A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the September 27, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 95

  • Burns, King Take Berkley B1 Canadian Bass Open

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Sep 27, 2012

    Last weekend, Valleyfield, Quebec hosted the Berkley B1 Canadian Bass Open, the largest bass tournament in Canada. PJ Burns and Norman King were just one of 150 pairs of fisherman. They weighed in a total of 5 bass at 23.51 pounds, which put them in first place after day one. Unfortunately, severe weather on Sunday caused the second day of competition to be cancelled, but that allowed Burns and King to taste their victory even sooner. Burns was literally speechless when he was trying to...

  • Akwesasne Broadband Project Moving Along

    Ian Oakes|Sep 27, 2012

    The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe has undertaken a large effort to get Akwesasne connected to Broadband internet services. Brenna Susice, Broadband Project Manager, sat down with me and gave me some information to pass along to our readers. The project is moving along, and soon you will be able to choose from a provider of services and service packages. But what are those services, and better yet for those that don’t know, what is broadband Internet? There is a far more complicated explanation d...

  • Rosalie Jacobs Donates $3,500 to Fire Prevention Program

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Sep 27, 2012

    Last Thursday at AK Gas, Rosalie Jacobs gave $3,500.00 to Dick Laffin for the Fire Prevention Program. The Fire Prevention Program was started around 1985 by Dick Laffin and John McDonald. The program gives out smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and battery replacements for these devices, all free to the public. The program is one of the best in the state, and even got honorable mention from FEMA a few years ago. Now Dick is the only one who raises money for the program, which is...

  • Norman Peters

    Sep 27, 2012

    Norman Edward Peters, age 86, of Akwesasne, Ont. died at his residence on Thursday September 20, 2012. Predeceased by his parents, David Isaac Peters and Louise Peters, two brothers, John Peters and Angus Peters and one sister, Marion Peters Jacobs. Will be sadly missed by many nieces and nephews. He was waked at Lahaie and Sullivan Cornwall Funeral Homes, West Branch, 20 Seventh Street West Monday, September 24th until a service in the Memorial Chapel of the Funeral Home on Tuesday, September...

  • To the Shoppers of Akwesasne

    Sep 27, 2012

    I am the wife of an Ironworker. My Husband walked the picket line @ Alcoa. I watched him proudly march in the Labor Day Parade. It was nice to see the large number of Local # 440 members who attended. Unfortunately, I’m sure our Ironworkers feel no one noticed or heard them @ the picket line. We all know that 24 jobs went to 24 people from Texas. Our Men and many Community members came together and protested. But, I feel minds were already made up. Alcoa was not giving the jobs to any Local Union. I seen the look of disappointment in my H...

  • Letter to the editor

    Sep 27, 2012

    Dear Editor, She:kon. I am writing to make comment on the availability of firearms within Akwesasne. I have heard at public meetings that both alcohol and firearms have been illegal for many years on federally recognized reservations under Bureau of Indian Affairs administration. The wide assertion was that Akwesasne also fit into that category. As an allodial (original) title territory, Akwesasne does not fall under trust-land status, so that presentation fell short of implementation. Then, more recently, I read of how motorcycle gangs and...

  • Letter to the editor

    Sep 27, 2012

    Correcting a Common Error: Don’t Set Your Water Heater Temperature Too Low Last week, an article in Indian Time recommended setting the temperature of your water heater to 120 degrees (F) to save energy. I would like to direct your attention to the potential for Legionella bacteria growth at such a low water storage temperature. Please see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legionella on Wikipedia. Also see the recent news about the outbreak in Quebec City http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2012/09/14/legionnaires-new-cases-quebec-city.html I see this a l...

  • Letter to the editor

    Sep 27, 2012

    Letter to the Editor September 25, 2012 Questions and Transparency? It has been several months since the last Mohawk Council of Akwesasne election and I have some thoughts on the current election law. The swearing in ceremony was planned prior to the appeal process being completed. It was advertised in the local media with the date, time and place for this event. An appeal was delivered prior to the end of the time for the appeals to be heard. This appeal cited several members who voted on Kahwehnoke who are residing off of the territory or...

