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Canadian border guards abandoned the Canada Border Services Agency Port of Entry on Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island) Sunday night just before midnight when new regulations were to go into effect permitting them to carry guns. Mohawk protestors had been occupying an area adjacent to the Customs building since May 1, 2009, peacefully protesting guns at Canada’s only port of entry on a First Nations territory. Although the protests had been non-violent throughout the month, the CBSA guards v...
Despite the toll that a partial border closure has taken on Akwesasne and its community members, support is still strong for the protestors and their efforts to stop Canada Border Services Agency from arming their Customs guards on Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island). The Three Nations Bridge Crossing has been partially closed since Sunday, when border guards abandoned their Kawehno:ke port of entry in response to the Mohawks’ peaceful protest. The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe and Mohawk Nation Council of C...
Here are additional pictures...
Since the start of the gun issue at the border on Kawehno:ke, there have been many news articles and reports with incorrect or inaccurate information. We hope to clear some of it up here: RUMOR: The bridge from Cornwall Island to the U.S. is closed. FACT: The south span bridge connecting the island to the U.S. has only closed in ONE direction. Vehicles can leave the island via that bridge but no vehicles can go to the island using that bridge except emergency vehicles. RUMOR: Cornwall Island residents have no way of getting off the island. FACT...
Mohawks have three main issues with the arming of Canada Customs border guards: 1. Akwesasne was not consulted in any way regarding the arming although the port of entry is on Akwesasne land 2. Akwesasne residents have been filing complaints of harassment against Canada Customs guards frequently since 2006. Arming these guards, they say, will aggravate an already tense situation and could lead to violence. 3. The Canada Customs Kawehno:ke port of entry is located just a few feet away from a recreation area, from the island’s main convenience st...
Prepared by Shannon Burns with assistance from the MCA Communication Office...
American Legion Post 1479 invites the community to join us in honoring these brave veterans who served honorably until the draft system ended. PLEASE REVIEW THIS LIST FOR ACCURACY AND CONTACT ALMA RANSOM AT 518-358-4400 BEFORE FATHER’S DAY. Thank you for responding so well, here is the list of additional names. Donations will be accepted to help with cost of this project. WWII Survivor Hubert Jock WWII Benny Cook Peter “Rabbit” Cook Stillman Cook Charles Cole Angus Curleyhead Marshall Herne Loran Lazore Donald Richmond Sr Helen Smoke Charl...
In Remembrance of Julius M. Cook May 16, 1927-June 9, 1999 Solid as stone feather and bone Hands that made the silver shine Turtle Clan strong with a banjo song Like wind in the white pine Where do the good ones go Where do the rivers flow Part of my heart will go Always with you Out at the rainbows end There you can rest my friend But right now your here Inside this tear I cry for you The love that he gave Was the kind that you save And pass it on every chance you can The loss we will grieve...
In Loving Memory of Kyleigh “Cookies” McDonald 1 year anniversary 06-07-08 - 06-07-09 A million words would not bring you back, we know because we tried. Neither would a million tears, we know because we cried. We love and miss you To:wa & Sotha In loving Memory of “Kyleigh Cookies McDonald” 06-07-08 - 06-07-09 We thought of you with love today, But that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday, And days before that too. We think of you in silence, We often speak your name. Now all we...
In Memory Bill & Freda Cook Married June 4, 1949 60 years ago today they vowed to be together “till death do they part”. We miss you dearly with all our hearts! Love, from all your children, grandchildren & great grandchildren...
Niawehhko:wa On Saturday, May 23, 2009 as part of fundraising efforts the Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club held a donation drive at the four corners in Hogansburg. With the assistance of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police a section of the road was cordoned off to allow volunteers, employees and board members to ask for donations from passersby. The event was extremely successful having raised over $2,200 during a one and a half hour period. The Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club would like to extend a big Niawenhko:wa to everyone who contributed. A...
Madisen Mitchell and her family would like to send a big thank you to the St. Regis Mohawk Headstart students, staff and parents for their donation from the penny drive. Additional thank you to Harold Tarbell, Randy Hart, Levi Swamp and the Akwesasne Woman singers. Thank you so much for helping us raise the funds we needed for Madisen’s treatments. Madisen received her first treatment on March 27th. She is doing very well. We’ve noticed a big change in her energy levels and mobility. She is now...
Niawen Kowa On behalf of the AMBE Parent Committee we would like to Thank all the students who sold tickets in our Annual AMBE School Activity Raffle and to all the Community Members who purchased tickets we raised $14,710.00. Each school keeps the money from the ticket sales. The school uses the funds for school activities, most schools are using funds for year end activities and trips. We would like to thank the following sponsors of our Raffle: the St. Regis Tribal General Fund, CKON Radio,...
Frenchie’s Select Grand Opening Giveaway Winners Hoss Fayad – Grand Prize – 42” Vizio TV Debra Guimond – Diary Queen Certificate – 8” Ice Cream Cake Melody Rogers - Diary Queen Certificate - 8” Ice Cream Cake Lori Wood - Diary Queen Certificate – 4 Small Ice Cream Sundaes Ernie Deon - Diary Queen Certificate - Value Meal of Your Choice Valeri Tutoli - Diary Queen Certificate – Value Meal of Your Choice Mary Ann Boice - Diary Queen Certificate – 2 Medium Blizzards Lee Marlowe - Diary Queen Certificate – 2 Medium Blizzards Carrie Sedwth...
