Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 67
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) Recreational Cannabis Working Task Group is pleased to provide the community with the results from the MCA Recreational Cannabis Survey. In July 2018, the Government of Canada is expected to pass legislation legalizing the sale of recreational cannabis. The MCA established a Recreational Cannabis Working Task Group in September 2017 to examine the issue and ensure the community’s best interest is protected. A Recreational Cannabis Survey was created to determine how community members feel about the r...
(Onerahtohko:wa/ May 31, 2018) The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne urges anyone with information regarding the January 19, 2018 fire at the A’nowara’kowa Arena to come forward. A cash reward of $5,000 is currently being offered by the arena for any information that leads to an arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible. On Friday, January 19, 2018 at approximately 3 p.m., the Akwesasne Mohawk Police and the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department (HAVFD) were dispatched to the A’nowara’ko:wa Arena regarding a fire alarm activat...
The 2018 Andrew W. Cook Post 1479 Memorial Day Parade took place this past Sunday, May 27th. This year's theme was Colors of Freedom. The weather was in everyone's favor before and during the parade with the rain holding off right until the very end of the parade. The roads were filled with families and eager children ready to grab the candy and goodies off the side of the roads. The Memorial Day has become one of the main events for the community of Akwesasne, it's a sign the summer is near....
On Saturday May 26th, some of Akwesasne's talented artists had the opportunity to show off their artwork, basketry, beadwork, clothing and much more. The event took place at the Akwesasne Housing Authority Training Center and it was open to the public to come and check out the artist's booth and live demonstrations. The doors were open to the public from 10am until 3pm, but connections were made that will last a lifetime. Many of the artists brought their finished work, but if there was...
On Saturday, May 26th the 8th Annual Kids for Fishing took place, beginning and ending at the St. Regis Recreation. Every year, community members have a chance to enter their children's names for a chance to spend the day fishing while learning about different safety topics. For the last 8 years, there have been 40 names drawn at random, and 10 spots especially for children with disabilities. In total, 50 lucky kids got to spend the day fishing on the St. Lawrence River alongside professional...
In the Akwesasne Housing Authority training room, booming voices could be heard singing in honor of the many women who have gone missing and murdered over the years. The Missing and Murdered Native American Women Awareness (MMNAW) meeting opened with Harvey Herne and Pray Lazore singing in honor of said women and the still-grieving families. After they were done they thanked everyone for coming to the MMNAW Awareness meeting. The was also an introduction to Sarah Rourke who works for the...
AKWESASNE - Julia Ann "Konwahnonwes" King, 77, of 523 State Route 37, peacefully passed away on Monday, May 28, 2018 at the Highland Nursing Home. Julia was born November 15, 1940 in Hogansburg, daughter of the late Beeman J. "Karoniowaren" Terrance and Rose Mary "Tsiotewe" Jacobs. She attended schools in Akwesasne and in 1963 she married Peter King. Peter predeceased her on July 4, 1977. She was a former Turtle Clan Mother and worked as a groundskeeper at the Robert Moses State Park from 1980... Full story
Our lives go on without you But nothing is the same We have to hide when someone speaks your name Sad are the hearts that love you Silent are the tears that fall Living without you is the hardest part of all You did so many things for us Your heart was kind and true And when we needed someone We could always count of you The special years will not return when we are all together But with the love in our heart, you walk with us forever. Missing and loving you, Veronica, kids, grandkids and great-...
MCA is looking to compile a list of woodworkers in our community for a potential upcoming project. If you would like to be included in this list, please provide your contact info to: Natalie Jacobs, Liaison Officer via telephone: 613-575-2348 x 2232 or email:
MCA Community Health Program is teaming up with Cancer Care Ontario to provide mammograms to community members. Wednesday, June 20, 2018 1:00pm – 3:00pm Cornwall Community Hospital Gift and snacks included! Women 50-74 years of age should have a mammogram every 1-2 years. The best protection is early detection. For more information or to book your spot, contact Community Health at 613-575-2341 ext. 3220....
MCA Community Health Program will be collaborating with Ionkwanikonhriiosne to host a 2-part ribbon shirt workshop on June 2 & 9 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Ionkwanikonhriiosne Creative Sewing Centre. For more information, please call 575-2341 Ext. 3220. This event is sponsored by Smoke Free Ontario....
Your story on pages 1 and 14 of the May 17th, 2017 issue of Indian Time paints a good picture and photo opportunity for some MCA and Canada 150 program representatives whom I feel do not deserve the credit given to themselves for a job well done by others. They had very little if anything to do with the work done at these projects as they sat in their offices. Had it not been through the efforts of mainly the staff of the MCA Department of Technical Services these projects would not have gotten as far as they did. I feel that had this work...
May 29, 2018 The family of Frank “Mout” Kahentiio Leaf would like to say niawen to the community for their support and kind words following his unexpected passing into the spirit world. His family wishes to acknowledge the Akwesasne Mohawk Ambulance Service, the Hogansburg Akwesasne Fire Department and the Ottawa General Hospital, Intensive Care Unit. Frank was given the highest quality of care and compassion from these professionals. We are especially grateful. It was obvious that Frank was loved by many. It did not go unnoticed how quickly ou...
