A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the June 14, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 72

  • Louis Levi Oakes Kanón:no Ohstoronòn:ke Watatewenní:io Ohwistanó:ron Wahaié:na

    Kaniehtonkie|Jun 14, 2018

    Ahkwesáhsne Kanien'kehá:ka Ratirihwahséhtha (tehatiwennaténies) tánon Congressional Kahwistarà:ken Ohwistanó:ron wahaié:na Louis Levi Oakes wahón:ion ne Kanón:no Ohstoronòn:ke Watatewenní:io Ohwistanó:ron. Iekó:ra Betty Little ne Ohiarí:ha 8, 2018 ne American Legion Post 1479. Kanón:no Ohstoronòn:ke Watatewenní:io Ohwistanó:ron né:'e aonhá:'a é:neken kiótkon ne ón:kwe ahonwahsennakará:tate tahóntka'we ne Kanón:no Ohstoronón:ke tánon ne enhonwatiháhrhahse ne tsionkwe'tátshon tehonatén:ts...

  • Louis Levi Oakes Kanón:no Ohstoronòn:ke Watatewenní:io Ohwistanó:ron Wahaié:na - Part 2

    Jun 14, 2018

    Here are additional pictures....

  • Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Recognizes 22 Outstanding Students

    Jun 14, 2018

    Twenty two (22) Akwesasne youth were recognized with Outstanding Student Achievement Awards at the Saturday, June 9th monthly tribal Meeting. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council honored Sydney Mitchell, Sophia Mitchell, Karonhienhawi Roundpoint, AnnaBelle Mitchell, Talynn Wylie, Talon Jacobs Tekaronhiokewe, Mckenzee Lazore, Trysten Mary Burns, Skylar Mason, Amanda Rourke, Iotenara'taten:ion Thais, Keely Thompson-Cook, Lauren E. Martin, Wahsontiio Conners, Kahnekahawi Conners, Blayke Gibson,...


    Jun 14, 2018

    Kahnawake – On Ohiarí:ha/June 6, 2018, the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) announced that it will not appeal the Quebec Superior Court decision in the case of Miller v. Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke. It was also decided to pay to plaintiffs the monies ordered in the judgment. The decision to forego the appeal was unanimous, while the decision to pay the plaintiffs was passed 9 to 3, with Ratitsénhaienhs Billy Diabo, Carl Horn and Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer voting against payment. Both decisions were made at the duly-convened Council meeti...

  • St. Regis Mohawk School Students have a blast at Student Appreciation Day

    Jun 14, 2018

    On a warm and sunny Friday morning, the St. Regis Mohawk School students enjoyed their Student Appreciation Day. Students were kept busy with all kinds of activities organized for them by the Parent Teacher Organization. To assist with the bouncy house, face painting, popcorn stand and many other activities were Salmon River's high school Honor Society students. The SRMT Environment Division, Seven Dancers, and other programs also had several fun activities organized. Community Resources...

  • HAVFD Hosts 31st Annual Ontario Native Fire Fighters Society Conference & Competition

    Jaclyn Hall|Jun 14, 2018

    Akwesasne was host to the 31st Annual Ontario Native Fire Fighters Society Conference & Competition, which took place at the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department and the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort. It has been 30 years since the competition has been held in Akwesasne. It is safe to say it was a successful turnout; it was one of the most attended and largest in the last 15 years. The conference consisted of three days of firefighter and fire prevention hands-on training sessions...


    Jun 14, 2018

    AKWESASNE - Maureen Catherine Lazore, 56, of Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island), Ontario, peacefully passed away Thursday night, June 7, 2018 at the Tsiionkwanonhso:te Nursing Home on Kawehno:ke. Maureen was born on July 12, 1961, in Malone, NY, daughter of Mary Madeline Lazore. She graduated from General Vanier School in 1987 and Dan Jay Computer School in Brantford, ON in 2002. She earned her General Arts and Science degree in Early Child Education from St. Lawrence College in 2009, and her... Full story

  • Mitchell "Michael" Thomas

    Jun 14, 2018

    Mitchell "Michael" Thomas died peacefully at his home, surrounded by his family, after a courageous battle with lung disease. He was 77 years old. Mike was born in Kana:takon to Louis and Louise Thomas. He attended the village school until he left to pursue work full time. Mike was a construction and ironworker for fifty years. He traveled the country as an ironworker until finally settling his family back in Akwesasne and starting Thomas Steel Erectors. Mike's work can be seen throughout... Full story

  • Marjorie E. Beaubien

    Jun 14, 2018

    The community notes the passing of Marjorie E. Beaubien, 88, of Hogansburg, on June 11, 2018. She was born August 27, 1929, daughter of the late Benjamin and Anna (Bero) Kelly....

