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Mohawks have continued to protest the arming of Canada Customs border guards all month long as the June 1, 2009 approached. They have continued to peacefully protest at near the customs, around a fire or under a large tent, asking passersby to honk their horns in support of “NO GUNS.” With the arming set to take place on Monday, Mohawks are beginning to threaten more serious action. Talks have begun of taking extreme measures like blocking traffic at the bridge or even of tearing up the road to put a stop to traffic through the Canada Port of E...
A water park in the making has caught the attention of numerous of people from Akwesasne who have passed by the construction site off Highway 417 on their way to Ottawa. Calypso Park, however, won’t open until next year. According to the park’s website, Calypso Park will be the largest water park in all of Canada. At just about 60 km from Akwesasne, the park will take about 45 minutes to get to, making it the closest water park to Cornwall, Massena, and Akwesasne. Calypso Park was originally sla...
Beginning on June 1, 2009, the Department of Homeland Security will begin requiring all travelers passing through the U.S. border by land and sea to present a secure form of identification, such as a passport or Enhanced Driver’s License. However, DHS has agreed to also continue accepting tribal enrollment cards as identification throughout a transition period. In a letter sent to the National Congress of American Indians, DHS Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Programs Juliette Kayyem said that they understand that many tribes are s...
Clear skies and spring temperatures set the mood for a day of celebration and remembrance Sunday as the annual Memorial Day Parade was held in Hogansburg. Floats and marchers lined up on the south side of the Hogansburg bridge and crowds of people of all ages lined the street from the traffic light west to the American Legion Post 1479. Groups held fundraiser barbecues and the springtime weather made the parade an enjoyable one. Floats and participants in this year’s parade included the A...
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Died May 28, 1993 Josephine Angus receiving communion by His Holiness Pope John Paul II. Taken in Rome on June 20, 1980....
A clothing store that opened recently on Route 37 promises to carry name brand clothing and plenty of “Mohawk mediums”, or larger sized clothing than the average store. Stylze opened in the old Memories Ink space at 516 State Route 37. Owners Jonathan Lazore and Terry David are awaiting their full stock before holding a grand opening at the end of June. They opened their doors for business, however, this past weekend. Stylze carries clothing for men, women, kids and babies, and they sell a num...
The Gift of White Corn She:kon/Greetings: It has been a few years since I had this dream, but I thought it important enough to repeat for those who may have missed reading it last time. Have you ever had a ‘dream’ that was so vivid when you woke up you were surprised to find yourself in your own bed? Let me tell you what I saw: I was walking down a road and saw a woman coming towards me from the opposite end. As she came closer, I could see she was older and was wearing a beautiful white leather outfit decorated with lots of fringes and bea...
Dear Community Members & Local Businesses, In celebration of the Akwesasne Housing Authority’s 25th Anniversary, we are sponsoring a Black Tie Event, “Dancing through the Years”, a benefit fundraiser Dinner/Dance Show to be held on Thursday, July 2, 2009. The benefit will be to jump start a funding campaign for the Let’s Get Healthy Program’s Diabetes Center of Excellence building fund. The Let’s Get Healthy Program has been forced to operate out of two separate locations due to lack of adequate space. It is the vision of Program Director, M...
Rites of Passage Congratulations to all the boys who completed their fast ,and for those who did not, we will be there next year for you to try again. Many nia:wen’s to all who helped with this year’s ceremony, it was such a tremendous feeling to see pride in our people as we watched our young men return. Reminder to one and all who are involved in the girls ceremony. There will be a meeting this Sunday May 31st, 2009 at Tsionkwanatiio. Please bring your aunties, uncles and tools to cut willow. The girls will be doing site selections and pre...
Pen Pal Wanted To Whom It May Concern: My name is Michelle Lyons and I am 40 years old and live in Winooski VT. I am a big lover of Country Music and my favorite country artists are Clint Black, Alabama, Travis Tritt, Lonestar, Rascal Flatts and Brad Paisley. I am also a great big sports fanatic too. I love baseball, basketball, and hockey. I live in an elderly and handicapped high-rise because I myself am handicapped with Cerebral Palsey, Epilepsy, Systemic Lupus Eurythmatosis and Fibromyalgia. I don’t let any of my handicaps get me down thoug...
Now that I am gone, remember me with smiles and laughter. If you need to cry, cry with someone who walks in grief beside you. When you need me, put your arms around someone. Give to them what you need to give to me. There are so many who need so much. I want to leave you something – Something much better than words or sounds. Look for me in the people I’ve known or helped in some special way. Let me live in your heart as well as in your mind. You can love me most by letting your love reach out...
