Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 41
Akwesasne — Eligible voters of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) went to the polls on Saturday, June 14th to vote on the Proposed Settlement Agreement with the Ontario Power Generation. There were 219 votes that were cast throughout the day at three polling stations located in the districts of Kanatakon, Kawehnoke and Tsi Sniahne, with 130 voting in favor and 88 voting against the terms of the settlement proposal. There was one spoiled ballot during the referendum. These are the “un...
Tracy Sunday-Cook, a candidate for the recent election of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, formerly submitted a letter of appeal to the SRMT’s Election Board appealing the June 7, 2008 election. Sunday-Cook’s claims include one that the tribally written and produced newsletter erroneously stated that she did not meet eligibility requirements when she was in fact qualified, as decided by the election board before the newsletter went to press. Sunday-Cook was nominated at the SRMT’s May caucus for the position of sub-chief. In the May newsl...
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s new sports field was put to use Tuesday evening for the first time. The fenced in multi-purpose field has been in the works since last year and a pavilion, concession stand and children’s playground are still in the final stages of construction. The Akwesasne Sports womens soccer team had the honor of using the sports field first Tuesday, when they challenged a soccer team from Madrid. Akwesasne won the game 5-1. Fans continued to drive up to the field thr...
Dewey Anthony Lazore, age 54, of 38 First Street, Akwesasne, died at the Cornwall Community Hospital, McConnell Site, on Friday, June 13, 2008. Beloved husband of Jessica (Mitchell) Lazore. Dear father of Tammy Mitchell (Calvin Leaf), Tina Mitchell (Chad Garrow Sr.) and Dewey Lazore Jr. all of St. Regis. Loving grandfather of Kylee, Ron, Mary Mitchell, Cheyenne Dakota Square, Candice Anne Leaf, Chad Jason Garrow Jr. and Katrina Ann Garrow. Dear son of the late Anthony Lazore and the late Nancy (...
Mr. Joseph M. Baublitz, Jr, 51, of 490 State Highway 131, Massena, died very unexpectedly Monday (June 16, 2008) morning in the emergency room at Massena Memorial Hospital. He was born August 1, 1956 in Syracuse, NY the son of Joseph M. Sr. and Mavis Whitehead Baublitz. He graduated from Salmon River Central School in 1974. He entered the US Marine Corp on January 31, 1975 and served until his honorable discharge on September 28, 1979. He servied in the US Marine Corps Reserves and the US Army...
Mr. Carl E. Cross, 80, of 11 County Route 4, Bombay, died Wednesday (June 11, 2008) morning at the Highland Nursing Home, where he had been a patient since February. He was born August 24, 1927 in Bombay, the son of Leslie F. and Mae Eamer Cross. He graduated from Bombay High School and later from Cortland State Teachers College. He married Neva D. Monica on March 10, 1957. Carl was a longtime Physical Education Teacher and Athletic Director at Salmon River Central School. After his retirement, he became the director of the Arena at Salmon...
Letter to the Editor, You know when you read a publication that has been presented to the community by one of our own, you would assume that this publication has got to be the whole truth and nothing but the truth because this researcher worked hard and long hours to get this information out, not only to the community, but also as a report that would be submitted to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the Interior Board of Indian Appeals (IBIA) on behalf of the ‘traditional Three Chief form of government’ and the ‘Constitutional group...
Ida Thomas, Kylie Thomas, Colleen Thomas, Lindley Cook Jane Tarbell & Daughters, Renee Roundpoint and all the girls who contributed to the Pie Sale! Also, Niawenh to the community members who came out to buy pies & participated at our silent auction. From the TEAM IROQUOIS Players Peewee, Bantam, Midget...
To Mary Lazore & Laurie Bazinet (Dental Clinic @ Kanonhkwa’tsheri:io) for your donation to the Team Iroquois silent auction that was held Thursday June 12. Also, Niawenh to Lauren Chubb, Kylie & Steven Thomas and even Kanathonson. The parents who participated and contributed their time & items to make the auction/pie sale a success, Niawenh to you!...
The grade 7 classes at Kanatakon School traveled to Canada Wonderland in Toronto on June 12th and 13th, This was our end of the year field trip. We began fund-raising in April and raised almost $4600.00 with school staff help. Everyone had an awesome time and we all returned home safely. Special thanks to Guzzy Lazore, Ms. Levac and Mrs. Loran for all their tireless efforts. Special thanks to all the other school staff and our parents for making this trip possible. Finally, thank you to the community for all their support. Niawen. Grade 7...
The family of Sidney Herne would like to express their thanks and appreciation to the many community members who offered their support and condolences after the passing of their father....
• Cornwall, Ontario - On June 3rd, 2008, at 11:30 a.m., officers from the Cornwall RCMP Detachment working with their partners from the Canada Border Services Agency and the Ontario Provincial Police observed a 2000 Pontiac Van travel from Akwesasne, Ontario towards Cornwall. The officers followed the van and observed the driver abandon the van in front of a residence located on Lourdes Avenue in Cornwall, Ontario. RCMP officers approached the van and observed it to be full of cardboard boxes o...