  • Save The River Announces Riverkeeper Training Program with River Institute

    Jun 14, 2018

    Save The River, Upper St. Lawrence Riverkeeper, and River Institute of Cornwall, Ontario will co-host a Riverkeeper Volunteer Training and Interpretative Paddle on Saturday, June 23 from 10am to 1pm at Gray’s Creek Conservation Area in Cornwall, Ontario. The program will feature a one-hour training session where participants will learn how to monitor and report changes in St. Lawrence River health indicators such as signs of pollution, harmful algal blooms, invasive species, threatened and endangered species, and wildlife die-offs. Following t...

  • A Huge Niawen:kowa

    Jun 14, 2018

    To the community and Snye Recreation on behalf of myself and Bahata Phillips. The fundraiser this past Sunday at the Snye Rec. Hall was an all-day event which was overwhelming for myself. I mean fighting my illness is one thing, but now with all the support from everyone gives a strong meaning that everyone here is fighting with us together. I was glad to see everyone who came out to the Snye Rec. Hall. I’m sure Bahata feels the same as I do. The strongest roots are together and Akwesasronon are truly together, forever strong. Niawen kowa, F...

  • Tsi Snaihne School SD&G Science Fair Award Winners

    Jun 14, 2018

    Seventeen Tsi Snaihne School students advanced to the United Counties Science Fair at St. Lawrence High School in Cornwall on Saturday, April 7th from 8:30 to 2:00. Two of our students received medals for their "Science on the Wall" projects. Stormy Casey's (L) project titled "Let's Rock" and Arrow Adams' (R) grade 5 project titled "Which Water is Healthier?" were our two winners. Photo submitted by Lynda Brown....

  • AMS Monthly Awards

    Derrick Lafrance|Jun 14, 2018

    The students at the Kawehno:ke school have been working very hard all year – many receiving repeating awards throughout the monthly ceremonies. Last week marked the final awards ceremony and all students who received recognition for good character, reading and attendance as well as overall school spirit, were given their final due. The Grade 1A class was awarded the Highest Percentage in Attendance for the Month of May and they were treated to a Pizza Party for their efforts. The Grade six c...

  • Annual St. Regis Recreation Dance Club Recital

    Jaclyn Hall|Jun 14, 2018

    The St. Regis Recreation Dance Club hosted their Annual Party in Park Dance Recital on Wednesday, June 6th. This year's theme was Hip Hoppin' Through History. The recital was held at the St. Regis Recreation, outside in the field. Hundreds of community members came out to support a group of brave and talented dancers. The event began at 6pm, with Kevin Lazore emceeing the event, introducing each act to the stage. Each dance class was able to perform a number, which they had practiced very hard...

  • Massena Central Chooses New Logo

    Andy Gardner|Jun 14, 2018

    Massena Central students in grades six through 12 recently voted on the logo image to correspond with the new Red Raider mascot for the school district. The mascot's name will continue to be the "Red Raiders," but with the new "Spartan" image associated with the name. Students first conducted a vote on the type of mascot, choosing the Spartan. Students then selected what is now the new logo from three design options. "This has been a truly democratic process and we are pleased to move Massena...


    Jun 14, 2018

    (June 13, 2018) The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne passed a resolution on June 11, 2018 approving the final draft of the proposed Seaway Claim Settlement Agreement that will be sent to the community for approval. “Over the past two and half years, Council has devoted substantial resources to resolve this 42 year-old grievance. The MCA negotiating team should be commended for their efforts to reach a settlement with representatives of Canada,” said Grand Chief Abram Benedict. “The proposed settlement will be the subject of in-depth community educa...

  • Salmon River School Board takes heat over transfer of the only male Mohawk role model at SRMS

    Kaniehtonkie|Jun 14, 2018

    Once again, the transfer of a St. Regis Mohawk School staff member has the ire of faculty and parents alike. Troy Mitchell, a former student of the Mohawk School and currently serving his eleventh year as a teacher there, was dismayed at the process of the transfer. According to the Malone Evening Telegram, Mitchell was notified “there was something district officials needed to discuss when he returned,” while Mitchell was attending the funeral of a family member. Mitchell’s fellow faculty members and SRM school parents are as disap...

