A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the May 23, 2013 edition

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  • What is the story with LinkedIn endorsements?

    May 23, 2013

    Dear Monica, I noticed that you endorsed me on LinkedIn for some of the skills I list in my profile. What is the point in endorsing others and receiving endorsements? I still don’t get this LinkedIn thing at all. Signed, Still Confused Dear Still Confused, I’m a huge fan of LinkedIn and have been for many years. When a super busy individual or team decides they want to find a very specific person to help them with a very specific project, they typically use LinkedIn to find them. It’s the online hangout for many of the world’s biggest movers,...

  • BBQ and Meetup for Foster Families at Generations Park

    Ian Oakes|May 23, 2013

    A BBQ was held at Generations Park on Saturday to highlight Foster Parent Month as well as give an opportunity for foster families to get together for a little fun. Thankfully, the threat of rain was not enough to put off the families and members of the Division of Social Services, the Group Home, the Intensive Preventative Program, Child Protective Services, as well as the Indian Child Welfare Act Coordinator, Stephanie Cook. The event had a bouncy house, and of course the playground. Each...

  • Spring Concert Week at St. Regis Mohawk School

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|May 23, 2013

    Last week was spring concert week at the St. Regis Mohawk School. Mr. Justin Hahn and Mr. Warren Potter directed and accompanied three morning concerts of wonderful music for parents. On Tuesday May 14th the Pre-K and Kindergarten classes sang many songs with the theme of “One World.” First up was the Pre-K who sang “Frere Jacques,” “Los Pollitos,” “London Bridge” and “Alle Meine Entchen.” Then the Kindergarten came on with “Aloutte,” “Hot Soup,” “Leprechaun Leap” and “Lemonade.” On Wedn...

  • Remembering Louis T.K. Cook

    May 23, 2013

    by Ellen Rocco May 14th, 2013 Louis Cook, not long after he completed six years of service with the US Navy. Pictured on the shores of the St. Lawrence River. (Photo courtesy of Ray Cook.) Louis (Louie) Cook, former NCPR jazz host and producer, died on Monday, May 13, 2013 from injuries suffered in a car crash last week. Louie worked at the station from the mid-’70s into the early ’90s. Listeners will remember him as the late night host of “Jazz Waves,” and as the innovative producer of the Nat...

  • The Power of Positive Thinking

    May 23, 2013

    Positive thinking is a mental attitude that sees the bright side of things. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health, and favorable results. If you adopt this mental attitude, you teach your mind to expect success, growth and favorable outcomes. Some people accept positive thinking as a fact, and believe in its effectiveness. Others, consider it as nonsense, and scoff at people who believe or accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. However, it seems that many are becoming...

  • Moving of the Fire for the Mohawk Nation of Akwesasne

    May 23, 2013

    Reprinted from Indian Time Vol. 12, Issue 45 dated Nov. 4, 1994 This series on “Moving Of The Fire’ was requested by the Mohawk Nation Council so people will understand the history of this event. Continued from last week. Over the past century with the turmoil and warfare in the original home land of the Mohawks caused many of the people to move away. Many followed Joseph Brant to Grand River while other Mohawks had already moved to their summer hunting and farming communities in the St. Law...

  • Ratiienthóhserons

    May 23, 2013

    1. Ronakiohkowá:nen They are a big group 2. Onkwehshón:’a People 3. Ronthentahseronniánions They are preparing their lawns 4. Ón:wa kakwitè:ne nikahá:wi Today spring time 5. Raotinonhsaktónkie Along near their house 6. Ratikwiraienthóhsere They are going to plant trees 7. Na’tekakwí:rake A variety of trees 8. Ratikwiraienthóhserons They are planting trees here and there 9. Ratinen’taienthóhsere They are going to plant fir trees 10. Ókia’ke Several 11. Ratitsi’tsiaienthóhsere...

  • News from Our Neighbors

    May 23, 2013

    ASSEMBLYMAN FELIX W. ORTIZ RESPONDS TO CLEVELAND KIDNAPPINGS WITH NEW LEGISLATION Ortiz will introduce legislation to shorten the 24 hour period that law enforcement waits to post a missing person’s report. (Albany, NY) – The shocking report of three young women abducted and held for ten years in Cleveland, Ohio has led Assemblyman Ortiz to help prevent such atrocities in New York from ever happening. Typically, law enforcement officials do not issue a missing person’s report until after 24 hours of vanishing when the victim is over 18 years...

