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Year after year there is one activity that brings Akwesasne residents out of their homes to enjoy being outdoors after a long North Country winter. The annual Akwesasne Memorial Day Parade is truly a community event, with participants ranging from politicians to athletes to car enthusiasts. On Sunday, near-80 degree weather and sunshine provided the perfect setting for a parade. Community members lined the streets and parking lots from the four corners in Hogansburg down to the American Legion....
A crowd of police officers and community members gathered on Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island) Tuesday evening when an attempt to arrest an individual for tobacco-related offenses was stopped by the person’s family and others who had gathered. The individual is said to have been driving a vehicle with no plates and police said the van pulled out in front of them, initiating police action. “Upon conducting a visual inspection, the Mohawk officer noticed a large quantity of contraband tobacco in the vehicle, an offense under the Federal Excise Act...
The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education has been celebrating their 20th Anniversary of operation with yearlong events planned throughout the past year. A celebratory dinner was held on Thursday, May 22, 2008 at the Akwesasne Mohawk School on Kawehnoke. Administrators, School Board Trustees, teachers, AMBE employees (past and present), MCA Chiefs and families gathered in the hallways to reminisce about the Boards success in the past 20 years. Various display boards were created and set up fo...
Students in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and grades 3-6 tested their personal endurance and speed last Tuesday when the school held the annual Tom Longboat Run. The weather was quite cool but the runners warmed up before the race and had some good competition. This year, guests from Tsi Snaihne School were invited to AMS and they made the competition even more enjoyable. Once the sun came out and warmed things up a bit, some of the students took time to enjoy the race as observers. Con...
Letter to the Community: I am a member of the Akwesasne Mohawk Singers and our group was asked to sing “America” in Mohawk at the (Memorial Day) ceremony and we were very happy to do so. I realize I’m sticking my neck out if I criticize the way some other people do things but sometimes a lot of people think of it and no one wants to say anything. This year there was an excellent parade and I was happy to see so many groups in our community participating. We were proud of all the kids. It was also nice that the Marching Band from Massena was t...
OTTAWA, May 27 /CNW Telbec/ - AFN Regional Chief Angus Toulouse is reminding First Nations Ironworkers who participated in rescue or recovery operations at Ground Zero, following the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre, that they may be eligible for compensation. Whether participants were paid workers or volunteers, they must register with the Red Cross, so that they can have access to travel and medical costs covered to New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital’s Ground Zero Program if their health is affected as a result of the tim...
The nature of business transaction is always a source of interest to business-owners. For instance, seeing where your customers are coming from often validates advertising and marketing efforts. Modern casinos rely on the tracking of their customers to anticipate future planning and promotion. Law enforcement also relies heavily upon such “data-mining” in order to strategize where the next crime may take place. The advent of cashless societies is said to be upon us. In the post-9/11 world, increasing demands have been placed upon bus...
The 401 highway through Cornwall was closed Tuesday afternoon when a tractor-trailer truck flipped onto its side. The crash resulted in minor injuries. Eastbound traffic was re-routed temporarily but lanes were re-opened by evening. Photo by Adrian McDonald....
Sekon Akwesasne! On Saturday, May 31st, the Onkwehonweh people of Akwesasne will be holding a historical election which will become a landmark for all electoral processes to come within Akwesasne. On Saturday, May 31st, 2008 a People’s Election will be held from 9am until 5pm at Wolf Clan. The election is open to all St. Regis Mohawk Tribe enrollees regardless of where they reside within our territory. Our people are tired of daily squabbles, skirmishes and fights. Heated words between the tribal trustees have taken place between people and t...
Shekon, On behalf of my family I would like to extend a big Niawenkowa to the community members who loaned their support while we stood up to the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Department on May 27, 2008. A family member was pulled over on family land driving a vehicle that did not have any plates on it. The vehicle he was driving had 10 cases of cigarettes as its contents. Members of my family did not feel that the police department had any right to come onto our land, arrest a family member and seize a vehicle and its contents. We subsequently...
We, the Kanien’kehá:ka Kaianerehkowa Kanonhsesne extend our greetings to all of Akwesasne, that they may be in good minds and spirits. We call the attention of the community to an incident, which took place on May 27 at the west end of Kawehno:ke. A Mohawk individual was carrying tobacco products from one section of our territory to another when he was stopped by the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Police Service. That person was accused of violation Canada’s importation rules for which he was to be arrested. A group of Kanien’kehá:ka went to Kawehno...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service stated that last night’s incident involving the attempted seizure of contraband tobacco has made evident the seriousness of this issue to the community of Akwesasne. They further stated that acts of intimidation and the threat of violence towards Mohawk Police Officers and the community have no place in resolving this issue. Last night a van pulled in front of a Mohawk Police Officer on Kawehno:ke and was stopped for committing a traffic violation for not displaying a licen...
Thank You We had a successful week for the Akwesasne Senior Games and we couldn’t have done it without the help of our Community. We had monetary donations from the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, CKON Radio Bingo, The American Legion and the Sons of the Legion. We had three gifts from Cook’s Greenery, two dozen roses and a dish garden that were just beautiful.. We also received gift certificates from IGA and Cedar View Golf Club and a door prize from Bernice Lazore. The Recreation Committees of Snye, Cornwall Isl...
