Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 69
Rahiá:tons: Ohahonhkóhton Ahkwesáhsne wahonwatihonkarawíhon thi ionkwehonwehseraténion wahonkia'tarò:roke Ohiaríha 15 – 17, Ratirentsken'tón:nis Ne Ó:nenhste. Meskwaki ne Iowa nithoné:non, Ojibwe ne Red Lake, Osage nikanakerahtso:yrn ne Oklahoma, onkwehshón:'ane Rotinonhsón:ni Kanakeráhtshera wa'thatihtharónnion oh nahatiié:re tahatirihwáhshnie tsi niwatonhnhehtsherò:ten ne ó:nenhste ne onkonkwé:takon. Kiotenhniserakierénhton wa'kiakhinonhwará:ton ne ionkhinatahrenná:wi ó:nenhste kahse'rhonni...
(June 26, 2018) Akwesasne will host the 2018 Canadian Lacrosse Association Junior B Founder’s Cup. The championship games will be held at Anowarakowa Arena from Aug. 12 to 19. The CLA announced moving the games from Seneca Nation territory to Akwesasne “with mixed emotions” and cited cross-border travel difficulties. “The CLA Box Sector had approved in principle that the 2018 Founder’s Cup be held in Seneca, New York, on the condition that game officials could successfully and legally enter the U.S. for the tournament. The host organizin...
(June 22, 2018) Robert Jon Lazore, 42, of Snye, Quebec, pleaded guilty on June 21 to conspiracy to distribute oxycodone in Akwesasne, according to U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of New York Grant Jaquith’s office. As part of his plea, Lazore admitted that between 2008 and November 2012, he operated a drug trafficking organization that distributed oxycodone in the territory. He obtained 5,000 oxycodone tablets at a time from Canadian suppliers for distribution on the reservation, using at least 8 couriers and runners to coordinate t...
On June 21, National Indigenous Peoples Day, McGill University raised the Hiawatha Wampum Belt Flag. The ceremony included Bear Clan Mother, Louise Herne; Sonny Diabo, McGill's Inaugural Elder; McGill Principal Suzanne Fortier; Kakwiranó:ron Cook, Special Advisor, Indigenous Initiatives; Geoffrey Kelley, Quebec Minister responsible for Native Affairs; and Mark Miller, the Member of Parliament for Ville-Marie - Le Sud-Ouest - Île-des-Soeurs, which encompasses the downtown McGill campus. The fla...
MASSENA -- The way the Town Council handles zoning of the former General Motors plant could affect their ability to receive Brownfield Opportunity Area funding through the Department of State, a DOS official told the board on June 20. Designation as a BOA “sets the stage for future support, funding preference, and removes some of the risk and uncertainty associated with site redevelopment,” according to a document from the St. Lawrence County Planning Office. A Brownfield Opportunity Area study of the site, which was recently completed and mad...
Ohiarí:ha, tewáhsen énska shiská:rahkwe, tsi tekahontsiakhánion thiionkwehonwehseraténion Onkwehshón:'a Raonenhnísera, McGill Tsi Iontoweienstahkhwa'kó:wa wahatinia'tarohá:ren ne Aionwá:tha Kahshwénhtha akia'tahnháhtshera. Tsi wa'thontenonhwará:ton, wa'konwatiià:taren ne Rotiskaré:wake Niioti'tarò:ten Wa'kerakátste Louise Herne, Sonny Diabo, McGill Raononkwè:ta Rokstén:ha McGill Raonkwè:ta, Ohén:ton Í:iete Suzanne Fortier, Kakwiranó:ron Cook, Tehshakorihwathètha, Thionkwehonwehseraténion...
The Caring Hearts of Akwesasne benefit luncheon that will be held Friday, June 29th is for Joanna Jackson. Indian Time apologizes for the mistake in last week’s edition....
Indian Time inadvertently wrote David Henrie, a newly appointed St. Regis Mohawk Tribal police officer 'has since moved to Massena Village police'. Henrie is not working for Massena, he is currently working as a tribal police officer for the St. Regis Mohawk Police. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused....
In the wind and rain, nearly 100 golfers teed off for a cause on Thursday, June, 14th at Highland Green Golf Course. Participants came from near and far to golf in the AMCR First Annual Charity Golf Tournament and with their generous support helped raise over $50,000! The Burlington Ronald McDonald House is a "home away from home" for families with sick children. The house provides a comfortable space to sleep, warm meals and amenities for laundry, internet and fully stocked kitchen. Of the...
Cooking up fun! Free hands-on family cooking class Tuesdays & Thursdays July 3-19th 11:30am - 1:00pm Kanonhkwatsheri:io Health Facility Bear Room This series has 6 sessions, come for as little or as many as you like. Eligibility: Family Team = 1 adult (18+) and 1 child (5-12 years old) This healthy cooking class series will provide children and parents/guardians the opportunity to experience the joys of cooking! This series of 6 sessions will provide fun, easy to make and healthy recipes for your family to enjoy. Limited space, reserve your...
In a three-way race for a seat on the Salmon River Central School District Board of Education, Jordan Lauzon received 204 votes to win the seat on Tuesday, June 26, 2018. Michael Sisto received 153 votes and challenger William Black received 98 votes. Jason McDonald, Akwesasne, resigned from the school board in early April leaving no time for candidate petitions to be filed for the annual school board election in May, making this a ‘special election’. McDonald left with two years still open on his term. Lauzon will now fill McDonald’s unexp...