(Akwesasne) June 13, 2008 – She:kon. The June meeting of the Akwesasne Contractors Organization united for the purpose of employment was held at the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department (HAVFD) STATION 1 Building on Thursday, June 12, 2008. Thirteen community members were heard and participated in the meeting. Niawen:kowa. The general membership meeting was preceded by a CCDP Community Survey presentation. Darlene Francis and Elvera Sargent collected the completed surveys and expressed their appreciation by contributing two pizzas. T...
The third annual HAVFD raffle was held on Father’s Day, June 15, 2008. The prizes for this years raffle were: A 2008 Custom Yamaha Rhino provided by Roberts Sports Center INC., a 42” Plasma TV and a $500.00 VISA gift card. Tickets were $10.00 each and the proceeds of the raffle go towards insurance costs for the department. The Rhino was on display at various locations throughout the week with the most noticeable location right at the four corners where firefighter Derek Comins set up for the...
(Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe – June 17, 2008) - The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Spokespersons have been mandated to call for a referendum on the question of the validity of the “traditional Three Chief form of government” and will conduct the referendum process that was set out and endorsed by the tribal members on May 31st 2008. Accordingly, a referendum vote will be held on Saturday, July 5, 2008 from 9 am to 5 pm to decide the question of the validity of the “traditional Three Chief form of government”. The mandated referendum question is: “Is t...
A throng of motorcycle riders caravanned to Akwesasne Saturday afternoon to begin a daylong poker run that began at the Hogansburg American Legion. Although there were laughs, smiles and fun all around, the reason for the gathering was less joyful. Helen Leonard, a fellow biker from Massena who owns a new bikers bar with her husband, is terminally ill with cancer. Leonard, remarkably, also participated in the poker run and graciously accepted a check from the American Legion. The money raised...
With National Aboriginal Week taking place from June 16th to June 19th, students at Kana:takon School had a myriad of culturally relevant activities to take part in. Beginning on Monday, students participated in a smoke dance competition on Monday. Then they sat inside a giant teepee set up in their schoolyard to listen to guest speaker Bob Stevenson talk about their culture. Inside the school, students watched the film “Running Brave”, which tells the story of Native athlete Billy Mills. Moh...
The Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department was called to a structure fire early Saturday morning. A one story abandoned house located across from the Speedway Convenience Store on Route 37 was fully involved when units arrived at the scene. A fire hydrant was located right next to the fire that made it easy to put the fire out. Units from HAVFD, SRMT Tribal Police, Bombay Fire Department, AMAU and National Grid responded to the fire. There was no power to the structure and it is...
Members of the St. Regis Mohawk Seniors were invited to a Father’s Day dinner and hypnotist show last Thursday evening at the Seniors Center in Hogansburg. Following a delicious meal, the large group was treated to a hypnotist show with employees and their family members volunteering to be hypnotized. Joey Allen provided the entertainment and hypnosis, luring in volunteers by reminding them that one hour under hypnosis is equivalent to several hours of sleep. Although it wasn’t a good day for...
Dear Editor: I am a sixth grade teacher at the St. Regis Mohawk School. The students in my classroom just completed a unit on persuasive letters. Each student chose a topic that was important to him or her. These students chose to send their letters to you - hoping that they could “persuade” you and your readers to help make a difference. I appreciate you taking the time to read my students’ letters, in advance. They were excited to find out that we were actually going to send them to you. If there is any way that you could print the letters in...
The First Nations Technical Institute, through a partnership with St. Lawrence College and support from the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, recently graduated 14 individuals from its Indigenous Community Health Approaches Program, which utilizes Indigenous knowledge, philosophies and practices to train First Nations health care professionals to treat health-related issues....
The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School reading incentive program has come to an end. With a theme based on the NHL it was only fitting that the winning reading team (class) be awarded the Stanley Cup. This year the winning class of the top prize was the grade six class of Mrs. Lalonde with a score of 4307 points. Individual Top Reader Awards were also presented to the top readers for the year in each class as well as the top readers for each grade. Top Readers by Grade Pre-K: Darren Thompson-C...
Nina Rourke received a Certificate and won an MP3 donated by Jtec Audiotronic as one of the ‘Kids with Class”, a program sponsored by Variety 104 in Cornwall. Nina, a student at the Akwesasne Freedom School, was nominated because she has been raising money for CHEO (The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario). Congratulations, Nina....
On June 4th, at Massena Central School, many financial awards were given to students that totaled an astounding 1.4 million dollars. Many family members and friends were in attendance to watch these successful students as they received their awards. The awards will definitely help them as they venture on to college and university in the Fall. Best wishes are being sent to all our graduating students as they complete their high school requirements. Thanks to all the teachers and support staff...
The Wholistic Health and Wellness Program would like to congratulate all graduating students from high school and colleges. We know that it’s a time to celebrate your achievements. Go with your dreams and reach for the stars. We wish you all a safe and joyful summer! Along with celebrating graduations, are the parties. Here are some tips and information on how to have a safe party. Remember that when you host a party you are responsible for your entire guests. We have included some great punch recipes (non-alcohol) for you to try. The Social H...