Niawen Kowa The family of Harry Cook would like to send a big Thank You to all our family and most of all to our friends who called, the food donations or just to check up on us and give us hugs when we needed it the most. And to the Legion and to Marsha White and all the ladies who did the cooking, which was superb. To Dave and Hailey at Wild Bill’s for all their help. To CKON for all their help and support. To Bruce, Gary, Chad and Jane from Donaldson Funeral Home and especially to Linda Jacobs for her kindness and for just being there w...
From Tisiionkwanonhso:te: Thank you to Donna & Antoine Delormier for donating fresh picked rhubarb. All together, we made two rhubarb loaves and 3 rhubarb pies and 3 strawberry/rhubarb pies. They were delicious!...
Thank you to the following for donations to Indian Time. Caroline Tarbell brought us a healthy fruit tray; Emily Tarbell brought us a delicious pasta dish (made by Arvella Thomas), some great cookies and did the dishes for us; and Mona Via made Lasagna for lunch. We really appreciate your generosity and kindness towards us....
In accordance with the Akwesasne Election Law, I hereby give notice to the resident Members of Akwesasne that there will be a General Elections for the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne on June 27th, 2009, from nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. until five o’clock (5:00) p.m. In accordance with the Akwesasne Election Law, I hereby give notice to the resident Members of Akwesasne that there will be a General Elections for the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne on June 27th, 2009, from nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. until five o’clock (5:00) p.m. The official candidate list...
AKWESASNE TERRITORY - The St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Election Board announced the roster of official candidates for the upcoming tribal election. For Tribal Clerk, Corleen Jackson-Jacco. For Tribal Sub-Chief, Stacy Adams. For Tribal Chief, Mark Ganow and David Back. Two issues will also appear on the ballots for the June 6th referendum, “Should the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe exit the National Grid system and form a Tribal Electrical Utility?” The other issue on the ballot for referendum is the question, “Do you want tribal land disputes to be decid...
The United States Achievement Academy announced today that Tyler Sunday Jr. from Akwesasne, NY has been named an All-American Scholar. The USAA has established the All-American Scholar Award Program to offer deserved recognition to superior students who excel in the academic disciplines. The All-American Scholars must earn a 3.3 or higher grade point average. Only scholars selected by a school instructor, counselor, or other qualified sponsor are accepted. Tyler Sunday Jr., who attends J.W. Leary Jr. High, was nominated for this honor by...
Those candidates for Mohawk Council of Akwesasne seats who are actively seeking election, please contact Shannon Burns at Indian Time. She can be reached through email at or by phone at 613-551-9632....
The Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation announced today the Dwight D. Eisenhower Visitors’ Center, located at the U. S. Eisenhower Lock, will open tomorrow and remain open daily through Labor Day. The Visitors’ Center hours of operation are from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Seaway Visitors’ Center at the Eisenhower Lock provides tourists and ship watchers with an observation deck where they can view commercial vessels and cruise ships from around the world as they transit the lock. Approximately 3,000 ships, from all 7 conti...
The winner of the John Deere lawn mower is Sky Phillips of St. Regis. Sky is 5 years old and she is the daughter of Lori Phillips and Jake Arquette. The Sons of the American Legion would like to thank the community for purchasing tickets. The winning ticket was drawn on Memorial Day, May 25, 2009....
This is to inform the community that the following persons have applied for Membership under the Akwesasne Membership Code: Starr Louise Hill, age 18, is currently registered in Oneida Nation of the Thames. She is the daughter of Chanin Lee Summers of Oneida of the Thames. Jon Michael Lazore, age 18, son of Jeffrey Arquette (Akwesasne), and Julie Johnson (Oneida). Andrew Charles Wilson, age 45, son of Stanley Wilson (Akwesasne), and Joan (Jeffery) Wilson, a non-native, has applied for a Residency Permit. Community members have until Friday,...
All front seat occupants must be properly secured, regardless of age; All rear seat passengers under 16 must be properly secured; Children under the age of 4 must be properly restrained in a federally approved child safety seat that is attached to a vehicle by a seat belt or universal child restraint anchorage (LATCH) system. Children less than age 4 but weighing more than 40 pounds may be restrained in a booster seat with a combination lap/shoulder seat belt. Children ages 4, 5 and 6 must be properly secured in an appropriate child restraint...
Reprinted with permission from UC Davis For two decades, researchers have been using a growing volume of genetic data to debate whether ancestors of Native Americans emigrated to the New World in one wave or successive waves, or from one ancestral Asian population or a number of different populations. Now, after painstakingly comparing DNA samples from people in dozens of modern-day Native American and Eurasian groups, an international team of scientists thinks it can put the matter to rest: Virtually without exception the new evidence supports...
The old Thompson homestead in the village of Kana:takon came down Wednesday. The house was bulldozed and owner Rosie Thompson will be building a new one. She stood by with some of her family members and watched the house as it was torn down....