A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the June 19, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 92


    Jun 19, 2014

    The trespassing charges filed by the Federal Bridge Corporation Limited following the 2009 CBSA controversy about customs agents carrying guns have been dropped. According to the Cornwall Standard Freeholder, the FBCL had Beverly Pyke, Bill Beattie, John Boots, Larry Thompson, Lloyd Benedict, Nelson David White and Nona Benedict, arrested for trespassing. FBCL filed a suit to force the Akwesasne People’s Fire to relocate after they erected buildings adjacent to the abandoned customs building. During the hearings, MCA joined as a defendants. I...

  • Oneida Seniors Visit Akwesasne

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Jun 19, 2014

    On Tuesday June 17, Oneida Elders Program seniors came to visit the Seniors Center in Hogansburg. About 29 people came according to Program Coordinator Jane Rooney. She said it's been about 4 years since they have come for a visit. About 50 Akwesasne seniors recently took a bus to the Oneida Wellness Conference and visited them. Rooney explained how the conference has grown over the last 14 years that they have put it on, and how it has built friendships between the different tribes that...

  • Tribal Police Bust Cree Road Grow House

    Jun 19, 2014

    Akwesasne, NY - On Monday June 16, 2014, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Department served a search warrant at 15 Cree Road in Akwesasne, NY at the residence of Stacey Smoke. Items seized include 11.215 pounds of marijuana, 16 marijuana plants and numerous devices associated with an indoor growing operation. Mr. Smoke has been charged with first degree Criminal Possession of Marijuana and seventh degree Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance. Ms. Cheyenne M. Ransom was also charged w...

  • Women Warriors Blank Kahnawake

    Derrick Lafrance|Jun 19, 2014

    Typical of the Akwesasne vs. Kahnawake rivalry there were some big hits but there were also some topnotch goaltending on both ends of the floor as the Akwesasne Women Warriors defeated Kahnawake 4-0. In that past rivalry, local great Bruce Roundpoint was always in the heat of the battle and last weekend his daughter Lindsay Roundpoint also made things happen. She scored the game's first goal as she circled the net from behind, but after hitting the twine she took a hit. Before that goal, Kahnawa...

  • AMBE and SRCS Present Tewatero:rok 9th Annual Native Student Film Festival

    Kaniethonkie|Jun 19, 2014

    On Wednesday, June 11, 2014 the Akwesasne Mohawk Board of Education and Salmon River Central School once again, and for the ninth year, presented the "Native Student Film Festival" at Galaxy Cinemas in Cornwall. Premiering films showcased the talent, creativity and depth of their understanding of our culture and our Mohawk language in student created films from the Akwesasne Freedom School, the SRCS Native Film Class, and AMBE's Skawatsira. The films were refreshing and entertaining, but there...

  • Niawen

    Jun 19, 2014

    Niawen Kowa, The Stanley Cup square board winner was Clayton Barnes, who won the $1000 for the benefit of Iastha Porter & Serena Hall, going to an International Soccer Cup Tournament in Hawaii. Iastha and Serena would like to thank all those who have purchased squares, and congratulations to Clayton. Niawen Kowa everyone:-) The next fundraiser will be Thursday, June 19th at the Kanonhkwatsheri:io Atrium from 9-3. Niawen...

  • St. Regis Mohawk School Holds Social

    Jun 19, 2014

    On Tuesday, the St. Regis Mohawk School held its annual social outside under a big white tent. Grades went in shifts so everyone could participate. It's one of the last events of the school year! Photos by Samantha McMillon-Wilkinson....

  • Tribal Election Board Certifies 2014 Election Results

    Jun 19, 2014

    AKWESASNE, NY – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Election Board certified the results of the annual tribal elections held on Saturday June 7, 2014. Community members cast ballots for the positions of Tribal Chief and Tribal Sub-Chief for three-year terms. The official results show that Ron LaFrance Jr. was re-elected as Tribal Chief and Michael Conners was re-elected as Tribal Sub-Chief. Ron LaFrance Jr., Jean Square and Kallen Martin were all on the ballot for Tribal Chief. A total of 825 votes were cast, with LaFrance receiving a total of 434 v...

  • Fathers day photo contest for CKON

    Jun 19, 2014

    The winning picture had 199 likes, and it is a picture of Cory Sunday and his son Cortland. Cory is teaching him to play guitar by the river in Snye. The picture was submitted to CKON by Cortland's mother Sam Thompson.​ Cory won a new gas grill, 2 season passes to Mohawk International Raceway, a grill kit, and a car wash kit. Photos courtesy of Misty Tarbell....

  • Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club Glow Run

    Kaniethonkie|Jun 19, 2014

    The Akwesasne Boys and Girls Club held their second "Run" after dark. Dubbed the "Glow Run" participants started just after sunset at 8:00pm, decorated and accessorized with glow in the dark sunglasses, hats, and glow sticks, the park was alight with bouncing lights and walkways glowing with candles. It was a magical night watching bouncing lights flow around the park and knowing those are children raising money for the Akwesasne Boys and Girls Club. After the ABGC were notified they would be...

