves,” said Cowessess Chief Cadmus Delorme told CBC. The Marieval Indian Residential School was operated by the Roman Catholic Church from 1899 to 199...

  • Rodney "Tom" M. Martin-Pierce

    Jul 1, 2021

    Rodney "Tom" M. Martin-Pierce, 59, of Pierce Road, Akwesasne, passed away on Friday, June 25, 2021 at Upstate Medical University Hospital, Syracuse after injuries sustained from an automobile accident. Tom was born on January 6, 1962 in Cornwall, Ontario, the son of Lyle "The Man" Pierce and Elizabeth Martin. In his younger years, Tom was an Ironworker with local #711 out of Montreal, Quebec. Anyone who met him could tell you he had a personality that was larger than life. If you didn't know...

  • Mohawk Council of Akwesasne General Election 2021 Unofficial Results

    Jul 1, 2021

    Mohawk Council of Akwesasne General Election 2021 Unofficial Results...

  • Cornwall & The Counties Community Futures Development Corporation Announces Name Change to ACCFutures

    Jul 1, 2021

    ACCFutures is a new kind of community economic development organization. Passionate about community. Grounded in business. Committed to advancing reconciliation. Since its formation in 1987, Cornwall & The Counties Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) has been growing and evolving to meet the needs of the communities it serves. With the vision for a stronger economy and community, the Board and staff wanted to expand their name to include each area it serves: The Akwesasne First Nati...

  • Franklin County Landfill Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day

    Jul 1, 2021

    AKWESASNE – In collaboration with the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Solid Waste Program, Franklin County Landfill will be hosting a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Day Saturday, August 21, 2021 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for Tribal Members and Franklin County Residents. Dispose of your residential hazardous waste for free, by bringing it to Franklin County Landfill located at 828 County Route 20, Constable NY 12926. Commercial waste will not be accepted. Accepted: Acids, Adhesives, Aerosols, Antifreeze, Automotive Fluids, Bleach, B...

  • Mask Requirement Removed for Fully Vaccinated Individuals

    Jul 1, 2021

    AKWESASNE – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Emergency Operations Center announced further easing of the mask requirement for individuals who are fully vaccinated. The easing is in response to increasing vaccination numbers and no COVID-19 cases reported during the previous 23 days. Effective today, fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear a mask outdoors or indoors under the Tribe’s jurisdiction, with the exception of all tribal facilities. Individuals who are not vaccinated, however, are still required to wear a mask at all indoo...

  • July 2021 Tribal Monthly Hybrid Meeting Registration Now Open

    Jul 1, 2021

    AKWESASNE – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council announced that registration is now open for the July 2021 Tribal Monthly Meeting. The registration process allows for verification of tribal enrollment, as monthly tribal meetings are intended for membership only. The next tribal meeting is being chaired by Tribal Chief Michael Conners and will be held on Saturday, July 10, 2021 beginning at 10:00 a.m. The next meeting will be a hybrid meeting, which will allow tribal members to attend virtually or in-person. The July Tribal Monthly Meeting i...


    Jul 1, 2021

    June 26, 2021: Tribal Caucus @ former-IGA Building (All nominations start promptly) 10:00 a.m. – Tribal Chief Nomination(s) List Posted June 28, 2021: Absentee Ballot: Requests can start by calling Tribal Clerks Office at (518) 358-2272. June 30, 2021: Deadline for Nominees to hand in paperwork to Cathy Mitchell, Executive Assistant/Board Liaison at 71 Margaret Terrance Memorial Way, Akwesasne, NY 13655. Each nominee can complete all paperwork at Tribal Caucus as well. July 2, 2021: Deadline t...


    Jul 1, 2021

    The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (GLS) is announcing that the Dwight D. Eisenhower Visitors’ Center, located at the U.S. Eisenhower Lock in Massena, NY, will open to the public on a limited basis on Friday, July 2. It will remain open daily, including weekends, through Labor Day, September 6, 2021. The hours of operation are from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily. The Seaway Visitors’ Center at the Eisenhower Lock provides tourists and ship watchers with an observation deck where they can view commercial vessels as the...

  • Franklin County Public Health Announces Rabies Clinic Schedule

    Jul 1, 2021

    Franklin County Public Health will hold rabies clinics at the following locations throughout the summer. Registration links for all Rabies Clinics are located at https://www.franklincountyny.gov/departments/human_services/public_health/clinics.php If you need assistance with registration, please call 518-729-7292 between 5pm-8pm. Every dog, cat (even indoor pets) & ferret 3 months of age or older requires vaccination. 1-year vaccine will be administered. Ferrets must be vaccinated each year....


    Jul 1, 2021

    Continued from last week 78. Whenever a foreign nation enters the Confederacy or accepts the Great Peace, the Five Nations and the foreign nation shall enter into an agreement and compact by which the foreign nation shall endeavor to persuade other nations to accept the Great Peace. Rights and Powers of War 79. Skanawatih shall be vested with a double office, duty and with double authority. One-half of his being shall hold the Lordship title and the other half shall hold the title of War Chief. In the event of war he shall notify the five War...

  • Tsi Na'tekakhánion ne Kà:sere - 1

    Jul 1, 2021

    1. Kà:sere / Ka'seréhta Car 2. Kahnhóha Door 3. Kahnhotónkwa / Kahnhotonkwáhtshera Key 4. Óhsia Handle` 5. Otsísera / Tekatsiserá:ton Window 6. Ani'tskwà:ra / Ani'tskwahráhtshera Seat / chair 7. Okahkwèn:ta Tire 8. Onista Lug nuts 9. Atátken / Atatkèn:tshera Mirror 10. Akia'táhnha / Akia'tahnhà:tshera Belt 11. Oháhsera / Ohahsera'shón:'a Light / Lights 12. Otsíhkwa Button 13. Ieietshikwahrekstáhkhwa Remote 14. Waterennóthas Radio 15. Tsi tewatá:tis ne waterennóthas Speaker 16. Oná:kara Antennae...


    Jul 1, 2021

    Due to improvements in key public health areas and health systems, and increased province-wide vaccination rates, Ontario will move to Step Two of its “Roadmap to Reopen” on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, beginning at 12:01 a.m. Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen includes, but is not limited to: Outdoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 25 people. Larger indoor religious services, rites, or ceremonies, including weddings and funerals at 25 percent capacity. Outdoor religious services, rites, and ceremonies, including wed...

  • Searching Canada's oldest residential school

    Jul 1, 2021

    By Charlotte Morritt-Jacobs. APTN National News. Janis Monture has heard the stories and testimonials by survivors who attended the former Mohawk Institute Residential School in Brantford, Ontario — and she knows of the probable deaths and burials that are unmarked. “We’ve been doing this work since 1972 and obviously, with the residential school component, when we work here we know the stories, we know the history,” Monture told APTN News. “We’ve been doing this for almost 50 years and talking about what this place used to be. It surprises me...

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