A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the March 24, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 42

  • SRMT Issues Cease and Desist Orders to Unlicensed Cannabis Operations

    Mar 24, 2022

    The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe recently issued 'cease and desist' orders to six cannabis operations in Akwesasne. The order was issued on March 14, 2022. The six businesses ordered to close their operations are Marijuana World, Budda Bing, Roach Coach, Premier Cannabis, Cannabis Island, Wacky Tobacky are considered "unlicensed and unregulated". SRMT stated, "Pursuant to Tribal Council Resolution 2021-33 'SRMT Adult Use Cannabis Ordinance', these illegal establishments have been issued Cease and...

  • Over $30,000 of Drugs & Currency Seized Through Project Antagonist Investigation

    Mar 24, 2022

    Cornwall, ON – As a result of an ongoing investigation into drug trafficking by the Cornwall Police Service and Ontario Provincial Police joint-force Street Level Enforcement Team, three individuals have been taken into custody through Project Antagonist. On March 18th, 2022, members of the Street Level Enforcement Team executed three Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Search Warrants at two Vincent Massey Drive residences and a Pitt Street residence. During a search of the residences, police located a quantity of cocaine, fentanyl, MDMA, X...

  • Wáhta Nikahá:wi

    Mar 24, 2022

    The sweetest season is here! Seen throughout Akwesasne and on Barnhardt Island, Akwesasronon are tapping maple trees in large and small quantities. Come back next week for full coverage of local maple syrup making process. Seth Oakes and Zoey Thompson are tapping maple trees on Barnhardt Island....

  • The National Film Board of Canada releases 'Inconvenient Indian'

    Mar 24, 2022

    After being pulled in December 2020, the National Film Board finally released the 'Inconvenient Indian' documentary. "After a series of meaningful consultations involving all the Indigenous participants whose stories the film presents and the National Film Board of Canada's Indigenous Advisory Committee, the NFB, 90th Parallel Productions and producer Jesse Wente have arrived at an accountable path forward for Inconvenient Indian, one that acknowledges the collective contribution of the...

  • Chamber Applauds Canada Dropping Border Test Requirements for Vaccinated

    Mar 24, 2022

    The North Country Chamber of Commerce is welcoming news that Canada has decided to drop its current requirement of a negative antigen COVID test for vaccinated Americans to enter Canada at the land border and for vaccinated Canadians to return home even after short U.S. visits. “This is the major step we and so many of our partners in both countries have been calling for,” says Garry Douglas, Chamber President. “It will bring Canada into alignment with U.S. policy since November, allowing fully vaccinated Canadians to enter the U.S. Most Canadi...


    Mar 24, 2022

    Indian Time inadvertently ran a Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe press release titled, “U.S. District Court Affirms 1796 Treaty Boundary,” in Vol. 40 #11 on Thursday, March 17, 2022. The press release was presented not in its entirety. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. The complete press release is presented here....

  • Correction - U.S. District Court Affirms 1796 Treaty Boundary

    Mar 24, 2022

    AKWESASNE TERRITORY – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is pleased to report that the decades-long dispute over the reservation boundary has been decided upon by the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York. In a summary judgment ruling issued by U.S. District Judge Lawrence Kahn on Enniskó:wa/March 14, 2022, the court ruled that New York State’s purchase of reservation lands in the 1800s violated the federal Non-Intercourse Act. “To say that we are pleased is an understatement,” shared Tribal Chief Beverly...

  • Business Spotlight - Cheyy's Place

    Mar 24, 2022

    By: Angeliyah Lazore. Guest Reporter, Iohahi:io Communication. Cheyy's Place recently celebrated its 5th anniversary in January. Cheyy's Place is owned by Jonathan Lazore, in Tsi Snaihne. Jonathan and his daughter, Cheyy decided to open a restaurant because they had the space. They had previous experience with owning a chip stand prior to deciding on opening a restaurant. When getting started Cheyy's place ran into some challenges, "Finding the right equipment that was needed, but everything...

  • Evan's Drum - Evanniup Kilautinga

    Mar 24, 2022

    Evan's Drum was written and directed by Ossie Michelin in 2021. This short fourteen-minute documentary highlights a mom's journey to teach her son the art of traditional Inuit drum dancing. An adventurous young boy and his determined mother share a passion for Inuit drum dancing in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Evan's Drum is a joyful visit to a family's loving home, and an uplifting story of cultural pride. After generations of silence, the rhythm of the traditional Inuit drum has returned to...

