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For the fourth year in a row the Akwesasne Coalition for Community Empowerment has pulled out all the stops for little girls to have a great time with the special man in their life, whether it be their father, step-dad, uncle or grandfather. The Strawberry themed dance started with each little girl receiving a corsage and then a professional portrait. Next it was off to the dance floor where they had the chance to dance from a variety of music. The little girls had a variety refreshments fit...
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Indian Time acknowledges these graduates from a Post-Secondary institution for their hard work and dedication. They have earned degrees from universities, colleges, trade schools or vocational schools. Congratulations to the Class of 2016! Cole Adams - SLC-Iohahi:io - DPLMA, Computer Networking Evan Adams - SLC-Cornwall - CERT, Gen Construction Carpentry Keisha Arquette – NCCC - AS, Human Services Anthony Barnes - SLC-Iohahi:io - DPLMA, Computer Networking Alexandra Benedict – Algonquin - DPL...
Niawenkowa to Norma Sunday, Samantha Phillips and Sheila Lafrance for their help in featuring the graduates!...
By Karonhiaton On Wednesday, June 15, 2015, the St. Regis Recreation Dance Club held their spring 2016 Teacher Showcase Party in the Park dance recital. Signs along the streets of St. Regis read "Party" as they guided people to the event, which was held outside the recreation center along the St. Lawrence River. Traffic was backed up heading into St. Regis just before 6pm when the event was set to start. Community members, family and friends filled the lawn chairs that lined the grounds of the r...
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Submitted by Elaine Thompson Missing from photos: Wenniseroktha (Avalee) Ward - Pre-kindergarten – Art Award Wensontahawitah (Galiana Boots Quiroz) – Kindergarten – Art Award Iatiatiasta (Neya) Thomas - Grade 2 – Art Award Bryson Cree - Pre-kindergarten – Citizenship Award Rariwakerons Silver - Kindergarten - Citizenship Award Teienniehtahkwas (Glenna) White - Grade 1 - Citizenship Award Wahanati:sha Jacobs - Pre-kindergarten – Computer Award Ryland White – Math Award Skanawati (Riley) Lazor...
On Friday, June 10, 2016, the Akwesasne Child and Family Services held their 3rd Annual Canoe Journeys event, honouring 10 inspirational women for their outstanding contributions to the community. Led by Community Support Worker Brandon David, Canoe Journeys is founded on the principles of self-care, positivity and unity. The canoe represents Akwesasne, each person selected to paddle in the canoe embodies the strength, leadership and commitment needed to move the canoe forward, in a positive...
The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Senior Center, Iakhihsohtha Elders Lodge and Tsiionkwanonhso:te Adult Care Facility started meeting many months before they thought of possibly sponsoring a golden age category at the Akwesasne International Powwow. Romaine Mitchell initially thought of the idea, noticing that other powwows had the golden age category, yet Akwesasne didn't. He started discussing the idea with others knowing that with the right people and a supportive community anything was possible....
The St. Regis Recreation Dance Club would like to send Special Thanks to: Akwesasne Employment Resource Center, Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort, Akwesasne Sports, Akwesasne TV, Brenda LaFrance, CKON, Community Health, Cook’s Greenery, Deloris Oakes, Dinelle Photography, Dr. Dan, Ganienkeh Territory, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, St. Regis Recreation Centre, Terri Cree, Tray Benedict, Tony Square and the UPS Store....
While riding around enjoying the river, locals came to the Marina in Snye to hear some great music. Tilted Kilts took to the stage and performed some traditional songs plus modern country music hits in their own style. It was a perfect ending to a long and hot day when the temperatures hit the high 90's. Photo: Derrick Lafrance....
Workers at the Chicken Barbecue. Last week, friends and family gathered to help raise money for Yvonne Gibson-Peters who is undergoing cancer treatment. Despite the high temperatures, a Chicken Barbecue Benefit was held at the American Legion Post 1479 during the day and that evening a dance was held for her inside. Entertainment was by Brian The Blues Man Garrow. All the help and support from the community was welcome. Photo: Derrick Lafrance....
Mohawk Lesson...
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Salmon River's top fifteen seniors were honored recently at the Academic Excellence Awards Luncheon at the Crowne Plaza in Lake Placid. Assemblywoman, Janet Duprey and Congresswoman, Elise Stefanik spoke to the students and parents. They congratulated all the top students from the nine school districts including: Brushton-Moira, Chateaugay, Lake Placid, Long Lake, Malone, St. Regis Falls, Salmon River, Saranac Lake and Tupper Lake High Schools. The students were told that they are "smart,...
As part of the final days of the 2015-2016 school year the St. Regis Mohawk School held a end-of-the-year social. A local Akwesasne men's singing group led the social for students and staff. Some of the songs played include the Cherokee Stomp Dance, the Round Dance and a definite favorite the Duck Dance. Students in each grade level danced to a total of about three songs before they returned to their classrooms....
On Thursday June 17, 2016, the St. Regis Mohawk School held their graduation ceremonies for the Pre-Kindergarten and grade 5 classes. Both the 9:30 Pre-Kindergarten ceremony and the 12 pm grade 5 ceremony were held just outside the main entrance of the Mohawk School under a white tent. Parents and family members filled the tent all in support of the SRMS graduates. The Pre-Kindergarten processional of graduates entered the tent walking to "Pomp and Circumstance." Many parents and family members...
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