Submitted by Lynda Brown On June 22, 2018 at the Early Years Moving Up Celebration, Tsi Snaihne School dedicated the library in honour of Terry McDonald who has impacted the lives of so many children from our community. Terry was a hero who dedicated her life to something bigger than herself. She was dedicated to her students' successes and will be remembered for the kind and outstanding teacher that she was to numerous children over the years. It has been hard on the school community this year...
MASSENA -- The Board of Education on June 21 officially approved the Spartan as the Massena Central School District's new logo, which will now be used for sports teams instead of the letter M. The district is keeping the name Red Raiders. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council said they are satisfied with the outcome of the mascot change, and the process by which they picked their new logo. "The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is pleased with the process used by the Massena Central School District in...
Iehiá:tons: Mahlon Smoke Tóka shí:ken Kaná:takon nieiothahí:non satorihákie tánon iénhsewe ne kaié:ri na'tekahióhsaien ne tsi iotoweienstáhkhwa iohatákie tóka nón:wa enhsáttoke ókia'ke konnón:kwe ó:iente ionnià:ton ionátston teiohstaráthe kakontsheráhrhon ionateweiáhere tánon kahentà:ke ioiánere ká:ien ohén:ton tsi iakonónhsote ne shakotinorónhkhwa Tammy Bonaparte. Iakón:kwe iaka'onwéskwani aiekontsheráhrho shahontehiahrónnion ne ronwatiio'okón:'a tánon wahonthwatsirón:ni. Bonaparte aonta...
On June 24, 2018, five Akwesasronon participated in Syracuse Iron Girl. The Iron Girl offered three events, the main event; the Triathlon, the Bike-Run, the Aquabike and the Relay. Amanda Jacobs, Kaientake Thompson, Natalie Hemlock, Karen Francis and Rachelle Garrow-Hayes all participated individually in the Triathlon Sprint, which consisted of a 600 meter Swim, a 30 kilometer bike ride ending with a 5K run. Hats off to you ladies....
The Akwesasne Cancer Support Group held their annual 5K Run and Walk, in celebration of their 10th Anniversary. The weather was beautiful, and the rain held off just long enough for participants to enjoy the scenic walk. The event took place at the Snye Recreation, with registration beginning at 8:30. Community members and participants enjoyed a grand breakfast from 8 am to 11am. The Seymour Sisters from Kawehnoke, generously volunteered their time and services, cooking and preparing the...
Household pets have a rough summer ahead as the region is expected to be hit by a higher than usual tick population. In addition to that they have to deal with summer heat and the last thing they need is a virus. Some of those got a break last weekend as the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals sponsored a Parvo Clinic for dogs at the Kawehnoke Fire Station. Twenty-two dogs were administered the vaccination which is highly contagious from animal to animal. Early indications...
By Doug George-Kanentiio Akwesasne Mohawk One of the constitutional provisions of the Great Law of Peace taught by Skennenrahowi, the Peacemaker, and embraced by the Iroquois was a formula for the acceptance of refugees into our territories leading to citizenship. In truth, the naturalization laws employed by Canada and the US to permit immigration and then establish rules leading to one becoming a citizen was invented by our ancestors and adopted by the colonists, themselves immigrants who wanted a way to distinguish themselves from their...
Every seventeen years, the cicadas return to the Onondaga Nation, a legendary reminder of the past and a crunchy taste of the future. If you're ever in Onondaga when they emerge from the safety of the earth, they can be found everywhere and heard just as loudly. They dot the tree branches or can be seen flying around everywhere, often making a splash on your vehicle's windshield. More or less, they are unavoidable. After spending 17 years underground feeding on tree roots the cicadas emerge...
Mohawk Lesson...
MASSENA -- The village now has a list of properties in the so-called "downtown core" that will be used for marketing and to aid potential buyers. The list was compiled by students in the Massena High School business classes taught by Darci Johnson and Kara Warren. Dallas Benedict, one of four students who compiled the list, said they worked with the village engineer to compile the registry containing "crucial information a potential buyer may need" and a photo of each property on West Orvis,...
Submitted by Ohahonhkóhton Akwesasne hosted the Braiding the Sacred Corn Conference on June 15-17, 2018 that brought together people from other Nations like the Meskwaki from Iowa, Ojibwe from Red Lake, Osage Nation from Oklahoma and people from the Haudenosaunee Nations to talk about preserving the spirit of corn within our own people. On the first day we greeted our visitors with corn mush in the cookhouse. Then we brought them in the longhouse where the Mohawk Nation Council greeted them...
Kateri Hall - On June 21st, the Let's Get Healthy Program held an event to celebrate International Yoga Day. For all ages from young to old, yoga has been proven to be very important for mind and body as well as an form of relaxation. There are many different forms of yoga that all promote a healthy lifestyle in their own way. International Yoga Day was celebrated from 6am to 8pm with demonstrating different styles of yoga. To help promote this day, the program brought in instructors who were...
If you're driving down St. Regis and you find yourself at the four corners of School Road you may notice some women made of wood wearing brightly painted shawls and placed neatly on the lawn in front of the well-loved Tammy Bonaparte. A woman who has taken a shine to paint after her children grew up and started families of their own. Bonaparte is an example of someone who is not afraid to try new things and encourages everyone around her own age to do the same. Bonaparte began painting around th...
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