  • Letter to the editor

    Sep 27, 2012

    Dear Editor About a month ago my mother’s truck got stolen. The Tribal Police didn’t even investigate or take our statements. The police, Ted Cook, said there was nothing they could do; we had to find our own truck. Ted kept saying “it was a family member” but we called them all, before we even went to report it, and no one had a clue. After driving to a local tow truck business we found it at Alvin Jocks. Alvin said, “It was an older man that called,” he was getting everything changed and fixed. After, we gave the cops the information...

  • Niawen

    Sep 27, 2012

    “Forever and ever together” So dear friends a love is gone Only tears to dwell upon I dare not say, As the wind must blow So a love is lost, a love is won. Go to sleep and dream again Soon your hopes Will rise and then… From all this gloom life Can start anew And there’ll be no crying soon Thank you to our family, friends and the community for your thoughtfulness and compassion during our recent loss of our Mother Charlotte and Sister Charlene. Kerney, Simon, Claudia and Carol...

  • Niawen

    Sep 27, 2012

    THANK YOU! Mike, his wife Danielle and their children; his parents Les and Elaine, brothers Nolan & Kyle, would like to thank everyone that helped us celebrate this past Friday....

  • Niawen

    Sep 27, 2012

    A huge NIAWENKOWA to everyone who purchased tickets for the 23pc Tupperware Set to benefit the Akwesasne Freedom School, a worth-while program to promote our Kanienerakowa Culture & Language. I am happy to have donated 100% of the proceeds to the school, $460. The lucky winner of the raffle drawn at the Annual Quilt Auction was Cassie Garrow ~ Niawen!...

  • Niawen

    Sep 27, 2012

    To Whom it may Concern, Last week, Mrs. Lipinski and some of her students from the Northshore Recovery High School were guests in our community. There has been quite a bit of positive feedback from the community members who were able to attend the presentations either here in Akwesasne or in Massena at the high school auditorium. I was surprised to hear more than one of the kids express a desire to stay in the area! I am so pleased that their stay in Akwesasne was such a positive experience, and that our youth were able to benefit so much from...

  • Last Defendant Sentenced For Role In Drug-related Murder Case

    Sep 27, 2012

    Richard S. Hartunian, United States Attorney for the Northern District of New York, and Nicole M. Duve, District Attorney for St. Lawrence County, announce that CHAD EDWARDS, age 26, of Cornwall, Ontario, was sentenced last Friday in U.S. District Court in Utica, to 120 months imprisonment for his role in the attempted robbery and killing of Daniel Simonds in St. Lawrence County on May 13, 2008. EDWARDS previously pled guilty to the Indictment, which charged him with conspiracy to engage in a Hobbs Act robbery, and an Information, which charged...

  • Police Blotter

    Sep 27, 2012

    CORNWALL AUTOMOBILE BREAK-INS CORNWALL – Cornwall Police officials say there has been a rash of automobile break-ins in various public and private parking lots around the city in recent days. They are urging business owners, employees, customers and the general public to make sure that no valuable items are left in plain view — such as GPS, cell phones, laptops and other similar items — and that your vehicle is securely locked or other appropriate precautions are taken to protect private property. Cornwall Police are also asking for anyone who...

  • Alcoa Was Once a Friend to Akwesasne Mohawk Territory

    Ray Cook|Sep 27, 2012

    I remember looking through a book on Massena (Akwesasne Mohawk Territory) history, studying the pictures and seeing my uncle, Noah Cook. It was 1922. Uncle Noah had to have been 18 or so years old at the time. He was pictured in a blacksmith shop with a very old sod that was showing Noah the ropes. How young Noah looked. He worked many years at the “plant” and, as many did then, also worked the family farm. He retired decades later, when there were no more horses or metal wheels to maintain. It was the industrial age and Massena and Akw...

  • Akwesasne will participate in 2012 Sisters in Spirit Vigil

    Sep 27, 2012

    The following will be read nationwide on October 4th 2012 as part of Sisters In Spirit Vigils—A Movement for Social Change October 4th is a day when we honour the lives of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls and support families who have been tragically touched by the loss of a loved one to violence. Vigils take many forms: a rally, a candle-light vigil, a workshop, a moment of silence, a walk, or a gathering of people to share memories and a meal. It is our hope that the Sisters In Spirit Vigil movement will live on for g...