  • From her home in the Adirondacks, Polish WWII survivor reflects on war in Ukraine

    Mar 24, 2022

    By Emily Russell. Adirondack Reporter, NCPR. When Dana Fast was eight years old, her world was upended. Fast was living in an upper-middle-class secular Jewish family in Warsaw, Poland when World War II began. "I was a pampered girl and all of the sudden I was in the war," says Fast. She and her family moved to the infamous Warsaw ghetto and later went into hiding for years during the Holocaust. Fast's father was killed by the Nazis in 1943. She had nightmares for years about that time in her...

  • LEGO is more profitable than gold

    Mar 24, 2022

    By Collin Sunday. Guest reporter, Iohahi:io Communications. There is no doubt that LEGO has obviously become one of the coolest creative building block toys in the world. People may think that LEGO sets belong to children, however new information has come to light. A new study discovered that investing in these plastic building blocks will bring more profit than things that are commonly seen as valuable. A profitable set depends on if it is modern or discontinued. “Looking at the prices of 2,322 LEGO sets from 1987 to 2015 found that the ‘avera...


    Mar 24, 2022

    A Continuation of the Great Law of Peace THE EQUALITY OF THE NATIONS Brother It is normal for us to wish to preserve our ancient customs and to walk in the paths of our forefathers… We consider each nation alike respectable and although we are the fore holders and appointed to speak for the whole, yet we do not consider ourselves any better than the rest in point of power and respectability. (National Archives of Canada, Portfolio of Upper Canada, 1826. 214; Reply of Great Britain, Cayuga Arbitration, Vol. II) The fact that each nation r...

  • Kakwitehnéhstsi Nikahá:wi Karihwanóntha tánon Tekarihwa'serákwen

    Mar 24, 2022

    8. Tonsahsté:ni kénh ne sarahkwaka'aiòn:tha? Did you change your clock? 27. Hen, tonsakté:ni ne akerahkwaka'aiòn:tha Yes, I changed my clock 28. Í:iah, í:iah tha'tesewakténnion ne akerahkwaka'aiòn:tha ake'seréhtakon Í:iah tehskehià:ra'as oh ní:ioht tsi takté:ni No, I haven't changed my clock in the car. I can't remember how to change it. 29. Énska niiohwistà:'e wahshénte kénh ne sarahkwaka'aiòn:tha? Did you turn your clock 1 hour ahead? 30. Hen, énska niiohwistà:'e wà:khente akerahkwak...

  • April 2022 Tribal Meeting Registration Now Open

    Mar 24, 2022

    AKWESASNE – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council announced that registration is now open for membership to participate in the Monthly Tribal Meeting being held on Saturday, Onerahtókha/April 2, 2022. It will be a hybrid meeting that will permit tribal members to attend in-person at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort Ballroom or virtually using Zoom. The April 2nd Tribal Meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. and is being chaired by Tribal Chief Beverly Cook. The meeting agenda topics include presentations for the Community Recognition Award and from th...

  • Ohstoronòn:ke Iokwèn:rare Tsitehshakotiia'toréhtha Ratirihwahní:rats 1796 Ionkwarihwanonhwè:'on Tsi Kaierón:ni

    Mar 24, 2022

    AHKWESÁHSHNE TSI IOHONTSIÁ:TE – Ne Roia'tatokénhti Ré:sis Kanien'kehá:ka Onkwehón:we ronaton'wesénhton aonsaionkhihró:ri ne oié:ri niiohserá:ke nikarì:wes sha'tehotirihotáhrhon tsi kanenhstá:ton tsi kaierón:ni ia'thotirihwaién:ta'se ne Ohstoronòn:ke Iokwèn:rare Tsi tethatiia'torehtáhkhwa ne Othorè:ke Iokwèn:rare ne Kanón:no. Karihwarò:ron tekaia'toréhton waharihwahní:rate wa'karihwíneken'ne ne Ohstohró:non Iokwèn:rare Tehaia'toréhtha Ro:rén: Kahn ne Enniskó:wa 14, 2022, ne Tsi Tethatiia'tore...

  • 21 Gas Saving Tips for Boaters

    Mar 24, 2022

    Gas prices are up. What can boaters do to prepare for a summer of boating? The 800,000-plus member Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) has 21 fuel-saving tips boaters can do to help save on fuel and still enjoy a fulfilling season on the water. While some of these techniques may sound obvious, there may be some you never considered. Before Heading Out: Tune your engine now. A once a year a tune-up and service will help it run more efficiently. Match the boat’s prop to the boat and activity. Propellers are most efficient w...

  • Thoughts from a young adult in Akwesasne with "One foot in the canoe, and one in the ship"

    Mar 24, 2022

    How many times have you heard “Learn your language”? “Learn your culture”? But you are not told exactly how to do that. Yes, you can research online about our culture by yourself, but that is not the same as being immersed in it. Many of us do not know exactly what that first step should be. Maybe you did not grow up in a Traditional family. Maybe you know the basics of Mohawk Language from classes in elementary, but you are not able to carry on a conversation. I was lucky enough to attend a few language classes in person after seeing the inf...