To all the organizers, promoters and volunteers of the Senior Games held during the week of May 12-16: We would like to say how thankful we are for all your efforts. It was a great opportunity to come together, to laugh together and to visit, along with using both brains and muscles that are a little bit rusty. A special Niawen to Judy Cole, Amanda Smart and Tina Tarbell. We all had fun! Niawen from Seniors, Edith Rybke and Beatrice H. White...
Thank you/Nia:wen Many thanks to all donors and buyers of our Silent Auction and Pie Sale, especially Hilda King and her family whose pies sold like hotcakes, CKON and Indian Time ads and special donors like Mohawk International Lacrosse, Tree Top boutique, Princess House dealers as well as Mamie David’s big help. Thank you for encouragement by you promised donations to our dinner, Brass Horse and 37 West, MCA and Mitchell Boys Music. St. Regis Island School Reunion Committee...
The Oneida Indian Nation celebrated a Department of Interior decision last week that sets a precedent for other nations, like Akwesasne. The DOI approved the OIN’s land-into-trust application, taking more than 13,000 acres of the 17,370 requested into trust. All 13,086 acres will be given tax-free reservation status and the OIN will have complete control over that land, while the federal government holds it in trust. “The Oneida people are sincerely grateful to everyone whose hard work has led to this initial step toward further securing our On...
Akwesasne, ONTARIO — The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is asking community members to use the National Day of Action on May 29th as an opportunity to stand together on Parliament Hill to call for improved relations with the federal government. Council members and Akwesasne residents will be joining other First Nations People in supporting events being coordinated by the Assembly of First Nations to voice the concerns of communities across the country, including Akwesasne. According to MCA Grand Chief Tim Thompson, “Last Year’s National Day of Ac...
In a press release last week, Tracy Sunday-Cook unveiled her plans to seek the position of chief as a write-in candidate at this year’s St. Regis Mohawk Tribe election (June 7), instead of the position of sub-chief, which she is currently an official candidate for. Sunday-Cook was nominated for sub-chief at the tribal caucus on May 3. “After accepting the nomination and after some deliberation, I have decided to run for chief as a write-in candidate,” she said. “I don’t believe that change comes from the desk of a sub-chief in this current g...
Cornwall, Ont. – The Cornwall Community Police Service is issuing a community safety alert and requesting the public’s assistance in identifying an individual involved in a sexual assault that occurred shortly after 8:15 a.m. this morning. A lone 15-year-old female was walking north bound on Marlborough Street near Seventh Street East when she was approached by a male. The man struck up a conversation and at one point grabbed the youth pulling her close and inappropriately touched her. The victim pushed him away and he fled south bound on Mar...
May 26, 2008 The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne would like to announce that it has recently hired two Compliance Officers to deal with the issue of dangerous/aggressive dogs in the community. The Justice Department is currently in the process of meeting the operational requirements for the positions and it is expected the officers to be fully operational by early next week. This initiative is a result of two separate incidences of stray dogs coming onto personal property and mauling to death a family pet as well as community concerns with...
Students in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and 1st Grade performed upbeat and humorous songs Wednesday morning for their families. The school held its first spring concert of the year, after modifying the past practice of having two concerts. This year, three concerts will be held. The youngest students performed first, and next week students in grades 2 and up will have their turn on Tuesday and Thursday. Mrs. Laura Tarbell, the school’s music teacher, guided the students through various s...
The Ottawa Kateri Circle had their annual conference on Victoria Day weekend at Pembroke, Ontario. The conference is held at the Marguerite Center and this year the number of participants is increasing so that some people stayed at the motels in town. They had two busloads of people from Thunder Bay and Nova Scotia They had a singing group with a lead singer who sounded like Johnny Cash and he had time in the afternoon to entertain the crowd with some of our favorite Johnny Cash songs. When they took a break the Ottawa Kateri singers took over...
The 7th Annual Robideau/Lamitie-King Juried Exhibit was held in Malone, NY from May 1-14, 2008. The exhibit featured art work from Middle and High School students from Brushton-Moira, Chateaugay, Moalone, St. Regis Falls, and Salmon River Central Schools. Students from Salmon River art classes taught by Barbara Ida and Jeni Backus had their art works submitted to be judged. Those students included Sean Herne, Brittany Bigness, Carly Benedict, Katie Bero, Melissa St. Onge, Wahsohkwiios Graffis,...
On May 8th, 2008, Barbara A. Gray graduated from Arizona State University with a PhD in Justice Studies and Social Inquiry. Dr. Gray is the daughter of Beedy and George Gray. Gray did her dissertation on the cultural impacts of environmental injustice on Haudenosaunee culture with Akwesasne as a case study. Her dissertation included a short documentary of Akwesasne. The documentary consisted of written text and photos Gray took in and around Akwesasne. She has been working on her dissertation...
Tsi Snaihne School held its annual Public Speaking Event on Friday, May 23rd, 2008. The grade 1 and 2 students shared words on topics ranging from wolves, bears, vacations, beauty pageants, legends, and an extremely animated description of police work. Public speaking is an important skill to develop, and requires practice in order to build confidence. Congratulations to all of the students who took part in this year’s event. A special thank you goes to Louise Cook and Barb Smoke for judging this event and Joe Raso for organizing the event...