A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the June 18, 2009 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 39

  • Grand Chief: “Van Loan is a liar!”

    Shannon Burns|Jun 18, 2009

    Akwesasne’s border crisis waged on this week with still no agreement from Canadian officials to sit down with Mohawk leaders regarding Akwesasne’s position against guns at the Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island) Port of Entry. Canadian Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan has continued to make statements to the media that the border crossing will remain closed until Mohawks relent and agree to have armed border guards on Akwesasne territory. He has also maintained that the government carries no bla...

  • Police charge 29-year-old Kana:takon man with sexual assault

    Jun 18, 2009

    On June 8th, 2009, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service was informed of an Assault which had been committed earlier in the day in Kana:takon (St. Regis), Quebec. In the course of their investigation, police located the suspect several hours later. He cannot be named since it may identify the victim. The 29-year-old resident of Kana:takon was arrested by the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service and charged with the following offences all contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada: 1) Assault 2) Aggravated Sexual Assault 3) Assault With a Weapon (x 2) 4)...

  • Customs Union President: Guards won’t go back to island

    Shannon Burns|Jun 18, 2009

    Ron Moran, the often vocal president of the Canadian Customs and Immigration Union, told the Canwest News service this week that he doesn’t believe guards will ever return to their jobs on Cornwall Island even if the gun debate is resolved. He also said he doesn’t foresee the Cornwall Island port ever reopening for that reason. “If the office were to reopen, there would not be enough of a compliment of officers to run it at this stage,” said Moran. He said that the majority of the port’s 37 guards have been told by their doctors not to return...

  • Fun in the Sun!

    Jun 18, 2009

    In lieu of a year-end field trip, Kana:takon School decided to a host a fun in the sun field day instead. A giant blowup waterslide was rented and other activities throughout the school’s yard provided for a daylong celebration of the end of the school year. Children ran through sprinklers, played on the playground equipment or raced on the slip and slide. The weather provided just enough sun and warmth for a June Fun in the Sun day....

  • Fun in the Sun! Part 2

    Jun 18, 2009

    Here's additional pictues....

  • Peace - First on Akwesasne’s Mind

    Jun 18, 2009

    Peace - First on Akwesasne’s Mind The Mohawk community of Akwesasne has remained vigilant and peaceful since the border crossing on our traditional territory was closed more than two weeks ago. Since then, our community has kept Six Peace Fires near the Canadian Customs Port of Entry on Kawehnoke (Cornwall Island). Our community maintains the Peace Fires and continues to seek a peaceful esolution to the bridge closure. The border has been closed since June 1st, when Canada’s Customs Officers walked off the job and abandoned their post. It trigg...

  • Thoughts on Border Issues

    Jun 18, 2009

    Guest Editorial Submitted by Kanerahtiio Jock Thoughts on Border Issues 3 June 2009 1. Mediator/Facilitator: Important to have this assistance to keep feds honest and accountable. a. Names: Stephen Lewis, former UN Ambassador to the United Nations for Canada (appointed by Conservative PM Brian Mulroney). For biographical data, see . b. Louise Arbour, former United Nations Commissioner of Human Rights, former justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. For biographical data, see c. Adrienne Clarkson, former Governor General of Canada. For...

  • National Day of Prayer

    Jun 18, 2009

    National Day of Prayer Protect Native American Sacred Places Mitakuye, I am much honored that you have committed yourselves toward the preservation of our Sacred Sites. My prayers will be with you all on this day of the 20th of June. We understand this effort to be known as “ALL Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer.” All the People of the world will be gathering at their local Sacred Site and be aware that many others in the world are doing the same effort of gathering prayers, no matter what faith they belong to, but offering a prayer from the hea...