  • Akwesasne Wolf Belt Starts Discussion

    May 23, 2013

    Submitted by Sue Ellen Herne The Akwesasne Wolf Belt came to the Akwesasne Museum in September 2010 on a beautiful late summer day. Each year since then, the Akwesasne Cultural Center has held a commemorative program to remind the community of that day. In 2011 there was an open house and in 2012 an informal discussion was held to talk about the belt and also to discuss the overall meaning of wampum. The discussion has continued ever since that first Fall meeting, and has helped those gathered t...

  • Readers Photos

    May 23, 2013

    Readers Photos...

  • News from around the Nations

    May 23, 2013

    AGREEMENT REACHED BETWEEN STATE, ONEIDA NATION, AND ONEIDA AND MADISON COUNTIES A comprehensive agreement settling multiple, long-standing disputes between the State of New York, the Oneida Nation of Indians, Oneida County and Madison County was reached recently. The settlement paves the way to end years of litigation over property tax, land and reservation issues. Ray Halbritter, Oneida Nation Representative, said, “Today, sovereign governments came together to begin a new partnership in shared prosperity. As a result of Governor Cuomo’s focus...

  • Environmental Talk at Massena Library

    Ian Oakes|May 23, 2013

    On Saturday, after a change of venue to the Warren Room at the Massena Library, a talk was given by Larry Thompson of Akwesasne, and Dr. David Carpenter of the University at Albany. Thompson you may recall made a bold statement about the continued storage of toxic waste at the GM Plant directly adjacent to Akwesasne, by taking waste, using a backhoe, and moving it to a train car. Thompson faced a legal battle for some time after but was eventually dismissed. Dr. David Carpenter has been in the...

  • Blast from the Past

    May 23, 2013

    No year available. General Vanier honored its native athletes by awarding them trophies. Cited for their achievements were Alison Buckshot, Patrick Cook and Charlene Lafrance. Congratulations to these outstanding representatives of our Akwesasne youth! Do you have any old photos that you’d like to share with our readers in Blast from the Past? Bring them in! Our offices are located on Hilltop Drive in the same building as CKON. Stop letting your photos gather dust in the basement and bring t...

  • Staff Attorney

    May 23, 2013

    Division: Legal Salary: $52,915.20 – 151,424.00 23-1011 Status: Full-time, Exempt Deadline: Onerahtohkó:wa/May 31, 2013 Description of Position: Responsible for representing the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Department of Social Services, taking full responsibility for all cases generated within the Department of Social Services. Qualifications: A law degree from an accredited law school. Admitted to the New York State Bar and remain in good standing. A minimum of 3-5 years’ experience in the practice of law. Knowledgeable of the Social Services,...

  • Public Health Nutritionist

    May 23, 2013

    Division: IHS, Community Nutrition & NYS WIC Salary: $35,214.40 – 60,352.80 29-1031 Status: Full-time, Exempt Deadline: Onerahtohkó:wa/May 31, 2013 Description of Position: Provide technical nutrition/food service assistance as needed for several tribal programs. Plan, organize, coordinate, and participate in the development and administration of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe WIC (Women, Infant, Children) program, including prevention and education services, nutrition counseling and training. Qualifications: Registered Dietitian with the Co...

  • Registered Nurse

    May 23, 2013

    Division: IHS, Medical Clinic Salary: $43,992 – 70,387.20 29-1111 Status: Full-time, Exempt Deadline: Onerahtohkó:wa/May 31, 2013 Description of Position: Assist physician or nurse practitioner with all procedures and treatment. Qualifications: Possession of a license to practice as a Registered Professional Nurse in New York State. Obtain complete job descriptions online at www.srmt-nsn.gov or Human Resources – Community Building 518-358-2272. Submit letter of interest and resume to: human.resources@srmt-nsn.gov or Human Resources, 412 Stat...


    May 23, 2013

    Apply at Indian Time newspaper Looking for someone to cover various local sports at all levels. Must meet a Monday deadline, have transportation, a camera, and have computer skills. Call 518-358-9531 or 613-575-2063 for information....