  • FCPH Notice to Public - COVID-19 Vaccination Options in Franklin County

    Mar 24, 2022

    COVID-19 vaccines are effective at protecting people from getting seriously ill and being hospitalized. CDC recommends that everyone ages 5 years and older get their primary series of COVID-19 vaccine, and everyone ages 12 years and older also receive a booster shot. COVID-19 vaccine is free to all. Vaccination sites: Adirondack Health Annex Building, Adirondack Medical Center 2233 State Route 86, Saranac Lake COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics will be held on April 5th and April 24th from 3pm-6pm. Vaccine Type: Moderna and Pfizer How to schedule an...

  • UCDSB recognizes International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

    Mar 24, 2022

    March 21, 2022 – Education, conversations, and denouncing racial discrimination are vital to creating change. At the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB), we acknowledge the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which takes place each year on March 21, as a way to reaffirm our commitment of providing a safe, inclusive, and equitable future for all. This day is observed annually by the United Nations, with the 2022 theme of “voices for action against racism.” The goal is to highlight the importance of stren...

  • First Nations, Canada Wide, United States COVID-19 Update

    Mar 24, 2022

    First Nations On First Nations reserves, as of March 21 Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) is aware of: 91,307 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases, of which 12,909 are the Omicron variant 2,581 active cases 3,037 hospitalizations 88,044 recovered cases 682 deaths Case numbers by region: British Columbia 8,521 Alberta: 19,307 Saskatchewan: 15,689 Manitoba: 22,927 Ontario: 14,262 Quebec: 8,491 Atlantic: 3,068 Canada Wide The latest numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Canada as of Wednesday, March 23, 2022. Canada: 3,412,424 confirmed cases in...

  • Franklin County COVID Statistics

    Mar 24, 2022

    Statistics for Wednesday, March 23, 2022 Total New Cases Today: 27 Current Positive Cases: 101 At home tests reported: 14 PCRS reported: 13 Statistics for Tuesday, March 22, 2022 Total New Cases today: 29 Current Positive Cases: 103 At home tests reported: 17 PCRS reported: 12 Statistics for Monday, March 21, 2022 Total new: 18 Current Positive Cases: 71 At home tests reported: 11 PCRS reported: 7 Statistics for Sunday, March 20, 2022 Total new: 15 Current Positive Cases: 80 At home tests reported: 13 PCRS reported: 2...

  • St. Lawrence County COVID Statistics

    Mar 24, 2022

    As of Tuesday, March 22, 2022 Transmission Level: High New cases: 48 Active cases: 180 Hospitalizations: 6 Deaths: 181 Fully vaccinated: 65,377 Fully vaccinated in St. Lawrence County: 60.7% St. Lawrence County positivity rate: 3.8% As of Saturday, March 16, to Monday, March 21, 2022 Transmission Level: High New cases: 105 Active cases: 174 Hospitalizations: 7 Deaths: 181 Fully vaccinated: 65,369 Fully vaccinated in St. Lawrence County: 60.7% St. Lawrence County positivity rate: 3.9%...

  • SRMT Health Services Reports 71.6% Vaccination Rate

    Mar 24, 2022

    AKWESASNE – The Saint Regis Mohawk Health Services reported a 71.6% vaccination rate among eligible residents of the Akwesasne community: as of March 22, 2022. Since the last vaccination report on March 2nd; an additional 43 doses have been administered to individuals aged 5-years old or more. There are approximately 1,957 individuals who remain unvaccinated due to age, medical condition, or personal choice: as well as 2,379 clients awaiting their third shot (or Booster). We offer our appreciation to the 4,937 community members who have c...

  • Anna George and Rhonda Mitchell holding a Musky

    Mar 24, 2022

    Pictured from left to right: Anna George and Rhonda Mitchell holding a Musky. Submitted by Dave Peters Do you have any old photos that you'd like to share with our readers in Blast from the Past? Bring them in! Our offices are located on Hilltop Drive in the Communications Building. Stop letting your photos gather dust in the basement and bring them in for us! All photos are returned to their owner....

  • Police Blotter

    Mar 24, 2022

    OBSTRUCT POLICE, BREACH Cornwall, ON – Blaze Oakes, 27, of Akwesasne was arrested on March 18th, 2022 and charged with obstruct police and breach of probation for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged on March 18th, 2022, while stopped at the Port of Entry, the man fled from his vehicle, despite being involved in an unrelated police investigation. Police were contacted and took the man into custody. He was charged accordingly and released to appear in court on May 31st, 2022....

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