  • CLA Recognizes Michael 'Kanentakeron' Mitchell with the Prestigious Lester B. Pearson Award

    Jun 19, 2014

    OTTAWA, ON, June 12, 2014 - The Canadian Lacrosse Association (CLA) is honoured to name Michael 'Kanentakeron' Mitchell as the 2014 recipient of the Lester B. Pearson Award. Considered to be the highest honour in the Canadian lacrosse community, the Lester B. Pearson award is presented by the CLA to an individual in recognition of their outstanding contributions of sportsmanship and leadership in the game of lacrosse, along with the physical and mental development of our young athletes through...

  • Cruisin' for Kids Car Show Prepares for Second Year

    Jun 19, 2014

    (HOGANSBURG, NY) - Cars and motorcycles of all ages, new and old, domestic and import will be on display at the second annual Cruisin’ for Kids Car and Bike Show 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, June 28th at the old IGA parking lot located across from the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino. The event is free; all donations and profit collected will benefit the Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club and the Akwesasne Freedom School. This event will include a ten dollar chicken BBQ, raffles, music and newly added this year will be local vendors. Cars judged to be among t...

  • Reader Submission

    Jun 19, 2014

    Leah Lamesse is currently teaching English in Maha Sarakham, Thailand. She has a one year contract. Leah is the daughter of Allyson (Roundpoint) Lamesse and Denis Lamesse. Leah is pictured here with 2 of her students....

  • SRMS First Grade Fathers Day Celebration

    Jun 19, 2014

    On Monday June 16, St. Regis Mohawk School first graders invited their fathers to the school to celebrate Father's Day. Inside, Dads played cards with their little ones and enjoyed donuts. Outside, a kickball game took place and it was a gorgeous day for it! Photos by Samantha McMillon-Wilkinson....

  • SRMS First Grade Fathers Day Celebration - Part 2

    Jun 19, 2014

    Here is an additional picture....

  • Salmon River Inducts NJHS Students

    Rachelle Garrow Hayes|Jun 19, 2014

    The National Junior Honor Society at Salmon River Middle School held their annual membership celebration and induction ceremony on Thursday, June 5, 2014. The event included a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings for families of members and inductees. All members of NJHS are held to the high standards of the four pillars of the society; leadership, scholarship, character and service, throughout their membership. As a group, the students must complete many hours of service for their...

  • Akwesasne Mohawk School Awards Ceremony

    Jun 19, 2014

    Akwesasne Mohawk School Awards Ceremony...

  • Akwesasne Mohawk School Awards Ceremony - Part 2

    Jun 19, 2014

    Here are additional pictures....

  • Kanatakon School Fun Day

    Derrick Lafrance|Jun 19, 2014

    The day was perfect for some running and jumping for the Kanatakon School kids. The early years program at the school held their year-end Fun Day and all the kids took advantage of the bounce houses, water sprinkler and cool drinks. Each class had their turn on the field and laughter turned to pouting when they had to return to class for the next group to enjoy the activities....

  • "Polishing the Silver Covenant Chain"

    Jun 19, 2014

    Con’t from last week Treaty of Canandaigua of 1794 The Treaty of Canandaigua is legally a part of the supreme law of the land as guaranteed by the United States Constitution. This treaty was negotiated by two independent sovereign governments, the Haudenosaunee and the United States. Each side agreed to declare boundaries specifically set forth in the treaty. Each side agreed to guarantee the free use of and enjoyment by each government of its own lands, without interference from the other. Each side agreed to that the common goal would be p...

  • 2014 Peace Maker's Journey

    Jun 19, 2014

    Sunday July 13th – Sat. July 26th Tyendinaga, Akwesasne, Kahnawake, Ganienkeh, Cohoes Falls, Oneida, Ganondagan, Lewiston, Onondaga 1-day rest in between the end of the journey and the start of the Great Law Recital To register call/text 519-717-3411 or email litlwhit@hotmail.com $600 for entire journey or $50 per day for partial trip You are responsible for making all your own accommodations and travel arrangements (some billeting & camping will be available) **** RECITAL OF THE GREAT LAW July 27-Aug. 1, 2014 Onondaga Nation Longhouse P...

  • Northern Gateway Pipeline Approved by Harper Government

    Jun 19, 2014

    Natural Resources Canada -- Greg Rickford, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, issued the following statement outlining the Government of Canada’s decision after the Joint Review Panel’s independent review of the Northern Gateway Pipelines proposal to construct and operate two parallel pipelines to transport crude oil between Bruderheim, Alberta and Kitimat, British Columbia, and a marine terminal at the port of Kitimat. The proposal was submitted by Northern Gateway Pipelines Limited Partnership to the National Energy Board (NEB) for a...

  • SRCS Academic Awards Ceremony

    Rachelle Garrow Hayes|Jun 19, 2014

    The academic achievement and effort of over 90 students were recognized at the Salmon River High School's Academic Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, June 4, 2014. Sandy Cook was on hand to emcee the event for the night. Family and friends watched as the following students were awarded for attendance, honor roll, achievement in language, athletics, academics as well as other special awards. 1. VALEDICTORIAN: Katrina Martin and SALUTATORIAN: Becca Leroux. The following seniors are receiving...

  • SRCS Academic Awards Ceremony - Part 2

    Jun 19, 2014

    Here are additional pictures....

  • SRCS Academic Awards Ceremony - Part 3

    Jun 19, 2014

    Here is an additional picture....

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