  • Position Title: Kanien'keha Teacher for the Skawahtsi:ra Program at Kana:takon School

    May 23, 2013

    Program: Education Reports to: School Principal Salary: Based on AMBE/PSAC Salary Grid for Teachers QUALIFICATIONS: Fluency in Kanien’keha with teacher qualifications, a Native Second Language (NSL) qualification is preferred. Interested individuals should submit a resume, letter of interest, and copies of required certificates by 2:00 p.m. on Friday, May 31st, 2013 By mail to: Jean A Benedict, HR Generalist Generalist Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education P.O. Box 819 Cornwall, ON K6H 5T7 In person to: Jean A. Benedict, HR Generalist A...

  • GET FIT + Program

    May 23, 2013

    Important Dates for your renewal. June 2013 June 3rd 9:00-2:00 Kanonhkwatsheri:io June 4th 9:00-2:00 Kanonhkwatsheri:io June 5th 9:00-5:00 Kanonhkwatsheri:io Remember to call and schedule an appointment, we will no longer take walk-ins. Bring along a copy of your completed workouts or your Get Fit+ Passport with your 10 documented attendance at approved Get fit classes. Contact Lorrie Caldwell at 613-575-2341 ext. 3239 or Kyle Thompson at ext. 3220 to schedule your appointment....

  • Tota News

    May 23, 2013

    TSI TETEWATATKENS St. Regis Mohawk Senior Center 518-358-2963 Birthdays: May 24th Michael Jackson May 24th Mae V. Tarbell May 25th Rose Marie Jacobs May 25th Robert A. Matthews May 26th Dolores Ransom May 27th Dulcie Bradley May 27th Genevieve Peters May 28th Edith Rybke May 30th Harriet Boots May 30th Walter Carvell May 30 Howard Lough May 30th Norman Tarbell May 30th Nancy White Activities: May 24th Walking Club 8:30; Wii Bowling 10:30; Book Club 12:00, Painting w/ Tina 1:00 May 27th Closed May 28th Walking Club 10:30; Arthritis Exercise...


    May 23, 2013

    Fri. May 24th Dr. Forson-by appt. 9:00-11:30 Sat. May 25th Dr. Forson-walk-in 8:30-11:30 Mon. May 27th Dr. Forson-Walk-In 9:00-11:30 Tues. May 28th Dr. Forson-by appt. 9:00-11:00 Wed. May 29th Lab 8:30-10:00 Thurs. May 30th No Doctor...


    May 23, 2013

    Fri. May 24th Dr. Udoeyop-Women’s Clinic-by appt. 10:00-3:00 Sat. May 25th Joelle Regnier, NP-Walk-In 8:00-12:00 Mon. May 27th Dr. Levac-by appt. 1:00-4:00 Tues. May 28th Dr. Young-Walk-In 8:30-11:30 Wed. May 29th Dr. Young-Walk-In 8:30-11:30 Joelle Regnier, NP-Walk-In 5:00-8:00 Thurs. May 30th Joelle Regnier, NP-by appt. 1:00-4:00...

  • Akwesasne Museum Traditional Arts Classes

    May 23, 2013

    Kastowa Making with Ian Clute June 17, 18, 19 and 20 from 5:30 to 8:30 pm Call 358-2461 to register. Limit 10 students. $20. US registration fee, payable during class. These classes are made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts....


    May 23, 2013

    The Sons of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, St. Regis Church Mission and Hogansburg Akwesasne Fire Department are having a cash raffle for May 27, 2013 Memorial Day. The prizes are as follows: 1st- $10,000.00 2nd-$5,000.00 3rd thru 12th - $1,000.00 Tickets are $25.00 per ticket or a book of 5 for $100.00. The community organizations need your support and you can purchase your ticket at the American Legion Post 1479 or at J&J Insurance in Hogansburg. Thank You...

  • St. Regis Mission News

    May 23, 2013

    HOLY MASS SCHEDULE •Friday, May 24th – 7:30 am Offered For: Phyllis Mary Lazore Memorial Mass Requested by the Family •Saturday, May 25th – 10:30 am St. Lawrence Cemetery Offered For: Justin Maier Requested by Mom and his sisters •Saturday, May 25th - 4:00 pm Offered For: ALL OUR VETERANS MEMORIAL MASS St. Joseph’s Cemetery Offered For: All Deceased Veterans •Sunday, May 26th – 10:00 am Offered For: May V. Herne Requested by Victoria Griffith and family •Tuesday, May 28th – 7:00 pm Offered For: Hattie Agatha Laffin Requested by the Fa...

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