IF YOU TAKE GUNS YOU GET GUNS 15 or more years ago when I and some colleagues worked the river our motto was “if you take guns you will get guns”. We never got arrested and we never got shot at. It was a good policy then and it is a good policy today, it should apply to everyone and I mean everyone, cops, detectives, border guards, outlaws, activists and even armies as strange as that sounds. We stand today at a cross roads, quite literally. The Canadian border has for all intent and purposes moved itself to the Cornwall side of the bri...
Dear Editor, She:kon. It would appear that U.S. Congressman John McHugh (R-NY), whose New York 23rd Congressional district includes the North Country, has been selected for the position of Secretary of the Army, pending confirmation. This means not only that there will be a new election for McHugh’s seat that will take place, but the orientation must begin anew for whoever does so, especially with regard to Akwesasne. McHugh served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives since 1993, and before that was a New York state senator. W...
A few weeks ago I wrote a column for IT in which I called for a national meeting of the Mohawk people to address the border issue since this is a concern for all of us whether we live in Kahnawake, Kanehsatake, Wahta, Tyendinaga or Oshweken. It is now a crisis which will effect Native people across the continent and calls for the active, visible participation of other nations must be sent far and wide. Our Mohawk Nation leaders should send an appeal for international support including asking human rights observers to come to Akwesasne to...
This Saturday, tribal members will head to the polls to elect a new tribal chief and possibly a new sub-chief at the annual tribal general election. Of tribal council’s three chief and three sub-chief positions, one of each is elected every year in the staggered election system. This year, Chief Barbara Lazore opted not to run for re-election after serving two terms. The two official candidates for her position are David Back and Mark Garrow. Sub-Chief Stacy Adams is seeking re-election to h...
Eighteen teams participated in a trivia FUNdraiser Saturday evening to benefit Andria Cooke, who needs treatment for cancer in New York City. The event was organized by Andria’s family and the popular Danielle Oakes, Wanda Thompson and Leonard Oakes volunteered once again to host the trivia game. After four rounds and a difficult final question, the Beer = MC2 team of Dale and Marilyn White and Tom and Lorraine Bero won first place. They were the only team to answer the final question c...
Onerahtohko:wa/May 28, 2009 - Akwesasne - The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education (AMBE) has received a federal grant from the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) under the new First Nation Student Success Program. The program goals are to improve the achievement of First Nation students in the areas of literacy, numeracy, and student retention. AMBE is one of only six First Nation school systems in Ontario to receive the grant. The approval of the funding for the first year of development and implementation totals...
Now in Eastern Ontario By L.M. Worrall, Cornwall ON Paul Bolan calls the emerald ash borer, “The worst insect to hit Canada in centuries.” Emerald ash borer (EAB) was first discovered in Windsor and Detroit in 2002. The rapidly spreading beetle appeared in Ottawa last July. It probably arrived in Canada in the wood of shipping crates and in just seven years it has killed 40 million ash trees in the area surrounding the Great Lakes- Bolan, Vice President & Operations Manager of BioForest Technologies in Sault Ste. Marie, was in Akwesasne and...
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe has cancelled this year’s Fourth of July fireworks and has decided that meeting financial needs is more important and that meeting these needs could be better met if spending is reduced elsewhere. “Currently the tribe feels that supplementing Tribal programs to expand and enhance services to the community is more important,” explained Tribal Chief James Ransom. “We feel that meeting community members’ needs take priority over a fireworks show.” Current economic conditions are the reason for the decision to spend mo...
The adjusted bus list for the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk board of Education is as follows: Tsi Sniahne School Michelle Adams will do East end of Snye to Tsi Snaihne School- Starts at Sugarbush at 7:25 Alvena Delormier will West end of Snye to Tsi Snaihne School – Starts at the Ice Bridge at 7:20 Kateri Jacobs will do Kana:takon to Tsi Snaihne School – Starts at Post Office at 7:00 Nancy Oakes will do the Head Start run - Starts at OK Den at 7:25 All Tsi Snaihne school runs will start as normal times for delivery to Tsi Snaihne School for 8:00 Kan...
The Grade 3 AMBE students will be completing their EQAO provincial assessments on Thursday and Friday, June 4 – 5. Although there has been some disruption to the testing schedule due to the bridge closure, the assessments need to be completed by Friday, June 5. Please ensure that your child is at school on time, and that they are well rested. Breakfast is served at the school each morning for all students. If you have any questions, please contact Marie Seymour at AMS at 613-932-3366, or Wahienhawi Lahache at Tsi Snaihne School at 6...
June 3, 2009—6pm In an ongoing effort to keep the community of Akwesasne and supporters in informed of developments, the Mohawk Council will continue provided updates throughout the day. The following is a reporting of todays events: --At noon, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne submitted a formal request to Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine seeking support and assistance in opening dialogue with the Government of Canada on the arming of border guards at Akwesasne. A copy of that letter is provided (see attached). --The M...