The Boys Modified Lacrosse Team at Salmon River would like to thank everyone for their generous support for the Lawn Tractor Raffle and congratulate winner Joe Phillips....
The MCA May General meeting opened at 6pm at the Kanatakon School gymnasium. Presentations were given on: Recreational Cannabis Survey Results, Bill S-3 Descheneaux Case, and the MCA Budget. Updates were given on: Akwesasne Mohawk Police Commission, the Corridor Project, Land Claims, the Proposed Natural Gas Expansion onto Kawehno:ke and the Cannabis Survey Results 576 respondents from February 16, 2018 to April 6, 2018 Q4 Are you Aware that Canada is legalizing the recreational use of Cannabis in July 2018? (576 respondents) 89% respondents...
Candidates for Grand Chief 1. Benedict, Abram 2. Benedict, Lloyd Jr. “Junior” 3. Johnson, Marlon 4. Sunday, Ronald “Minnows” Tsi Snaihne Candidates List 1. Lazore, Joseph Hubert 2. Adams-Phillips, April 3. Lazore, Connie 4. Peters, Norman 5. Garrow, Mabel 6. Jock, Esther 7. Thompson, Theresa 8. Herne, Josie (Josephine) 9. Mitchell, Tobi 10. Peters, Scott 11. Sunday, Billy 12. Garrow, Brant Kana:takon Candidates List 1. Lazare (Roundpoint), Rachel 2. Thompson, “Dooley” (Tim) 3. Jacobs, Theresa 4. Lazore, Darryl “Kermit” 5. Johnson, Tom 6....
The Massena Central School District and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe recently renewed their Title VI agreement, which outlines services and procedures for Native American students who go to school in Massena. The five-year deal, from 2018 to 2023, was approved by the Board of Education at their May 3 meeting. The contract says the district will provide to the Tribe an annual report of programs and services by Oct. 1 of each year. They are also required to work with the Tribe to compile a list of Native students living in the Akwesasne...
Submitted by Laura Morris A blessed congratulatory expression is being extended to all the youth and adults who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, May 26th, 2018. God bless each of you as you continue your spiritual and faith journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ. With blessings to: Wyatt Benedict, Rick Chatland, Kade Cook, Bently Gray, Eric Mitchell, Bryce Montour, Aiden Peters, Carson Phillips, Kaiden Skidders, Kyran Skidders, Kahiio Terrance, Kadence White, Natasha Arquette,...
The MCA Wholistic Health & Wellness Program’s Joey David and Harvey Herne will be presenting “Travelling the Red Road to Heal the Wounded Spirit with Traditional Teachings” on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 from 10 AM – 3:30 PM at Tsiionkwanatiio on Helena Road, Rte 37C in Akwesasne. A mix sweat lodge will follow around 1 PM – please bring a towel and shorts or a skirt. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Limited to 40 participants – please call to register (613) 575-2341 ext. 3100 or ext. 3113....
Submitted by St. Regis Mission Church Congratulations to all who received the Sacrament of confirmation on May 26, 2018. On the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, Bishop Noel Simard of the Diocese of Valleyfield conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation upon Wyatt Adam Benedict, Rick Marvin Chatland, Kade Joseph Cook, Bentley Joseph Gray, Eric Patrick Stuart Mitchell, Bryce William James Montour, Aiden Clay Peters, Carson Peter Phillips, Kaiden Connor Skidders, Kyran Cody Skidders, Kahiio Daniel...
Respect our Veterans....
Reprinted from Wampum Belts of the Iroquois by Tehanetorens This belt, called the George Washington Belt, is a covenant belt with the thirteen original United States. The thirteen large figures of men represent the thirteen states, their hands joined in friendship with the two center figures which are standing at each side of a house. The two center men are the Mohawks (Keepers of the Eastern Door of the Long House or Iroquois Confederacy) and the Senecas (Keeper or Door-keeper of the western...
Mohawk Lesson...
Dedicated runners from the Akwesasne Mohawk Board of Education boarded early morning buses bound for Ottawa to compete in the Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon. District Chief Troy Thompson has inspired the young AMBE runners who have been training for months to take part in the Scotiabank Ottawa Kids Marathon, a 1.2K Sprint. Thompson has participated in several marathons this year and with each step he takes, it brings Running vs. Childhood Obesity closer to raising $10,000 for the youth of...
Tupper Lake, NY – Indigenous voices come together to bring you Ways of Knowing. Working in partnership, the Akwesasne Cultural Center, The Six Nations Indian Museum, the Native North American Travelling College and The Wild Center unite to broaden and heighten our understanding and appreciation of the natural world. The collaborative and multi-faceted project opened at The Wild Center on Friday, May 25th and encourages visitors to continue their exploration at the Akwesasne Cultural Center in t...