  • Letter to the editor:

    Jun 18, 2009

    Letter to the editor: Who is your family? Where are you from? How many times have you been asked these questions when out in the community with Akwesasnerons? Once your family tree has been established you are usually welcomed, made to feel like an old friend and then the stories start to flow. In the upcoming MCA elections the Elders residing in Iakhihsotha and Tsiionkwanonhso:te are eligible to vote. Do not discount their votes. They ask: who is running? Who are these candidates? Who is their family? Why should I vote for them? I invite all...

  • Seeking donations for T-Shirt Ads

    Jun 18, 2009

    Seeking donations for T-Shirt Ads Massena Womens Softball league is going to be holding a two day double elimination softball benefit tournament on July 25th and 26th, 2009. The proceeds of this tournament will be donated to Breast Cancer Advocacy Program. Our league would like to purchase t-shirts to be sold on that weekend. To offset the cost of the shirts and the printing, we would like to sell advertisements for the back of the shirts. The cost of a 3” x 4” ad would be sold for $100.00. Proceeds from the shirts and other events over the...

  • Akwesasne Housing Authority Community Fund Update

    Jun 18, 2009

    Akwesasne Housing Authority Community Fund Update “Giving Back to Community” The current amount of $750 2 Gas Gift cards for Annual Cleanup Day 1 burnout/total lost 5 Medical benefits...

  • Taking Charge and Avoiding Disaster

    Jun 18, 2009

    Taking Charge and Avoiding Disaster ©by Doug George-Kanentiio One of the enduring principles of Iroquois politics is the ability to apply the “good mind” during instances of conflict. This means removing the emotional and egotistical elements which obscure clear thinking along with rituals of atonement to remove grief, put aside the desire for revenge and restore compassion. This has proven to work not only with individuals but for families,clans and nations. It needs to be brushed off and brought forward in order to avoid a repeat of the Tyen...

  • MCA signs new low-level bridge agreements

    Jun 18, 2009

    MCA PRESS RELEASE - The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) announced that it has consulted and received approval from Akwesasne community members to sign several agreements related to a new low-level bridge for the Three Nations Bridge Crossing. A Cooperation and Land Use Agreement was signed with Enbridge subsidiary Niagara Gas Transmission Limited (NGTL). MCA has also concluded a Bridge Construction Agreement and Three Nations Bridge Crossing Agreement in Principle with the Federal Bridge Corporation Limited. The agreements resulted from good...


    Jun 18, 2009

    This is the perfect time to share some funny quotes that will be sure to get dad laughing. After all, some say that laughter is the best gift in the world. Share some of these funny quotes with dad and I think he’ll agree. Red Buttons: Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected. Jimmy Piersal, on how to diaper a baby: Spread the diaper in the position of the diamond with you at bat. Then, fold second base down to home and set the baby on the pitcher’s mound. Put first base and third together, bring up home plate and...


    Jun 18, 2009

    Today is one of the first Father’s Days of our new millennium. Fathers of 1900 didn’t have it nearly as good as fathers of today; but they did have a few advantages: In 1900, a father’s horsepower meant his horses. Today, it’s the size of his minivan. In 1900, if a father put a roof over his family’s head, he was a success. Today, it takes a roof, deck, pool, and 4-car garage. And that’s just the vacation home. In 1900, a father waited for the doctor to tell him when the baby arrived. Today, a father must wear a smock, know how to breathe, an...

  • Junior High students awarded at Salmon River

    Shannon Burns|Jun 18, 2009

    Students in 7th and 8th grades at Salmon River Central had their chance to be recognized Monday morning as a special ceremony was held for junior high award winners. Teachers in all subjects were given the opportunity to select students for awards based on a variety of achievements, from most improved to highest average. A few special awards were also given to students for all around success. The Horizons Awards were presented to Jaiden Mitchell, Abigail Kelly, Tewasherake Barnes, and Samantha...

  • Junior High students awarded at Salmon River: Part 2

    Jun 18, 2009

    Here are additional pictures....

  • Junior High students awarded at Salmon River: Part 2

    Jun 18, 2009

    Here is additional pictures....