  • North Shore Recovery School Gives Presentation at Massena High School

    Ian Oakes|Sep 27, 2012

    On Thursday, a group from North Shore Recovery High School visited area schools and the Seniors Center in Hogansburg, and gave a presentation for parents and students. I attended one of the presentations on Thursday at Massena High in front of a group of parents. Michelle Lipinski, Director of the North Shore Recovery High School, and a group of former students from the school, came to the area to describe what they do there. One of the first, and perhaps most startling, facts revealed is that...

  • Blood Drive at HAVFD #1

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Sep 27, 2012

    Last Thursday a blood drive was held at HAVFD Station #1. American Red Cross employees said they do blood drives everyday, and the Albany district covers from here to as far south as Long Island, and a ways west too. The ladies told me they were having a good turnout. Some facts from the American Red Cross: - One donation can help save the lives of up to three people. - Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. - Donating blood is a safe process. A sterile needle is used only once for...

  • ACS Akwesasne Benefit Pool Tournament

    Corrine Johnson|Sep 27, 2012

    A pool tournament was held September 1, 2012 at the Brasshorse Lounge to raise funds for the American Cue Sports Alliance (ACS) Akwesasne pool league. There were men’s, women’s and scotch doubles tournaments held, as well as raffles. The tournament winners for the Men were: 1st place Cody David and 2nd place to Steve Smoke. Women: 1st place Corrine Johnson and 2nd place Mel Herne. Scotch Doubles: 1st place Dar Arquette and Corrine Johnson, and Joe and Mel Herne. The next tournament will be hel...

  • Free AntiVirus for Computers

    Monica Peters|Sep 27, 2012

    This article is focused on helping our local elders get the most use out of their computers so that they can enjoy staying in touch with their friends and family on the Internet. If you are comfortable with computers, make some time to help setup an elder in your family with a computer and Internet so they can regularly send you messages, pictures, and even videoconference with you on Google+ or Skype. If you own a Mac computer you can bring it to your nearest store to be fixed, receive installations and technical training to help you know how...


    Sep 27, 2012

    What is Ovarian Cancer? Ovarian Cancer is a cancer that starts in the cells of the ovary or ovaries. The ovaries are two small oval shaped organs that lie deep in the pelvis on either side of the uterus (womb). The ovaries produce the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones help control reproduction and sexual development. As a woman ages and reaches menopause, the ovaries produce less of these hormones and her periods gradually stop. Types of Ovarian Cancer There are three types of ovarian cancers. The first type is the...

  • Kay Olan Ionataie:was

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Sep 27, 2012

    Kay Olan has been telling stories for about 30 years. It wasn’t something she set out to do, but she became a storyteller. It partially started when she was a teacher and a state mandate had many other teachers asking her for help. She began doing various presentations and people started to call her a storyteller. She does not read stories from a book, she listened and re-listened to stories that people like the Fadden family and Tom Porter told. After years and years of people asking her to r...

  • Commissioner Martens Rejects Call for “Independent” Health Study of High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing

    Sep 27, 2012

    The hydrofracking controversy in New York State is still ongoing with many people against allowing it here because of the various health and environmental hazards that may come with it. This is NYS DEC Commissioner Joe Martens’ progress report on the decision to let hydrofracking in New York State. September 20, 2012 - “DEC has been reviewing approximately 80,000 comments submitted concerning the Department’s review of high volume hydraulic fracturing (hydrofracking). While a wide variety of issues are addressed by the comments, many focus...

  • First William Penn Belt

    Tehanetorens|Sep 27, 2012

    This belt was given to the Indians before they entered the Council House where the treaty was to be made. It was a token of amity and good faith. The figure with the white heart represents the white man and the other figure represents the Indian. When the treaty had been concluded and the Indians went out of the Council House with William Penn, they presented him with a return belt as evidence of their good faith. As usual, the treaty was faithfully kept by the Indians but was broken by...

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