  • Reader Comic

    Jun 14, 2018

    Remember 1951 when China came to Nor. Kor.'s rescue during the Korean War. Can we expect any less?...

  • Confessional Wampum of Handsome Lake, The Seneca Prophet and Teacher

    Jun 14, 2018

    Reprinted from Wampum Belts of the Iroquois by Tehanetorens This wampum is ten strings, all white, all pure and sacred, held in the hands of the followers of the Prophet while confessing sins before the Creator, and pledging to try in the future to lead a better and more pure life. In 1735 at the Seneca town of Conawagus on the Genesee River, there was born an Indian boy who was later to become one of the greatest Indian prophets and teachers of recent times. This Seneca was later given the...

  • Call for Submissions for Haudenosaunee Film Festival

    Jun 14, 2018

    The Second Annual Haudenosaunee Film Festival is scheduled to take place at the Kanatsiohareke Mohawk Community on Saturday, September 8, 2018. The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2018. To submit work in digital format, send a link to your work (or send a digital file for shorts) to: Kanatsiohareke@gmail.com To submit work by mail, send a DVD copy to: Kanatsiohareke PO Box 714 Fonda, NY 12068 Notifications/announcements of accepted works will be made by August 1, 2018....

  • The Cicada

    Jun 14, 2018

    Mohawk Lesson...

  • Tribal Election Board Certifies 2018 Election Results

    Jun 14, 2018

    (Ohiarí:ha/June 11, 2018) AKWESASNE - The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Election Board has certified the results from the tribal election held on Ohiarí:ha/June 2, 2018 for the positions of one Tribal Chief, one Tribal Sub-Chief and one Tribal Clerk. Pursuant to the Tribal Election and Referendum Ordinance, five business days were provided for written appeals to be provided, which concluded on Ohiarí:ha/June 8, 2018. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Election Board received several appeals regarding th...

  • Interview with Andrew Chubb Chosen to Compete in Down Under Sports

    Jaclyn Hall|Jun 14, 2018

    Andrew Chubb, a young man from Akwesasne, was selected to compete in the Down Under Sports in Australia. The event will take place June 26th for 10 days. The Down Under sports is not just a competition, it's a growing experience for anyone talented enough to be invited. The Olympic like competitions, are aimed at young people who have undeniable talent. Andrew was selected to compete in Cross Country Meet, which he is exceptionally good at, as I had seen for myself while covering the ABGC 10k...

  • Kanatakon School Celebrates May Students of the Month

    Jun 14, 2018

    Submitted by Elaine Thompson May Perfect Attendance Headstart Beau Jackson Joelle Peters Charlene Piper Graycie Thompson Julian Thomas Prekindergarten Rahrenhtentha Adams Connor Atkins Vincent Back Ethan Jackson Billings Jeffery Phillips Kindergarten Kaleb Two Bulls Roianekete Sunday Square Charlie Sunday Oakes Jacob Lazore Grade 1 Riley Lazore Tommie Sunday Oakes Grade 2 Charlie Farwell Lawrence Lazore Kanenhawi Sunday Cavender Rathetonni Thompson Grade 3 Viktoria Atkins Camryn Cook...

  • MCK Í:iah Tha'tahatirihotáhrhoke Ne Miller Aorihwá:ke

    Jun 14, 2018

    Kahnawà:ke – Ne Ohiarí:ha 6, 2018, ne Kanien'kehá:ka Ratitsiénhaiens ne Kahnawà:ke (MCK) tahatirihó:wanahte í:iah tha'tahatirihotáhrhoke ne tsiaontarí:kon Teieia'torehtha'kó:wa tsi nahò:ten ia'tehotirihwaientá:se aorihwá:ke ne Miller v. Kanien'keháka Ratitsiénhains Ne Kahnawà:ke. Ia'tekarihwaientá:'on ó:ni ahshakotikária'kse tsi ní:ioht tsi ronwatihró:ri tsi tekaia'toréhton. Tsi ia'thotirihwaién:ta'se ahónta'we tsi í:iah tha'tahatirihotáhrho'ke akwé:kon rotirihwanonhwé:'on, né:'k t...

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