  • AMS Reading Challenge “Road to the Cup” 2008-2009

    Jun 18, 2009

    Students at the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School have completed another exciting year of their NHL Reading Challenge. In the world of AMS-NHL, the winners of the “Stanley Cup” are the grade 5 “Pittsburgh Penguins” under their Head Coach, Mrs. Cathy Lalonde. They finished with a commanding lead of 5,411 total points for the year. The combined total for all AMS students and teachers was 23,953 points. This surpasses the projected goal of 20,000 points for this academic year. Students read books throughou...

  • Mohawk lands model job on book cover

    Jun 18, 2009

    A proud grandmother stopped in at Indian Time this week to ask for some help in celebrating something that has brought her much pride. Alice Cooke Chapman has been excitedly showing a novel around Akwesasne which features a photograph of her granddaughter on the front cover. Christina Chapman, age 25, is a model in Buffalo, New York and her image was selected as the front cover photograph for the novel “Witch Heart.” The book can be purchased at major book stores, including Waldenbooks in Mas...

  • Pyke Family Memorial Scholarship Awarded

    Jun 18, 2009

    Pyke Family Memorial Scholarship has awarded over $20,000 in college scholarships since the untimely passing of our brother David Pyke in 1983. We broadened the geographic area of our scholarship to include all of Akwesasne shortly after the untimely passing of our brother Mat 1990. We have seen many college graduates that have been awarded our scholarship return to Akwesasne. Over the years, the school guidance counselors were in charge of encouraging our youth to apply for the award. However, during the past few years we have only received 2...

  • APTN announces 2009 flag contest winner

    Jun 18, 2009

    Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) is pleased to announce fifteen-year-old Amber Helmer is the winner of its third annual National Aboriginal Day Live Flag Contest. Helmer’s winning design, entitled “Connected”, was chosen from a total of 272 entries received from across Canada. The Cornwall, Ontario artist’s design is a colourful, well executed creation for which she carefully explained her use of colour, shapes, symbolism and symmetrical composition. Her design will be unveile...

  • First Nations gather in Ottawa for Day of Reconciliation

    Jun 18, 2009

    Hundreds of First Nations people and Canadian leaders convened in Ottawa Thursday to celebrate a National Day of Reconciliation. The day marked the one-year anniversary of Canada’s apology to all those First Nations people affected by the abusive treatment in Indian residential schools.Mohawks participated by reciting the Ohenton Kariwatakwen and singing Mohawk songs. Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Grand Chief Timothy Thompson reminded those present that Akwesasne is experiencing hardship presently as a result of Canadian actions. Below is the s...

  • St. Regis Tribal swearing-in ceremony scheduled

    Jun 18, 2009

    New Tribal Chief, Sub-Chief and Tribal Clerk to be Seated AKWESASNE TERRITORY – St. Regis Mohawk Tribe will hold its annual swearing-in ceremony on Wednesday, July 1, 2009. A traditional meal will be served beginning at 11:30 AM, with the ceremony beginning at 1:00 P.M. The ceremony will take place at the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Community Building at the tent in the back parking lot. This year’s ceremony will introduce the new Tribal Chief, Mark Garrow and re-introduce Tribal Sub-Chief Stacy Adams and Tribal Clerk Corleen Jackson-Jacco, who...

  • The fascinating, tiny Ruby-throated hummingbird, and a nectar recipe for feeding them

    Dr Barbara Gray|Jun 18, 2009

    The Ruby-throated hummingbird is one of Mother Earth’s most fascinating birds. These tiny birds have a beautiful shimmering, iridescent plumage. They are a joy to watch as they hover and dart while sipping nectar from flowers or feeder. Their wings beat up to 75 times or more per second. Their rapid wing beat enables them to move forward, backward and up and down as it hovers in a vertical position maneuvering from flower to flower to feed on nectar. They can even fly upside down. H...

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